Stardew valley one shots~🍋

By 1Idontkmow1919191

198 1 8

Some star-dew valley one shots for you, since I want to practise my smut writing skills and I have been hyper... More

Doctors orders~ (harvey x fem reader) P1

Doctors orders~ (harvey x fem reader) P2🍋

99 1 8
By 1Idontkmow1919191

Rose felt terrible...

She had hurried home in a rush, passing everyone she met with not even a glance. Finally, she arrived back to the farm, walking inside her cottage and resting against the wall, running her good hand through her hair with a sigh. Her heart rate was just as high as it was in the clinic, still not getting over the flustered state of what had happened, while also feeling incredibly guilty atop of that. Well, that was it... she had done it now, Harvey would never want to even look at her again after what she had said, or more correctly, what she hadn't said. But hey... maybe that was for the best

She groaned and walked to her bedroom, flopping down on her bed and staring up at her roof, unable to help the moment from earlier replaying again and again in her head. Pushing the complications of it all to the side, for now, she dwelled on how Harvey had looked so close up. How soft and gentle his touches were... his lips-

Fuck... her mind had started wondering again. She remembered how his hand had felt on her chest, imagined how they would feel on the rest of her body- how his lips would feel on her neck, her shoulders. She pushed her thighs together slightly, closing her eyes as she tried to move her hand down, Ewww but remembering the sling it was now stuck in. Frustrated, a string of profanities left her lips, before remembering something. Opening her eyes, she reached down and fumbled under her bed, eventually finding what she was looking for and pulling it out from its hiding place. A vibrator. This should help slightly, saying as though she couldn't use her dominant hand anymore.

Wasting no time, she reached down with her healthy hand and unbuttoned her pants, shuffling them off along with her underwear. She then reached for the vibrator, switching it on and placing it between her legs, letting out a sharp breath, followed by a whimper as she finally felt the pleasure she wanted, no, needed. The sexual tension that had been built up inside her all morning was finally being satiated.

She closed her eyes once again and slipped back into her imagination. She pictured Harvey again, pushing her against the wall in that clinic and kissing her Roughly, needy.. the same way she had craved to kiss him earlier. Picturing him sliding a hand up her thigh, feeling his hands exactly where she wanted them. He was a doctor, no doubt he was fucking incredible with his hands. Loud moans and whines echoed off the walls of the small room, and for a moment, all the worries that had built up over the day slipped away into the back of her mind.

Harvey's POV:
What had he done wrong? That's all he wanted to know. He felt stupid for asking, excusing his question as a doctor simply concerned for his patient... but it was more than that. Truth be told, it stung. It stung seeing the farmer befriend every single person in town, everyone other than him. Harvey's was a lonely man, and when he had laid his eyes on Rose the first day she arrived in pelican town, a small flicker of hope lit inside him.
She was gorgeous- her brown eyes complemented by her dark brown hair... that smile, a smile that Harvey would find himself pondering about over and over again, day after day as he saw her around the town. Oh, how he wished she would smile at him like that again.
He sighed, his glasses being placed to the side of his desk as he rested his head in his hands. Who was he kidding? Why would he think there was any hope, any hope that she would take to him, of all people. She was so much younger than him, had so many amazing qualities, an adventurous personality, a bright future...

And he was simply boring. His schedule was the same, day after day, with only a handful of friends, one of which being his co-worker. God, he felt pathetic... but he needed to fix this, if not for himself, for Rose. Harvey was the only doctor in a four-mile radius of pelican town, and if he didn't try his best to make sure he and Rose were at least civil, she would have to find another clinic to attend.

So he stood up and pulled himself together, grabbing some of the painkillers that he didn't have a chance to prescribe to the girl before she stormed out and started his journey to the farm. His pace was quick, maybe due to nerves, maybe because he just wanted to see her again, wanted the chance to apologise for anything he did that wronged her. Arriving at the door of the farmhouse, he quietly knocked, his palms sweaty. No answer. Once again, he knocked, but still, nothing...

