Nature Boy: Camp Cretaceous (...


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A 14 year old kid has been working with animals all his life. He had a troubled home life, especially with hi... More

Family Correction
The Solitary Hunter
Raptor Wrangler
Camp Cretaceous
The Cattle Drive
Things fall apart
Happy Birthday, Eddie!
Welcome to Jurassic World
Last Day of Camp
End of the Line
A Beacon of Hope
The Art of Chill
The Roaring Wind
Tree-top grazers
Feet on Fire
Sobbing Texas
Hotel Raptorfornia
I Need a Hunter
Surfin' Flames
A Dino Run
Between a Lion and a Leopard
Fishing for Sucho's
Allo-ridin' on Nublar
The Watering Hole
Step One
Chaos Theory
Family Matters or War
Duel of the Dinos
Fire Flavored Raptors
A Ravenslation
Batter up!
The Tiger, the Ocelot, and the Jaguar
Hide & Seek, 65 million years ago
Sadistic Nature
History of the Ravens
"Welcome to the Jungle"
The Thagomizer Problem
The Wolf Pack
Gulity for being Selfish

Prehistoric Airlines

1K 32 31

"Kenji, why are you under a log?" I asked blankly.

"I was trying to lift it out of the way, like the macho man I am, and it then collapsed on top of me," his muffled voice was barely audible from underneath.

"I'm guessing you can get it off you yourself then?," This was quite amusing to see.

"Oh no, please, help yourself here," Kenji sarcastically said from underneath the log.

After I had gotten the log off of him, we climbed up onto our small somewhat of a treehouse base. It wasn't finished but we can climb onto it and sleep safely now. I had a feeling of adventure right now, well, to be more specific...for the past month.

We're in January as of now, my birth month, so naturally this is just my month. I always felt like everything was better in January, sadly I can't say the same for my actual birthday. I never appreciated it, because—and to be brutally honest—I was born to the worst possible family I could ask for. There are some exceptions, my Grandfather Howard, and I guess I can say my mother. It was hard to obtain a conversation with my mother because of how many times my father and I argued.

Oh, my birthday is January 18th if you're wondering, probably not; because this notebook is most definitely not making it back to the mainland.

I've planted my hammock in a new spot at camp, above everyone but I'm still below the rainproof covers that gives us shelter. If you're wondering why there isn't that many comfortable beds or blankets, it's because Kenji dropped them while we were running from Herrerasauruses after we checked the hotels again.

I also made a bow, a decent one at that. The birds that live on Isla Nublar have been unharmed, don't worry, but they unnaturally lended me feathers. It was quite strange, as strange as I usually am. Animals love me, and have a unnatural attraction towards me, but they don't just willingly lend me something of their belongings.

I sheathed my knife onto my side, and my Indominus knife in the back of my pants, I had strapped the tooth onto a temporary handle, it's really useful. If I'm not helping the others with work, I usually made weapons and traps or some other kind of useful equipment.

One of which is a 55-watt lightbulb, wanna know how? Coke bottle, water, bleach, and the sun. The water and bleach inside the Coke bottle reflect and refracts light, genius isn't it?

I just wish I had some of my more powerful bows and crossbows, I'm not gonna hunt dinosaurs, that is just insane. It's mostly for food and fishing, I know that I don't just "hunt" animals, but even I need food. That food could be a wild fish or even snake, I nearly lost my eye yesterday from a red-tailed boa, it had lunged at me once and didn't strike again.

I didn't kill it. Even if the bastard took my eye I wouldn't kill him. I don't just hunt to kill, if I hunt I will eat, because that is how nature intended it.

Speaking of fishing, I need to make a fishing spear.

But alas, I am bored. So, I'll ask Brooklynn if she would like to join me in a adventure. "Hey, Brook," I got her attention, recently I've been calling her 'Brook' complaints so far.

"What's up, Hun'er?," she seemed to beam at the sight of me, "I was wondering if you'd like to join me for some adventuring?," I grinned at her.

"Sure, let me get some things first—"

And then...chaos happened.

"Brooklynn! Can you help us down here?," Darius called out after a loud crash.

"Yeah, hold on!," Brooklynn sighed and looked back up at me, "Sorry, Hun'er, maybe after I'm done?"

"Uhh—sure, I'm fine with waiting," I hid my impatience as best as I could.

She smiled at me and patted my shoulder as she walked towards the latter. I sighed when she was out of earshot, I intended on leaving very soon since there will be more time to explore. Someone was listening intently nearby, and sad to say it was Kenji.

"Oh, is that what you intend on doing today? Then how about Kenji join you for some...adventuring!" Kenji tried some type of pose, I stared blankly at him while the silence ensued.



"So, what're we doing today?," Kenji asked as he leaned his back against a wooden pillar.

