For Such As Love As This

By iamneonwrites

8.9K 1.5K 164

No matter what happened to him, whether the world hates him or not, he would still choose to love the people... More

About The Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
All the love, Lei
Special Chapter: Beyond and Forever
Special Chapter: Special Ever After
Special Chapter: Fostering Angels
Special Chapter: The Triplets

Chapter 8

124 52 2
By iamneonwrites

Chapter 8

AS DAYS PASSED BY, Clarity and Apple's relationship as "like" mother and son became close in a way that Clarity was able to share his feelings to her.

Slowly and slowly, Apple learned about his life.

Every single information was revealed. Clarity didn't knew but he was feeling comfort whenever he is around Apple. But however, Apple was strict when it comes to their lessons with pertains to Martial arts.

"Kick more! Slouching! Force!"

They were now in the gym and Clarity was wearing his Daebok; a Taekwondo's uniform.

Clarity was watching a game.

The opponent was aiming for the stomach of the other opponent by kicking it but failed because the other opponent is intelligent; he read the techniques and moves of the other opponent. In the end, the other opponent was  scolded because she is not thinking of the technique combination taught to us.

Clarity felt sad for the girl as she went back to her place with a teary eyed face.

"Taekwondo is a recognized Olympic Sport that not not only builds strength, stamina and flexibility bit it also improves the overall fitness and well being of a person."

Every people in the classed listened.

"Taekwondo also provides many advantages such as self-discipline, competitive awareness, your social skills and your inner skills and etcetera."

Apple looked at Clarity.

Fuck! She looked at me!

"Mr. Sotello, could you please come in front." Apple smiled at him which made Clarity gulped and grimaced secretly.

"Here, the combination of kicks should be, Mr. Sotello, could you show us the combination?"

Clarity looked at her and Apple smiled.

Kaya mo yan! You could do it! He saw her mouth move and said those things without voicing it on the public. Clarity smiled relievedly at her encouragement.

Clarity inhaled deep before doing the Taekwondo Stance. He combined the moves: Ap Chagi, Huryeo Chagi, Bandal Chagi, Dollyo Naeryeo Chagi and Narae Chagi.

He tried his best to speed his moves.

I can do this!

He was shock when Apple armed him but good thing he is fast enough to catch her hands.

"Oh my gosh!"

The class laughed at Clarity when his voice sounded like a woman. "Gosh, Miss Apple!" Apple also laughed when Clarity panicked the fuck out of him.

"Good thing you have a good eyes. Many students couldn't even follow my move when I suddenly try to intervene into their presentation. Good job, Clarity Sebastian Sotello."

The class clapped their hands on Clarity.

"Thank you everyone!"

Clarity was happy to go back in his seat. The lesson continued with multiple new moves, with workshops and written tests. Clarity was able to passed all those.

"Congratulations everyone!"

Apple dismissed the class because its now 3:30 in the afternoon. Clarity was the last to leave because he changed clothes on the gym's comfort rooms.

"I should get home, bye Miss Apple!"

Apple smiled and watched Clarity leave the gymnasium. Clarity went directly to his room but upon walking towards, he saw Nash's group walking.

Of course, he didn't want to see them so he planned on how to hide on them but it was already late.

"Hey boy!"

Clarity's heart stopped for a second. He felt his body tremble in fear...fuck that handsome face! Fuck it! "Face me.." Clarity gulped and slowly turned to him.

Nash smirked as well as the other boys.

"Oh, so scared like a little baby." Nash mocked. Clarity was trying his best not to be tensed or scared but it doesn't seem like effecting.

They're bulky and tall.

I mean, they're bulky in a way that their muscles and body are well built. Plus they're all handsome and tall. Fuck it! I am also tall but not as the same as these boys!

"Nash, please, I don't like any commotion."

"I didn't even touch you girlfriend anymore after what happened. You should've asked her instead, what happened before arming me."

Clarity was trying his best not to tremble but he couldn't.

"I'm sorry for intruding with your girlfriend. I should keep away from her. You seemed like a possessive one. Take note that I won't steal your girlfriend because number one...I don't like girls anyway."

Fuck! Gather your courage!

Nash and his guys were shock to hear this from Clarity.

"Firstly, I didn't hit on your girlfriend, second, why would I touch a person when I don't even know that person? Call me a liar but that's the truth." He added.

"Please, before aiming at somebody, know first the real event before planning."

Clarity bowed in front of them.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you in anyway. I should get going." Clarity walked away leaving Nash and his friends shock. Nash, on the other hand, didn't realized that he hurt Clarity.

He actually hated his girlfriend for that.

Nash often caught his girlfriend cheating on with him but he forgave her and gave her another chance. Just who is he? He asked himself.

Nash shook his head. "C'mon let's go."

Nash wanted to see his girlfriend really badly. His cheating hot girlfriend. But he can't also deny that Clarity is beautiful and has a body of a woman bit has a face of a man.

His skin is delicate and smooth.

Nash only sighed before shooking his head.

On the other hand, Clarity entered his room he could only found his bag on his desk while the rest are already empty. Clarity walked towards his seat and looked at his bag.

He then looked at his hands.

Was that good? Is that good? Will that be good? He didn't yet know. He sighed before getting his back and closed the room. He didn't lock because Miss Apple's things are still in the classroom.

He needed to respect the person.

He walked towards the gates of the school, left there and trailed his way back to his house. He passed many cafe's and shops, crossed many streets before reaching the Royal Bachelor's Village.

"Hello! Good afternoon!"