He was about to walk away when he noticed the door opening. Had she forgotten to close it? He stood there for a little longer and dwelled on what to do. Surely he shouldn't just waltz in, it's not like they were friends or anything. But no, he needed to make this better- so with a shaky breath, he walked inside.

Looking around the house, he couldn't help but admire it. It was cosy, maybe slightly minimalistic, but he liked it, it fitted her well. "Rose?" He called out quietly, not wanting to startle her. Still, no answer... was she even here? Maybe she was with Leah, he had remembered her mention that she was the one that made her go to the clinic in the first place. As he sighed and walked towards the door again, he heard a groan coming from another room in the house. Concern filled his chest.... had she hurt herself again? Quickly, he walked towards where the noise was coming from, walking inside the bedroom.

But what he saw made him stop in his tracks... she was not in pain- to the contrary. There she was, sprawled out on the bed, head thrown back as she pleasured herself. Needless to say, Harvey was a complete mess. His hand flew to his mouth as his face went crimson. He felt like such a creep, just watching her like this- enjoying it nonetheless... he knew he should leave, and he was about to. That was until he heard something slip out of roses slightly parted lips.

"Harvey~ oh god!"

He couldn't quite comprehend what he had heard, but just as he thought that he had just misheard her, she said it again
And again
And again...

Harvey's eyes were wide. The woman who had been ignoring his existence for months, the person who he had been admiring since he first laid eyes on her was laying in front of him, moaning HIS name? The shock that the man felt was intense, causing him To stumble back slightly, tripping over a small pile of clothes that were placed in the corner of the room, his back hitting the wall with a soft thump.
Oh shit.....

Roses POV:
God, she was so fucking close to release at this point, her legs trembling as she turned the vibration on her toy up slightly. And then, all shame she had built up dissipated as she began mewling out the man's name, the man that had got her so worked up in the first place. Harvey's name slid out of her mouth over and over again, and it felt amazing, the name forming in her mouth as if it was meant to be said. She got louder, sounding more desperate by the second as she got closer to her climax.

And then... panic struck her. Rose bolted upright with a gasp, her head shooting around at the noise of someone behind her. And what she saw made her want to cry from sheer humiliation. Pulling the sheets of her bed around her as fast as she could "h-Harvey? What the fuck are you doing here!?!? god did you hear me? O-Oh I'm so fucking sorry, you probably think I'm such a creep I-" she trailed off and buried her face into her blankets, wanting the earth to swallow her whole at that moment, but her heart actually might have stopped for a second at what he said next

"C-can you... can you continue? Please- keep going, if you don't mind..."

Roses eyes went wide as she turned back to look at him. His face was flushed, an awed expression frozen on his features as he stared at her. The words of the man sent heat to her lower abdomen, gulping and breathing out a reply. "You want me to... keep doing it? N-now?"
Her voice was barely above a whisper, not knowing what exactly to do in this situation.

Harvey wasn't quite sure what animalistic instinct took over him, but he walked closer to Rose, sitting down on the chair across from her bed and nodding "yes... I want to watch you- I want to hear you say my name like that again, please"

Rose blinked in awe, but she couldn't deny how fucking hot this was making her feel, so she simply nodded, her eyes never leaving the man now sitting at the end of her bed. She gulped and turned her toy back on, placing it once again between her legs with a moan. This whole situation was so overwhelming, but it was something straight from her fantasies, so she sure as hell wasn't going to stop.
She continued like this for another while, but she was growing frustrated, she wanted more
"Harvey, please oh, please touch me, this isn't ah~ enough... I want to feel you pleaseeeee" she whined, and the reaction it sent through Harvey was indescribable, all self-restraint that he had left in him dissipated as he heard Rose beg for him. He stood up and crawled onto the bed dragging a hand up her thigh as he connected their lips, groaning into the woman's touch.

