naruto: Shinobi of the Force...

By AaronHansell

33.5K 604 220

the Senju clan. the uchiha clan. and the uzumaki clan. for centuries these 3 legendary clans had been presum... More

chapter 1: discovering new power and the mandalorian code of honor.
chapter 2: the New mandalorian Jedi of both sides.
chapter 3: the jedi's greatest fear. return of the mandalorian Jedi.
chapter 4:A mysterious warrior arrives.chunin exams first round.
chapter 5: chunin exam's preliminary rounds. naruto's temptation to kill neji.
chapter 6: Naruto crafts a new set of lightsabers.
chapter 8: the stealth assassination test. ventress's training begins.
chapter 9: Naruto vs Darth Hiruzen.
chapter 10: recruiting the night sisters and mother unusual alliance.
chapter 11: naruto and ahsoka form a force bond. more then master and student.
chapter 12: ahsoka bo katan and shaak tii's pregnancy.
chapter 13: naruto takes on an apprentice.

chapter 7: Naruto vs Yoda. a lightsaber duel for the ages!!!.

2.4K 38 13
By AaronHansell

Naruto was sitting in the lotus position meditating in front of the statues of his ancestors Darth revan and bastila shan mentally preparing himself for the biggest fight of his life.

That fight was Jedi Grand Master Yoda. Keeping all his training in mind he sensed the entire Jedi council plus ventress and count dukuu approach.

Yoda was meanwhile doing the same thing not fully aware of how skilfully naruto could use a lightsaber other then what he's already seen.

Obiwan then approached and said.

"Master Yoda. If I might make a suggestion that you go easy on this child. His arrogant nature will be his own undoing and though I believe ahsoka and shaak Ti will have trained him well in lightsaber combat.

there's no telling what type of force abilities he's going to have or how he will use them. Please do be careful."

And Yoda said.

"Grateful for your concern I am master obiwan kenobi. Heed your words of caution i shall.

But hold back against the boy promise him I wouldn't.To break a promise against the Jedi code it is. Dishonor the order we serve I would be doing."

Ventress then said.

"Master Yoda. With all due respect.
I've seen how this boy fights. And have also fought him personally.

He will give you no quarters and show no signs of mercy or honor.
He will fight to take off your head if you are not careful.

Last time he showed me mercy I thought I would die like general grievous had. Instead he cut off my hand as an example of what happens to any sith or Jedi who cross his path."

Dukuu then said.

"This boy serves neither the light or the dark side of the force master Yoda.
He does not bend to the will of the force like a Jedi nor does he try to bend the force to his own will like that of the sith.

It's almost as if he chose not to be a servant or a slave to the force at all but instead chose to see both sides of the force as equally powerful."

And Yoda said.

"As usual correct you are my old student. If back to the Jedi order you wish to come then allow it I shall.

Waiting for us i sense that he is.
Keep him waiting we must not."


Naruto had sat inside of the temple waiting for the Jedi council to arrive.
Looking to his ancestors for guidence he said.

"Ancestors of Jedi and sith.
Bastila shan and Darth revan.
Be with me in this fight.

Bring me balance so that I may not become bound by either side of the force.For I am one with the force and the force is with me. May it be my guide as I face my next opponent."

Outside the temple.

The Jedi council stared amazingly at the temple surrounded by droid's.
But even dukuu knew these droid's no longer served him and the separatists.

The stone door of the temple then slid open as the droid's stepped aside granting master Yoda entry but not the rest of the council.

The droid named Roger then said.

"Sorry. No other Jedi besides the challenger master Yoda beyond this point. Our master's orders.

you may watch from a distance but nothing else. Please take your seats outside the Ring."

Noticing that there were numerous stone chairs outside the Ring the others took their seats to watch with anticipation and see who's skills were superior to the other.

Out of the corner of his eyes count dukuu spotted the sith Holocron and tried to use the force and bring it to him so he could open it and learn from it's secrets only to realize it wouldn't respond to his call.

Dukuu then said.

"Very interesting. So that is the sith Holocron you told me about ventress.
If even I can't call upon it with the force then it's obvious that it belongs to the master of this temple.

