Blood moon (a tvd fanfic)

Par Aabicus

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After a gruesome death by her parents. Eliana Rose once again knows she is to be reincarnated into her 27th l... Plus

Chapter 1: So I died.... again
Chapter 2: The void + New world
Chapter 3: New world
Chapter 4: So the plot begins...
Chapter 5: Hello little crow
Chapter 6: Dammit Vicki!
Chapter 7: Sexy Stranger
Her house-
her house- part 2
her house- part 3
Chapter 9: Founders day
Chapter 10: Founders day-part 2
Chapter 11: Lets get some shit done.
Chapter 12: Slater, Rose and Trevor
Encounter with a creep - snippet and soulmate poll.
Chapter 12: A new revelation (short chap)
Chapter 13: So much shit in one chap
A/N + poll (/▽\)
Chapter 14: pain, pain and more Pain
Chapter 15: Katherine MY LOVE
Chapter 16: More Katherine talk
Chapter 17: Even MORE Katherine
Chapter 18: Carnival creeps
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20: Kidnapping?
Chapter 21: Hello Elijah
Chapter 22: Mr Easter Bunny
Chapter 23: Oh nO I hOpE I doNT faaaaAAL!
Chapter 24: Mutts
Chapter 25: Love?
Chapter 26: Can I just Die?
Chapter 27: Betrayal????
Chapter 28: Adventures with Klaus
Chapter 29: Rebekah (Short chap)
Chapter 30: Wakey wakey
Choose a dress
Chapter 31: Cinderella Fetish (pt 1)
Chapter 32: Cinderella Fetish (pt 2)
Chapter 33: Mates? MATES!
Chapter 34: Is this a Fanfic?

Chapter 8: Dinner party day

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Par Aabicus

Val pov

Over the next day, a lot of shit happened. The comet and Vicki. I had visited her in the hospital a few times. But things went according to the OG timeline, inevitably. there was nothing I could do. Through many attempts, I Tried steering Caroline away from Damon, but I think Liz forgot to give her varvain. So now it's too late for that. And so my day was a complete and utter fail.

Apparently, my grandmother's boyfriend is moving in with us in the next two weeks. The memories from this body indicates that he is a creep and a perv, so I will have to find a safehouse to put my belongings in. I also plan on joining the volleyball and track team. As quick as I want to do it, I will have to hold off saving Enzo from Augustine. 

Apparently elementals can do spells, pretty much like any other witch, and with the help of extremely high level grimoires, sent by doofus god and his friends, I learnt how to make daylight rings, give aneurisms, bring people back from the dead with no side effects, tracking and locating spells too. I also learnt how to give vampires fertility, so they can make children.

Now that that day is over. Here begins the new one. to be precise.... the day of the dinner party which I really can't be bothered attending.

Time skip

I was standing near Tyler and matt. After the bonfire, we both agreed and apologized, though I never let him hear the end of how I whooped his ass. 

Tyler looks over spotting stelena walk by with their cringe but healthy romance.

"Look Elena and her new boyfriend," Tyler with a mocking smirk. god season one Tyler was such a dick, damn

"and what are they doing? oh, they're walking, walking, walking." 

"god ty, just leave them be, we can find a hotter, sexier girl for matt" I say with an eyeroll

Tyler looks at me up and down, "and who do you think fits that category? hmm?" "dunno, Venessa? she keeps eying your ass matt" I say, not looking up from my book. matt laughs. "there's nothing I can do guys, she made her choice."

Tyler rolls his eyes. Grabbing the ball from matt. "let her know she made the wrong one" 

God these idiots

"what are you doing?. Ty. Don't.  TYE don-" and before matt finishes, Tyler throws the ball at Stefan. I have to admit... Impeccable aim.

Edward on the other hand uses his Spidey senses catching it in one swift motion. That show off, 

I roll my eyes. Tyler is now shooting glares at him. I snicker. "damn Ty he sure showed you" I say smacking the back of his head playfully. Edward throws the ball back, this time it was heading for matt who stood there stunned. In one quick move I jump up and catch the ball, just before it hit matt's face. Everyone stood there staring at me, I shrugged, before shouting to Stefan. 

"WRONG DIRECTION DIPSHIT!!!!" , handing the ball to matt and heading to class.




During History, tanner rambles on, while Elena try's to convince Steffanie to join the football team. As the bell rings, tanner talks to me.

