Connected - Twisted Wonderlan...

By MystZeoul

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*PLEASE READ IMPORTANT NOTE AND THE NEXT PART AFTER IT* Crowley has finally found a way for Yuu to return hom... More

Note before we begin!
1-1 - You bother a couple trying to cosplay with their cat
1-2 - You get exposed by an old man next door (and cry)
1-3 - Deuce consults the wise bubbles of the tub and things happen
Choose a Heartslabyul boy!
Goodbye (Screw NovelHD)

1-4 - You traumatize people with ketchup and onions become your biggest enemy

283 12 7
By MystZeoul

" guys followed Yuu into the mirror...leaving your lives in Twisted Wonderland behind..." You trailed off.

"When you word it that way, heh..." Cater scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "That's...dumb." You squinted at them. I thought Trey and Cater were the smarter ones! You sighed.

"It may seem like a dumb thing we did to you, but when you truly love somebody, you'd be ready to do anything for them." Trey smiled softly, looking off into the distance. Did he just read my mind? You frowned, you wanted some privacy around here. "No, he didn't read your mind, Trey's always like that~" Cater told you, taking a picture of the macaroons you had bought to apologize to Trey for running into him.

To truly love close did Yuu and the other boys get...? You wondered. Perhaps some had more of a platonic bond since Ace flirts so shamelessly with me sometimes! You huffed, your face getting slowly heated as you recalled that moment. I can only hope [favourite boy] only has a platonic bond with Yuu but I wouldn't hold it against them if it was anything else... You pouted.

ALTERNATIVE: If [favourite boy] is Trey or Cater

[Favourite boy] likes somebody else... You sighed. Well, it wasn't even like they knew you in the first place. They had just met you after all. You just should've got past your small fictional crush. But it's not just some fictional crush! You thought, suddenly flared up. You were probably being stupid. You calmed yourself and reasoned with yourself, you just had to sadly accept your fate.

It wasn't like you didn't have a chance with him though! You had a chance, you just had to respect their choice if they did decline you! Filled with new hope, you smiled.

Continuation of the story:

"Ne, Trey, can you do your thing~?" Cater turned to him innocently. Trey only sighed and smiled exasperatedly as he took out his magic pen. "Doodle Suit." He said as sparkles came out of his pen and onto the cupcake. "Thanks~" Cater gave him a closed-eyed smile as he enjoyed the new flavour of the cupcakes.

"Grim, you don't get any cupcakes for running into Trey. Apologize first." You strictly swatted Grim's paws away from the cupcakes. He frowned before muttering out a quick 'sorry' before turning up to you for confirmation. You nodded and he immediately swiped a cupcake and began eating it happily.

He was currently sitting in your lap as you sat at a picnic table a small distance away from the café and ice cream truck, so you could keep an eye on the ADeuce duo, sitting on a bench from further away. They had given you the ice cream before leaving to wander the park. You only requested they stay within your view. Deuce had agreed while Ace only rolled his eyes saying you were too worried.

You took a lick of [favourite flavour] ice cream. "[Your Name]~ do a pose!" Cater suddenly exclaimed, turning the phone to you and your ice cream. You smiled uncomfortably at the camera as he took a picture. "[Your Name], you look so stiff in these pictures, do you wanna do a retake?" He looked amused as he saw the picture. "Okay, yes, please." You quickly agreed. Cater had a decent following despite being a pretty new account. You could not let some bad photo of you get out to so many people.

"Um, what pose do you want me to do?" You asked. "Hm, do you mind if I help you~?" He got up from his chair.

"Sure." You shrugged. You trusted his advice. He wouldn't post a bad picture to his Jiffygram, he wasn't going to do anything to embarrass you.

"Okay, so just put your hand up here and..." Cater approached from behind leaned over your shoulder and began to move your hands into a pose. You tried your best to keep a blush from rising to your face.