Only he and those he permits may access it directly. A safety measure it would seem he put in place after your little encounter with him."

Mace windu then said.

"So who's willing to place bets on master Yoda winning this fight???.
I'm willing to bet 500 credits on Yoda."

Obiwan kenobi then said.

"I'll take that bet of yours and double it to 1000 credits with the odds being in master Yoda's favor.

The boys talent is visible and he's not afraid of showing it when it matters. But he does hide his full potential for many good reasons."

Naruto then turned to face Yoda and said.

"Greetings grand master Yoda. Welcome to my home. A temple built by my ancestors Darth revan and bastila shan of which the statues you see before you resemble.

Please pay your respects to them before we begin. I would think that a Jedi as well respected as yourself would do so in the presence of your orders two most legendary warriors."

Yoda then went up to the statues and bowed in respect to revan and bastila shan but hearing the name Darth revan ventress and count dukuu immediately got down to one knee and bowed their heads as well.

Dukuu was told the stories of the Old sith and how revan was one of the most respected and feared by both sides. Dukuu knew about bastila shan as well from reading the Jedi archives.

In hearing the name bastila shan the rest of the Jedi order council members bowed in respect that including ahsoka and shaak Ti.

After paying their respects the fight against Yoda would begin as naruto and Yoda bow to each other.

Naruto then drew one of his newly crafted lightsabers.

Naruto was dressed in the traditional Jedi robes.

He then drew his other lightsaber.

Naruto then got into his form 4 ataru stance as Yoda did the same and prepared for the fight of their lives.
But just as the fight was about to start Naruto did something unexpected.
He placed a blindfold over his eyes.

Obiwan then said.

"I've heard of being overly confident in your skills but what he's doing is suicide. How does he intend to fight master Yoda if he's unable to see him.
What is he trying to prove here???."

Dukuu just chuckles and said.

"The force can be used many different ways for a multitude of different things master kenobi. All one must do is trust in the force to guide them.

I would assume you are aware of the ability know as force sight correct???.
For those of you that aren't force sight is an ability that grant the user be they blind naturally or intentionally for training methods to enhance all of the other sense's such as smell and sound and even touch.

Even the simplest swing of a lightsaber and vibration in the ground becomes visible. However to use such a method of fighting requires absolute concentration and focus."

Ahsoka then said.

"Master obiwan. How about I take your wager of 1000 credits and go up to say.....2000 credits on my apprentice???. With a 60-40% chance over master Yoda???."

And obiwan said.

"That's an awful lot to be putting on your own apprentice ahsoka.
Are you certain it's okay to bet on him???. And what would you do with that much money anyway???."

And ahsoka said.

"Why. Split the winnings of course.
Master shaak Ti and I have decided to go in together betting on naruto.
If he wins we split it down the middle."

Mace windu then said.

"And since when did this challenge turn into a hutt gambling parlor???.

Even if this is purely for sport I don't see any possible way your apprentice could defeat Yoda.

Need I remind you he holds the title of grand master for a reason."

Naruto then said.

"As the guest of honor you may have the first move Grand Master Yoda."

And Yoda said.

"Taunt me you can but fall for it i shall not. Demonstrate what makes the difference between a grand master and an apprentice for you I shall."

Yoda then rushed in towards naruto who simply stood still and blocked all of Yoda's strikes from the front back and sides.

Impressed with the reaction speed in response to master Yoda obiwan said.

"Well I must admit ahsoka. Your apprentice is fast enough to react to master Yoda and his form 4 ataru considering you use the same stance.

I thought you said he could use all 7 forms of lightsaber combat???."

And ahsoka said.

"Indeed he can master obiwan.
But under normal circumstances he will always choose the defensive form 4 ataru first to test his opponents before switching to a different stance.

In other words he is baiting grand master Yoda into making a mistake."

Curious Mace windu said.

"So if he's able to use all 7 forms of lightsaber combat how many different force abilities does he know???. And should we consider him a potential threat or not???."

Shaak Ti then said.

"His abilities in the force are only rivaled by his skills with a lightsaber.
It's true he studies both sides of the force but we're careful to make certain he keeps the boundaries of light and dark side in balance with each other.

