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By downbadforyu

198K 7.7K 3.7K

She's my target and I should kill her. (๐˜‰๐˜ถ๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜บ ๐˜ข๐˜ฎ ๐˜ ๐˜ง๐˜ฆ๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฏ๐˜จ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜บ?) Her family is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 (๐Ÿ”ž)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41(M)
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Special Chapter

Chapter 65

2.7K 123 182
By downbadforyu

Third Person's POV

Mina was shocked hearing the racers words. She didn't know what to do. She became silent after the guy in front of her spit those words out of his mouth.

How? How did he know? Who told him?

Thoughts came flashing into Mina's mind to who might have told the racer about Sunghoon being his son.

But no, she won't give in just like that, she won't say a thing until she's ready.

So with a clearing of her thoughts, she looked up the racer again and raised an eyebrow at him.

"What? What did you say?" Mina asked pretending that she couldn't believe what he just said.

Chaeyoung sighed and pushed his hair back before turning to look at the woman again.

"You heard me, he's my son, Ian is my son," The racer answered before hearing a light laugh came from the woman in front of him.

Mina wiped her cheeks and fixed her hair by pushing it back before looking back at the guy again, she had a smile on her lips, not that kind where she's happy, but one that is sarcastic.

"Your...your son? You're saying that my son is your son? Do you even know what you're saying, you're not Ian's father–"

"So who is? That "guy" you met at the bar after getting "drunk"? Oh come on Mina, I know you, you're not one to do–"

"How sure are you? Huh? How sure are you that I can't do just that? How sure can you be that I didn't sleep with a guy that became my sons father?" Mina asked sarcastically smiling at the racer.

"You never drink without the girls or one of them because you're scared that something might happen to you and some guy might flirt with you and all that, so I'm not believing that lie you're telling our son," Chaeyoung answered.

Mina looked at him again, she didn't know, she doesn't know, she has no clue how Chaeyoung knew, but she what she knows is that Chaeyoung is right about the drinking part.

"That doesn't make up the fact that you are not my sons father, forget it, because you aren't," Mina said about to walk away again but stopped when the racer spoke again.

"But that's not what Ian's name says," Chaeyoung blurted out stopping Mina in her tracks.

She turned back around and saw the guy looking back at her with a serious look on his face, one that Mina knows meant that he knows something that she doesn't.

"What?" She asked again.

Chaeyoung took out his phone, went to the gallery and clicked on a certain picture that displayed a birth certificate of a certain kid.

"Hendrix Sunghoon Sebastian, that's his full name right? That's where Ian came from, Sunghoon is the name I told you that I would want to name our child if it's a boy, now tell me that he isn't mine," Chaeyoung said before keeping his phone back into his pocket while Mina stood still in front of him.

Now that picture got Mina curious again.

How did he got that? How did that picture got to him? Just how does he know these things?

"Fine, I used the name you wanted, but that doesn't give you any rights to assume that he is your son," Mina told the guy keeping the act up.

Chaeyoung shook his head couldn't believe that Mina really is keeping this from him, keeping this from their son.

"Well that's not what your father and Sana told me," He said that yet again surprised Mina.

Her father? And....and Sana? They told him?

"My dad...? And...Sana?" Mina muttered questioningly as she looks down not believing what she just heard.

Her father and her best friend told Chaeyoung?

She couldn't believe that Sana told him, but her father? The man that killed the racers parents? He told him about Sunghoon being their son? Why?

"You heard me," Chaeyoung said looking at the confused and surprised Mina.

"H-how?...when..?" She mumbled questioningly now looking up at the racer.


It was a rainy day in New Zealand, Chaeyoung had just finished doing some paper works for the adoption he would do in New York next week to properly and legally adopt Winter.

He had also just finished meeting with someone, a family that he had just learned about when he flew to New Zealand.

His family that he didn't knew he has.

His sister.

Jennie, Jennie Kim-Manoban.

He was happy after he learned about it when the girl contacted him and told him to meet with her, he was confused why, but nevertheless he agreed.

So they met at a cafe, and there Jennie told him everything from the start on how they became step-siblings.

