Cinematic Adventures: Scooby...

By extremeenigma02

14.1K 165 719

Cinematic Adventures: Season Two Premiere. It has been a full year since the events of the last adventure and... More

Unexpected Invitation
Reuniting with the gang
Mayhem at the Museum
A New Mystery
The Black Knight
The Faux Ghost
Monster Hive
Troubling Times
Monster Mash
Heroes At Last

Sneaking Out & New Looks

850 12 43
By extremeenigma02

After their terrifying encounter with the Black Knight at Wickles manor, Mystery Inc. and their Equestrian friends made their return to headquarters. There were many new questions that only the clues they were able to find could help them answer and they needed to return A.S.A.P. When Fred pulled the Mystery Machine into the driveway, everyone jumped out in a blast and hurried their way inside.

When everyone saw the scene before them, they were horrified by the grizzly sight. Artifacts and clothing strewn everywhere, every square inch as far as the eye could see was now a complete wreck. What was most confusing was the fact it wasn't even Mystery Inc. stuff that was destroyed, just those belonging to the Equestria team.

"What happened here?" Twilight asked shocked.

"Looks like Chrysalis and Sombra had a field day in our absence," Shining observed.

"How can you tell?" Fluttershy asked.

Shining stepped forward, examining all of their destroyed belongings. It was then he noticed black dust covering everything. Even more so, there was also some strange glowing substance.

"Remnants of black magic and Changeling saliva," Shining pointed out.

Flurry Heart peered from behind her mother and noticed something in the midst of the rubble that brought her to tears. Walking forward, at a slow pace, she used her magic to pick the torn remnants of her prized possession... her 'Whammy'. The same toy snail she loved so much growing up, now reduced to a pile of cotton. The poor little filly broke down in tears.

Cadance walked alongside her daughter, drawing her to her side allowing a side for Flurry to cry upon. Her mother placed a comforting wing over her daughter, as she sobbed softly.

"I'm sorry about your Whammy, sweetie," She apologized.

"Alright, now I'll really enjoy making Chrysalis and Sombra pay!" Rainbow said through gritted teeth. "Messing with us is one thing. But making a little filly cry... that's a new low!"

"Ah couldn't agree with ya more hun," Applejack nodded.

"If we want any chance against them, we must work immediately to identify all the clues we've found," Rarity advised.

"Rarity is absolutely right," Twilight agreed. "What do we do with our research, Velma?"

"I'm going to compare the glow of those footprints to the Pterodactyl scale," Velma replied.

"We'll check Wickles' book," Fred suggested.

"Great!" Pinkie smiled. "I'll fire up the oven and whip us some mystery-solving cookies! You'll thank me later!"

The pink party pony bounced off into the kitchen, leaving everyone else to their work. The only ones remaining within the vicinity were Scooby Doo, Shaggy Rogers, Scrappy Doo, Spike, and Flurry Heart. The latter of whom was still rather upset over her Whammy, cuddling it close to her chest. Uncle Scooby naturally tried his best to calm her down.

"Rits okay, Rurry," He assured her. "Re can rix it!"

"No, it's okay Uncle Scooby," Flurry spoke, wiping her tears. "I'll be fine..."

"I know what'll cheer you up," Spike spoke up. "Our major clue will lead us to our biggest lead to date... the Faux Ghost."

"Dude, the Faux Ghost is an awesome clue!" Shaggy whispered, joyfully.

"Reah!" Scooby agreed.

"But what do we do with it?" Shaggy then wondered.

"We check it out and find some answers," Scrappy said.

"Reah, ret's rolve the rystery!" Scooby agreed.

"Just think about how great it'll be if we solved this mystery!" Spike imagined.

Shaggy thought of the idea in his head, which certainly sounded like a good idea to him.

"Solve the mystery by ourselves," He said to himself. "Well, it would certainly prove to the gang that we belong."

"Reah!" Scooby nodded.

"Let's head to the Faux Ghost, find Old Man Wickles, and see what he knows," Shaggy devised. "But first, let's give the gang the old 'slipperooney'."

"Well sure, but... how will we give them the slip?" Spike asked.

"Don't worry, I got an idea..." Shaggy said.