Rose was a fucking mess already, but as soon as she felt Harvey's lips on her own, she lost it, letting out a loud whimper into the kiss and shivering at the feeling of his hands on her thighs, lifting her hand and tangling it in the doctor's hair. After a few minutes, the man pulled away for air, sitting back up so he had a full view of roses body, letting out a growl as he reached between her legs, feeling the wetness coat his fingers "mmm, is this all for me?" He questioned, watching the woman below him squirm and gasp " fuck, Ah, YES, yes it's all for you" she cried out. Her words were enough encouragement for Harvey to dip two fingers inside of her, biting his lip at the sensation of her squeezing around his fingers and moaning out for him. Thankfully, due to his extensive knowledge of biology, he knew exactly what to do, exactly the spots to press on as he curled his fingers

Rose grasped onto the bedsheets with all her strength, her eyes shutting tightly as she felt Harvey's fingers inside of her. His hands were huge, reaching and pressing down on places she hadn't even reached herself. She was right about one thing, he was fucking incredible with his hands. But one thing that bothered her was the clothes in the room, more specifically her lack of, and his, too many. She pulled back from his touch and sat up, fully planning on taking some dominance into her own hands, but Harvey had other plans.

As she sat up and got closer to him, the doctor grasped her and pushed her back down on the bed "oh no no no, I don't think so" he spoke out, the dominant tone to his voice making Rose tremble. "I'll give you what you want, but I want my answers first~" he continued, pushing two fingers back inside her and hearing her moan out. "So, is this why you've been ignoring me hm? You didn't want your dirty little fantasies you were having about your doctor coming to light? He teased watching her nod, before throwing her head back with a dragged out whine. ", how precious~tell me Rose, what is it that you have been fantasising about hmm? Why don't you let me in on your little secrets" he spoke, watching her whine in embarrassment and cover her face. The silence in the room displeased him, so he leant down and whispered in her ear." let me be more specific, what were you thinking about during your appointment earlier Hm? Because I have good information now to consider your heart rate wasn't elevated because of nerves" He whispered out, leaning down and kissing down the woman's neck

Rose was mortified, but she was too far gone to deny the man his wishes, so although her face was completely bright red, she began to explain "a-ah, earlier... when you were crouching down in front of me, I-I was just picturing your mouth on me..." she mumbled out softly and turned to look away from the doctor

Harvey couldn't help but smile, turning roses face back to look at him "oh? And where is it that you want my mouth ~" he asks in a low tone, watching as the other bites her lip
"Everywhere but... Especially between my legs"

"Well, since you've been so good, I'm sure I can do that for you~" Harvey mewls, making his way down roses body, appreciating and savouring every inch of it. The man gently nibbled and peppered small kisses along roses stomach, then down to her thighs, then finally, right where she wanted it. With a desperate whimper and a hand now tangled in his hair, Harvey continued, starting slow, he pressed his tongue between her folds, then up to her clit, circling and taking it into his mouth, sucking softly at a steady pace. His hands got to work too, one of which grabbed roses thigh, while the other went right back to where it was before, entering a couple of fingers in her as he worked at her with his mouth at the same time.

Rose didn't quite believe that this level of absolute euphoria actually existed, but here she was, with one of; if not THE most attractive bachelor of pelican town between her legs, skilfully pleasuring her in ways that made her mind simply melt. Every single touch, brush, press on her skin was causing heat to run through every molecule of her being, and just as that began to happen, she felt heat suddenly start to pool in her core, her grip on the doctor's hair tightening
"Fuckkk, Harvey I'm so close, don't stop, don't stop please!!!!" She panted, her moans getting louder and louder, more desperate before the crescendo, the orgasm that she had been craving for hours finally ripped through her, her legs locking in place as her body shook. The final cry of Harvey's name fell from roses lips, and finally, for the first time since this morning, she felt at peace.

Harvey was enjoying this as much as rose was. The filthy noises that came from her were enough to make him tense up, and her grip on his hair was incredibly encouraging. He kept his movements up at a steady pace until he heard the signal from her that she was close, taking that as a sign to move slightly faster, groaning against her as he felt her tighten up, her thighs locking around his head. The feeling was indescribable, knowing that he was the one making her react like this, making her feel so good, sent heat rolling through the doctor's body. Finally, he pulled away and wiped his now damp lips on his sleeve, staring down at rose and panting.