"Ah, Cater...they look a little uncomfortable." Trey pointed out, noticing your expression. You were more flustered than uncomfortable. "Aw, sorry 'bout that." He smiled amusedly, returning to his side of the table to snap a picture. He did not look sorry at all but you just smiled for the camera. You dropped the pose as soon as he signalled he was done.

He posted it immediately as you got a notification from your phone alerting you of so. You licked your ice cream, it was starting to melt and you would not allow it to go to waste. "Give me some dazo." Grim grumbled in a hushed tone. "Fine." You whispered back. Grim took the ice cream into his paws and began to lick at it. "Nyaaa, it's so cool now..." He let out a blissful sigh.

It was a warm afternoon and a bit windy. It didn't seem like winter was coming anytime soon.

"So, Diamond-" You started before he cut you off. "You can just call me Cay! I'm not that old like Trey over here~" He giggled. "Now what's that supposed to mean? We are the same age, Cater." He replied.



You glared at him and he scrutinized you. You were both in this little staring contest for a while until Trey coughed. "You were saying something, [Your Name]?" He reminded the both of you. You both looked away.

"You still have Magicam on your phone and other apps right, Cater?" You asked, purposefully emphasizing 'Cater'. "I do~ but every time I try to open it, it just says an error has occurred. The same happened with every other app except the app store." Cater explained, glaring at you but still smiling. "I had some really nice pictures on there too...good thing I have some saved on my gallery." He sighed.

"So, do you guys have anywhere to stay or anything? I'm already housing Ace, Deuce and Grim so I wouldn't mind letting you guys stay as well..." You offered them. "You don't mind...?" Trey looked a little surprised.

"Right, in exchange," They both tensed at this. "All you guys have to do is occasionally do chores around the house and I'll let you stay at my place while you guys look for Yuu!" You grinned. "That's way simpler than I thought it would be." Trey let out a sigh of relief. "Then we'll let you take care of us, [Your Name]~" Cater winked, agreeing for the both of them.

"Got it!" You gave them a thumbs-up.


"You guys are getting roommates!" You exclaimed excitedly to ADeuce. They were less than eager. "Ugh, seriously!? You just had to pick up more!" Ace grumbled. "Pick up more?" Trey raised his eyebrow at this. "Ace, they're older than us!" Deuce said in a hushed voice, elbowing the other boy. "Ah, right, right." Ace rolled his eyes.

"Uh, do you mind if Ace, Deuce and Grim and I talk privately? You guys can stay in the same bedroom as Ace and Deuce." You pointed to them. They nodded and left as the trio gave you a questioning look.

"So...who's going to break the news to them?" You sighed.

"Do we have to dazo?" Grim groaned. "Of course! This is why you guys got mad at me!" You reminded them. "We weren't really mad at you..." Ace trailed off. "I guess I'll do it..." Deuce volunteered. "Thank you so much, Deuce!" You grinned.

"Okay, we're done talking!" You shouted aloud as Trey and Cater walked out. "What were you discussing if you don't mind me asking?" Trey asked politely. "Nothing important, um...Deuce." You poked him in the arm to remind him of his task. "Oh! Yeah, so Cater...Trey...Twisted Wonderland is a game in this world." He explained. You gulped, awaiting their reactions as they both just silently stared.

"We know that already, is this what you were discussing?" Trey chuckled. "How did you guys figure it out so quickly?" Ace asked. "I searched up Twisted Wonderland immediately after we first woke up of course~" Cater explained. "Wow, you're so smart! Why didn't we think of that?" Deuce praised them. "That's just 'cause you guys are stupid dazo!" Grim snorted. Ace then purposefully stuck out his foot as Grim walked by and he fell flat on his face. They both just glared at each other as you sighed, picking up Grim and setting him back up on his feet. Truly, it was like taking care of a child.

"Now, now, don't be petty." You scolded them. "My laptop is over there, you guys can order new clothes over there." You directed them to the device Ace and Deuce had left on the couch. "What, but we were in the middle of an episode!" Ace and Deuce protested in sync before exchanging glares. "Hey, stop copying me." They both replied. "Both of you guys think of your favourite food and say it aloud." You instructed.