By meditating daily his force powers kept growing. Almost to the point where we would have needed to stop him ourselves.

The droid's that came here with general grievous he destroyed were then rebuilt and reprogrammed by us and him. We reprogrammed them with orders similar to that of the clones contingency orders.

The only difference is that their orders follow the mandalorian code of honor and should they acknowledge they broke the code they self destruct and are rebuilt."

Dukuu then said.

"I was wondering why all these droid's look so familiar. They were the same droid's sent to help ventress.

They were assumed destroyed with general grievous in battle but apparently they were rebuilt and reprogrammed to serve a new master.

Not to mention that the metal plating is different from before. Beskar metal alloy. Mandalorian armor metal.

And one of the strongest known metals in the galaxy. How fitting he should have a similar yet different background like Skywalker does."

Anakin then said.

"Make no mistake dukuu.
That boy and I are nothing alike.
Besides. I don't think he's that great at all!!!. Even I could reprogram a battle Droid if I truly wanted to!!!."

Obiwan then said.

"OH...feeling a little bit jealous are we Anakin???. I'd be careful if I were you.
Or did you forget that these droid's answer to him and not the count any longer???.

Be fortunate he didn't reprogram r2d2 and sabotage the Jedi order. He might just be a better mechanic then you Anakin."

And anakin said.

"We'll see about that obiwan.
  We'll just wait and see."

Back with Yoda and naruto.

After gauging Yoda and his skills Naruto switched to form 2 noticing this count dukuu said.

" I see he is a fellow practicer of form 2 as well. This is about to get interesting. If he knows form 2 then he obviously knows form 3 also."

Obiwan then said.

"You seem to be enjoying this fight a little bit more than the rest of us count dukuu. If he knows form 3 soresu I'm not surprised.

The two forms usually go hand in hand with each other. I'd be surprised to see him using form 7 juyo.
Which is the basic stance to master windu and his vaapad stances."

Naruto had ducked dodged and weaved around master Yoda and his techniques.

However Naruto decided that it's time to stop playing around and get serious.

He then used his force lightning and channels it into his lightsabers prepared to go on the offensive.

Once again dukuu's interest was caught by naruto's unconventional use of the force as he said.

"Interesting strategy. Instead of going in full throttle he had chosen form's that specifically counter master Yoda's.

He was sizing up master Yoda from the beginning. Now the fight will become more serious from this point on. The boys smart.

He used force lightning to charge up and increase the cutting power of his lightsabers."

The rest of the Jedi council were shocked at what dukuu said as obiwan asked the question everyone wanted to.

Obiwan then said.

"Just because he's increased the cutting edge of his lightsabers doesn't mean master Yoda has already lost does it???."

Dukuu then said.

"Depending on who or what it's being used on and for what purpose depends on the user because force lightning is a dark side force ability.

This means that if master Yoda is struck by even the tip of those lightsabers the pain he will feel varies depending on the boys mastery of the technique.

But I must agree that master Yoda hasn't demonstrated his full abilities yet either. We've yet to see why he's the strongest in the Jedi order and earned the title of Jedi Grand Master."

Back with Yoda and naruto.

Naruto had switched from form 2 makashi to form 3 soresu and then form 7 juyo. The switching of forms repeatedly caught Yoda off guard as he hadn't fought this hard in years.

Yoda then said.

"Powerful with a lightsaber your skills are. Even more powerful with the force your abilities are as well.

Had a fight this tough I've not had in quite some time.

A challenge to me your presenting. But come to an end it soon shall.

Show me your strongest technique you will or defeat me you will not."

Naruto then said.

"If I did that then I could potentially kill you. Something I would prefer not to do. At least not too quickly anyway.
But if you insist then I'll stop holding back what I'm truly capable of."

Ahsoka then said.

"Oh no...this can't be good.
If he goes all out using that technique.
Well this match will be over sooner then it began. Of ALL the lightsaber techniques he could use that one is definitely his most unpredictable."

Obiwan then said.

"Just what technique would that be ahsoka???. And what makes it so unpredictable???."

Ahsoka then said.

"Your about to find out master kenobi.
Just pay close attention and you will see what I mean."