"You are exquisite" he simple mumbled out, leaning back done and taking her lips with his own. The kiss was messy, needy, but it felt incredible- all he wanted was to sit here and continue this Moment for forever... but the man pulled back, and looked down, a soft concerned look on his face

"Are you ok? Is your wrist in pain, because we can stop if you would like, I don't want to hurt you-" he was cut off by a finger being pressed to his lips, rose sitting up and smiling

"I don't want to stop... you've done so much for me, but I want to do something for you too" she smiled, reconnecting the kiss once again and gently pushing him back against the wall at the end of the bed. Climbing into his lap, not so gracefully, and beginning to kiss down his neck, feeling his hands firmly on her waist, and god- the sounds that tumbled from his lips were music to rose's ears. The soft gasps, the quiet, breathy moans that caused her arousal to come rolling back.

Slowly, she pulled off his jacket and threw it off to the side, starting her way down the buttons of his shirt, which were causing some difficulty due to having to do it with only a single hand... After both were off, she inhaled and took her time, caressing her hand down his shoulders and chest.

Harvey gasped at the sensation of roses touch, the nibbles she was placing on his neck and the feeling of her caressing down his chest were soft- but my god if they weren't driving him completely and utterly mad. His head was thrown back at this point hands clamped around roses waist like vices as he subconsciously lifted his hips in hopes of some friction  between them both

Rose was enjoying this all as is, but as she felt Harvey grind up against her, feeling his hardness against her, she needed it.  Starting slow, she looked the doctor right  in the eyes, starting to roll her hips down onto his, tilting her head slightly to the side as she heard the strained moans that the man-made as a result of her actions

"Ah~ you like that, Hm? Well then a-ah, why don't you take the rest of your clothes off and I can do it properly?" She says, and Harvey blinks at her in awe "y-you want to- are you sure you want that rose? I don't want you to regret something like that just to make me feel good, and besides, I'm a little out of practise, you might be disappoin-" He said nervously but was shut up by another deep kiss

"You don't see it, do you? I trust you Harvey, and I don't care if you're "out of practice" or whatever, I promise you, I won't be disappointed. With you, even a brush of your hand can make me a complete mess, like earlier when you were checking my heart rate, your hand brushed my chest and that's why my heartbeat was so out of control. I've been craving this level of intimacy with you for months, so please, I want you" she explains

Harvey simply smiles at rose, his heart fluttering at her words. In reply, he nodded his head "ok... but if we're going to do this, you need to lay down ok? I don't want you injuring that wrist anymore." Harvey spoke out, gently laying the other down onto the bed, her head falling back against the soft pillows.

"Doctors orders~" he adds with a whisper into her ear, causing her face to light up red as she gripped to his shoulders and kissed him, this time much softer than the others. Harvey, without breaking the kiss, reached down and began undressing his lower half, undoing his belt and pulling off his pants, leaving him in just his underwear, which he was quick to remove also. With a breath of relief from no longer being restrained by the tight fabric of his clothing anymore, he broke away from the kiss to get his breath back; looking away as a blush spread to his ears, it had been a very, very long time since he'd been completely nude in front of another, so he was a little out of his depths.

But when rose sat up to take in the scene in front of her, she couldn't help but stare... Having Harvey, sitting here, on her bed, completely nude, had her jaw dropped as she explored his body with her eyes
His broad shoulders complimenting the rest of his body perfectly. He wasn't super toned or anything, but he had a great body nonetheless. Soon, her eyes trailed further down his torso, and she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding at what she saw

He was bigger than she had expected him to be... Nothing ridiculous, but definitely over average. She then breathed out a "your perfect" quietly, without even really meaning to say anything, but it was what made Harvey turn around and catch her eyes tracing his body. Placing a hand on his face and letting out a nervous chuckle "ah jeez- please don't stare, it's embarrassing" he spoke, watching as rose shook her head and replied "believe me... You have nothing to be embarrassed about"

And with that, Harvey leaned down and stole another kiss, spreading open roses legs slightly wider and positioning himself between them. With a small breath he looked at rose "are you sure about this..." he mumbled out anxiously.

