The boy with the no option

By Lilia6086

1 1 0

This book is about a 10 year-old boy who is dyslexic but doesn't fell dyslexic. Part one tells you a bit abo... More

Part 1

1 1 0
By Lilia6086

My is John,well my real name is actually Johnny but I prefer john.
Some bullies call me little john , i am little but I don't like to admit it.

Anyway my mother (Elizabeth smith) wants me to go a this posh big fancy private school for snotty rich people . I don't want to go but my mother will not let me not go , so I guess I am going now.

I don't know how I am going to live without my friends , oh did I say friends I meant friend.Yes I know that's make me sound all lonely! But I love having only one friend and so does Harry . Well actually Harry has 2 friends me and his baby sister ,so I guess I have 3 friends then! Harry,Mia(my sister)and Jordan (my sisters boyfriend).

The only reason my mother wants me to go to that school is because of my education is apparently trash ! -well I thought it was quite good if am honest-.Actually I struggle with spelling and math and English and reading  oh yeah that's because I'm dyslexic.My mom and dad plus's doctor think I am dyslexic but Harry and my teacher doesn't. But if the doctor says I have it,I have it.

Ok now where I live and how rich am - not- and what iPhone I have , that sort of stuff.

Ok first I live in Blackpool in a two story house with four bedrooms(not that posh) my mother has a Land Rover and my father has jeep , I am going to have a Volvo when I am older in six years time .

Next I have a iPhone 11 but I want a iPhone 8 they look soooooo cool , I don't care if my phone is brand new I just rlly want the iPhone 8!!!

Ok next how old I am ;10 , 10 years old ,turning 11 in June !! I'm in year 6.

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