Jennie is their mothers first child, but her father and their mother never loved each other, but they still got married to each other and had Jennie because their grandfather wanted to have an Heir for the Kim Empire, and she was the only one for the position because other branches of the Kim family didn't want to give their child for the hard position. Nevertheless Jennie accepted her fate.

Now, since her parents never loved each other, they got divorced, and her grandfather was livid about it because it meant that Jennie would have to go with her mother and there would be no one to run the Kim Empire when the time comes. So their mother was left with no choice but to leave Jennie to the Kim's at the age of three years old.

And in those span of years that their mother left Jennie, she went back to her family, and that's where their mother met Azai Timothy, a rich, kind and humble man that came from a prominent family. They fell in love, got married and had Chaeyoung afterwards.

But their mother had to leave her family again and came to Korea with Chaeyoung's family where they lived and worked together with Dahyun's father and Akira, Mina's father.

They were all friends, but Dahyun's father was always jealous of Chaeyoung's father because he wasn't just richer than him, he's also better than him. So he wanted to take everything the Azai had, and that was where Akira was told to get the code of Timothy and Ara's safe, where all their wealth was.

They were unsuccessful and that left Akira with no choice but to kill his two best friends in fear that Dahyun's father might really kill his daughter, son and his wife that were at home but were being watched without the three knowing that they were ready to be killed if ever Akira chickens out and turns his back from Dahyun's father.

Akira didn't want to, but he had to for his wife and their kids.

He killed his best friends and had his men ran after the young Colton to kill him.

Back to their mothers family, her sister didn't want to give the position to Chaeyoung when he turns twenty, so they never looked for him, except for two people.

Azai Seulgi, the nephew of Chaeyoung's dad, and his wife Bae Irene.

They were the only people to look for Chaeyoung when Seulgi found out about his Aunties will about the Son Techno Company that she entrusted to his father.

When they read the will, it stated that they have to look for her two children which were Jennie and Chaeyoung.

And that's how Jennie knew that Chaeyoung was her brother.

Now going back to Chaeyoung, he was nearing an alley that would lead to where the condo of Seulgi is, when he felt that he was being followed.

As he saw the alley, he walked towards it and entered the said alley and still felt like he was being followed.

He saw a dark small space near him so he fit himself in there and hid.

Chaeyoung saw the person following him walk past the small corner he was in, the person looked left and right confused to where the racer had went.

The person was about to turn around and walk away, but was stopped when he felt something cold and hard pointed at his head.

"Who are you? Why are you following me?" Chaeyoung asked the person whose hands were both held up in defense.

"I'm not here to hurt you kid," The person said.

Chaeyoung froze when he heard the voice, he knows that voice, he heard that voice a lot of times before.

"Hendrix Akira?" He muttered before hearing a light chuckle come from the man in front of him.

Akira turned around with his hands now down on his sides as he smiled at the racer whose gun was still pointed at him.

"Long time no see Chaeyoung," The man muttered and smiled.

Chaeyoung slowly lowered his gun down due to the man holding onto it lowering it away from his face.

The racer shook his head away from his thoughts before raising his gun again at the man with a more serious face.

"What are you doing here? What do you want from me?" The racer asked looking straight at the mans eyes.

Akira let out another chuckle before pulling the hood of the jacket he was wearing down then yet again smiled at the racer.

"I want to talk with you Chaeyoung," Akira answered now with a more serious tone as he looked at Chaeyoung lower his gun down with a chuckle.

"You? You wanna talk with me? Yeah, not gonna happen, now leave me alone and don't follow me," Chaeyoung said before turning around and started to make his back out of the alley.

Akira stayed in place, watching as he continued to walk out of the alley way, but he wouldn't let him, not until he finishes what he has to.

"My daughter is mad at me, she hates me, she doesn't even talk to me!" He yelled that seemed to stop Chaeyoung in his tracks.

Akira stuffed his hands into the pocket of his jacket and watched as Chaeyoung slowly turn around to face him.

"She is? Well, she has every rights to, you're as bad as she thinks I am for lying, you deserve it," The racer said before turning around again attempting to walk away before he was yet again stopped by the man.

"Don't you know that Mina was pregnant a year ago when you left? She gave birth to a boy, he just turned one yesterday, don't you at least wanna know about your son?" He said stopping Chaeyoung in his tracks again as he again turned around with a curious look on his face.