"Cherry pie."


"Solved." You grinned smugly. "Are you really sure we can spend your money?" Trey asked. You nodded. "Wow, Cay really owes you after this~" Cater said. "The shower is right here and there are two beds in that room so you can just share a bed with Cater while ADeuce sleeps in the other." You told them. "Stop putting us in a set." Ace huffed. "Then stop being so inseparable dazo." Grim scoffed. "Even Grim knows it!" You snickered.

"Whatever." Ace rolled his eyes as Deuce followed behind him like a little duckling.

"I'm gonna make lunch now, file in your requests now." You announced to everybody. "Anything but that wretched fruit salad!" Ace mockingly gagged from behind the door. "Anything with eggs in it, thank you!" Deuce replied. "Everything!" Grim exclaimed. "Nope, only one." You scowled. Why did you decide to try and please these unreasonable boys?

"Fine, I want some tuna, like always...speaking of tuna, you still haven't bought me my 17 cans of tuna dazo!" Grim fumed. "Yep, we'll get them next week." You sighed, taking a look into your fridge. It was quickly emptying which meant going weekly for groceries would not be an option any longer. Ugh, this is so annoying! How did Yuu deal with these people?! You thought, irritated as hell.

"Ace mentioned you had a salad? I want some of that." Trey requested. "Ooh, can I have an omelet!" Cater exclaimed. "I've always wanted to try drawing on it with ketchup for my Jiffygram!" He grinned. "Got it." You sighed. Of course, you were going to make [favourite food] for yourself. Your parents weren't here, they couldn't tell you how to eat!

You got to work in the kitchen.

"[Your Name], do you have any experience with cooking?"

You nearly jumped out of your skin. You glanced back to see Trey had gotten up from the couch and was now in the kitchen with you. He was examining your kitchen and leaning over your shoulder. How the- When did he get here!? You internally panicked. "A little bit of personal space, please." You squeaked.

His mustard-coloured eyes widened as he backed off. You found it ironic that his eyes were the same shade as the very thing he disliked. "Sorry about that. I just liked to watch my younger siblings cook to make sure they didn't mess up back then. Old habits die hard..." He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Um, and yes, I do have some experience with cooking. I kind of only know the basics." You coughed, regaining your composure, answering his question from earlier.

ALTERNATIVE: If you are an expert cook or if you're Lilia 2.0

"Um, and yes, I do have a lot of experience with cooking. I can make some pretty neat stuff." You bragged, quite proud of your past creations. You hadn't cooked in a while since you lived alone and there really wasn't anybody else to eat your food. "I'm a bit rusty now however since I had nobody to cook for..." You muttered to yourself.

"Interesting..." He nodded. You can't help but feel a tad bit judged...

Continuation of the story:

"Mm, what about baking?" Trey inquired. "Eh...not a lot of experience in that area." You shrugged. "Well, we'll just have to fill in each other's gaps." He smiled.

"What are you planning to make?" He asked, rolling up his sleeves. "Golden fried rice for Deuce, omelette for both Cater and Ace and salad for you." You listed, pulling ingredients out of your fridge and onto your counter.

"You should go back to online shopping with Cater. I can take care of this." You glanced at him. "I trust that he will pick something out for me as well and you did say that to stay we had to do some chores, right?" Trey reminded you. "Okay, sure. Thanks." You shrugged, you wouldn't mind extra help.


"I don't think you're stirring correctly..."

You groaned, your arms were beginning to ache and your legs were about to give out any moment. It felt like you had been standing at the counter for eternity, just stirring onions in a skillet. "I feel like I've been stirring for centuries!" You complained. "[Your Name], you're supposed to be stirring like this..." Trey once again took over the skillet and showed you before handing it back.

You glared down at the skillet, the onions innocently staring back. If looks could burn, those onions would be roasted by now. "Here, let me help you." Trey walked up behind you, putting his hands over yours as he taught you how to stir properly.

