His Mafia Queen

By veinna_tae

94.7K 12.1K 1.5K

( COMPLETE ) SIDNAAZ❣️ Read the prologue just check it out , u will love it More

chapter 1
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9.
chapter 10.
chapter 11.
chapter 12
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
new story

chapter 51

901 157 28
By veinna_tae

Ok so before starting the story I want to apologise if u all r not liking plot maybe I'm not  a good writer that's why I'm not able to put the things in the right way....to put my imagination nicely infront of u....for u to understand  but it's not the whole thing....u all don't know why the character r doing anything....I'm not stretching I give update normally around 1200 words....that's it....I can give bigger updates from now but i put a reason behind everything...maybe it seem lame to u but as I said I'm not a great writer I try to be....I will try to do justice...and not bcoz u guys don't like it but bcoz I have already planned what will happen in the story and I will finish it just like that
And not in the last updates cmmnts but before that those who said that sidharth should leave naaz or naaz is not good for sidharth....let me tell u either u like it or not in my stories they will end up together......if u read my stories then u should learn one thing....judge someone when u know the whole thing....even I read stories and I too sometimes feel things r going wrong.....before writing I too have been a reader that's why I appreciate and respect u guy I really don't mind if u think that Im not a good writer just never cmmnt things like sidnaaz should not endup together.....from last few days I was extremely ill and I would've I had to get a surgery but luckily I didn't had to...I just got discharged yesterday and I really care about these stories that's why im explaining here....enjoy reading

Sidharth entered the room.....everything was changed....just one thing didn't.....the side lamps....the one he got for her.....he bend down beside the bed and pulled the large drawer made in it and inside saw her curledup....she peeped at him from behind her hands.....he put his hand on her head and caressed light and next moment she was in his arms hugging him tightly.....he hugged her back

Aliza- why did u not come back? Why did u broke ur promise siddy? Why???do u know how much I missed u? I even stopped eating chocolates

Sidharth smiled with teary eyes and patted her on head
Sid- bss....now siddy his here I will get my aloo chocolates as much as she wants

Aliza- u will not leave now right?

No response , she pulled back and looked at him

Aliza- promise me!! U will not leave!!

Sidharth looked at her and smiled- I will not leave u....and Aliza smiled

Aliza- now that u r here everything will be perfect again.....ok I have to freshen up and went inside the washroom

Sid- huh? Aliza? Ajeeb h....and left the room

She peeked out from the washroom and ran isnide the closet and changed then ran straight inside Eduardo's room

Aliza- grandpa!! Siddy is back!!! Why did u not tell me?

Eduardo- even I was surprised......luckily that idiot came back....Aliza glared him....oh sorry...I forgot I'm talking to his admirer......he smiled at her.....u wanna know one more thing

Aliza- what?

Eduardo- u saw any little girl?

Aliza- yeah there was a girl with sidhant....when I came

Eduardo- she's ur sidharth's daughter

Aliza looked at him shocked- what? But he's sidhant's father.......and asked angrily....did that girl snatched siddy from us

Eduardo laughed- no.....he's father of both of them

Aliza- like me naazi? Does that mean siddy married some other women? I will beat that bitch

Eduardo glared- language!!.....and no...do u think ur siddy will marry anyone.....it's ur naazi who's the mum

Aliza- it's so confusing

Eduardo shook his head- why I'm even trying to explain all this to a 10y/old....he mumerred.....leave this....now we gotta make sure that everything goes back to perfect

Aliza- hmm...right....but how?

The door of the room opens and they both turned and were shocked to see the person

Aliza- siddy?

He looked at sidharth- don't u think u should get ur soundproof.....Everytime u discuss anyone can listen u them

And entered and closed the door
Sid- tell me the whole thing

Eduardo- huh?

Sid- what this all mess up is? Everything that's happening

Eduardo- u tell me what happened.....after all the reason behind this shit is u....and then glared and don't u think u should I give some explaination for hiding Zara from us....was there something wrong with ur brain...said frowning

Sid- yeah I should've tell u so that u can take her away from me

Eduardo- what? I would've also got u back.....ur wife would kill me if I left and took Zara only asked confused

Sid glared- she's not my wife anymore

Eduardo glared back at him- control what u say.....she's ur wife u understand

Aliza- stop it!!! U guys really can't talk with arguing....naazi is right....u two fight like co-wifes

They both looked at her then back at each other
Aliza- better...now can we talk like adults?

Eduardo- u r the child in this room

Sidharth- yeah....go and have ur lunch

Eduardo- sidharth is right , leave...