"hey, Ms Jacobson, that catch you did this morning was very impressive, If you weren't a girl, I would have asked for you to join the team", he smiled at me. In return, I smile back and give a nod. Before heading to my next class.

Time skip (after school, track)

As I ran laps around the field, I watch the drama unfold. Caroline hops out of Damon's car, scarf and all. Fuck I forgot to threaten Damon to not feed from her. . . Shit.

Damon's eyes stray on me as I stop for a break. Bending over and resting my arms on my knees to catch my breath.

Jeez raven boy, stop boring your eyes into my head.

I look back up at him, before running his way. "hello miss sexy vampy." he looks up at me over his sunglasses, smirking. 

I grab his shirt collar roughly and pull him forward, looking into his eyes.

"look here you son of a bitch. if you use Caroline, I WILL kill you. Got it?" rolling his eyes, he grabs my hand pulling me closer. "what are you gonna do? bite me?" he whispers  into my ear mockingly.

This dick

"oh believe me I will torture you, and then cut off your dick. At least, for Elena's sake. DO NOT sleep with her, you WILL apologise, and you WILL heal her immediately after every bite." Grabbing a stake from my shorts, I quickly jab it into his chest, missing his heart narrowly, he hisses in pain, groping my arm. before I ask "do you understand?" 

He glares at me, his breath hitching,  "bitch"  he hisses out.

I force the stake in further closer to his heart. he grunts in pain, his face turning red.

"DO . YOU . UNDERSTAND ?" I glare at him.

"fine, okay okay okay!!!!"

smirking, I pull out the steak and pats his cheek, "that's a good boy" before pecking him on the corner of his mouth and walking back to practice.

Stefan pov

I stand on the bleachers, observing as Damon drives in with Caroline.

Dammit, he's trying to hurt Elena and get to me. I have to talk to him....

Of course I am upset, he came here to torment me and he's succeeding. 

As Caroline jumps out and runs to the girls, I follow Damon's stare. He was looking at Val. she stood there bending over to catch her breath. Her scent spreading and I inhale deeply to take it in. Damon's going to target her too. I watch as she looks up, catching his gaze and begins jogging towards him.


she may be vampire but he WILL hurt her!!! dammit!

Watching helplessly, I see Val make her way to the car before grabbing Damon by the collar, threatening him. I touch my ears to listen in on their conversation. smirking to myself. stunned. I gape at her when she uses a stake, finally getting a reaction out of Damon.

I should ask her to teach me that sometime..... could be useful

My eyes follow her as she kisses him on the cheek and runs back to practice. Her ponytail swinging side to side. Ignoring Damon zoom off.





Val pov+ time skip

Elena had begged me to join the dinner party. But I really couldn't be bothered. Instead, I chose to go and buy a mansion in the middle of the woods for my new safehouse, which was much better than having nowhere to go, with Mr creepy boyfriend coming to town. Tomorrow I plan on befriending miss Sheila Bennett.

The new place was really a sight to see. squat in the middle of the forest AND far away from civilisation put in a cloaking spell so if anyone is tracking me or if magic is done inside, no one would sense it.

It had a cute waterfall instead of a pool inside it's compound along plenty of rooms, which I put a spell on to stay clean and dust free without work, one which I plan to give Enzo, if he takes up the offer. 

It has torture chambers and cells in the basement which I added in, A humongous library, for grimoires, and other books. There was a room for talismans and witchy voodoo.

A huge walk in wardrobe full of all kinds of clothes, shoes, jewellery. A dress wardrobe.

A bar and pool table area, liquor, and soda. bowling alleys and game rooms.

A large pool. plus spa. both self cleaning with magic. A theatre.

A bird nursery (just for fun) where birds can come in and out. 

Amazing baths and toilets. A beautiful kitchen and greenhouse, for Vervain, wolfsbane etc....

A weapons and an artefacts room plus a gym. A Huge tv in the living room because i couldn't be bothered with a theatre. 

Her new place: P.S- all of the below are cloaked, so no unexpected visitors can enter. if someone walks into the compound they will automatically be teleported outside without their knowledge. this means they won't know there is a property there. The waterfall and greenhouse, along with anything a part of the compound, will be cloaked so she can walk around naked if she wanted and no one will see. Animals are aloud in and out freely, unless they are being controlled or are working for someone.

Artefacts: cursed knives- last white oaks- blood from the 6 original wolf packs (curtesy of doofus god). swords, medallions.... etc- whatever artefact from tvd you think of. 

Continuer la Lecture

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