
By RachelAnn97

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It's like Wonderland. Except I'm not Alice, I'm Aston. And that's all I can remember. More



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By RachelAnn97

I had mixed emotions about seeing Arya again. Before it was fine because I didn't know about well... everything. Now I feel like it's going to be awkward. I mean, she did push me off basically a cliff into water where I could've died. I get that it was to get her brother back here to help, but it was a pretty risky move. There had to have been a better way.

I guess, really, I need to move on. I'm here now and things are finally becoming clearer. She was desperate and Max needed to come back. He needs to know the truth about what happened, and I'm gonna help him. Starting with talking to Arya to help figure out who could've written that note. She's been here the whole time, she has to either recognize the writing or have ideas of who could've.

So, taking a deep breath, I knocked on her door and waited for her to open it. A few seconds passed, so I knocked again, but couldn't hear any movement. I started wandering, and after searching an endless amount of rooms inside the castle, I went outside to the gardens. After a few minutes of walking around, I finally found her on a bench next to someone I vaguely recognized. In a only in passing sort of way. He must be the boyfriend Dru mentioned. Great. This just got even more awkward. Ideally, I wouldn't have to interrupt her, but this is incredibly important.

I only felt marginally better when I saw how nervous she was when our eyes met. Clearly she doesn't know what to expect from me either.

"Hey, do you have a second to talk?"

"Yeah, of course." She turned to the guy and gave him a small smile. "Give me a second, Maddox."

He nodded and I took his place on the bench as he left. I took a quick look around, making sure there wasn't anybody else. This conversation needs to be kept extremely quiet.

"I feel I should start by apologizing. I was so desperate to get Grant here that I didn't think about what this would be like for you. I am so sorry, Aston."

"I wish it hadn't come to that."

"Me too."

"I understand, though. You needed him here to uncover the truth about your father, and he sees that now. I'll be here to help and that starts with asking you about this letter I found."

Her brows furrowed as she looked over the handwriting, then I saw her eyes turn red and glassy as they filled with tears. "Oh my god... I was hoping I was wrong."

"Do you recognize the writing?"

"It looks like my mother's. I can't be completely sure, because I don't see it a lot... but it definitely looks to be hers."

"Arya, are you really sure? You realize what this will mean if you're right?"

She took a minute, then slowly nodded as the first tear fell. "It's hers."

Maybe I shouldn't have asked her. At the very least, maybe there's someone else that can confirm it so it doesn't have to be on her. "This Captain Hall, is he still around?"

She wiped away her tears and handed the letter back to me. "Last I knew, he lived in town and was in rough shape. Of course, murdering a King and all of your crew will do that to you," she added bitterly.

"He was the only survivor?" She nodded. "How?"

"You will have to ask him."

I stood, but stopped before walking away. "I'm sorry that you had to go through this alone."

"You are the last person that should ever apologize to me after what I did to you."

We gave each other small, sad smiles, then I left, letting Maddox know he was free to return to her side. I think she might need him more than ever now.

I debated for a long time about whether or not I should tell Max about what Arya said and about my plan to talk to Captain Hall. I decided I shouldn't mention anything yet. I want to be absolutely sure, because what if I'm wrong? What if it's not the Queen? I'm just going to blow up their lives for nothing? No. I won't do anything to make this worse for them. I want all of the facts before I tell him what I suspect.

I took a carriage into town, getting a little nervous after the look the coachman gave me. I hoped he wouldn't head straight back to the castle to tell Max what I'm up to. So worried, that I double checked to make sure he wouldn't leave me. After an assurance I believed, I walked up the few steps of the wood porch and knocked on the door. My heart was pounding. I'm seriously second guessing myself. I shouldn't have come by myself. What if he kills me to protect his secret?

Before I could make the decision to leave, the door opened and an old, white haired man stood before me. I think he looked older than he was, and that wasn't helped by the sadness in his eyes. His clothes were disheveled and stained. Despite everything I knew, or at least suspected, my heart was breaking for him.