"What are you talking about?" Chaeyoung asked that got Akira to smile knowing that he now got the attention of the guy.

Akira took out his phone and went to the gallery and clicked on an album that he made for his grandson.

He clicked on the video that he saved after his wife sent it to him yesterday at his grandsons birthday which he didn't attend to knowing that his daughter was still mad and still hates him.

He showed the video once the racer had walked back to where he is and took his phone.

Chaeyoung looked at Akira first seeming skeptical to what the man had just told him, of course he wouldn't believe it that fast, that man killed his parents and almost got himself killed, you can't really blame him.

He then looked back on the phone when Akira motioned for him to click the play button and watch it. And so he did.

"It was his birthday yesterday, my wife sent me that, I didn't go because Mina wouldn't want me there," Akira explained as he saw Chaeyoung's eyes get teary as he watch the woman he loves catch up to the little kid who had already learned to walk too early for his age.

"I remembered that you're a very intelligent kid, you accelerated in school and graduated at a young age, you learn faster than others, so when my wife told me that he's walking already I didn't doubt it because I know for sure that he got it from his father, he got it from you," The man muttered watching as the guy wipe his eyes still looking at the video that was still from his grandsons birthday party.

"Sunghoon baby come back here!" Chaeyoung heard Mina call out in the video where the kid was running away from his mother while small and cute laughter was coming out of him.

"Here! Here!" He heard the little voice of their son yell copying the last word his mother uttered.

Akira let Chaeyoung scroll through the album, he let him watch every video of Sunghoon that all came from his wife, he watched the racer smile whenever he would hear Sunghoon's voice from the video.

He saw a lot of pictures of Sunghoon, some were of him alone, some were with Mina or with their friends.

He watched a lot of videos, there were videos of Sunghoon mumbling words, there were videos where his talking was straight already while some were him trying to piece his words.

There were a lot in the album, and he loved everything in it, but not until he saw the last picture on the album.

Chaeyoung scrolled through every picture and video in the album until it stopped on the last and very first picture that was put into the album.

It was Mina on a hospital bed holding Sunghoon in her arms as she smiled down at him, he saw the date it was sent to Akira, December 8 2022, months after he left Korea to go to New Zealand.

He looked up at Akira after wiping his tears and gave the man back his phone that the man took gently before putting it back in his pocket.

"I-is this true? Is..is he really my son?" He asked as he still sniffled a little after all the emotions he had just felt with everything he saw in the album.

Akira gave a silent nod telling him that it was true.

He couldn't believe it, he has a son, and his son was born without him there.

He was going to say something, but Akira beat him to it by kneeling down in front of him.

The racer looked down at him in confusion, but the man didn't look up to connect their gazes together, instead, he bowed his head with his hands on his lap.

"I didn't just came here to inform you about your son, I came here to say sorry, I never meant to kill your parents, they were my best friends, they were like a true sibling to me, but Kim threatened me, your best friends father, Simmons Dahyun, his father threatened to kill my family if I don't do what he told me, I never also intended to almost get you killed, I got scared to whatever things Kim can do to my family, he's the only one that wanted everything your parents had, please do forgive me Chaeyoung, I'll do whatever you want me to, just please, forgive me, I know what I did is unforgivable but you must understand me too, my family's life was on the line," Akira explained never once looking up to look at Chaeyoung as he did.

The racer just looked down at him, for once, he didn't know what to say to the man who killed his parents, for years, he never thought that the thought of killing the killer would leave his mind, but he was now proven wrong as he looks at Akira pleading for him to forgive him.

"Go back to Korea," He muttered looking down at the man.

Akira finally looked up and connected their gazes. There he saw Chaeyoung standing in front of him, looking down at him with a serious face.

"W-what?" He asked stuttering nervous to what the racer could mean.

"Go back to Korea, go to Mina, say your sorry to her, she deserves it too, tell her everything, wait for her to forgive you, wait till she lets you get close to Sunghoon, show her how sorry you are," He stated still looking down at the confused man.

"If she forgives you, consider me forgiving you too," He added before turning around and started to walk away.

