Thomas And Friends: The North...

De alfredtheB12fan98462

415 15 8

here is my series of origional Thomas stories they may be story or script formats idk yet lol enjoy! Mais

Too Strict For Oliver
Henry And Sam
Logan And The Big Blue Engines
Logan, Sam And Hector
Twinless For Christmas
Changes In The Wind
Rosie's Rescue
Saved From The Torch (Barry The Rescue Engine Part 1)
Proving Well (Barry The Rescue Engine part 2)
Gordon Goes Foreign
Revenge Of The Trucks (Series One Finale)

Caitlin And The Trucks

42 1 0
De alfredtheB12fan98462

There are a number of fast engines on the North Western Railway. There is Gordon who pulls the express every day from Knapford to Vicarstown. There is also Spencer the private engine who works for the duke and duchess of Boxford. Both engines are rather boastfull. But there are two other eng8nes who are fastter than both of them, they are Connor and Caitlin the streamlined engines who run services between London and Ulfstead Castle. Connor is a kindhearted engine painted light blue with white stripes and Caitlin is bright purple with white stripes. They are two of the fastest engines the Fat Controller's engines had met.
One day Caitlin pulled into the Steamworks for a routine checkover to make sure she was in perfect working order. Henry was there too. He didn't look in good shape at all!
"Oh my Henry! What happened to you?" Caitlin gasped.
"Those troublesome trucks bumped me off the rails and I ended up under the coal hopper so i need my funnel clearing, new paint and other repairs!" Henry coughed.
"Well, if Connor can handle my trains I can take your trucks," smiled the streamlined engine.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea my friend," Victor advised, "you haven't pulled trucks before!"
"I pulled the mail train and the Flying Kipper before! Once..." Caitlin protested.
"The railway is pretty busy too Victor, especially with James helping on the Mainland at Manchester." Henry added.
"Hmm... well..."
Caitlin was soon put to work, the trucks didn't give her any trouble at first but as the day went by they became more awkward.
It started with rude songs.
"Caitlin! Caitlin! She's so bad! Can hardly pull and does the worst! Get her to retire! Streamlining is so fat!" They would chant.
Caitlin wasn't happy.
She arrived at Crovans Gate to see a brown narrow gauge tender engine in the station with some coaches.
"Hello there youngster, my name is Duke, wat is yours?" He smiled.
"Nice to meet you Duke, I'm Caitlin."
The trucks giggled and began to sing again!
"Caitlin! Caitlin! She's so bad! Can hardly pull and does the wor..."
"Smarten up you impertinent scallywags!" Duke snapped crossly.
"Ooohh Mr bossy steamie!" Sneered the trucks.
"Oh dear!" Caitlin sighed.
"Don't listen to em Caitlin, they are always that way, just maintain discipline and keep em in line!" Duke chuckled and pulled away with his train.
"Yeah, listen to old Granpuff, he's old but wise!" Called Sir Handle as he and Peter Sam rolled by with some trucks.
"And handle Sir Handle too!" Chuckled Peter Sam.
"Maybe..." smirked the little green engine.
Caitlin had to laugh and pulled away.
It wasn't long before the trucks started to become troublesome again.
"Come on you silly trucks! Get moving....!" She groaned.
Caitlin may be a fast engine, but she wasn't as strong. The trucks made things very difficult for her but she finally made it to Vicarstown.
Arthur was there to take the train to Norramby.
"Hello Caitlin, didn't expect to see you bring this lot in!" He chuckled.
"Henry was in an accident so I volunteered to take over his freight work." The big purple engine replied, still catching her breath.
"Y' okay Caitlin?" Arthur asked.
"It's the trucks, they won't stop being a nuisance! Why are they so troublesome! I didn't do anything to them!" The streamliner sighed.
"I'm afraid trucks are like that with most engines, I think you need to earn their respect." Arthur said thoughtfully.
"How can I do that, I'm trying to be useful but they keep singing about me!"
"Just give em a bump, that usually does the trick!" Smirked James as he rolled by with his own goods train.
"Don't take notice of James' advice Caitlin. You shouldn't bump trucks unless absolutely necessary!" Arthur sighed.
"How do I earn the respect of the trucks though!" Caitlin worried.
"Try reason with them to behave or be polite and kind, like Hiro did."
"I can try." Caitlin smiled nervously.
"I'm not busy after I drop these off at Norramby so I will come find you so I can help you out!" Arthur reassured and steamed away.
Caitlin and Arthur were soon hard at work. Arthur would help push from behind whilst Caitlin pulled at the front.
"Buzz off before ya get hurt you fat sausage on wheels!" Cackled the trucks as Caitlin backed down on them.
Caitlin sighed.
"Don't worry Caitlin, remember what I told you to do!" Arthur smiled kindly.
The train was soon on it's way to Knapford. The train was soon on it's way to Knapford. As they reached Maron it happened...
Therewas a loud crack.
"OW MY SAFETY VALVE!" Arthur cried in pain. They stopped the train at the station.
"Are you alright Arthur?" Caitlin asked in worry.
"Yeh, but you'll have to pull em all alone, I'm sorry Caitlin." Arthur sighed looking down at his buffers.
"I will give it my best shot!" Caitlin said determinedly.
"No need ta hold her back, she won't make it out of da station!" Laughed the trucks.
"Shut it!" Arthur snapped, "or else!"
Caitlin was slightly taken aback by Arthur's outburst as she got ready.
The guard blew his whistle and Caitlin started towards the hill.
"Come onnnn! come onnnn! come onnnn!" panted Caitlin, "I can do it, I will do it!
Caitlin gathered speed as she approached Gordon's Hill, the trucks were very surprised.
"Comeon! Comeon! Comeon!" Chanted the streamlined engine.
Caitlin pulled and strained and rattled and clattered. Her cheeks were red and her axles ached, but she kept on pulling.
Arthur was pulled by by BoCo so he could be checked over for any more damage at Wellsworth.
"You can do it Caitlin! Go on!" Called Arthur.
"Show the trucks who's boss old girl!" BoCo smiled as they passed.
Caitlin was soon at the top and coasted down the steep hill.
James was shocked as they passed each other at Wellsworth.
The words from caitlin's friends gave her motivation to keep puffing.
At last the big engine arrived at Knapford.  Gordon, Henry, Duck and The Fat Controller were there as she rolled in.
"Well done Caitlin! I heard all about your work today and I'm incredibly proud of you! You are a really useful engine! I'd like you to go for a rest at Tidmouth Sheds!" Beamed The Fat Controller.
"Thank you Sir, although I don't think I did all that well with the trucks."
"Oh really!" Smirked Duck, "see for yourself!"
As Rosie shunted away the train Caitlin could hear the trucks.
"Take care with old Caitlin! She's not very strong but she's no pushover!"
"You were saying!" Smirked Henry.
Caitlin couldn't have been happier!
The next day Caitlin was happy to go back to pulling passengers.
She visited Arthur at the Steamworks.
"You were right Arthur! Sometimes all it takes is to just work hard and not let others get you down! I couldn't have done it without you!" Caitlin smiled.
"Ah well, I couldn't just watch you struggling like that!" Arthur smiled.
Caitlin still pulls goods trains on occasion but is happy to work with passenger trains.
The trucks don't give her any nonsense either.
"You could give James a run for his money!" Arthur would joke.
Maybe one day that may happen.

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