"Can I help you?"

"Um, Captain Hall?"


"I'm a friend of Max–I mean, Prince Grant. I just recently came into town and heard about the devastating accident that took place two years ago. I wanted to pay my respects for everyone you lost as well. Do you mind if I come in?"

He looked hesitant, but ultimately moved to the side to allow me in. "Can I get you some tea?"

"I would love some, thank you."

I waited quietly on his couch, looking around at everything. There were quite a few portraits of him and a woman, I'm assuming his wife, and some with a couple little boys as well. The place is relatively tidy, much more than I expected, and small and cozy. Perfect for a family of four.

He came back a few minutes later and handed me a cup, then sat in the chair across from me. "I don't believe you gave me your name."

"You're right, I'm sorry. My name is Aston."

"You know Prince Grant?"

"We're very close."

He looked at his hands as he wrung them together. "How's the young lad doing?"

I took a deep breath. "To be completely honest, he's not doing too well. He knows it wasn't an accident."

Captain Hall's piercing green eyes shot to mine. "Excuse me?"

"Here," I said as I handed the letter over. "I found this in the library at the castle. Have you seen it before?"

"Yes. Yes I have."

Pain was all over his face. "Who wrote this to you?"

"I... I don't remember."

"You do. I know you do. You don't just forget something like this."

"Miss Aston, I can't be talking to you about this."

"You should. This is eating you up inside and I think you need to talk to someone. It should be me."

"Why? How can I trust you?"

"Because my only agenda is to find the truth and get justice for not just the king, but everyone on that ship. I don't care who I have to take down."

He shook his head, hands covering his face. When he removed them, tears stained his face. "My son was on the ship, you know."

"What?" I breathed.

"He wasn't supposed to be. We fought earlier that day, because I refused to allow him on board. I told him he wasn't ready, but he was and he knew it too. I just... I knew what was going to happen and I had to save him." His voice shook as more tears fell. "He took the shift of a fellow crewmen without my knowledge. I heard him scream for me as the ship was going down and that was when I realized."

I brushed at my own tears. "I am so sorry."

"My wife never blamed me, and neither did my other son, but I blamed myself. My wife died without knowing the truth, and now my youngest son spends his days out at sea the way I used to. I had 25 years of being a captain. I made the worst decision of my life and now it's over."

"But you didn't get there on your own," I said, taking his hand in mine. "Who told you to sink the ship?"

"It was Her Majesty."

Knowing I was right didn't make me feel any better. I think I actually felt worse. "Why?"

"She wants to be the one to rule. The only one."

"It's not like she'll live forever, though."

"She feels the peoples' reluctance to accept her, hears the whispers calling for her son or daughter to take their place."

"She wouldn't hurt... I mean, they're her children."

"She never wanted them to begin with."

"Oh my god. I... I have to go."

I stood, and Captain Hall gripped my hand tighter. "Please, Miss Aston. You need to be careful."

"Thank you for talking with me."

"Thank you for listening."

I nodded and he released my hand. I hurried out to the carriage, telling the coachman to go as fast as possible. Which turned out to not be very fast at all. It was incredibly aggravating.

Things only got worse when I got back to the castle. Max was nowhere to be found, and as soon as Faye saw me, she seemed more determined than ever to talk to me. If I'm being honest with myself, I was absolutely terrified. I mean, she's the Queen of Matin. She could easily do something to hurt me and get away with it. She's done it before. There's nothing stopping her from doing it again.

"Your name is Aston, correct?"

I crumpled the letter behind my back and nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty."

Her smile made me uneasy. "I haven't seen you wandering the halls lately. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, of course. I'm so very grateful you've allowed me to stay here."

She circled me, and I followed. I didn't want her to see what I was hiding. I wondered if I could make it to the stairs before she tried anything. I'm not sure I could with all of the guards around, ready to pounce at her signal.