"I was thinking of going west of the island, I noticed some type of monorail attraction near the cliffs—," Kenji cuts me off.

"Say no more, I know exactly where it is," Kenji waved his hand dismissively.

"You sure? It might be dangerous and I don't expect you to—" again, he had dismissed my warnings.

"I'll be fine, it's you that I'm worried about," He smirked at me as he walked towards the latter. It had confused me, it was like he knew something I didn't.

And Kenji knowing something I didn't never felt right.


"You and Brooklynn have seemingly been getting closer," Kenji raised a knowing eyebrow, "Whats been happening with you two superstars?," Kenji smirked at me from my left.

"I'm the only one she can talk to that is interested in her adventures, not much of the YouTube fan, but I love adventures and exploring," I obliviously smiled at Kenji.

He seemed to be disappointed in my answer.

"Can you tell me more about you're family?," he asked innocently, I haven't told my fellow campers that much about my family or me for that matter.

Naturally, curiosity had taken over.

"Umm—I guess so?"

"My two grandfathers were best friends since childhood, they eventually found the loves of their lives and had one child each, who are my Mother and...Father," I looked over to see if he was still paying attention.

"They eventually fell in love and had me, so my grandfathers who were always like brothers to each other, had become actual family together," I let out a soft sigh.

"My Grandfather, Howard, my mother's dad, died some years back...he thought he could do things like me, but this world has cruel people," I felt my fists clench by theirselves, "Like my father..."

"Anyways, I found out my Grandfather was this notorious poacher, but he had officially retired when I was born," I scratch the back of my neck, "I then found out my father was also a notorious poacher, known as the greatest, and so my love for animals had been shot by the fact that my family are brutal killers."

"I still hate them, George is tolerable these days, probably because he has not been well recently," I sighed and stared out ahead, "My Mother left my Father and I when I was younger, I didn't know her that much, mainly because the constant arguments with my father that I had."

"She did take me to beautiful places though."

Kenji had gone silent, I started overthinking like usual. Is he asleep? Was he paying attention? Did I leave him behind? Luckily he wasn't any of those.

"Wow, bro, that's pretty sad," Was all he said until we arrived.

We arrived at a place similar to a Gyrosphere station, but it was instead flipped upside down and hung below what looks like a monorail track. "Kenji, explain to my nonexistent knowledge of urban society what this is," I practically stated to him instead of ask.

"This, this is a gyrosphere tourist attraction that is basically like a roller coaster," Kenji answered as if he was suddenly realizing he could use my absent knowledge of urban society to view himself as a god.

"Better than what I thought," I scoffed.

"What did you think it was?," Kenji eyed me with confusion.



"A gyro-cannon"


Don't remember if I mentioned the location of this place, but I'll say it right now—clears throat—ITS ON THE SIDE OF THE CLIFF.

Not a smart idea to have a roller coaster type attraction be on the—well nearly—edge of a cliff. Now that I'm talking about bad ideas, one of them is bringing back the dinosaurs, making a park with them, making another park with them, and then making a bloody hybrid dinosaur is just naming a few.

Kenji and I decided to turn the ride on, more like I was forced into helping him turn the ride on. Apparently he's rode on about 32 times, because he is "Mr.VIP"

More like an idiotic consumer, the type that gets eaten up by smarter and stronger predators.

I found some panel beneath the staff workers operating table, maybe we should've looked here first. I pried the metal panel open with my knife and noticed a bunch of wires and other technology stuff I'll never understand.

I grabbed a handful of wires and started thinking, if I yanked them out, what would happen? Should I cut them? Or should I just do absolutely nothing with them? Apparently cutting them was the option I was most interested in.

I picked out my favorite color, red, and started to rethink it. I could be electrocuted or explode, or I could be disintegrated. Whatever, I wasn't born to rethink, I was born to change and push past fear.

I slashed each red wire in my hand in one fell swoop, and the ride suddenly turned on. I jumped up in celebration, I had done something right with technology without any problems for once.

I was going to boast to Kenji but he told me what actually happened. "Hey, Hunter, I found the switch thing to turn it on, obviously where would Jurassic World be without solar panels? With the original Park, that's where!," Kenji grinned at himself, like he's proud of himself.

"I just...never mind, it's not important."

We decided he would go first, and that I had to stay behind and control the ride at the operating table. I did my best to make it entertaining for him, but I am not good with technology, so it was probably horrible. Even if his terrified screams didn't have at least some enjoyment, I liked it.

When it was my turn, everything just went wrong. "Kenji...slow it down...KENJI—"

The ride was getting faster and faster, until it reached max speed, I could barely push myself forward. I could barely notice Kenji panicking at the control panel, trying everything to stop it, maybe cutting those red wires wasn't a smart idea.

