By kris_sirk_kris

270K 8.8K 1.9K

"Should we tell them about us?" "No. Not yet" "So we'll hide it then?" "Yeah. Let's keep it lowkey" More

DAY 01
DAY 02


6.9K 271 34
By kris_sirk_kris


It was Jennie's third day in a public school and she was beyond happy despite the encounter she had with her bully.

She didn't tell Lisa of course. She doesn't want the tall girl be worried because she assured herself she can take care of it. She also doesn't want Lisa to know about it because she's scared her fiancee might change her mind and just send her back home.

She doesn't want that.

She was enjoying her stay with her lover.

She was swaying her legs as she look at her fiancee who's currently cooking their breakfast.

Her hair was up giving Jennie the sight of her long neck that she likes to snuggle her face with everytime they cuddle.

Lisa was also wearing the yellow apron with an image of a cat. Jennie kinda force her to wear it since she thinks Lisa looks cute while wearing it.

"Lili, I'm hungry" she told the raven-haired girl while pouting although the tall girl can't see her since she's facing the stove.

"Just a minute, princess"

"It smells good. What are you cooking by the way?"

"The usual breakfast"

Jennie hopped off of the stool and tiptoed towards Lisa.

She hugged her from behind and took a peek on what she's cooking

"Baby, I told you to wait" Lisa chuckled as she felt the smaller girl sniffed her nape.

She shivered and some of her hair stood up so she rubbed Jennie's arm that was around her stomach.




Lisa smiled and turned of the stove.

She turned around and face her fiancee. She cupped Jennie's cheeks and pressed a kiss on her nose and a peck on her lips.

"I love you more"

Jennie stared at her lovingly.
Lisa caressed her mandu cheeks and leaned it once again and give her a real kiss.

She pulled the brunette closer by the waist and the smaller girl replied as she encircled her arms around her neck.

Lisa loves Jennie's lips.
They're the best lips she ever tasted.

She actually had a girlfriend before Jennie.

They lasted for 5 months but they were too young to handle a relationship so they ended it early.

Jennie knew about it of course since Lisa tells her everything but she assured the brunnete that she was over the girl before she and Jennie got engaged.

Lisa was Jennie's first kiss.

Since she wasn't really allowed to go out, she never had a boyfriend or a girlfriend before. She have always dreamed of being in love but she was losing hope since she's not like the others.

Good thing Lisa came.

She gave Lisa her first kiss when they turned 18 a couple of months ago.

Lisa was honored being Jennie's first and last kiss.

She was patient and respected the girl and she never made any move on the brunnete despite being engaged to her since they were 15.

She had to wait for 3 years until she finally claimed Jennie's lips and she was willing to wait for years again until Jennie's ready to give all of her to Lisa.

Lisa loves Jennie and she is patient.

Lisa chuckled when she heard Jennie's hungry stomach so she pulled away.

"Let me feed you"

Jennie just smiled at her and she give Lisa a kiss on the cheek before walking back to her stool.

Lisa shook her head while smiling.

She loves the brunnete so much.

"I'm so hungry" Sana muttered as she devoured her food.

Jennie look at her surprised when she suddenly ate the whole burger while making a loud sound

"Ugh can you stop eating loudly? You're disgusting" Tzuyu said while rolling her eyes

"Can't help it. I'm starving" she replied and continued eating

Irene is currently applying her make up and she was fixing her hair.

She is trying to look extra beautiful everyday and she's obviously trying to impress someone.

A certain bear with glasses.

Jennie kept looking back and forth at the door and waiting for a familiar face to appear

Tzuyu noticed it so she tapped Jennie's arm and Jennie look back to her

"Are you okay? Who are you looking at?"

"N-no one" Jennie stuttered and took a piece of fries

They are currently eating at the crowded cafeteria and the table next to them was empty.

Jennie wondered where they are since they should be beside them at this time.

"I wonder why the council didn't show up today" Sana finally spoke as she swallowed her food

"Yeah. Well maybe they finally realized going all the way here is a waste of time that's why they went back on eating inside their office" Tzuyu said sadly as she look at the empty table beside them.