But he stopped after remembering something, he stopped but he didn't look back at the man anymore.

"Thank you, for telling me the truth, and...thank you for showing me my son, I appreciate it a lot," He last said before completely walking out of the alley way leaving Akira all alone still kneeling on the ground.

"Your son is just really like you Timothy."

At the kids school playground

"Sunghoon Sebastian," Sana muttered looking at the kid she mentioned.

"Hm?" She heard Chaeyoung hummed from beside her.

"That's Ian's name, that's where Ian came from," She said as she smiled looking at the kid playing with Winter and Karina.

"But why Ian?" Chaeyoung asked eyes on his son and his daughter and Karina.

"Because his mother doesn't want anyone knowing about his real name," Sana answered before a sigh left her lips.

"Mina is his mother, not Tzuyu's sister-in-law," Sana blurted out correcting the lie she had told the racer earlier.

It was silent for a moment after Sana had said those words, no one dared to talk again and just let the silence take over them.

But Sana, Sana's had enough of lying to the kid, she understands why Mina lies to him, she does, really, but she can't take how sad Sunghoon gets whenever his mother would answer him with the same lie over and over again, no she can't.

So she spilled the tea she wasn't supposed to.

"Sunghoon is your son Chaeng," She admitted as her smile faltered blurting out the words.

"I know," Sana quickly turned her head and looked at the guy beside her and saw him smiling while his eyes were focused on the kids.

"W-what...you know? How?" She asked still looking at him.

Chaeyoung lets out a chuckle before turning his head to look at the Japanese beside him.

"Mina's father told me," Chaeyoung answered surprising Sana who didn't expect it.

The racer then turned his head and looked at the kids again, he saw them throwing snowballs at each other as they laugh. He saw his son smiling, finally up close.

"He told me when I was in New Zealand, he followed me, until I cornered him in an alley and that's where he told me everything, about Mina being mad at him and hates him, about Mina giving birth, about Sunghoon being my son, he told a lot, he apologized and begged to me," He said while Sana just kept her eyes at him.

"So you forgave him?" Sana asked but got a question asked back instead.

"Did Mina forgive him already?" He asked and saw in his peripheral vision Sana nodding her head.

"He surprised Sunghoon on his second birthday, he apologized to Mina on that day too, we all know Mina, she can't stay mad to the people she loves, so she forgave him, from that day on, uncle Akira's been showing how sorry he is," Sana answered that got Chaeyoung to smile.

"Then since that day Akira already knows that I forgive him too," The racer said that yet again made Sana confused.

"I told him to consider me forgiving him when Mina does," He shortly explained as Sana nodded her head in understanding.

Both now watched the kids play and laugh together, smiles broke out on their faces as they watch the kids.

Then another comforting silence came over their place, just them watching the kids.

Well not until Sana broke it again.

"You were his first word you know?" Sana said, a new information that the racer just learned.

"How so?" Chaeyoung asked.

"His first words were 'papa' instead of 'mama' which is the word Mina was teaching him before, he was nine months old when he said that," The Japanese explained as she smiled.

The racer smiled hearing the new information from the girl beside him.

"I was six months old when I called my dad 'dada'" He said before hearing a soft laugh come from the girl beside him.

"Then he really did got his smarts from you, I mean look at him, four years old and already in grade one, and is already talking straight," Sana joked as the both of them chuckled watching the kids play.

"It's in the genes I guess," Chaeyoung said with a shrug of his shoulders that got hit by the girl beside him.

Then there it was again, the comfortable silence between the two of them, no one speaking, just them hearing the kids laugh as they watch them play around with each other.

Until Sana, yet again broke the ice with a sigh.

"I saw it you know?" She muttered before hearing a hum come from the guy beside her.

"The pain in her eyes when she first heard Ian call out to you  instead of her, I saw it, I mean I'm not saying that she's hurt because Ian called out to you first but, I know what that look in her eyes meant, it was the same look she has every time the boys would mention you or would ask themselves where you are, I saw it," She explained as she yet again gave the racer a new information.

"Sunghoon was the name you wanted for your child if it was a boy right?" Sana asked.

"Yeah," The racer simply answered as he kept his eyes on the kids.