Naruto then used the force and called apon Darth revan and bastila shan's lightsabers along with the dark saber.

As the lightsabers and dark saber came to his side hovering around him he used the force to ignite them.

Everyone's eyes widening in shock obiwan said.

"Now that's very impressive.
I've never known anyone who's able to use multiple lightsabers and ignite them using the force like that."

Count dukuu then said.

"Indeed master kenobi.
It's definitely an extraordinary display of prodigious talent and power with the force.

In fact only one sith from the days of old were able to use such an ability. Her name.... wade Darth treya. And she was according to legend the sith master of Darth revan."

Once again everyone watching was shocked beyond belief!!!.

Naruto had mastered a lightsaber method that a sith of old and master of Darth revan no less created!!!.

Back with Yoda and naruto.

Master Yoda took up the form 3 soresu stance hoping to outlast his opponents abilities but knew he stood no chance at the moment.

Using the force Naruto then connected revans lightsabers with bastila shan's creating a lightsaber fuma shuriken as it began to spin rapidly at Yoda.

Using his force telepathy he controlled it while he connected his own New set of lightsabers into a quarter staff.

using the form 2 and form 7 technique he managed to keep Yoda on the defensive until a powerful strike from his form 4 ataru shattered master Yoda's lightsaber blade as it flew out of Yoda's hand.

he then puts his lightsaber to Yoda's chest and said.

"You have been disarmed Grand Master Yoda. Do you yield???."

And Yoda said.

"Defeated me fair and square you have yield to you I shall. An impressive fighter you are.

Our offer to join the Jedi order for you still stand it does. A valued addition you would be to us."

And Naruto said.

"I've got my own reasons not to join  the Jedi order or the sith. Neither one suits me or my ideals that I live by. But I will count the Jedi order the Republic and separatists as my allies."

And Yoda said.

"Respect your decision not to join we will.agree to count you as a neutral Ally we're thankful for. Betray your trust we shall not.

Dishonor to the Jedi order it would bring. Permit that I cannot.
No better then the sith would we be should we do so."

Count dukuu then said as he clapped his hand at naruto's performance.

"Master Yoda is correct young man.
Both your lightsaber and force skills are truly acceptional for someone of your age. You may also count the separatists as your allies as well.

As part of this alliance I'm going to offer you the opportunity to be apprenticed by my own student asajj ventress.

who I'm certain your familiar with already to teach you more about the dark side of the force.
It would benefit you greatly."

Naruto then said.

"I'll accept her as my dark side master.But should she try to betray me or my temple.... she's going to lose more then just her hand next time.
Because next time I'll cut off her head."

Ventress then said.

"Master dukuu. Are you certain that I'm prepared to take on an apprentice of my own???.Darth maul still exists and is out there somewhere to get revenge. If he finds this child..."

And dukuu said.

"That is the very reason I have appointed you his sith master.
Who better to help a shinobi assassin with improving their skills then another assassin like yourself."

Ventress then said.

"Yes master dukuu.
If it is your wish then I shall obey.
Come young one. We have training to do and not much time to complete it.

If you hope to defeat a dathomirian like maul who's very ruthless then you must delve deeper into your dark emotions to control them rather than suppress them. Once you have done so then the real training shall begin."

Naruto then said.

"If it means that I can protect the one's I care about from being killed then I'm willing to do whatever is required of me... master ventress.
Master ahsoka... master shaak Ti."

Yoda then said.

"Unclear the path he will take is.
Unsure of his his future we are.

Very interesting to see where this leads and curious I am. Have faith we must in the boy to do the right thing."

Ahsoka then said.

"You may be naruto's teacher now ventress but your past actions had better not show themselves. I'm willing to put our past differences aside.

but don't think for one second we'll let you roam freely unsupervised. We're like family in this place we see each other as equals in everything we do."

And ventress said.

"The feeling is mutual. But I know All too well the value of family. Mother talzan queen of the night sisters drilled that into everyone who's part of her inner circle. Your either with her or you die going against her."

Naruto then said.

"I'd very much like to meet this queen of yours master ventress. She seems like she could make for an interesting Ally for my plans.

