Book 1: The Horse Whisperer (...

By Silver-Tigress

25.8K 449 41

Fifteen year old Emma Morgan and her her family moved to the little island off the coast of England when she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
New Book Out!!

Chapter 11

1.1K 19 0
By Silver-Tigress

Emma's P. O. V:

I get Soverign's mane braided into rosettes along with his tail, as I'm dressed in my white jodhpurs, long sleeved purple zip up competition shirt with the high collar, and blue Bright Fields competition jacket. I have my long hair in a bun with a bun net over it. I'm also wearing an amethyst horse jewellery set.

Amber is helping me get him ready.

I couldn't stop thinking about Raven, but I knew the show had to go on.

I then tie some purple travelling boots with stars printed on them around Soverign's fetlocks and put on her rug with a hood attached to it. His ears are covered.

I bring the gelding to the float. I pat Soverign after loading her and step out, only to stare as Zoe meets up with us. She's riding Major, and she's dressed in the same kind of outfit as the rest of us, her hair done in a bun.

Mia is here, but on crutches.

"What? What are you guys staring at?" Zoe asks, hurriedly brushing off her jacket. Pin goes up to her as we close the floats. She sighs. "What?"

"You look like one of them," Pin tells her.

Crossing her arms, Zoe retorts, "Well, maybe I am one of them. Is that so bad?"

"Good luck today. I'll see you there," Pin says. I go over to Pin and he pulls me in a hug. "Same to you. Just remember not to think so much about it." We pull back as he rests a hand on my arm. I smile as I nod at him.

"Bye, Pin," I say as he walks off.

Zoe takes a deep breath and loops her arm through mine as she says, "Okay. Let's go!"

I grin back before we head into the back of the van.

Jade tells Zoe as she scribbles something on a notebook, "Okay. There are different classes throughout the day. Such as Tack and Turnout, Dressage..." She's riding Tamara for the County Show.

"Featuring me and Bob!" Becky inputs.

"Right, but the big thing is, Team Showjumping."

"That's yours and Emma's event," Becky says.

"Yes. Yes, we're aware of that fact," Zoe says, sounding nervous.

"And everyone's counting on you two."

"Also aware."

I say, "Well, Showjumping is the event with most points. So, yeah, kind of important."

"Are you nervous?" Becky inquires Zoe.

"Um, no, I'm not nervous."

"You look nervous."

"What do I have to be nervous for?"

Becky says, "Well, there's all the crowds, and the kids that have been riding since before they could walk..."

Zoe asks, "Can you make her stop?!"

"No, but... I can give you this," Jade says, taking out a horseshoe and giving it to Zoe. "Some people believe horseshoes bring good luck."

Even I believe that.

Rolling her eyes, Becky says, "Well, clearly those people have never had one land on their heads."

Jade says as I hold the horseshoe, "It's one of Raven's. I thought it might help."

"That's pretty superstitious of you, Jade," Becky says, brows furrowed.

"Yeah, well, maybe this summer has shown me that, maybe not everything can be explained by cold hard logic. Obviously most things can." She goes to write more in the book when Zoe speaks up.

"Guys! We're here!"

"Go!" Becky gasps. Zoe tucks the horseshoe into her jacket pocket and we grab our helmets as we slide out of the seat.

Sam calls as she knocks on the door, "Come on, girls!"

We jump out of the van to see stalls with coloured awning set up and people milling about, some leading horses.

Becky says to Zoe and I, "Welcome to the County Show!"

I was both excited and nervous.

We see a group of riders from another stable walk by. One of the guys, with brown hair and a charming smile, aims his smile right at me as he walks past.

I just blatantly flip him the finger back at him, already not liking him. The teen just chuckles back.

Jade introduces, "Halloway. Our main rivals."

"I think they're giving us evils," Mutters Becky.

"Uh, guys, I don't think he's looking at us," I say when the guy's gaze shifts to Susie.

Mia says as she comes over to us, "So, your plan worked. You're on the team."

"What? No! There was no plan!"

"I'm kidding," Mia says, smiling. "I came over here to wish you good luck."

"Really?" Zoe asks in surprise.

"Sure. Also to tell you your shirt's untucked in the back, your tie isn't straight, and you've got a button undone. Sort it out, Zoe," Mia quips. Zoe does up the button in the middle. "Don't want people thinking our standards have slipped. Susie."

"Oh. I was just going to get Darcy ready," The blonde says, pointing with her thumb.

"My bags aren't going to carry themselves, are they?" Mia says and they split off.

I go to get Soverign ready for our jumping round.


"Could all participants make their way to the arena, please?" The guy says over the loudspeaker as we all make our way there.

