Choosing Love

By OceanQueen080

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Read to find out enjoy. All Credit goes to ttfan111robstar1 on More

Chapter 1: Transformation
Chapter 2: Honeymoon
Chapter 3: Unusual
Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 5: Joy
Chapter 7: Discovery
Chapter 8: Dedication
Chapter 9: Fear
Chapter 10: Home

Chapter 6: First Glimpse

190 4 0
By OceanQueen080

Those next few weeks were very special for the Doyle family. Since being officially adopted, Lauren's relationship with Declan had deepened so quickly that she was shocked by the evolution. The two of them were closer now than ever before. Ian now tried to spend even more time at home to help his son and support his wife during her pregnancy.

The first few months of her pregnancy were the worst for her. Lauren stayed mostly in her bedroom so that she would be close to a toilet. She felt an almost constant need to pee, and morning sickness had ripped through her life like a tornado and had taken all the fight out of her. Fatigue had also set in and had sapped her of most of her energy. Usually after getting sick she would lay down in her bed to take a nap. She always felt better after that but had to be hyper vigilant about what was being cooked at mealtimes. Even the slightest scent or taste of something could set her stomach off and send her running for the bathroom.

The only other symptom of early pregnancy that was really giving her trouble was dizziness and fainting. Most of the time it occurred after a bout of morning sickness, and that made it easier for her. She knew if she stayed close to the ground and didn't move too much at one time that she'd be alright. The other times, however, were out of nowhere. She had been lucky the first time it happened- Ian had been right behind her and had caught her as she fainted before she could get hurt.

Today marked the twelfth week of her pregnancy, and she was going to her first Ultrasound. She could feel the excitement growing inside of her as she signed in at the front desk. Although she had brought a book with her in her purse, she couldn't get into it. When the nurse finally called her name, she jumped out of her chair in excitement. She couldn't wipe the smile off of her face as she laid down on the examining table, despite the fact that her bladder was full (which was necessary for the procedure) and in sore need of release. After telling her that the technician would be right in, the nurse disappeared into the hallway, leaving Lauren alone with her thoughts.

A dozen emotions passed by her at once as she tried to fully grasp what was happening. She would see her baby for the first time today. It would be one of the most life changing days of her life. Her hand went to her stomach as she thought about the little person growing inside her. It only heightened her excitement. When the doctor finally came in, it was a relief.

She waited with baited breath as the technician had her lift her shirt and put the cold blue gel on her stomach. The transducer moved around, spreading it over her as she watched the screen. She drummed her fingers impatiently on the exam table, resisting the urge to bite her nails. Finally, the technician caught sight of the baby and it made her entire world shift in an instant.

She could see the whole baby in one shot. It's head was huge compared to the little bean shaped body, but she could see the nose and mouth clear as day. A tiny leg was raised up and seemingly disconnected from the body. For a moment it frightened her until she saw it move down. And when she thought it couldn't get any better, it did when she heard the steady beating of the baby's heart. It was the most beautiful sound she had ever heard. She asked for a picture of the baby and the technician happily indulged her. He then asked her what the first day of her last period was. When she told him August twelfth, he calculated her due date to be May eighteenth. After confirming that all was well with the fetus, she moved to get the cold goo off of her stomach, thanked the technician, and put the picture inside of her purse before rushing to the bathroom.

She got home at around four o'clock, and was pleased to find Declan at the kitchen table doing his homework. She gave him a kiss and ruffled his hair before pulling the picture out and tossing her purse on the couch nearby. Louise came downstairs and was pleasantly surprised to see Lauren home.

"Done already?" She asked with a grin. Lauren nodded, and then handed her the sonogram. Her heart melted at once. "How precious!" She exclaimed. "Congratulations!" Louise hugged her and Lauren squeezed back.

"I'm so excited!" She said, smiling. Declan looked up from his worksheet, and Lauren turned to him.

"Do you want to see a picture of your new brother or sister?" She asked. He nodded, and she handed him the picture. He smiled and gave it back to her.


"Yes it is."

After that she could hardly wait for her husband to get home. She looked at the picture of their baby for a long time, her mind pondering other things relating to their baby. What color would the nursery be? When should she start looking for furniture? Would she breastfeed or not? Most importantly, what gender would their baby be?

She nearly jumped out of her skin when the front door finally opened and Ian stepped inside. He dropped his suitcase as she ran into his waiting arms and kissed him passionately. When their lips parted, both of them were out of breath.

"Well I missed you too." He said, smiling.

She handed him the picture, almost jumping up and down. "It's our baby."

The look on his face was everything to her. He placed a hand on her stomach and kissed her tenderly.

"I love you both so much."

She smiled, eyes glistening with happy tears. "We love you too."

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