The group proceeded into the kitchen where Shaggy procured a can of whipped cream from the fridge. Shaggy sprayed the cream into both Scooby and Scrappy's mouths to make them appear to be diseased. Scrappy and Scooby both licked their lips a smidge.

"Rericious!" Scooby smiled.

"You said it Uncle Scooby!" Scrappy agreed.

The group turned to leave but froze in their places when they stood face-to-face with Pinkie Pie, who wore a matching apron and held a tray of cookies.

"What are you all up to?" She asked suspiciously.

"Oh... uh, Pinkie!" Shaggy chuckled nervously. "Like, what a surprise..."

"We were just—" Spike began.

"If you wanted a cookie, you'll have to wait till I get done frosting them like everyone else," She smiled. "You silly billies... and filly."

Pinkie then placed the tray along the countertop and proceeded to frost them, all while the rest of the group looked back and forth between each other.

"Uh guys, quick conference," Spike whispered sharply.

The group huddled together so they could whisper amongst each other in private.

"I'm thinking we should let her come with us," Spike suggested.

"Like dude, are you sure that's a good idea?" Shaggy asked. "I thought we wanted to do this on our own."

"We do, but it might be a good idea to bring Pinkie along, so it won't tip off the others."

"Spike makes a good point," Flurry agreed. "If just us went, that would send a big red flag to mom and dad. Not to mention the rest of my aunties."

"Well, I'm cool with her coming along," Scrappy nodded. "Provided she pulls her weight too."

Everyone nodded in agreement before pulling apart and turning toward Pinkie Pie.

"Okay Pinkie, here's the truth," Spike confessed. "We found a clue which leads to a night club Mr. Wickles is supposed to be later tonight. We really want to solve this mystery ourselves to prove to everybody we are capable of more than one thing... and we'd like to give them the slip."

Pinkie stopped her icing and turned around looking serious for a moment.

"Look guys, normally ole Pinkie would let you go off and have fun because that's the kind of silly filly I am," Pinkie informed them. "But I don't know if that's a good idea. It seems dangerous even for me!"

"Which is why we'd like you to come with us Aunt Pinkie," Flurry spoke up. "Think about it: With you along, we'd be able to handle the situation much better."

Pinkie thought for a moment but seemed a slight hesitant.

"I don't know..."

"Did I mention we'll be undercover super spies?" Spike added.

"Why didn't you leave with that?" Pinkie smiled. "I'm in!"

Pinkie did a massive spin that made her resemble a raging tornado and when she came to a stop she now sported an ivory white suite jacket and dress shirt with a black bow tie.

"Agent Double-O Cupcake at your service," Pinkie spoke, with a British accent.

Everyone gave an awkward smile and a thumbs up, as they put their plan into action. Shaggy first walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where Fred, Daphne, Shining, Cadance, Rainbow, and Applejack sat together.

"Hey guys..." Shaggy greeted the gang. "Scooby and Scrappy are kinda feeling... uh..."

He pulled both dogs out of the kitchen, the whip cream still all over their faces.

"Like they've got rabbies!"

Scooby started acting dramatic, while Scrappy twitched and growled like he'd gone completely bonkers.

"We're just gonna go outside and get some fresh air," Shaggy said.

He awkwardly shuffled out the front door with Scrappy and Scooby following close behind. Then Shining and Cadance noticed Spike and Flurry following behind the trio.

"And where do you two think you're going?" Shining called out.

"Oh, uh... we were just going to take a walk with them," Flurry responded nervously.

"Yeah, you know?" Spike added, stretching out. "Stretching the old hindquarters..."

"Nuh uh! Not without adult supervision you're not," Shining shook his head.

That's when Pinkie popped between him and Cadance, making the pair yelp in surprise over her sudden entrance. So startled, Shining Armor clutched his chest and breathed heavily trying to calm himself.

"Don't you both worry your itty-bitty-teensy-weensy heads about a thing," She giggled. "Auntie Pinkie Pie reporting for babysitting duty!"

"Uh... thanks for offering Pinkie," Shining sighed. "But I think we need more 'responsible' adult supervision."

"Aw, but I am responsible!" Pinkie assured. "Mr. and Mrs. Cake will tell you I've gotten really good at managing Pound and Pumpkin, even though they keep growing."

That's when Cadance decided to add herself to the conversation.