The guards reciprocated the greetings. Clarity noticed one thing, the world is starting to be friendly to him. But in a way that he found a suitable person for a trust he could give.

Although, Clarity mostly experience people being hostile to him in someways but rest assured, Clarity was slowly accepting it.

He passed many houses before reaching his home.

Shockingly, when he reached his house, he found the lights inside are open. He found the garage open. There was the van.

Oh, he didn't even noticed the time.

It was already December.

December 1st.

Oh, how time pass by so fast. He looked at his phone. But he was just confused. It was the last week of November. Also his watch, currently it was November 21.

I thought my family would arrive at December?

He was as confused as fuck and walked faster than before. He reached the gates of the mansion and the guards immediately opened it for him.

"Kuya, when did they arrive here?"

The guard looked at the mansion where my family could be heard laughing and chatting with....a visitor? Who might that be?

"An hour ago, Sir."

Clarity nodded and thanked the guard. He walked pass the garden and the fountain before reaching the entrance door of the mansion.

Sally, Lyssander and Sandy, Chelsea; his grandmother and Shayne; his grandfather together with a couple with their son.

But upon seeing the face of the couple's son. He was shock. His soul literally flew out of his body.

Nash Jace Nixxon?! What is he doing here?!

Nash noticed his presence and looked to his way. Nash suddenly stood up and walked in front of him. "Nash, where are you going?" His mother asked him.

Everybody's eyes was trailed on Nash.

When Nash was in front of Clarity, Clarity immediately retreated himself. What he said awhile ago could definitely be revealed later.


Nash gulped as he saw Clarity retreated.

"Oh speaking of the bitch." Nash heard Clarity's father said in his breath and Nash's father and mother laughed. "Oh, is that Clarity? Oh god, Nash get away from him! Remember what we talked about? He'll destroy you and poison your mind! Your girlfriend wouldn't want a guy like him to be your friend!"

Clarity was shock to hear it.

"You dared to enroll yourself in a Taekwondo school, you can't even defeat a single enemy! Is Nash the reason why you're interested to join that school?"

Clarity looked his father from Nash's aback.


"Oh son, stop embarrassing yourself. No one would love a person like you! Especially that you're a man? And you're interested in Nash? Oh come on, Nash is a straight person, clearly he has a girlfriend! You slut bitch!"

Without Clarity knowing it, his tears welled and dropped in his eyes. "Yucks, that boy is disgusting."

Sandy was smirking at him.

"So dad, does that make him gay at all?" His father looked at Sandy. "Yes." Sandy acted like she was in shock. "Oh, how disgusting of you, kuya, oh! Mom, do I have a sibling?"

His mother looked at her.

"No, you don't have, especially when that person came from another man."

Nash was shock to hear this. Clarity bowed at him. "Nash, go away." He said coldly while crying.

Nash was too shock to hear what about Clarity. He wanted to help him but he didn't. He was afraid that his parents might end up like him.

Nash saw how kind Clarity is.

Fuck! I feel guilty for hurting him about my girlfriend! Clarity looked at him with tears in his eyes, begging and it was hurting Nash inside. How strange it is.

"Nash, please...please go away from me.."

Nash saw Clarity's eyes.

Full of sadness, hopelessness, loveless and hurt. "Please...I'm begging you..." Nash sighed before opening the way for him to enter.

Clarity ran going upstairs and went to his room.

He locked the room, threw his bag and a wretched sob escape his mouth. "Fuck it! Fuck it! Shit!"  Clarity was feeling heavy inside.

"I-I n-need Miss Apple..."

With that, he got his phone, dialed her phone number. Of course, Apple gave him her phone number so that whenever he needs a talk, he could call her and they could call each other.

After a few rings, Apple replied.

"Hello Clarity? How are you?"

That statement made Clarity wretch a sob that he couldn't prevent. And Apple heard this. Apple started to become sad as he was hearing Clarity cry.

"Dear, what happened?"

Clarity wretched another continuous sob and another sob and another. "Okay dear let it go out, let it go out, I know its painful so let it go out."

That made Clarity cry even more.

"I-it hurts!" He said in between sob.

Apple noticed how painful and sad he is while saying those things to him. "Tell me dear, what happened."

Clarity inhaled first before calming himself.

"My parents have arrived from Baguio."

With that statement, Apple could feel negativeness that will come. "And then?" Apple asked calmly. "They humiliated me in front of the Nixxon family."


Apple was shock! He knew those surenames! It was the family Nixxon with their son named Nash Jace Nixxon! The ultimate bully of Clarity!

"They said that how dare me enroll the university. They asked me if Nash was the reason why I enrolled myself to that school. They also told me that Nash wouldn't love me and nobody would ever dare to love me. It hurts."

With that advent, it fueled her anger.

Even her husband comforted her. His husband knew Clarity's condition because he opened it to him. Gladly, his husband planned to adopt him.

Apple sighed.

"Clarity, just bear this in mind, you are loved and you will be loved. Just pray and believe. I know you could do it, girl!"

Clarity smiled at her encouragement.

"Thank you Miss Apple."

Apple was happy that he was able to help Clarity in a positive way. She couldn't let Clarity be sleigh down to the pits of hell.

As much as possible, she wanted to raise him and experience the joy of love. Especially that now, Christmas is coming towards at a fast pace.

"I love you, Clarity."

"I love you too...Miss Apple and my......Mom."

Even Clarity was shock to hear this from himself but he couldn't help it! He felt so comfortable around her presence and he considered him as part of his family now because Apple impacted his life so hard. A positive one.


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