Blooded Mate

By rhycce

109K 4.5K 732

[[MATURE CONTENT]] Pack, family, mate. Loyalty, respect, honor. These are the words that form the foundation... More

Chapter 1 - Pre-Moon Flushes
Chapter 2 - Heir Apparent
Chapter 3 - Payback
Chapter 4 - Mating Call
Chapter 5 - Shame of Defeat
Chapter 6 - Recovery
Chapter 7 - Intruder
Chapter 8 - On Guard
Chapter 9 - New Normal
Chapter 10 - Dead Chemistry
Chapter 11 - Excursion
Chapter 12 - Willow Creek Lodge
Chapter 13 - Unstable Wolf
Chapter 15 - Blood Rage
Chapter 16 - First Bite
Chapter 17 - Riotous Body
Chapter 18 - Uncomfortable Truth
Chapter 19 - The Back Up
Chapter 20 - First Moon
Chapter 21 - Uncontrolled Emotions
Chapter 22 - Introductions
Chapter 23 - Forgotten Family
Chapter 24 - Family Pride
Chapter 25 - Revelation
Chapter 26 - Midnight flight
Chapter 27 - The Marked Motel
Chapter 28 - Lost self
Chapter 29 - Brother's Respect
Chapter 30 - Beta's Welcome
Chapter 31 - Reunion
Chapter 32 - Mating Ritual
Chapter 33 - New School
Chapter 34 - Training Unstable
Chapter 35 - Tall Tales
Chapter 36 - A Vampire's Weakness
Chapter 37 - Past Battles
Chapter 38 - Wasting Away
Chapter 39 - Angry Wolves
Chapter 40 - Pacification
Chapter 41 - First Connection
Chapter 42 - Sensual Pleasures
Chapter 43 - Reverberations
Chapter 44 - Feeding Habits
Chapter 45 - New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 46 - Catching Flies
Chapter 47 - Home away from home
Chapter 48 - Recognizing Human
Chapter 49 - The Pledge
Chapter 50 - Vampire Security
Chapter 51 - Borrowed Fist
Chapter 52 - The Great Adventure
Chapter 53 - Loss Of A Father
Chapter 54 - Hunters and Defenders
Chapter 55 - First Run
Chapter 56 - Infirmary
Chapter 57 - Non-existent praises
Chapter 58 - Fetish
Chapter 59 - The Chesapeake Date
Chapter 60 - Horsing Around
Chapter 61 - Native Cousins
Chapter 62 - Your Chicken
Chapter 63 - Scent of Home
Chapter 64 - An Angry Mother
Chapter 65 - Chemistry Goddess
Chapter 66 - Heartbreak
Chapter 67 - Wild Cat
Chapter 68 - Slow-Roasted Pork
Chapter 69 - Thanksgiving
Chapter 70 - Confession
Chapter 71 - Biting Kiss
Chapter 72 - Work of Art
Chapter 73 - Clarification
Chapter 74 - Walk Of Shame
Chapter 75- Battery Pack
Chapter 76 - VIP
Chapter 77 - The Next Alpha
Author's Note
Chapter 78 - Vanguard Precision
Chapter 79 - Courtship Games
Chapter 80 - Damsel In Distress
Chapter 81 - Insurance
Chapter 82 - Licentious Passengers
Chapter 83 - Blood Ceremony
Chapter 84 - Dark Past
Chapter 85 - Prime Suspect
Chapter 86 - Battle of Wills
Chapter 87 - Investigation
Chapter 88 - Meet And Greet
Chapter 89 - The Truce
Chapter 90 - Agreement
Chapter 91 - Fight For Honor
Chapter 92 - Sex Ed
Chapter 93 - Missing And Unwanted Guests
Chapter 94 - Mine
Chapter 95 - Regrets
Chapter 96 - Bad News
Chapter 97 - Homecoming
Chapter 98 - An Alpha's Challenge
Chapter 99 - The Cabinet
Chapter 100 - The Warehouse
Chapter 101 - The Interrogation
Chapter 102 - Snakes In The Mind
Chapter 103 - Enemies At The Door
Chapter 104 - Foul Weather
Chapter 105 - A Warrior's Death
Chapter 106 - Flames vs Flames
Chapter 107 - Battle Cry
Chapter 108 - The Beast
Chapter 109 - The Shimmering Lake
Chapter 110 - Restored Honor
Chapter 111 - Lost Child
Chapter 112 - Mourning
Chapter 113 - Hope For Future
Chapter 114 - Troublemakers
Chapter 115 - The Plea
Chapter 116 - A Generation Of Betas
Chapter 117 - Rekindled
Chapter 118 - Awake
Chapter 119 - Yearning Gaze
Chapter 120 - Friendly Foes
Chapter 121 - Heart And Soul
Chapter 122 - Familiar Stranger
Chapter 123 - Date Night Schemes
Chapter 124 - Drowning Man's Breath
Chapter 125 - Training Two Novices
Chapter 126 - Tomcat
Chapter 127 - The harem
Chapter 128 - Chosen
Chapter 129 - Soul Bound
Chapter 130 - Seeking Support
Chapter 131 - Pack Prestige
Chapter 132 - Blessing Ceremony
Chapter 133 - Blooded Mate