"Are you planning on staying much longer?"



My teeth ground together. "I should–"

"My son seems to be very interested in you."

"I don't know about that..."

"Has he mentioned anything to you about marriage?"

"No. Why would he? He barely knows me."

"You aren't that obtuse, dear. I know you notice the way he looks at you, his desire to be around you all the time. He's in love with you."

"Well, he hasn't said anything to me. If you'll excuse me..."

I started to head for the stairs, but she gripped my arm. When I looked at her, the darkness, maliciousness I know is inside her was much more visible in her eyes and I was terrified.

"Why you thief! You stole my necklace!"

I tried pulling away. "I'm not wearing"

"Guards, have her arrested! I knew you weren't to be trusted."

"But I'm not wearing a necklace!"

She raised her hand, a heavily jeweled necklace dripping from her palm. My eyes narrowed.

Just as the guards gripped my arms, I heard a voice from the top of the stairs. Well, two. I looked up and there was Arya and Dru.

"Mother, what are you doing?"

"Our guest has decided to repay my kindness by stealing one of my necklaces."

"Aston!" Dru gasped as he rushed down the stairs.

All hell broke loose. Dru was pushing and shoving at the guards to get them away from me, and Arya was screaming at her mother for lying, and Faye was yelling at the guards to arrest Dru with me. In the midst of everything, I snuck the letter into Arya's hand, and she gave me a nod of acknowledgement. After that, Dru and I were being dragged from the castle, Faye watching and wearing a smug grin.

Dru and I didn't say anything on the ride down to the jail. I don't know why he didn't, because I'm sure he had a million questions, but I was too pissed to talk. I've completely formulated a new plan: take the bitch down by any means necessary. It's not like the kingdom would be devastated to see her gone judging by all the things I've been hearing.

Dru and I were thrown together in one cell with two benches. I immediately sat down, feeling oddly calm about my new plan. Dru, however, kept pacing. It was minutes before he finally huffed and sat down across from me.

"What happened?"

"I suspect the Queen knows I'm up to something."

"What are you up to?"

"Im not sure I should say just yet."

"Are you joking? I just risked my life to help you, and you can't tell me why I had to?"

"I'm sorry, okay? It's just, I don't think I should tell you without talking to Max–fuck! Grant first. Where was he anyway?"

"He went into town for the festival. Some of the activities started and enjoys spending time with the people. I was supposed to tell you to meet him there."

"Arya will tell him what happened and he'll come and get us."

"Where did you go earlier?"

"That's part of what I can't tell you."

"Well, can you at least tell me who Max is?"

"It's Grant," I admitted. "Max is what he went by in New York."

"He had a whole other life..."

"He did. I'm sorry that he didn't want to stay here."

Dru shrugged. "I always knew this life wasn't enough for him. Sometimes I wish I would've joined."

"Really? Okay, so how many people know about my world?"

"Very few. Mostly people in high esteem. Never the people who could actually benefit from leaving this place behind."

"Who was the first to realize?"

"Zena comes from a long line of witches, and one of them was the first to discover it. It goes back centuries. It's a massive family secret really."

We both heard shuffling and quickly stood. I tensed, waiting to see who it was, then relaxed when I very disheveled Max came into view.

"I came as soon as I could," he rushed out, eyes looking over me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I, we, just want out."

He finally looked over at Dru. "Thank you for trying to help her."

Dru grinned. "You're not the only one that's grown fond of her."

His eyes narrowed, like he wanted to unpack that a little, but we definitely don't have time. Besides, I know Dru just meant it in a friendly way. "Please get us out," I begged.

"Yes, of course. Guards! Unlock the cell."

"Your Highness, Her Majesty–"

"I will handle the Queen. Release them. Now."



The guard very reluctantly pulled out the keys and opened the door. Max pulled me out immediately and guided me out of the building with Dru following closely behind. I have to admit, I'm not looking forward to going back to the castle.

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