Pin has arrived and we see Zoe walking towards us with a numbed look on her face. "Zoe, what's wrong? What happened?" Pin asks.

She doesn't answer as the man continues. "Ladies and gentlemen! It's time to announce our stable's Star of the Year! The competition was very fierce this year, but one exemplary individual just cinched it! The winner is... Samantha Myers!"

We all clap and cheer, except for Zoe as Sam goes into the arena to get her prize. A rectangular glass trophy with a horse in it.

"One pupil said Sam is a wonder in everything she does. She's more than just a trainer—she's a friend. To horses and students alike. Sam's an inspiration to us all, and we love her for it. Samantha Myers, everyone!" We clap and cheer again as Sam seems to cry tears of happiness.

Sam takes her certificate as Marcus goes up to her. "I can't believe you did this," She says.

"It was Zoe's idea."

Sam rushes out of the arena and dashes off somewhere. I wonder what that's about as I go to get my horse prepared.


We get back just as the announcer calls,  "Can Emma Morgan please make her way into the arena?"

"That's me. Wish me luck," I say.

"Good luck, sis. You've got this," Amber says as I go to fetch Soverign.

I smile as I say in agreement, "I do." I kick my horse gelding into a trot into the ring, and the crowd claps at my appearance. "Let's show the world what we're made of, boy," I tell him, and Soverign nickers in agreement. I see my mum sitting with Zoe's parents in the stands. She throws me a smile but I focus back on the course.

I've put on Soverign's purple bridle and saddle cloth.

I kick him into a strong canter and head for the first jump. There's a burst of applause as we clear it easily. I keep my attention between Soverign's ears as we head for the second fence. Soverign and I make our way smoothly through the course, the crowd cheering reverberating in my ears.

We eventually come upon the water jump, my heart thumping in my chest.

I could almost hear Pin calling to me, "You can do this, Em!"

Soverign and I reach the final water jump and he leaps into the air.

The whole world seems to drown out of existence around me, and Soverign and I seem to move in slow motion. Then, we hit the earth once more and the sound of the crowd cheering blasts into my ears.

No one cheers louder than Amber, Pin or Becky.


"And that was another clear round for Bright Fields from Emma Morgan!"

"Yes!! That's my big sister!!" Amber was screaming while clapping and fist pumping the air as I trot Soverign to the gate, a big grin on my face.

We did it—and there were no accidents!

I halt Soverign outside the gate and see Pin standing there, grinning.

I dismount, and hug my palomino fiercely. Someone takes Soverign back to the yard while I rip off my helmet and throw myself onto my boyfriend in a hug. Pin catches me and spins me around, my feet lifting off the ground, the both of us laughing joyously.

"I did it! Did you see me?! Did you see me?!" I squeal before Pin sets me on the ground, hands resting on my waist.

"I knew you could do it," He says, smiling widely.

"So that wasn't just me imagining you were here?"

"That wasn't just your imagination, Em," Says Pin. "I love you."

Everyone stares at us as my eyes widen. But, then I say happily, "I love you, too, Pin!"

Becky and the others were watching as I lean in and kiss Pin on his lips deeply, my left hand cupping the back of his head, ignoring Becky as she gasps.


I mentally took my eyes. Becky has been calls us that ever since we'd started dating.

The announcer says, "This is the last call for Zoe Phillips. If she doesn't make it, then Halloway will be declared the winner by fault."

We start to panic but then Mia comes in on Firefly, and despite her still clearly sprained ankle, she goes ahead to fill in for Zoe.

We all watch as Mia goes through the course on the goes bitten gray. Then we all burst into applause when she clears the final jump with no faults.

After that was the dressage eventing.

The rest of us move to the dressage arena. As we do, Pin tells me that Derek had arrested all of the horse thieves and Sam had turned herself in. She had been the one behind Raven's abduction.

I couldn't believe it.

I can't imagine how Marcus must be feeling about his cousin's betrayal...

I stand next to Mia and Pin close to the fence and he has his arm around my shoulders.

"Can Rebecca Sidebottom make her way to the arena for the dressage test?" The announcer asks.

Eyes bugging, the blonde gasps, "Oh, my Bob, that's me!"

I tell Becky assuringly, "Don't worry, Becky, you can do this. Just... go out there and have fun."

Mia tells Becky, "Bright Fields us ten points behind Halloway. It's tight, but I think we can win this."

Jade says to Becky, "Right. It's all up to you, now, Becky."

Pursing her lips, Becky says, holding out her hand, "Hand me my glow sticks."