"What? Ugh I even bought a new mascara today and they're not coming? What a waste" Irene said and rolled her eyes

She take her phone out and started texting someone.

"Well they are pretty busy. Oh well, atleast not everyone's attention is on us today" Sana replied and drank her juice

Jennie remained silent as she eat.
She was kinda hoping she'd see Lisa today.

Guess she'll see her tonight then.

Jennie was running towards the cafeteria.

The four of them are having lunch today but she forgot her wallet inside one of her books.

She had to run back to her locker and it took a lot of convincing because the three wanted to come with her.

They're kinda scared Jennie might encounter her bullies again but Jennie assured them she'll be fine and quick.

When she finally got her wallet, she run as fast as she could even though it's prohibited to run on the hallway.

She prayed she won't get caught.

She was in the middle of running when she saw a girl carrying a brown paper bag.

She noticed the red tag on her chest and Jennie immediately realized she was one of the council.

She immediately stopped running so she won't get into trouble.

The girl saw her and Jennie widen her eyes when she started walking towards her.

"Oh no! I got caught" she whispered to herself so she lowered her head.

The girl stopped in front of her so Jennie also stopped walking.

"Hey, are you busy?" The girl asked her and Jennie look up to her

"M-me? No! No I'm not busy"

"Great. Can you take this to the student council's office?" She said and give Jennie the brown paper bag


"I'm kinda in a hurry since there's an emergency. That's their lunch and tell them I need to go home"

"Oh uhm I don't know where the office is"

The girl gave Jennie direction before running away.

Jennie looked at her confused.

"I thought it's prohibited to run in the hallway?"

She shrugged and walked towards the office.

While walking, she couldn't help but smell the aroma of the lunch she was carrying.

"Wow, they're going to eat take our foods. It smells nice" she said in a low voice

There were students talking by the hallway so Jennie stopped sniffing the bag before someone sees her and think she's crazy or something.

She finally arrived at the office and she was contemplating on whether to knock or not.

Lisa massaged the bridge of her nose before leaning back to her seat.

They have been sitting there for an hour already since they have a problem.

She wasn't able to go to the cafeteria earlier since someone reported to them that there are students who are caught cutting class.

They were giving some of the guard some money so they'll let them go out and have fun outside while it's class hours.

They reported it to the principal already and the caught students were given a punishment and the guards who accepted their money was all fired.

All of the council members are currently having a meeting and they're finding a way on how to prevent more students from cutting class.

It's already lunch time and they're a hungry but their co-member haven't arrived with their food yet.

"Class just started but they're already giving me a headache" Lisa thought to herself and she can't help but be mad and her members became her outlet.

Her being hungry wasn't helping also and it's making her mad even more.

The members couldn't help but be scared because it's a rare moment for Lisa to be like this and when she's mad, they knew to their selves that they shouldn't do anything that could further trigger the president.

"Baekhyun, didn't I tell you to patrol every break time because that's where they usually make a move. Where the hell did you go?!" Lisa shouted and they all lowered their head.

"I-Im sorry miss president. I got distracted by a friend" he answered nervously

"What's the purpose of being a council if none of you could fulfill your duties?! You're only tainting the name of the councils and this academy's reputation!" She said angrily as she stood up and slammed her hands on the table.

"And where the hell is Karina? Didn't she leave 30 minutes ago??"

None of them answered because they also didn't know where their member went.

One of them is currently texting the girl's whereabouts secretly because Lisa is very hungry and angry at the moment.

There was a sudden knock on the door and they all whipped their head.

"It's probably her. I'll check" Seulgi said and stood up.

Lisa was still standing up with her hands on the table and she was gritting her teeth.

Seulgi opened the door widely and someone's chubby cheeks were on display.

Jennie peeked in and her and Lisa's eyes met.

Lisa felt her heart skipped a beat when she saw the brunnete.

Jennie smiled and that was all Lisa needed to finally calm down.

The members suddenly look at Lisa when she finally sat down.