"I asked her why she used it, you know what she told me?"

"What?" Chaeyoung asked turning to look at Sana whose eyes were on the kids.

"She said because you liked that name, that's what you told her so that's what she used, because even if you won't come back again, at least she has something that would always remind her of you, the first time Sunghoon smiled, she told me she remembered you, when he started to talk straight, she said it reminded her of you, when Sunghoon accelerated in his class she said that he got your brain, she said it was like, you left but you somehow left pieces of you in the form of Sunghoon," Sana stated with a smile on her face while the guy beside her just looked at her as she did so.

"Why are you telling me all of this?" Chaeyoung simply asked.

Sana turned her head and looked at him as she smiled.

"Because I want you to know that you still have a chance to take my baby back and fix your family, to give both Sunghoon and Winter a complete family, to give Mina the love that she deserves that I know she would only get from you,"

"I'm saying this because I want you to know that Mina still loves you."

End of flashback

"Tell Sunghoon the truth," Chaeyoung said that got Mina out of her thoughts processing the things the racer had told her.

"What?" She asked him again.

Chaeyoung looked at her, and Mina could swear she felt soft on her knees when she saw the pleading in his eyes, it was the same that Sunghoon has whenever pleading something from her.

"Tell him the truth, tell him about his father, tell him about me, Mina," He said as his voice came out quivering as he stops the threatening tears from falling.

Mina was silent again. The way he was pleading to her was like a magnet pulling her towards him, it was like he was wanting her to be close to him.

But the pain that Mina felt didn't let her be pulled by the magnet, she stopped herself from being pulled by him.

"No," She answered shortly but sternly.

Chaeyoung looked at her again, couldn't believe his ears as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"No? No? Mina he deserves to know! I'm his father! I'm right here! I'm here now! He deserves to know about me after all those times that you told him lies that pushed him to believe he doesn't have a father–!"

"I'm not ready yet! Don't you understand?! Four years Chaeyoung! Four years! You were gone for four years and in those years I told him lies that I didn't want to! What do you think would he feel if I tell him right now that his father was just with him all this time?! He'd feel betrayed! He'd feel lied at because I kept lying to him even if I didn't want to!" Mina yelled cutting his words off as tears began to fall out of her eyes again.

Both looked at each other, breathing in and out deeply as they do, anger was still in them for a lot of reasons.

No one spoke a word after Mina yelled.

No one made any move or sign of going already.

But Chaeyoung, he doesn't want to let his son believe in lies anymore, he understands why Mina lies to him, but no, now that he's here he deserves to know the truth.

"If you're not ready, then I will," Chaeyoung said as he turned and started walking away from the actress.

"What? No! No, you're not doing that!" Mina yelled as she quickly caught up to him.

She stood in front of him stopping him from getting to their friends car where their son was with Jihyo and the girls inside Daniel's car while the guys were outside listening as they heard every yell they made.

"I'm not? No Mina! I am doing that, he's my son, he deserves to know that his father is here already, you can't keep feeding him lies for long," Chaeyoung told the woman in front of him.

Mina had her head down as she cried. She shook her head silently telling the racer "no".

"Please...not now...let me...let me tell him...but please, just please not now," Mina cried out still with her head down.

Chaeyoung shook his head even though Mina wouldn't see it.

He wants to disagree with her, he really does, but he just had to understood Mina because she's the mother of their child, she can tell Sunghoon about him in a way that the kid would understand properly.

So with a sigh, he moved forward closer to Mina and held both of her shoulders making her look up at him.

He felt sad seeing the tears in her eyes, he wanted to be mad at her for lying too, but he knows that he can't because Mina had reasons why she had to say all of those.

He raised both of his hands and cupped the actresses cheeks wiping the tears away from her eyes.

And Mina just let him do that. She didn't protest or complain or anything. She just...let him.

"Okay, okay I understand, but do understand me too, Sunghoon is my son too, he has every rights to know about me, but if you say you're not ready yet, then okay, I'll give you time, but please don't take long, I wanna spend time with him as my son and not him knowing me as an uncle, I'll leave it to you, and I'm going to wait for you and him," He told the actress before a sigh left his lips.