Kenji eventually got the ride to stop, breaking the panel in the process. Now the only problem was getting down from a, hmmm, I don't know, 60-70 foot drop.

I cursed Kenji before I started kicking the door of the gyrosphere. I couldn't hear Kenjis new frantic warnings from below, barely any sound made it through the glass dome of the gyrosphere.

After a few more kicks, my spine suddenly lit up with blazing warnings and instinctively moved me against the glass to not get hit by a Pterodactyl that rammed the gyrosphere from behind me and pierced its beak through the glass. It could've impaled me if I had not moved from the middle of the hamster ball.

I kicked its beak, noticeably hurting it and then it started retreating. That's when I noticed its friends, and Tweety, the one I slashed during the fall of Jurassic World.

That bastard still has it out for me? And here I thought Tigers held tighter grudges.

I was growing annoyed of Tweety's attacks on me, so this is my time to end this. If he wants me, he'll get me. Now, all I need is Kenji to distract the rest of them.

Surprisingly, he thought of the same thing.

Kenji started calling out to the Pterodactyls and had gotten their attention, Tweety didn't even bat an eye at him. He just wants me.

Tweety had tried multiple attacks from the same side his friend had attacked me from, effectively creating a new form of escape, if there wasn't a whole whale lengths of a drop.

Tweety swooped in for a last attack, thinking he can kill me with his beak in one go. Before he could make it to the gyrosphere, I leapt out and grabbed onto his talons, pulling him towards the ground by surprise.

He squawked and cried as he hit the ground, I had rolled to lessen the impact. Before he could fly up, I shoulder charged into his chest, knocking the wind out of him.

"Now that I'm seeing you like this...I think I'll say that Cassowaries are more terrifying," I smirked and charged at him.

Kenji had lost the other Pterodactyls attention and they flew to their family member, before they could reach us, I had tackled Tweety off the cliff and realized that there is mostly sharp rocks waiting for me down below. Welp, I'm dead.

"Hunter!," Kenji saw him tackle the flying reptile off the cliff, losing sight after he passed the edge.

"Hunter...," Kenji breathed out in disbelief. He had stood there for a good two minutes before he could hear some faint grunting.

Kenji ran up to the edge of the cliff and looked over, nearly shouting in shock when he sees Hunter slowly climbing the small cliff. "Always so surprised...and can you help me?," Hunter chuckled before Kenji had helped him back over the cliff.

"How did you—I thought you'd be shredded by rocks, man!," Kenji hollered, causing Hunter to rub his ears.

"Well yes, but actually no," Hunter sighed and got his hearing back to normal.

"I had pushed myself off of Tweety and grabbed onto the cliffside, I wouldn't have made it if I stayed where I was," Hunter stares back at the cliff, the sudden feeling of pity starting to engulf him.

"That was awesome! Now I can tell everyone how I saved you're life, again," Kenji smirked.

"Well, if you do tell the others, you'll get a foot right up you're—"


A/N:I AM BACK AFTER A WHOLE WEEK...or two? I don't remember.

I didn't post last weekend because I sadly couldn't. I was really busy and did not have any time to write this chapter, until today, I wish I did better for this chapter but frankly I had lost the original plan for this chapter. Don't remember why...

Anyways—SEASON 4 COMES OUT THE FIRST WEEK OF DECEMBER!!!!! Literally December 3rd, I nearly shat myself watching the trailer.

Sadly the island is not Sorna, but it's something completely new, so I'm excited (still wish to see Sorna again).

Already knew the Mosasaur was coming back, they added my favorite Cenozoic mammal; SABERTOOTH TIGER. Hopefully it's just the Smilodon, probably is because it's simple.

Mantahcorp is coming back, finally. Robot dogs? Didn't expect that, but hey, I'm fine with it. I was right about it being a holographic desert thingy, because no way would there be a desert on one of the islands.

Snow place? Very much like. The redwoods with the battle scarred T.rex was awesome, so was the Kentrosaurus. Darius looks to be separated from the others in most of the shots, so I'm still theorizing on what happened to him.


The Spinosaurus has been one of my favorite dinosaurs since I've ever discovered it while watching JP3.

It was a nice big carnivore that looked a lot cooler than the T.Rex. It could SWIM, and it could actually use its arms in the films.

The JP3 Spinosaurus could easily take on other big carnivores, and it showed some unique intelligence in the film...and is extremely relentless and tenacious on KILLING.

I'm glad it's back, I can't wait to see what it does, and what's gonna happen. I've seen a few imagines and some other stuff on S4 and I didn't want to discuss them just in case it's a heavy spoiler for someone, not just everyone, someone.

Anyways, I'll post during Thanksgiving break, maybe even start one of the two other books I it two chapters ago or three? Whatever, you get the point.

Welp, that's all I got for now.

See ya next time!

Next Chapter: A Dino Run

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