Becky walks into the dressage arena just as Different Beat by Little Mix comes on. Bob has pink ribbons in his tail and pink bandages on his fetlocks. His long mane and forelock have been braided and Becky even has yellow glow sticks stuck to the outside of her boots.

Becky salutes the judges before doing a rein back.

Mia wonders aloud as I laugh at Bob's getup, "I thought dressage was classical music?"

Bob walks in a pirouette as the judges have WTF faces on. Becky moves Bob the other side and does another pirouette.

When the music stops, we all burst into cheer. "Go Becky!" Rosie, Amber and I cheer.

"That was..." Jade begins as Becky exits the arena.

"... horsesome!" Zoe finishes, causing us to whirl to see her leading Raven towards us, saliva built up in his mouth from his epic escape. "Definitely horsesome!"

"Zoe! You missed my round! Soverign and I did it!" I tell her excitedly.

"That's also horsesome!" Zoe says.

"Zoe, you're back!" Jade says.

"I don't believe it," Says Mia as Amber and I go up to Jade and Zoe. "Where did you find him?"

"You've found Raven? Hi," Jade says, stroking his nose as I gently pat his sweaty neck.

"Raven! Hi, boy," Amber says as she gently strokes his velvety muzzle. "I'm so glad you're safe."

"Good job, Becky! Yeah, Becky!" Rosie says.

"Way to go!" Amber cheers, smiling.

"Well done, Becky," Mia says, smiling.

As Becky hands her reins over, she catches sight of Zoe. "Zoe!"

"Good job, Becky!" Zoe says to her.

"Nice of you to finally show up, Zoe," I say, grinning.

"Better late than never," She returns, also grinning.

"And, now, it's time to announce the County Show winner!" The announcer says as he stands in the arena, mic in hand. "This was the closest we've ever seen it with just one point in it. But it gives me great pleasure to announce that this year's winner is..." I see Marcus running up to the opposite fence. "... Bright Fields Stables!"

We all gasp and burst into loud cheer as Marcus leaps over the fence. My friends, except Zoe who stays by Raven, run into the arena.

"Come on!" I exclaim, grabbing Pin's hand and running into the arena with him. Amber follows close behind. Even Rosie was in there!

Becky and Jade hold onto each other as they jump up and down while Jade squeals, "I can't believe it!!"

We all get into a group hug and I drag Pin into it, all of us cheering.

The announcer says, "And now, to present the winner's trophy, it's Olympic gold medalist, Charlotte Dujadin!"

The brown haired woman, her hair in a ponytail, walks up to us and takes the gold trophy from the announcer, before handing it to Becky. She and I were both huge fans of Charlotte.

Becky jumps up and down wildly as she cheers, the rest of us laughing.

I hug Pin and he returns it, Amber and Rosie hugging each other. I'm happy that those two are friends.

Mia says to Susie, "Susie! No boys. Especially not from the opposite team."

"Get lost, Mia!" Susie snaps at her. "He's my boyfriend!"

I watch, curious, as she runs over to the guy who'd smirked at me earlier and hops onto the fence. She leans in and kisses him.

I giggle and I'm tugged back to Pin, my hand resting on his chest. "You were brilliant today, Emma," He tells me. Becky actually hugs Charlotte, making her laugh.

"Thanks, Pin."

Pin cups my right cheek and I ignore anyone staring as he pulls me in for another deep kiss.

What a perfect way to end the County Show!


Back home, the next morning, in my short sleeved dark blue shirt and matching navy jodhpurs, with my matching blue jewellery set, I'm inside Soverign's stall while sitting on the floor and tickling his muzzle whenever he'd lower his head to me.

"Hey." I look up to see Pin looking over the stall door. He enters and sits down next to me. "Mind if I join you?" I shake my head and he comes to sit beside me.

"I'm gonna miss Zoe," I say as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"Me, too. And Raven," Says Pin.

"I'm really glad you two were able to find him. I was really worried."

"I wish you could've been there, Em. It was pretty awesome," Says Pin. We fall silent for awhile as we watch the palomino gelding munching on hay.

"I love you, Emma."

I smile at that as I caress his cheek. "I love you, too, Pin."

Pin and I lean in, ignoring Soverign who is watching, and kiss each other deeply, warmth blooming in my chest, my left hand cupping Pin's cheek.


Zoe returns to Bright Fields just as and hands the reins to Marcus.

I give Zoe's parents and Rosie a sad smile.

Jade, Becky and I hug Zoe when we run over to them.

"We'll miss you, Zoe!" Jade says as Pin goes up to Zoe and they say their own goodbye.

"I'll miss you guys too, but I promise to keep in touch."

"You'd better!" I tell her.

"You won't forget about us?" Becky says.