Aliza looked at both of the and left the room calling them wierdos

Sidharth- did she just called us wierdos

Eduardo- no.....she called u wierdo

Sidharth rolled his eyes- explain all this....and what do u want

Eduardo frowned- I? U tell me what u want....u r the one who suddenly left and also took away my great granddaughter away from her whole family?and now that u r back u r behaving like stranger with us

Sid frowned at him and was going to speak but was interested when there's a knock on the door

Eduardo- come in......a servent entered and bowed

S- madam wants to know if she can talk to u? She said it's important

Sidharth frowned and turned to Eduardo who had a blank face and nodded
Eduardo- don't tell her there anyone and send her after a minute....the servent bowed and left......go and hide in the balcony.....hurry....he got up and went and pulled the currents to hide himself

From between the currents he saw naaz entering

Eduardo- speak......I don't have whole day

Sidharth frowned......naaz taking permission for entering his room and him talking rudely to her.....this doesn't really is how it was back then before he left....what happened?

Naaz- I...I don't want sidharth to leave

Sidharth looked at her.....she was looking down

Eduardo- why?it's not like u care about him? U don't love him....she looked up and sidharth saw the same pain in her eyes that he saw in his own whenever he looked at himself in the mirror in these 5 years.

Naaz- sidhant needs him.....he's his father....and no one can change this truth

Sidharthhh was shocked beyond words.....sidhant is his child.....all the things now make sence

Eduardo- just for sidhant? But doesn't he already have a dad? U never stopped him from calling that asshole dad......so I don't think sidhant needs sidharth......coz I think Zara needs him more as she calls him dada? And don't u mind this? He have a daughter with someone else

Naaz took a deep breath- everyone knows the truth.....and sidhant wants his father too....so I want him here that's it and as for Zara.....she can live here too

Eduardo- what about her mother? Can she live here too? Can u see her with sidharth?

Naaz- there's no one else in his life......Zara is adopted

Sidharth frowned while Eduardo shook his head

Eduardo- how do u know? That it's not his own blood ?

Naaz- I have seen her face closely.....she doesn't look like him at all

Sid& Eduardo at this moment had same thought


Eduardo- maybe she looks like her mother that's why?

Naaz glared at him- no!!! If there was someone I would've know....I checked and there's nothing like that....also there no record of Zara's birth in any hospital....sidharth is not like that!!

Sidharth wasn't shocked

Eduardo- but u r

Naaz- huh?

Eduardo- he didn't gave someone ur place but u did.....u don't love him.....u have a child with someone else

Naaz- what shit r u speaking?asked confused.

Eduardo- idiot what do u think he thinks about all this? Huh? His son his calling someone else dad....and that asshole is attached to u 24/7.....why will sidharth stay for someone elses child

Naaz frowned- I will tell Sharad to explain him......and sidharth will believe me.

Eduardo- that boy is a bastard.....can't u see it?he will just create problem....I'm sure he must have done some shit

Naaz- why would he ? There's no benefit for him grandpa and rightnow what I want is just sidhant to have his father.......i...I will tell him everything.....we don't have much time.....we can't wait more.....I met him at the right moment

Eduardo- naaz.....she smiled Sadly at him

Naaz- sidhant needs his father and left

Sidharth was confused at her last words and came back in the room and looked Eduardo who seemed lost in thoughts

Sid- what the hell is this? They r not married? And sidhant is....is.

Eduardo looked at him
Eduardo- ur son!!

Eduardo- it's too messed up......we would have a long chat....come sit and start speaking.....let's finish before dinner

After sidharth told Eduardo everything.....Eduardo didn't know what to think.....this all just too much of a crappy misunderstanding

Eduardo- me & Ava had more misunderstanding then this but neither she ran away from nor had I let her go....do u know why bcoz we always communicated...either in anger or bcoz we didn't mind we always speaked whatever we wanted to each other....u should be real with ur partner there should be transparency....

Sid- stop ur lecture.....it's was u both who were involved too...I haven't forget the line....sidharth shouldn't find.....u guys were planning something against me.....tell me what it was

Eduardo- that was naaz plan...and it was not against u or harmful to u or the kids

Sidharth frowned- they why had u said that I will not.accept

Eduardo- u can ask ur wife to tell u....don't ask me that....but yeah that asshole lied to u

Sidharth rolled his eyes- I had no idea....I just had doubts about his relation with Naaz and sidhant.....but why is she behaving like that

Eduardo- there a lot u guys have to talk.....first tell everything to naaz


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