He moved closer to her before planting a soft and gentle kiss on her forehead — and Mina just let him again.

After doing so, he looked at her again before letting go of her and walked away.

He left Mina there, he left her standing alone as small and quiet sobs left her lips.

"You okay Chaeng?" Jeongyeon asked once the racer had reached their place.

"Yeah, I'm going home now, Winter's waiting for me," He said before he felt a pat be placed to his shoulders.

"It'll be okay dude, everything will be okay," Dahyun said as he gave his best friend a small smile.

Chaeyoung returned the gesture before looking to Daniel's car and saw the girls and his son looking at him.

Sunghoon had a curious and worried look on his face as he looked at Chaeyoung.

The racer gave a smile to the kid before walking away from them.


The racer stopped in his tracks hearing the little voice call out to him, he turned around and saw Sunghoon running towards him.

Once the kid was in front of him, he crouched down to match their heights.

"What is it?" He asked, but the kid just looked at him.

He waited for him to say something, but none, he got nothing.

Nothing verbally but he did feel small arms wrapping around his neck and felt a head nuzzle itself into his shoulder.

"Thank you dada , for saving me from that bad man, I really hate him, he hurts me, and he doesn't loo good with mama, if anything, you look better with mama more than him," He said before pulling away and looked at the man in front of him.

Chaeyoung broke out into a smile when Sunghoon did, they were right, both did have same smiles.

"You're always welcome little man, I'll always be here to save you from any bad guy okay? Just call out to me and I'll be there," Chaeyoung said before ruffling his hair that the kid laughed at.

"I'll be off now okay? Your Winter noona is waiting for me now," He said.

Sunghoon nodded his head with a smile before running away from him to go back to his uncles.

"Are you crying?" Sunghoon asked after reaching his uncles and saw them wiping their eyes.

"Crying? Who? Not us, no," Tzuyu said wiping his cheeks where tear stains were still seen.

"Cry babies," Sunghoon teased before feeling himself be lifted into the air as a loud laugh left his lips.

"We're not cry babies," Leo said lifting the kid up into the air as he continued to laugh.

"You really have to tell him Mina, Chaeyoung already knows," Jihyo said as she looked at the girl in Momo's arms.

"I'm sorry Mitang, I didn't intend on telling him, but I just couldn't take lying and lying to Sunghoon, I know I wasn't in the right place to tell him that, I'm really sorry," Sana said as she hugged Mina who was still in Momo's arms.

Mina shook her head telling her that it was okay.

"You don't have any fault in this unnie, if anything I'm thankful that you were the one to tell him all those things, because I know I couldn't," Mina said assuring her best friend who kept her hug on her.

"But Jihyo's right, you have Sunghoon now, he needs to know it while the thought of him wanting to know his father is still in his head, who knows, maybe tomorrow he doesn't want to know about him anymore, he's still  a kid and his wants would change every now and then," Rosé told the younger Japanese girl who just nodded her head before looking out of the park where the guys were joking around with her son.

"I will."

"Baby?" Mina muttered as she knocked on her sons door.

They're all already home, the guys stayed with their lovers, while here Mina is outside of her sons room waiting for him to answer.

"Come in mama!" Sunghoon's little voice was then heard as shuffling was heard.

Mina opened the door and peaked her head in, the sight she was greeted with made her smile.

It was Sunghoon fixing the cover and stuff toys on his bed.

"Someone's fixing their bed," Mina mumbled as she leaned on the door way of the room with her arms crossed over her chest.

Sunghoon looked back and smiled looking at his mother before he sat in the middle of his bed.

"I just want to sleep with my stuff toys with me," He answered as he heard a giggle come from his mother.

"Can mama sleep beside you tonight?" Mina asked before another giggle left her lips at how fast eager Sunghoon nodded his head.

The actress then closed his door as she entered before walking towards his bed and sat in front of him.

"You want mama to cuddle you to sleep?" She asked again.

"Of course! I always love your cuddles!" Sunghoon excitedly answered as he now stood up from his position to pull the covers of his bed and went under it.

Mina smiled seeing how her child was so excited to her sleeping with him. She stood up from her place and copied what her son did, she pulled the cover a bit and went under it to settle beside Sunghoon who quickly hugged onto her as he giggled.