"Of course not! It was great meeting you guys. I'm really happy for you and Pin, Emma," She says.

"Thanks, Zoe," I say as we pull back. "I'll miss you, too." She then goes to say her goodbye to Pin.

When I turn around, a yute with a large horse float attached pulled up to us. A man with blonde hair gets out and opens the door behind his. A lady with short, curly dark hair gets out and stares right at Raven.

"There he is. Load him up," She says as he man shuts the door.

"Wait. No...!" Zoe gasps, running over to us.

"You can't take him. I'm in charge at the moment, and..." Marcus behind but the lady cuts him off.

"I'm Meredith Moore and this is my horse. His papers." She takes out the papers and hands them to Marcus. "He was stolen as a foal, and I've been searching for him for four years."

"It's all here," Marcus says as I read over his shoulder, the man taking off Raven's bridle for his halter. "His passports, documents..."

"Look," I say, giving the papers to Zoe.

"Wait... no, no!" She gasps, dark eyes wide.

"That's right. This horse is of royal bloodline. His mother is Ruby Dawn," Meredith says, making both me and Becky gape.

I say, "She was a world famous racehorse."

"She literally won every race that was races, ever!" Becky adds. By now, Zoe's parents and Amber have joined us.

I murmur, "I knew Raven was special."

"His name isn't Raven. It's Midnight Blue," Meredith snaps.

Becky mutters to the black horse, "Don't worry. My middle name's Lavinia."

"What's the hold up here? Just get him in the trailer!" Meredith snaps as Marcus holds the saddle cloth and saddle.

As the man leads Raven away, Jade insists, "But he just got settled. He's happy here."

"Wait, no! Mum, she's taking him!" Zoe turns on her mum.

"She owns him, darling. She has a right to take him home," Maggie says, rubbing her shoulder.

The man tries to load Raven but he pulls back, whinnying.

Meredith says to Zoe, "Young Lady? I'd appreciate a little help?"

Zoe goes to protest to her mum but Maggie says, "Do the right thing."

Zoe's dad adds, nodding, "It's okay."

"Zoe, don't," I say, eyes pleading as I follow after her. Amber also looks at her pleasingly as I wrap an arm around her shoulders.

"There's nothing I can do," She says, looking at me helplessly. She goes up to Raven and takes the lead rope. I would've done but I decided to let Zoe have her goodbye. "Come on, Raven. Give this to me! Give this to me!" Zoe murmurs soothingly into his ear and Raven relaxes before letting Zoe lead him onto the float.

Zoe steps out as I stand next to Pin who had come over from my horse float as the older man closed Meredith's float. Raven whinnies as he paws the floor and Zoe goes to her car.

Maggie says as Zoe gets in her car, "Zoe, everything will be fine."

Frank says as he hugs Zoe, "Don't worry. It'll all work out. See you." They pull out. I notice as Pin helps to lock the ramp that he loosens the bolt. Pin catches me looking and puts his finger to his lips for me to be quiet.

We run onto the road with Meredith to see Zoe hugging Raven's muzzle.

Zoe's car had dropped down the driveway.

Meredith orders Zoe, "Hand him over."

"You can't take him!" Zoe yells. "I won't let you!"

"How dare you tell me what to do with my horse!"

"You may own him but you don't know him!" Zoe yells her. "Not like I do! And, you definitely don't know what's best for him! He's not just some super valuable racehorse! He's a frightened, messed up runaway who's found a safe home, and people who love him! And, you can't just walk in here and expect...!"

"Fine!" Meredith cuts in.

Zoe echoes in confusion, ""Fine?" What do you mean, "Fine?""

"I'm no fool," Meredith says in a tone of understanding. "I can see the bond between the two of you. Someone's got to train this horse, and I suppose it might as well be you."

"Wait..." Zoe shakes her head in confusion. "I didn't mean..."

"We'll stable him here at Bright Fields. He'll need a lot of work, but you've made an effective start, and I'm sure we can bring him up to some kind of standard."

Zoe reminds her, "But, I-I'm flying back to the states today."

"Are you?" Meredith prompts.

"I'm done!" Rosie groans, throwing her hands up. She whirls around and stomps back to her car. "I'm done! I give up! I-I'm leaving! I'm going back to LA! I'm dad! Get in the car!"

After exchanging looks with Maggie, her dad follows.

Zoe gazes after them, as her mum lingers. Zoe looks from me beside her and to our friends, smiling at us.

While being with her family is important, I also want Zoe to stay, just as I know everyone else does, because she's about as much apart of Bright Fields as Raven.

Bright Fields just wouldn't be the same without Zoe or Raven.

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