"I personally think that's a great idea," She smiled.

Shining looked at his wife with a confused stare. Just as he was about to say something, one quick glare from Cadance made him shut his muzzle and keep quiet.

"You guys go out and enjoy yourselves," Cadance told them. "We can manage things from here."

"Thanks momma!" Flurry smiled, nuzzling her mom.

"Alrighty then," Spike said excitedly. "Let's get going!"

The two little ones quickly followed Shaggy, Scooby, and Scrappy out the door. Shining turned back toward Cadance with a look of uncertainty.

"Why did you just let them go?" He asked her. "What if they get hurt or..."

Cadance quickly shut his muzzle with one hoof over his lips and smiled at him.

"I understand your concern because I worry too," Cadance responded. "But you 'need' to stop being so paranoid all the time. Like it or not honey, Flurry is growing up fast. And you need to learn to accept it."

Before anything else could be said between the two, the doors to the lab burst open. Velma, Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy quickly emerged with determined looks on their faces.

"What's up Velms?" Fred asked.

Velma gave no response, but instead simply walked right toward him and snatched the monster book from him. She flipped it open to one specific area.

"The analysis of the Pterodactyl scale," She said. "It contains randamonium."

"Which is... wut exactly?" Applejack asked.

Twilight grabbed the book from Velm's grip with her magic and brought it over to herself.

"According to the book, it says it's the critical ingredient required to make monsters," She explained.

"Doesn't randamonium glow?" Daphne asked. "Like those footprints in Wickles' mansion?"

"That's right Daphne," Twilight nodded.

"If we prove Wickles is behind this, this mystery goes down like a dot-com and Coolsville digs us again!" Fred replied hopefully.

"We just need to find wherever Chrysalis, Sombra, and that masked guy are getting Randomonium," Shining added. "We find the source; we can take them down."

"There's just one problem darling," Rarity pointed out. "Where exactly would they even get this Randomonium?"

"Randamonium is a byproduct of Silver Mines," Velma explained.

"Like the abandoned mining town in old Coolsville!" Fred realized.

"Then... that's where we should go then," Fluttershy smiled.

Rainbow chuckled as she cracked her hooves in anticipation.

"I can't wait to thrown down with ugly one and ugly two! This is going to be... so awesome!"

Suddenly, Velma's eyes went wide like saucers, and she quickly ducked to the floor. To everyone's confusion, she started to crawl away.

"I'm invisible, I'm invisible," She panicked.

"What's the matter with you?" Shining asked, confused.

"I'm havin' the sneaky suspicion the one at the door is Patrick," Applejack guessed.

Everyone turned back and saw it was indeed none other than Patrick Wisely knocking at the front door. Everyone turned back and saw Velma climbing over the couch, then falling behind the back.

"Get rid of him!" She pleaded.

Velma continued to crawl away towards the lab while Cadance, Rarity, and Daphne shook their heads in amusement.

"Aw, the poor girl must have the love bug something terrible for that man," Rarity giggled.

"Love, it makes us all a little crazy," Daphne smirked.

"Totally!" Cadance nodded.

The Princess of Love and the two fashionistas all looked at each other with that same twinkle in their eyes, as they all nodded slowly. They proceeded to follow Velma into the lab, where she was still trying to crawl away.

"What are you doing?" Daphne asked Velma.

"He wants to ask me on a date!" Velma squeaked fearfully.

"And that's... bad?" Cadance asked.

"It's okay to be scared darling," Rarity assured her.

"I am not scared..." Velma angrily pouted. "I've fought werewolves and ghosts, but in the end I know that when we usually unmask them that there's just a shriveling little scared man inside."

"Well it's the same with dating," Daphne smiled.

"Tell me about it," Cadance giggled. "When Shining Armor and I went on our first date, I swear he almost threw up."

"I thought Twilight said he did throw up," Rarity told her.

"Yeah, but I just thought it was because of those bad hay fries," Cadance cringed in disgust.

While they spoke, Daphne started crawling around after Velma trying to coax her out of this loop.

"Velma, have your eyes ever considered the adventures you've had in your life are just distractions to keep you away from what 'really' frightens you?" Daphne prompted. "Intimacy with another person? Hmm...?"