You could not focus on those darned onions though. Ahh...he's so close! You're panicking internally. How should you react?! On one hand, it made you a bit uncomfortable at the close distance but on the other hand...a super pretty boy was right beside you, touching your hands! This is something straight out of some otome! You realized, your cheeks lighting up. Are these anime boys bringing anime logic to this world as well?! You let out a scandalized gasp.

"Henchman 2! I'm starving dazo!" Grim whined as he slipped through your legs. That immediately snapped you out of the thoughts. "So, do you think you can properly stir now?" Trey asked. "Yup!" You squeaked. You glanced back to find that behind Trey, Cater had his phone up. A warm blush flooded your face. "You better delete that photo-!" You growled. "Photo?" Trey turned back. Cater only giggled in response. "Nope~ Never. That was so cute~!" He laughed.

"Hand me that phone now-"



"We heard everything." Ace said in a calm voice as he sat at the kitchen island. "I-I can't believe you guys would do such the living room as well!" Deuce stared down at the floor. "What are you guys talking about...?" You squinted at both of them. "Don't know, they've been panicking in that room for the past hour dazo." Grim shrugged. "Hey, you slipped into our room?!" Deuce frowned. "Hehe!" Grim only snickered before taking a seat on the right side of you.

Cater had decided to take an early afternoon shower as Trey sat across the kitchen island, pulling up another chair.

You all collectively agreed not to tell him what the buttons did. Soon enough, shrieking can be heard from the bathroom. Trey rushed into the bathroom, concerned. You and Ace exchanged smirks as Deuce's eyes widened as he only sighed and shook his head once he realized what you both had done.

"We're talking about you and Cater, possibly Trey doing it!" Ace accused you again. By now you had understood. "We did nothing like that. We just fought." You snorted. "Fought?! You aren't hurt, are you?!" Deuce exclaimed, worry written all over his face.

"Hurt? Oh, he just tried to tackle me with a few other Caters as I tried to snatch his phone. Trey was trying to stop us when we got too close to furniture or windows." You explained. "So...why did you want the phone and did you get it?" Ace asked, now curious. "Oh...I did end up getting it and deleting the photo." You grinned. "A photo? Now I'm interested as to what was on that phone..." He pouted. "Too bad, it's gone now!" You smirked.

Only a few minutes later did Cater come out of the bathroom, after the four of you finished up eating. "[Your Name], why do you have a button that makes it rain ice cubes?" He questioned, his hair still soaking wet. He's slightly shivering and you can tell he most likely hadn't discovered the lukewarm button. "Don't ask because I don't know." You shrugged. "My, we'll be sure not to press any of your shower's buttons again." Trey laughed nervously. "The one on the right of the shower knobs make it lukewarm." You explained.

"Damn, and I was hoping we could keep that our little secret..." Ace sulked. "Cater and Trey would find out eventually, they're not stupid." Deuce rolled his eyes. "Unlike you." He snickered quietly in response. "Hey-!" He still overheard it regardless.

"Here, I didn't know what you wanted so...I didn't draw anything yet." You pushed the plate of omelet toward Cater. "Ooh, thank you so much, [Your Name]~! Can Cay request anything?" He hummed, taking out his phone. "Sure, just nothing too complicated." You grabbed the bottle of ketchup and opened it. "Hm, how bout' something iconic yet simplistic? A cat!" He requested. "Alright, just squeeze lightly here..." You squeezed as a small stream of ketchup came out. You moved it around until the ketchup lines began to form a cat face.

"Okay, done." You put down the ketchup bottle. "That's a very..." Deuce hesitated. "That's not a cat." Ace bluntly stated. "What? It's totally a cat." You replied. "Fugya! What is that!?" Grim yelped as he finally took a look at the drawing. "It's a cat?" Deuce told him but he sounded unsure as well. "It's not a cat dazo." He stubbornly insisted.

"I mean, I think those are whiskers..." Trey mumbled. "No, those are the ears." You explained. "This certainly has its charms~" Cater has an amused smile on his face. "Damn, are my drawing skills that bad?" You frowned.