Rose simply smiled softly, leaning up and kissing his cheek, pulling off his glasses gently and placing them on the bedside table "I'm sure harvery~ I want this.."

"I want you~"

And with that, Harvey had got the confirmation that he needed. Positioning himself at her entrance he slowly pushed inside her, a dragged out groan falling from his lips, propping himself up properly above her on his elbows. Wow... She felt incredible, the sensation of her walls tightening in around him sent a shot of pleasure up his entire body.

Holy shit... This was happening! Rose gasped as her hands flew over her mouth. It had been quite a while since she had gotten any action, but she never remembered it feeling this good. As Harvey pulled out and thrusting back in, she mewled for him, the noises coming from him mixed with the pleasure he was making her feel was unmatched... This was different than any casual hookups shed had in the past, this meant something
And that in of itself made the whole act so, so much more pleasurable.

The act continued, the noises getting louder and the thrusting becoming faster and more careless, both of them revealing in the euphoric feeling. But as Harvey rested his head in the crook of roses shoulder, he quietly whispered out "I'm.. ah! I'm close" and grasped his hand tightly in the bedsheet where he was holding himself up. Rose wasn't far off her second orgasm of the night either, so just pulled him closer and moaned out "me too, p-please, keep going, fuck!"

The agreement from rose was enough encouragement for Harvey to speed up, biting a dark bruise onto the bottom of her neck. Hearing a strained out whine fall from roses mouth as she tightened up around him, and that is what pushed him over the edge. He quickly pulled out, releasing onto her stomach, groaning loudly as ropes of cum fall onto the other's skin.

Both Harvey and rose started panting heavily, trying to recover from what had just happened. Harvey lay down beside the other in the bed, pushing his hair back from his now damp face, a smile present on his lips "that was... incredible" he breathed out, watching as Rose nodded in reply

"Your incredible" she speaks, turning around and laying her head on the doctor's chest, feeling his arm wrap around her. She couldn't help but smile, completely relaxing into Harvey's touch. The two lay in comfortable silence for a while, before Rose spoke up "um- Harvey?..." she started, looking up at him "please tell me you're not married..." she spoke.

Harvey quickly turned his head to look at her, a confused expression present on his face "- what?! No, of course not!!" He answered, "wait- why do you ask?"

Rose felt both relief and embarrassment concoct in her chest, sighing and looking up at the other "oh... I just um-" she sighed, laying her head back into his shoulder "that's one of the reasons I was avoiding you, I guess I just assumed that you were married, saying as though your slightly older and well, you're you! You are kind and considerate and absolutely perfect, I couldn't think why someone wouldn't want to marry you. I completely avoided you because I had feelings for you and didn't want to mess anything up for you... It hurt too much to see you so I didn't come for checkups, I didn't "befriend" you because I didn't want to become too carried away... But now I just feel like an idiot. For me- this was more than just a hookup, I just thought you should know, even if you don't feel the same" she explained, a fear growing after speaking about how he would react

Harvey could barely believe what he was hearing,
A small frown grew on his face at roses explanation. He was too cowardly to speak to her too, so as much as he thought she was ignoring her, it was probably a reciprocated feeling. Harvey leaned down and kissed the girls forehead, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear "I'm so sorry... I didn't think that you felt that way at all, I suppose I was just afraid that I had hurt you in some way, it's why I asked in the first place. But after hearing you say all of that, I feel guilty for even asking. I just want you to know that I feel the same. I remember seeing you, the first day you arrived in town, and god, I couldn't get my mind off of you, even to this day. It hurt because I thought you were avoiding me, but hearing your explanation I just... I'm just glad that you told me." He replies, seeing roses face light up as she pulls him in for a kiss

The two continue their embrace, lips locked and moving in motion, the pace slow and soft. As their connection broke with a soft gasp from each of their mouths, rose rested her forehead against his

"I think it's about time we make up for lost time~"

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