"You're really warm Hoonie~" Mina mumbled as she tickled her sons sides earning loud and multiple laughs from him.

He's just like his father, warm and cozy when hugging onto.

Both of them fell silent, just Sunghoon cuddling onto his mother as he also hugged his plushie close to him.

Mina looked down at him and saw the kid looking down at his plushie while caressing its soft and fluffy head.

"Can mama ask you something baby?" The actress muttered still looking down at her son.

Sunghoon now looked up and saw his mother looking at him with a serious yet soft expression on her face.

"What is it mama?" He asked moving away a little to look at his mother better.

"Why don't you ask me about who your father is anymore?" She finally asked.

Sunghoon looked down but now had a smile on his lips, one that Mina knew meant sadness.

"Because I know what your answer would be, I understand it now so I don't really ask anymore," He answered that made Mina's heart clench.

They were right.

The day where he loses interest about knowing who his father is would really come.

"You don't want to know about him anymore?" Mina asked again before feeling her son shook his head.

"I want to know about him of course," Sunghoon said.

"I envy my classmates every time I see them being picked up by their dads, whenever you're not here and aunts and uncles take me out, I feel sad when I see kids playing on the park or at the mall with their moms and dads, I don't want to feel that way but I can't avoid it, I have you, I have my aunts and my uncles, but I feel incomplete, I have a mother but I don't have someone to call my dad, but I just stopped wanting to know about him because you always tell me that you don't know who he is, I just choose to understand rather than push you to tell me who he is,"

All the while Sunghoon was talking, Mina just listened to him, she listened while her son tells her how he feels when the thought of the word "father".

"I long for a father too, but that's all I can do, and it's okay, because as long as I have you mama with me, it's okay," He said as he looked up at his mother.

He saw a tear slip from his mothers eyes, so he raised a hand up and copied what Chaeyoung did earlier, he wiped the tear on his mothers cheeks and smiled at her.

"You have your father's smile you know? You always remind me of him," She said earning a confused look from the kid in front of her.

"Remind you of him? But you said you don't know him mama?" Sunghoon muttered.

Mina shook her head as she smiled down at the kid.

"It was a lie," She said, Sunghoon looked at her with a confused look on his face.

"I lied about not knowing who he is whenever you would ask me, but baby don't think that mama said those lies because I don't want you to have a father, no, it's not like that baby, I want you to have a complete family, I really do, but I was just not ready to tell you about him because he hurt me, he once gave pain to me, and that once was too much for me to take that when you were born I just decided to not tell you anything about him, I'm sorry baby," Mina explained in one go as she looks down at her son with tears continuously slipping from her eyes to her cheeks.

She waited for any reaction from her child, anything at all, but nothing, nothing was heard from him and that scared her.

It scared because she thought that maybe he was mad at her for lying to him, she thought that maybe he was mad for not telling him sooner about who his father is.

But no.

Those were just in her thoughts.

Because when Sunghoon smiled, Mina knew just how understanding her son is.

"It's okay mama, I understand it, I understand why you did those, it's okay, I'm not mad at you," He said as he sits up and cupped his mothers cheeks with his small hands as his thumbs softly caress away the tears from his mothers cheeks.

"But mama, I want to know who he is," Sunghoon said retrieving his hands away from his mothers cheeks and looked at her with a small smile on his lips and hope in his eyes.

"Can I know who my dad is mama?"

And there, finally he asked, there goes the question he always wanted answered.

He now has hope that it would be answered now since his mother had already opened up that she really does know who his father is.

He now has hope that he can finally have the complete family that he always wanted to have.

And there goes the answer that he has been waiting for.

The answer he never thought he would get.

That answer that surprised the life out of him.

Hearing it immediately brought a wide smile to his lips.

Now, he's sure that he would have that complete family.

"It's your dada, your hyung, it's Chaeyoung baby."


Hey everyone! Chapter 65 is up!
Ha! Told you there'll be drama here HAHAHAHAHA finally the truth is out! HAHAHAHA happy now everyone? This isn't a joke anymore, now let's see what you guys think would happen next HAHAHAHA


VOTE TWICE ON MAMA EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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