ALTERNATIVE: If you're good at art

"That's so...amazing!" Deuce gasped. "I didn't know you were an artist." Ace commented. "Heh, I guess you still don't know enough about me." You smirked proudly.

"Nyahah, henchman 2, I order you to make a portrait for me!" Grim demanded. "Isn't this already a portrait of you?" You blinked innocently at him. "Wha- Fugya! I am no cat!" He pouted, crossing his arms. "Sure, sure," Deuce reassured him, stifling his laugh behind his fist.

"How did you make the ears so detailed with only ketchup...?" Trey questioned. "I just squeezed it lightly, as I said earlier." You shrugged. "Wow, Cay almost doesn't want to eat it~" Cater giggled.

"We do not waste food here, please eat it."

"Mm, after I get a good shot!" He snapped several pictures before sitting down to eat the omelette.

"You'll have to teach me how to do that one day, Riddle would probably like small ketchup drawings on his food." Trey smiled. "Sure thing." You sent him thumbs up.

"Ooh, can you draw something on mine as well?" Ace's eyes are shining eagerly. "Okay, what would you like?" You inquired. "Draw a self-portrait." He ordered. You proceeded to draw Dhrek, the red ogre on his omlette.

Continuation of the story:

"Ah, well, I'll take a photo anyway!" Cater snapped a picture and sat down to eat it. "Do you want a ketchup drawing as well?" You gestured toward Ace's blank omelette. "Nope, do not touch my omelette." Ace eyed you skeptically, shielding his omelette from you and your ketchup bottle.

"Wow, this golden fried rice looks so good, [Your Name]!" Deuce exclaimed through mouthfuls of fried rice. "Finish chewing first, Deuce. And Trey made most of it." You yanked a tissue out from the tissue box and wiped the bits of rice over his face. He blushed, before grabbing the tissue from your hands and muttering a quick thanks.

"Geez, I didn't know you liked to be treated like a baby." Ace smirked. "I do not!" Deuce scowled, flustered. "Deuce, you still have some bits on your face." He snatched a tissue. "Oh, really?" Deuce's expression changed immediately. He just is that naive. You shook your head, amused. Ace then forcefully smudged the tissue all over his face. "Ow! Hey, stop that—!" Deuce shouted, trying to get away from Ace's tissue.

"Say ahh!" You load your spoon with your food and move it towards Grim, playfully. "Ahh!" He gleefully ate it. "I- You're actually acting like a parent!" Ace spluttered. "Say ah, Ace, Cay will also spoon-feed you if you want~!" Cater teased him, forking a piece of his omelette for Ace. "Ew, no!" He turned away, glowering at him. "Here comes the airplane!" You poked his face with your spoon.

"Fine..." He huffed, reluctantly eating it. You're a bit surprised but you just beamed at him. "Wipe that stupid smile off, I just wanted the food." Ace glared at you. You still grinned anyway.

"Feed me, henchman 2!" Grim whined, tugging on your sleeves.

"Alright, say ahh!"


"Right! So, don't go in that room, there are blankets for the both of you on your bed."

You were laying down rules for the boys if they wanted to continue their free stay here. You also told them most of the things you told Ace, Deuce and Grim. "Understood." Trey nodded along with Cater.

"Alright, be sure not to stay up too late and I'll be in my room!" You smiled, satisfied as you walked to your room and closed yourself off. There you took a quick shower before opening your phone.

Your eyes widened. That's an...alarming amount of missed calls. You thought. You quickly sent a text asking if they wanted you to call back. You waited for a few minutes before your message was seen. They responded and you called them quickly.


"[Your Name]-! Who is this guy?!"

Your door swung open at the moment.

"[Your Name], they're looking for-"

You stared up at him as he realized you were in a phone call. Wrong time? [Heartslabyul boy] mouthed. However, it was too late.

"[Your Name], who was that...?"

You groaned.


Updates will be slowed now! Homework and school are finally kicking in, so I only have breaks and after school to write (if I'm not procrastinating writing this fic). Apologies! Anyway, tell me what you thought of the chapter!


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