"What Daphne means to say is that all this fear is just keeping you away from someone who thinks you are the most special person in all of the worlds!" Cadance smiled.

"Not to mention someone who thinks you're completely gorgeous darling," Rarity added.

"But I'm more comfortable in the world of logic and facts," Velma argued. "Besides... I'm not gorgeous."

Daphne could sense a lack of confidence in her friend's voice. So she helped her up.

"Everybody has flaws Velma," She assured. "The object of a healthy relationship is to never let the other person know they're there."

Velma just hid behind a corner, as she peered out the lab windows and saw Fred and Patrick sharing a champagne toast.

"Daph, I really like this guy," Velma said truthfully. "What would you do if you weren't some glamorous and mysterious jet setter?"

Daphne and Rarity both stared at each other for a moment before smiling to one another and turned back toward Velma.

"I'd make myself one," Daphne smiled. "Rarity, I think we can do a little work to help Velma out."

When she looked back down at Rarity, she noticed the fashionista already wore her little orange glasses and a tape measure around her neck.

"I am way ahead of you darling!"

It was then Cadance stepped up in front of them and shook her head in disapproval.

"Velma, if you like a guy you shouldn't change the way you present yourself," She advised seriously. "You want a gentleman who loves you just the way you are."

"I appreciate your advice Cadance," Velma responded. "But I don't think this can really hurt."

"Okay, but I'm warning you: If this is the way you want to do this, there's not a good chance this will go well for you."

"Don't worry Cadance," Daphne assured her. "We won't do anything 'too' major. Just a little something to give Velma an extra boost."

Cadance still didn't like the idea of Velma changing herself, just to get a guy to like her. But... since they are so insistent on going through with this and nothing she said will convince them otherwise, she wasn't going to stop them.

"Alright," She sighed. "Just 'try' to remember my advice, okay?"

With that, Daphne and Rarity dragged Velma off to work on her leaving the Princess of Love back in the living space. All she could think of in her head was how this was 'not' going to end well.


"You think it was wise leaving Velma alone with Daphne?" Fluttershy whispered to Rainbow Dash.

"Honestly, it's Rarity I'm worried about her being with," Rainbow answered back.

The sound of footsteps coming downstairs caused everyone to look up and in a split second their mouths dropped to the floor and their eyes bugged right out of their sockets. For there stood Velma, now sporting longer hair, no glasses, make-up, and a skin-tight orange body suit. She certainly looked drop dead gorgeous, and certainly not her usual self.

"Who's that?" Shining asked.

"I think that's Velma," Twilight responded unsurely.

"Uh..." Fred blinked.

"Velma?" Patrick asked.

"Who's your mommy?" Velma asked, trying to flirt.

"Okay, wut did Daphne do to Velma?" Applejack whispered.

Speaking of whom, both Daphne and Rarity walked down the stairs looking absolutely proud of themselves. They stood beside Cadance, who only shook her head disappointedly.

"Let's solve a mystery..." Velma said seductively.


The front doors to Mystery Inq. H.Q. flew open and the motley crew walked out with Velma and Patrick taking the lead. Velma had a difficult time walking in the heels she wore, but she stumbled through while trying to impress Patrick. Daphne walked by while subtly trying to showcase a pouty look, which Velma tried to copy... vainly.

Patrick, on the other hand, could plainly see Velma looked uncomfortable as she walked by his side. Though for what reason he couldn't figure out.

"Uh Velma, do you have to go to the bathroom?" Patrick asked Velma.

"No... not in this outfit..." Velma answered.

Patrick opened the back door of the Mystery Machine allowing Velma to venture inside first before him.

"Rarity, what did you do?" Twilight asked.

"Daphne and I thought we'd give Velma a helping hand with her problem," Rarity shrugged innocently.

"Okay... but how'd ya get her into that outfit?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, I've seen roomier looking bird houses," Rainbow nodded in agreement.

"It's... really complicated..." Rarity chuckled nervously.

"This is going to be one interesting night," Cadance sighed.

"Hopefully we won't have any more surprises," Shining hoped.

They all made it into the Mystery Machine, though Velma had slight trouble due to her rubbery outfit. But eventually, they made their way onwards as the investigation continued. However, they were all completely unaware of the giant dark-winged creature with red glowing eyes standing atop of headquarters and took off flying after them.

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