Chapter 14 - The Brewery

969 36 6
By rhycce

The brewery was a collection of four barn-like structures with high ceilings and few openings. There were no missing bricks in the walls, and all the glass panes in the windows were intact. The trees stood well back and gravel-covered a wide swatch of earth around the buildings, yet there was a sense of abandonment around the distillery.

Unrelenting darkness covered everything; not a single creature stirred. There was no hum of machinery, and the chimneys jutted smokeless into the night sky. Here and there, a brave weed or two reared their crowns through the stones.

Each with an arm around Brent, they walked him to the nearest building, heading for the entrance in the middle.

"Here, lean him against the wall," Eri suggested.

They propped the Afro-Canadian against the wall, but Brent grunted, his knees shaking, and then he was sinking. Ethan grabbed him before he hit the floor. The shivering Lycan only wore a fleece hoodie against the fall chill, but sweat had soaked through the thick material, just like Ethan's sweatshirt.

"I'll hold him. Get the door open," Ethan suggested, leaning Brent against him. The tall boy gripped his shoulders for support, his breathing heavy and harsh against Ethan's ears.

Eri's forehead also glistened in the moonlight. He checked the door; there was no handle and no obvious way to open it with a key.

"Let me find another way in." He jogged off, glancing up at the windows, which now seemed too high.

He disappeared around the corner, and a few moments later, the tinkling sound of glass breaking pierced through the air. Then silence.

Just as Ethan began to worry that the slender Lycan may have knocked himself out, there was a thud from inside and the loud screeching of metal rubbing against metal as the door swung outwards.

Eri grunted as he pushed, but the reinforced door opened less than a foot and then refused to budge. He stepped back and then rammed into the barrier. Once. Twice. Thrice. Each time the heavy barricade groaned under the impact and inched forward until there was just enough space for one person to slip in.

Ethan watched Eri, who stood a foot shorter than him and just as much in width.

I probably wouldn't have been able to crack that door open by myself.

The other Lycan stepped out, and together they heaved Brent onto his feet. But before entering, Ethan swabbed some sweat off his neck and rubbed it on the outside of the door. Eri raised an eyebrow at him, questioning.

"One of my teachers is a tracker. He'll raise hell if he can't find me."

They moved Brent inside and sat him against the wall. He was breathing freely now, but his eyes were still shut.

There was nothing else to do but to wait. If Brent completed his transformation here, Ethan could only pray that between him and Eri, they could hold him long enough till the vanguards came back.

Eri yanked on the door, but it would not close all the way.

"Leave it," Ethan ordered. "We don't want to end up stuck in here anyway."

The werewolf shrugged and went to check on Brent while he took stock of their surroundings. The building was primarily empty, with pipes running up one side and across the ceiling. A small square opening streamed moonlight through onto the broken shards on the floor.

That was how Eri got in.

Ethan walked to the door to stare out into the night. For a while, the world around them was quiet, with nothing but crickets chirping. Then Eri came over to stand by him, sniffing.

"Who's that?"

Ethan glanced at him, then back out. He saw nothing but leaves moving.

"A wolf?" he asked. Then, at Eri's nod, he offered, "Maybe that's Zyga, the teacher I mentioned."

"No ... too loud to be a tracker." Eri's eyes brightened to glowing amber. "And there's more than one."

Ethan squinted, trying to make out movement in the darkness outside.


Eri shook his head. "I don't recognize their smell. Warriors would have picked up our scents by now and called out. These wolves are stalking. I hear three of them."

Ethan's heart froze for a beat.

Three wolves, stalking them, hunting them. Why?

The other possibility he could think of was- "Rogues?"

Three rogue wolves were bad news, regardless of their intent. They were wolves whose atrocities were so horrible that their pack had banished them. No one would take in a rogue: they were almost as bad as vampires. His father had died fighting one.

He was not going to be much use in a fight, and Brent could barely run. He searched around for something to bar the door, but in the dark, nothing came to hand.

Out of ideas, he turned to their best defense. "Any suggestions?"

Eri was already stripping off his shirt.

Obviously, his friend assumed he could also turn at will. Ethan grabbed his arm.

"Hold on. I can't- I haven't ...."

