Stardew valley one shots~🍋

By 1Idontkmow1919191

200 1 8

Some star-dew valley one shots for you, since I want to practise my smut writing skills and I have been hyper... More

Doctors orders~ (harvey x fem reader) P2🍋

Doctors orders~ (harvey x fem reader) P1

101 0 0
By 1Idontkmow1919191

"Leah, it's fine, seriously! with a little ice and a bandage it'll be healed up in a few days!"
Rose huffed, holding her now injured wrist, a bright purple colour from where the tree branch had trapped it in only moments earlier. The farmer stared over at the redhead, whose arms where now crossed as she tapped her foot impatiently on the damp ground of the farmland
"Rose, I swear, if you don't get your ass to the clinic right now, I'll drag you there myself! You need to get Harvey to look at that right now."
The other girl was anything but easy, and rose knew at this point that she wasn't going to shut up about it, so, although reluctantly, she gave in "ok ok fine! I'll go down to the clinic now, even if just to stop your nagging"
And that's what lead her Here , walking down the dirt path and into the humble town. Looking around, she seen a couple of familiar faces. Penny gave her a small greeting as she escorted Jas and Vincent back home after a day of schooling, and Abigail grinned in recognition, a sword draped on her shoulder as she made her way to the mines.
As rose strolled down to the clinic, she began to slip into her thoughts. She had never actually been to the clinic as of yet over her months in the valley. Although, even so, she had definitely noticed Harvey, remembering there first meeting. It was her first day in town, and mayor Lewis was introducing her to all the locals. They ran into Harvey last, spotting him wondering around the gardens beside the town. When he turned around... well rose could barely speak- the man was definitely a looker, his thick brown locks of hair slightly pushed out of the of his bright green eyes, framed with glasses- His kind smile greeted her as he welcomed her to visit the clinic whenever assistance was needed...

since then, rose couldn't get the image of him from her mind. She had assumed him married, as he looked slightly older, and when you looked like that, it's hard to believe that you wouldn't be taken! She wasn't about to pine over a married man, so she avoided him and his clinic at all costs, which definitely resulted in some very amateur first aid that she performed on herself whenever she was to injure herself on the farm or in the mines.
But now, thanks to her friend, here she was, at the door of his clinic... swallowing the lump in her throat and inhaling heavily, she opened the door...

And there he was, the same gorgeous man she had remembered him as
"Oh! Farmer rose! It's a pleasure to meet you again-" he spoke, his facial expression seeming almost spooked as she walked into the waiting room
"Oh, aha- hey Harvey... I was just wondering if you could take a look at my wrist? I injured myself while doing some carpentry on the farm earlier, and Leah insisted I get you take a look at it, although I personally don't see much of a problem, it's just a little bruised-"
Rose began to speak but dragged her sentence off as she spotted the concerned look spread across Harvey's face when he got a glance of her wrist
"Rose, that looks a lot worse than a simple bruise.. come right in, I need to look at that immediately before you make it any worse!"
He spoke in almost a scolding tone, but still, it was impossible not to hear the worry lining each and every single word that came from his mouth
Rose quickly hurried back into the mans office, sitting down on the patients chair and watching as Harvey crouches down beside her. He ever so gently took her hand in his, Rose having to compose herself as she looked down at the other. His hands were slightly calloused, just like her own, but his touch was so very gentle, something she didn't quite expect due to the mans stature. Goosebumps prickled at her skin as she felt his thumb press to her palm, his fingers slowly pressing her hand into a fist as he stared down at the movements, biting his lip in concentration... a habit that Rose hadn't noticed before, but now that she had, it caused her heart to start cartwheeling in her chest. A blush grew on her face as she studied Harvey's features up close. His glasses had slid low down on his nose, showing her his deep, kind eyes without anything blocking them. The moustache that prickled the mans top lip gave him a mature look, but god- if she didn't admit that in of itself wasn't doing things to her, she would be lying. Finally... his lips. They were bent into a small frown as he studied her injured hand, but for some reason, Rose couldn't take her eyes of of them. They looked soft- very soft in fact. Thoughts of how soft they would feel against her own rushed through her brain. If only she could just lean in and-
"Alright... well thankfully, you don't seem to have any broken bones, but you do have a pretty severe sprain, I'm honestly surprised your so calm right now, I can imagine that must be pretty nasty" Harvey explaining her diagnosis pulled Rose from her thoughts, a new found humiliation washed upon her due to her own imagination, the heat in her face rising. Oh he couldn't be more wrong, she was definitely not calm
"O-oh, I see... aha, well I mean if it's not broken, there isn't anything you can do right! I suppose I should probably get going then-" she blurted out, causing Harvey to tilt his head in confusion
"Um - no not quite, there's no way your leaving here without a bandage and a sling for that.. and actually- while you are here I'd really like to give you a small checkup, you haven't been in for one yet right? Did you not get my letters?" He asked, almost sounding slightly hurt

What how hell was rose meant to reply to that!? "Actually Harvey, I DID get every single letter you sent, but due to me being a little head over heels for you I've tried to avoid you in case I accidentally turn out to be a complete homewrecker!"
Yeah, no, not gonna happen. Instead she just stayed silent, shaking her head in reply to his question, causing him to sigh... clearly that was a blatant lie, and he definitely picked up on it

"Well.. that doesn't matter now anyway, but as your doctor, I must insist on giving you your annual checkup" he speaks quietly as he wrapped her hand in a bandage, attaching a small fabric sling over her head. Rose gives in and nods... she may as well get it all over and done with now so she didn't have to come back here, at least, not for a very long time. Harvey smiles slightly at her compliance and grabs his stethoscope along with a couple of other tools and stands up "alright, I'm going to check your heart rate first ok?" Rose forces a smile back and nods her head "yeah, that's fine..." she replied quietly, but what happened next had her holding in an auditory gasp. The doctor had leant in, incredibly close, sliding his hand down the collar of her shirt, his hand gracing her skin as he placed the cold metal of the stethoscope on her chest.
Her heart was now about to hammer out of her fucking body- placing her hand to her mouth, Rose tried all she could to compose herself, but still, her heart pounded, and clearly, she wasn't the only one that noticed... Harvey's eyebrows furrowed as he pulled back the stethoscope "Rose, your heart rate is awfully high for someone your age, should I be worried?" He asked, completely cluelessly.
Rose was absolutely mortified, trying to come up with some stupid excuse for her current state.
"Oh, uh- no no, nothing to worry about, I'm just a little.... nervous?" She rambled, almost sounding like she was unsure about her answer, thankfully, Harvey took the answer and offered her a comforting smile "oh, I see? Doctor visits make you anxious? Well, nothing to worry about I promise, we're all done now anyways!" He answered, pulling back from Rose and and removing the stethoscope from his ears, draping it back around his knack and smiling.
"Well, other than your nerves, and your wrist, your completely healthy!" He spoke, but he looked like he was debating saying more

"Rose... may I ask you something? I just- I've noticed you've made a lot of friends around pelican town since you've arrived- which is great, I-I'm happy for you it's just... you seem to avoid me at all costs- I must ask, as your doctor, have I done something that has made you uncomfortable?" He gulps down a lump in his throat and looks down at the floor as he waits for a reply.

Roses heart sinks... she had no explanation at all. Guilt stings her chest, and instead of giving him an answer, she simply stood up "Harvey... I'm sorry, I have to get back to the farm-" she mumbles and quickly leaves the clinic, hand over her mouth as she begins to speed walk back to her cottage.

"You idiot"...

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