Teen Wolf No More


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Allison Argent returns to Beacon Hills after twelve years since leaving (in Teen Wolf Season 2 Finale) to fin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 4

140 4 0

Road to Spa of Reyes
Kira's POV

"My lightning, there are times that I spend most of my time at the hospital seeing patient after patient," Scott replied taking my hands into his and kissing the palms. "And doing back to back surgeries and sometimes having my mind at work while I'm home with you and our son and I end up neglecting you, and that's not counting my other duties, and yet you're still with me.

You still love me enough to worry about us and are passionate enough to make out with me in the back of a limousine like a young couple after a long day at work and not because you feel like it's your marital duties but because you actually want to.

I don't know about you but I know every time one of us or we both get too busy we make up for it and the sex and the passion we have for each other and our devotion to our family is on another level and I can't see myself seeking someone else's company when I know what awaits me, what awaits us, at the end of all the busyness."

I couldn't help the tears that escaped down my cheeks and the warm feeling that filled my heart and banished most of the insecurities that rose with Allison Argent's unexpected arrival. And Scott was right, when we made up we made up good.

"I love you," I told him and gave him the searing kiss that Aiden interrupted and this time no one interrupted our passionate make-out session for a few minutes so it got so heated that we forgot that we were picking up Lydia until Jessica informed us that we were at Aiden and Lydia's house.

"I love you." Scott reciprocated breathlessly when we separated.

"I know," I said with a big smile. "Let's get Lydia before we get carried away."

With that, Jessica opened the door for us and out we went.

"Um, sir..." Jessica began.

"I know, Jess. My wife is hot (emphasis on hot)!" Scott interrupted her with a goofy smile and we linked hands and hurried to get to Lydia's door.

In truth, we just wanted to get out of sight so we could make out some more and that's exactly what we did on the way to the door once we were out of sight and I used a not so controlled electric current to ring the doorbell when we got there.
Steiner House
Lydia's POV

An outfit fit for the best lawyer in Beacon County? Check. Makeup? On point. Hearing the doorbell ringing? Yep. Wait, what?

I paused admiring myself and listened and there the doorbell rang again, prompting me to stop admiring myself and check who was at the door.

When I opened it I didn't expect to find a dishevelled Kira and Scott at my doorstep trying to appear all calm and collected.

"Hey!" Kira greeted while Scott waved.

"Ready to leave?" He inquired.

"Ready to leave?" I asked back.

"Yeah. Aiden sent us to get you." Kira said.

"I'm not leaving with you two."

"Why?" / "Why not?" Kira and Scott asked in unison.

"While I'm ready to leave, you two are not," I replied and pointed at Kira's messy hair and dress and Scott's undone belt and zipper and then pulled them inside. "Go fix yourselves. In separate rooms! (I added when they moved in the same direction, taking Kira with me). You know, I'm surprised you two haven't given Sandā siblings yet."

"Simple mathematics," Kira said. "More children, less sex."

I couldn't agree more.

As much as children were said to be blessings, rainbows and all that, they were the most demanding full-time jobs and high maintenance kind of blessings, rainbows and all that in the world and came with a lot of terms and conditions and that was after nine months of pregnancy and childbirth and then post-childbirth.

"Why are you picking me up?" I asked as we entered my bathroom to get a clue on what Aiden had planned.

"We're picking you up because you're an awesome lawyer and I need a break from work," Kira replied and then looked at herself in the mirror. "Wow! I'm a mess."

"You are but don't worry, I'll help..." I began to say until I saw that Kira's dress was torn in a few places and the zipper was halfway undone and showed her and she started giggling. "What's with you?"

"Oh, nothing." She said in a tone that contradicted her.


"OK, I just..." She paused to collect her thoughts. "I just realised that Scott and I are as crazy about each other as we were all those years ago, if not more, and I can't get enough of him.

I mean I didn't realise how close we were to have the best sex yet in the car until you pointed out that his pants were a little undone! That's how crazy I am about Scott McCall even after all these years!"

"Judging by the torn dress, I would say he's as crazy about you as you are about him," I replied.

"Exactly!" Kira agreed with me wholeheartedly. "I've lost count of the clothes we've torn and I've burned with my foxfire! You know what?"

"What?" I asked with anticipation because of the spark that entered Kira's eyes and signalled that she had an interesting idea or a crazy one.

"This is going to be the greatest weekend of our lives yet." She stated with a stage whisper. "Do you remember that red and black party dress I asked you to hold onto for me?"


"Do you still have that sexy two-piece you bought on the same day?"

"You mean the one I couldn't fit into?"

"That's the one and you're not pregnant anymore," Kira confirmed and I nodded that I still had it, somewhere, and she gave me a very foxy smile in return. "Scott, I know that you're listening, here is a change of plans.

Lydia and I will meet you at our destination. (Pause.) You're going to have to take a taxi. (Pause.) The wait will be worth it. (She then looked at me and said) We're going to blow their minds."

I had no doubt as we got to work.

Before Aiden was guaranteed a mind-blowing night for being such a thoughtful and loving husband and I knew he planned the same for me to celebrate, but now...

I sometimes forgot that Kira was a literal vixen but tonight she reminded me.

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