Natasha one-shots bc why not;...

By hottestwh0re

100K 2.1K 488

I'm in love with Natasha romanoff so here are some scenarios I day dream about:) -fluff -angst -smut ;) fem r... More

before missions:)
Professor Romanoff
Professor Romanoff (pt.2)
you're mine.
Whatever tf this is
im sorry
im sorry pt.2
i love you.
!first time!
tolerate it.
its okay
i should hate you (pt.3 to im sorry)
i should hate you (pt.4 to im sorry)
concert planning
Can you..?
can you...? part.2
first words (mama AU)
crib trouble
You're losing me
You're losing me (pt.2)

tonight we are young

3.9K 51 6
By hottestwh0re

this is kinda what I picture when I hear this song
we're in college with all of the mcu characters
(It's October in the story just so yk)
I'll tell you when to play the song:)

it was was the end of the day and we had 30 more minutes left of this lesson with professor stark and i was bored out of my mind and kept zoning off.

I was lost in thought until I heard my best friend Wanda calling my name "Y/N!!" I shake my head and try to focus "sorry what happened?" I ask a little dizzy "class ended,come on let's go!" she says quickly,I can tell she's excited but I don't know for what

"Are you okay? You seem eager to get somewhere" I ask as we walk back to the dorms "well... I heard there was this Halloween party at one of the big houses..." she pauses "and?..." i ask already knowing where this is going "and I was wondering if you wanted to go...?" She asks scared I might say no

"Sure,what time?" I say and she looks at me as if I grew a second head " wait are you for real??you're going!?" she asks and I nod "OKAY it's starts a 8pm and don't worry about what you're going to wear because I have the perfect costume"

We get to the dorm and while I wait for Wanda to be finished showering I grab my phone and scroll through instagram and I see these photos of Natasha who is also my best friend that I have for more than half of my classes.

Wanda finally comes out the shower but I don't notice "what are you smiling at?" She asks in a teasing voice " nothing" i reply quickly turning my phone off and getting into the shower before she can say anything else

Once I'm done showering and shaving in the necessary areas I walk out the bathroom to see Wanda in a witch costume and she looks at me smiling  holding up a play boy bunny costume and hands it to me

" Wanda there is no way I'm wearing this. It's to... revealing" I say looking at it " come on you'll look so hot in it...and you'll probably catch Natasha's attention" she says knowing I have a crush on nat

"Fine" I state starting to put on the costume, I put on light make up and do my hair adding light curls as well. I'm finally done getting ready and I look at myself in the tall mirror we have hanging on the door

" you look so hot" Wanda says from behind me "my whole ass is out and my boobs can barely breathe" I say chuckling "don't be dramatic. and I think your ass looks great by the way and your boobs seem fine and this costume fits your figure so well so shut up and let's go"
(Her costume is a short black tight dress instead of a corset bc It'll be easier for me to write with)

*they arrive at the party*
It's 8:30pm we just got inside the house after pushing through crowds of people outside.I'm holding onto Wanda's hand as we head over to the outside.

we're finally outside and it's easier to breathe it's a bit chilly and there are people inside the pool. I was looking around and then I spot nat and I see her walking in my direction "ooo look who's coming" she whispers in a teasing voice "I see her, now shut up" I whisper yell

"Hey guys!" nat says as she finally reaches us "oh hey nat I was just about to go get a drink so I'll see you in a bit" Wanda says and I mouth 'no! Wands don't you dare' as she walks away and I just glare at her wishing I could kill her right there.

" I love your costume!! It fits you so well" nat complements me "really!? Thank you,I was forced to wear this...I kinda feel really naked in this like I feel like everyone is staring at me so I'm kinda uncomfortable but thank you, you look great too" I ramble kinda nervous around her

"Why thank you" she says spinning in her little red riding hood costume "and Y/N you look stunning and if people stare just know they're looking because you're hot as hell"she continues chuckling and I duck my head as I feel my cheeks heat up and mumble 'thank you'

"do you wanna go get some drinks?" I ask "sure, let's go check inside"she responds grabbing my hand and dragging me with her
"So what do you want?!" She screams over the music "Anything is fine!" I respond seeing her grab a bottle of vodka. " how high is your tolerance?" She asks "pretty good" i lie knowing I rarely ever drink

*a bottle and a half later"
Natasha's POV:
It's 12pm we're all drunk,but I'm not THAT drunk til the point I wanna throw up but Y/N on the other hand is definitely gonna feel that in the morning.

Right now me and Y/N are about to take shots of god know what until Y/N speaks up "OH MY GOD" Y/N screams over the music "what!?" I ask confused "WE SHOULD TAKE BODY SHOTS" she suggests and grabs my arm dragging me with her.

I'm slightly surprised because she doesn't seem like the one to take body shots but I'm not complaining. We found a table in the back where it's more quiet "Do you wanna go first?" She asks with a smirk "sure why not"

I get on the table pulling up my dress up right below my breasts (she has shorts on) as I'm laying on the table i smirk feeling her eyes linger on me.

she snaps out of her thoughts and pours the drink on my stomach and after a moment I feel her mouth on my stomach sucking the alcohol, I hold back a whimper as I feel her glide her tongue, I look down at the view in front of me admiring how hot she looks

I look up seeing Natasha looking down at me with desire. " your turn, get on" I nod taking the straps of my shoulders and letting it fall just before it could show to much.

She slowly pours the alcohol on my stomach making me tense against the cold liquid but I quickly relax after.

I see her take her time to bring her face to my stomach and when she finally does it feels like my stomach is doing flips, I have to bite my lip to prevent any sounds from coming out my mouth, as she sucks every drop she can.

She then grabs the bottle pouring the drink on my neck,cupping my face and bringing her face down attaching her lips to my neck sucking the alcoholic drink from my neck.

she then uses her tongue to relive any pain,then lifting my chin to have more space and access to my neck. As she's marks my neck I have mouth open, head back and eyes closed trying my hardest not to make a sound

When she finally comes to a stop I look up at her and there's this moment where we both have the look of desire, neither of us says anything but after that small pause I couldn't fight it anymore.

I grab both sides of her face attaching our lips together she was surprised at first but then quickly relaxed into the kiss, both of us moving our lips in sync. The kiss was filled with passion and the desire for more.

when we finally pulled away from the long a euphoric kiss. We both knew what we wanted so we left to her dorm since she lived alone.

When we reached the dorm and got in the room I didn't even get the chance to see what was happening as I felt her push her body against mine attaching our lips

when we finally pushed away for air she looked at me with lust in her eyes reaching for the bottom of my dress bringing it over my head and discards it on the floor

She smirks seeing as I didn't have any underwear on "who knew sweet innocent little Y/N could be such a whore" she says making me even more turned on "I don't think innocent is the word I'd use" I muttered then grab the hem of her dress taking it off her.

Once we're both naked and just me in my bra and nat in her underwear and bra she lays me on the bed attaching her lips to my neck until she finds my sweet spot making me release a small moan after marking my neck she goes down to my breast's bringing her hand under me to un-clip my bra letting them breathe.



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