He trailed off as his friend stared at him with furrowed brows. Then his eyes widened as understanding lit a torch behind them.

A blush bloomed in Ethan's face, but he forged on. They did not have enough time for him to be embarrassed. Their lives were at stake.

"Listen, I can't fight them on open ground. Neither can Brent. If we can lead them through this door, only one can come through at a time. That'll give us a fighting chance."

Eri nodded and moved towards the heavy metal. Meanwhile, Ethan bolted for the small window and returned with a jagged piece of glass.

"Brent, on your feet! Don't fight your wolf anymore. Attaboy," he encouraged when the Afro-Canadian got on all fours, groaning.

"Here they come," Eri whispered. He had shed all of his clothes and stood on one side of the door.

A muted crack. A bone popped. Eri huffed and bent over, sinking to the floor. His fair skin grew dark, and his crouching silhouette shifted in the night. When he rose again, a tawny wolf with a dark stripe down its back stood in his place.

It shook its fur and edged closer to the door, growling.

Behind him, Brent's muffled grunts and the series of snaps told him the larger wolf was having a more challenging time at shifting forms. But Ethan could not go to him now. He could hear the scuffle of paws outside, and he moved to the other side of the exit, away from view, holding the jagged edge up.

His hand shook, and he tightened the fist around the glass. His heart was beating so fast he was sure the wolves outside heard it.

He did not have to wait long.

A gray shadow slipped through the gap, its snarls echoing through the hollow building. It sent a shiver down his back. Eri was on him in a flash, growling his own challenge. The two wolves tore at each other.

The attacker was bigger, but Eri was sleeker, faster, and much more wily. The enemy could not pin him down long enough to inflict a mortal wound.

In the ferocity of the battle, Ethan almost missed the second assailant. It snuck in, eyes so intent on Eri that by the time it noted Ethan's presence, it was too late to avoid his downward slash.

His shard bit deep into its hind leg and broke off.

Ethan stepped away as the wolf yelped pitifully, twisting to lick its wound. He dropped the bloody half of glass that had sliced his palm almost as deeply as his victim.

A snarl behind him had him spinning to face a third wolf approaching.

Oh shit!

The newcomer leaped up, and Ethan only had enough time to bring up his arm to protect his neck.

Though Ethan was not a lightweight, the momentum of the heavy wolf bowled him over. The wolf snapped onto Ethan's arm, sinking its teeth deep, and he cried out in pain. Then, it let go and snapped at his face, its hot musty breath fanning his face. Ethan kept his battered arm up. It was the only thing between him and those deathly jaws.

His other hand grabbed the thick undercoat fur and pushed the snarling beast off him. He scrambled to his feet and was facing the recovering wolf when another bit into his right thigh.


On instinct, he kicked out, satisfied when it connected and he heard a corresponding yelp.

A loose tile availed itself under his fingers, and he hurled it at the previous enemy. The wolf swerved to avoid the brick, and Ethan shuffled away, putting the wall behind his back.

In the corner of his eye, he saw Eri fighting the first assailant to enter the building.

Where the hell was Brent?

He glanced at the side and found two other canines, ripping each other up as they fought for dominance. One of them must be Brent.

Shit! Eri had missed one wolf in his initial count.

Looking down at the two circling him, he tried to control his ragged breathing and not give in to panic. Ethan looked down at the two wolves caging him in.

True to pack rules of hunting, these two were caging him in, going for the weakest link.

Ethan's mind sped. He had to stall for time until Brent or Eri came to his aid.

A loud series of yelps interrupted his train of thought. One of the wolves in Brent's corner collapsed with the jaws of the other firmly clamped around his neck. Then the victor, midnight black with a white snout, turned and trotted towards him.

Hope filled Ethan's heart. He straightened up, shifting his weight.

We're even now. I'll take on the one near me, and Brent can handle the other.

As the other wolf approached, it began growling but not at the other two. Instead, it faced him with hostile amber eyes.

Brent had not survived the fight.

"Oh my god," Ethan muttered.

Ice-cold fear climbed up his spine to stab his heart as the three wolves fanned out in front of him, snarling. His blood had soaked his jeans and was dripping from his sleeves. Ethan's injured leg wobbled under his weight. That was the sign of weakness the wolves were waiting for.


Hi lovelies, thanks for reading.If you loved it don't forget to vote, comment and add to your library.

Halfway through the chapter whiles editing, I went like, "Doesn't Brent seem a bit like the hulk here?" 

Any guesses on who the new wolves are?

I would love to here your feedback on the story in general and this chapter in particular.

What did you like?

And what didn't you like?

What did you think about the characters: Ethan,Brent and Eri?

Next chapter is already being edited. I will post it in a couple of days.


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