She had been standing back and fourth for an hour giving them lecture but now she looked calm and her eyes was on the newcomer

"H-hi" Jennie said shyly and Lisa had to bit her tongue to prevent herself from smiling

"Hi, Jennie right? What brought you here?" Seulgi asked her

"Oh uhm a girl gave this to me. She said I should bring it here" she said and handed Seulgi the paper bag

Lisa saw how Jennie eyed the bag and she even made a small pout when she gave it to Seulgi

"Oh she's probably Karina. Where is she?" Somi asked her

"She said she have an emergency. She was actually in a hurry then she saw me and asked a favor"

"Thank you Jennie, for bringing our lunch" Seulgi thanked her and Jennie smiled

"Welcome. I should go ahead"

Jennie waved them goodbye.

Lisa never took her eyes off of the brunnete and she didn't even realized she was smiling already

"Lis, hey Lisa".

Lisa snapped out of her thoughts and look at Seulgi who was currently calling her


"Let's eat?"

"Oh.." she cleared her throat

"... Let's have lunch first then we continue our meeting" she said calmly and they were all grateful

They did notice how the president's mood suddenly changed when the newcomer came.

Lisa called a driver to pick her car at the academy.

She was currently sitting at the backseat while calling Kevin's brother, Kyle.

"Yes, I left the keys inside so you could just pick it up. Okay bye" she hung up and look at Kevin

"What time is she coming?"

"5 more minutes ma'am. She arrives at 5:40" he replied

Lisa just nodded and waited patiently inside

She was waiting for her fiancee and she wants to surprise her.

She saw how Jennie wanted those take out so she decided to buy Jennie one.

2 minutes later, she heard the bell indicating the classes had ended.

She watched as the gates finally opened and moments later, bunch of students walked out.

There were a lot of them and Lisa couldn't find her kitten.

She was tapping her phone impatiently until she saw a certain brunnete walking with two girls.

A car appeared in front go them and the two waved Jennie goodbye. Jennie look at the car where Lisa is but Jennie couldn't see her inside since it was tinted.

Lisa smiled when she saw Jennie walking towards them. The brunette carefully looked from left to right before crossing the road.

Lisa moved away a little so Jennie wouldn't see her immediately. The door finally opened and Jennie stepped inside.

"Man, what a day" she said and giggled before closing the door

"Did you have fun?" Lisa finally spoke since the girl is obviously unaware of her presence

Jennie snapped her head towards Lisa and her eyes widen.

"Lili!" She basically lunged on Lisa and hugged the taller girl tightly

Lisa chucked before hugging her back.

"I missed you too"

"I miss you. What are you doing here?"

"You don't want me here?" Lisa pouted

"What? No! Of course I want you here. You surprised me, lili"

Lisa smiled and ordered Kevin to start the engine.

She scooped Jennie and made her sit on her lap causing the brunnete to blush.

She hid her face on Lisa's neck and Lisa couldn't help but chuckle because of her fiancee's shyness.

She already told Kevin where they should go first before going home.

Jennie was telling Lisa stories on how her day went and Lisa was just listening to her while rubbing her thighs.

Jennie decided to wear a skirt today but Lisa made sure she was wearing something underneath it.

"How about you, Lili? How's your day?" Jennie look down to the taller girl

"Great, now that I see you"

"Yahh lili!" Jennie blushed

Lisa chucked before leaning in and kissed her.
Jennie immediately responded and kissed her back.

Lisa pulled her closer and her hands went under the skirt.
Jennie didn't mind it and just kissed her back while moaning a little.

Before things could get a little steamy, Lisa pulled away and stare at the girl.

Jennie was in daze and her lips is a little swollen.

Lisa did her best to stop herself from kissing the brunnete so she just stare at her and cupped her cheeks

"I love you"

"I love you too"

The car finally stopped and they have arrived.

Jennie removed herself from Lisa's lap and sat beside her. Lisa placed her arm around Jennie's shoulder as she lowered the window.

Jennie realized they are in a drive-thru.

"Lili! Why are we here?" Jennie asked excitedly

Lisa look back to her and kissed her forehead

"Let's buy our dinner"

Jennie nodded and snuggled herself on the taller girl.
It's been a long time since she ate take outs and she's excited to try them again.



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