Which I will discuss with you guys once the Jedi council are gone and we're all alone."

And ventress said.

"You might just regret asking such a request from me young one. She will try recruiting you into her ranks as a night brother.

On the planet dathomir the night sisters use Old powerful sith magic that rivals even that of the powers Darth sidius posessed. It would amplify your own dark side abilities."

Naruto then said.

"I'm very persuasive when I want to be. And very risilliant against just about everything. Well almost everything accept for death that is."

Commander Rex then said.

It's true. We've put him through the most hellish training possible and he still got back up with nothing more then a few scratches that immediately healed themselves somehow.

Almost like someone or something besides his own abilities keep him from taking severe damage and keep fighting. I'm still not sure what it is but it's got to be pretty powerful."

And naruto said.

"If you only had any idea just how right you are about that it would frighten you to believe it if I showed it to you.

You think that the force is powerful you think the sith are dangerous.

Well there's beings like myself in this world that are just as if not more dangerous then any sith or Jedi you could ever meet.

Beings so powerful they are capable of leveling entire mountains destroying entire villages and reshaping entire landscapes.

The power these beings posess pack the equivalent of a single Star destroyer's turbo cannons."

Ventress then said.

"All the more reason to help you control your emotions to master such a powerful beings abilities and make them your own my young apprentice.

Through passion comes power.
Through power comes strength.
Through strength you gain victory.
Through victory your chains are broken. The force shall set you free.

This is the way of the sith code.
A code your ancestor Darth revan once lived by as a sith Lord.

If you wish to truly make him proud then you must embrace what you are.
You must embrace who you are.

You must not deny yourself your destiny as the successor of a legendary Jedi and sith Lord and the heir to the throne of mandalore like your predacessor tarre vizsla.

Through the force you can defy fate and change destiny. Ancient sith Lords were once able to prolong their lifespans by fully embracing the dark side of the force using sith alchemy.

This is just a brief example of what you could do with the dark powers of the force and knowledge of the sith.

But unfortunately with such ancient powerful abilities comes even greater risks.

The most common being those who would wish that power for themselves and try taking it from you.

By any means necessary.Including murder and assassination. This is where my training as an assassin will help you become an even better one then you are now.

I will teach you proper stealth tactics and blending in with your surroundings to start with.

After that we move on to assassination methods like poison misdirection and infiltration.

Your training begins now.
If your next intended target is this corrupt politician called danzo you will have to be smarter and craftier then he is to reach him and kill him without anyone knowing.

First lesson. Stealth.

A true assassin never wears clothing with colors that cause them to stand out. I suggest you wear black armor and robes from now on. I shall hide and your task will be to find me.

And you may use any methods but you may not use the force to locate me. Do so and you fail and will repeat the lesson all over again.

Those who become too reliant on the abilities of the force forget all about the rest of their skills."

And Naruto said.

"Okay. So I'm limited to Old school shinobi tracking methods and information gathering. Shouldn't be too hard. I've got a map of the entire village so this shouldn't be too hard."

Ahsoka and ventress then smirked at each other as they knew how much naruto would struggle with finding ventress.

Naruto then said.

"Okay what's with those looks you guys have on your faces and why do I have a bad feeling about what you are going to say next???."

Ahsoka then said.

"In some cases whenever you are on a mission you will need to go in unarmed. That means no blaster pistols. No lightsabers no blaster rifle.

And no armor that could identify you.
To put it simply. Your going dark where communication will be limited."

And Naruto said.

"Ahh crud. I knew I wasn't going to like what you guys were planning."

Shaak Ti then said.

"A Jedi doesn't always rely on their lightsaber to win a battle. Sometimes information gathering is just as equally important as fighting the enemy or target of interest."

Naruto then put on a set of black robes and put up his hood as he let ventress get a head start to begin the lesson. Once ventress was ahead of Naruto the hunt would begin.

Naruto would need every available skill as a shinobi he had at his disposal to find his sith master.

Which currently wasn't all that much as kakashi had neglected to teach him much of anything useful for tracking.

The time limit was sunset. Naruto had from then untill sunrise the next day to find ventress or he would fail and retake the same lesson over again.

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