Blood moon (a tvd fanfic)

By Aabicus

124K 4.7K 902

After a gruesome death by her parents. Eliana Rose once again knows she is to be reincarnated into her 27th l... More

Chapter 1: So I died.... again
Chapter 2: The void + New world
Chapter 3: New world
Chapter 5: Hello little crow
Chapter 6: Dammit Vicki!
Chapter 7: Sexy Stranger
Chapter 8: Dinner party day
Her house-
her house- part 2
her house- part 3
Chapter 9: Founders day
Chapter 10: Founders day-part 2
Chapter 11: Lets get some shit done.
Chapter 12: Slater, Rose and Trevor
Encounter with a creep - snippet and soulmate poll.
Chapter 12: A new revelation (short chap)
Chapter 13: So much shit in one chap
A/N + poll (/▽\)
Chapter 14: pain, pain and more Pain
Chapter 15: Katherine MY LOVE
Chapter 16: More Katherine talk
Chapter 17: Even MORE Katherine
Chapter 18: Carnival creeps
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20: Kidnapping?
Chapter 21: Hello Elijah
Chapter 22: Mr Easter Bunny
Chapter 23: Oh nO I hOpE I doNT faaaaAAL!
Chapter 24: Mutts
Chapter 25: Love?
Chapter 26: Can I just Die?
Chapter 27: Betrayal????
Chapter 28: Adventures with Klaus
Chapter 29: Rebekah (Short chap)
Chapter 30: Wakey wakey
Choose a dress
Chapter 31: Cinderella Fetish (pt 1)
Chapter 32: Cinderella Fetish (pt 2)
Chapter 33: Mates? MATES!
Chapter 34: Is this a Fanfic?

Chapter 4: So the plot begins...

4.9K 198 24
By Aabicus

Valentina pov

It's the night before the first day of junior year. I'm laying on my bed, facing the ceiling, everything's ready, and I'm prepared. over the last week I made sure to burn Wickery bridge, wouldn't want my fav family dead now would I?

I also collected a bit of the white oak to bargain with Klaus if necessary. 

After a few visits to the boarding house, and befriending Zack. I had gotten him to lend me heaps of vervain. The doofus of a god hasn't come back to me yet. 

I now also have a huge collection of stakes, vervain darts, needles, bombs and other vampire hunter shit. I also have my own secret vervain garden.

I altered my clothes and combat boots so I could hide knives and stakes in them, would come in handy when Damon Salvawhore arrives.

Now the best bit of the day-  I managed to be one of the most prominent members in the scooby gang. I literally befriended everyone in a week with my amazingness. Even season one doofus Tyler.

I smile to myself with satisfaction. Tomorrow the plot will begin and I may be able to meet Edward Cullen 2.0.

And with that wonderful thought I drift off to sleep.

Valentina's dreamscape


I look around, I'm in a cell?

A small square room. I'm chained to the wall. The room is dimly lit by a single lightbulb hanging pathetically from the ceiling .  Blood splatter dotted the grey concrete walls. to my left a barred metal cell door. A small window on the right two meters of the ground, it's approximately the size of an A3 piece of paper. 

I look down at myself, I'm chained to the wall, both my arms and my legs, along with my neck.

I'm still in the clothes I slept in, a pair of shorts and a singlet. once white, now it's covered in blood, I'm covered in blood.

across the room I see a table covered in torture devices, Knives, pliers, whips, tazers..... vervain .... and wolfsbane?   

fuck... this is a dream. whew..... breath...... think.... c'mon brain, don't fail me now!

Am I in Augustine? no .... the tv show showed the cell's as a bit more open.

I Hear footsteps approach, immediately I close my eye's, act unconscious.

"this is the one? she's a pretty little thing" the first man, a closed voice which sent a chill down my spine. a man

"yeah, an abomination is what she is, we're planning to kill her tomorrow" also a man, probably in his 30s or 40s a bit nonchalant, probably not a perv, but hates supernatural? 

god I need to see their faces. 

"why don't you just do it now? I mean unless you want to keep her around and have some fun" The man says snickering. I clench my jaw as a calloused hand lifts up my face, stroking my cheek.

" she's incredibly powerful, part werewolf I presume. not really sure. she acts different. then there's also the magic, not like most witches either. along with that is her constant craving for blood, but the vervain doesn't seem to be affective. I'm thinking she could be an immortal like in those myths but, we ruled that out too"

They're talking about me?   fuck , I need to escape. I'll need to look into myself  later.

I hear the footsteps retreat and the metal clank of the barred door being closed behind me. I sigh.

once the coast is clear i  tug on the chains, only for them to easily break of the walls, I then rip of the collar and the metal bets attaching the chain to me and look around. I'm bare foot. I then open the window on my right and climb through, checking around me.

No one...

I jump, landing outside a fairly large house surrounded by what seemed like forest. I begin to run.

through the forest I avoid roots and jump over fallen logs praying I don't fall at one point, the speed I run increases, my surroundings blur but I still have control, within seconds I am suddenly at the border of the forest and I see a road, next to which stands a sign. 

Welcome To Mystic Falls

The sound of my alarm suddenly rings.

back in the bedroom


I jolt awake, my clothes stained with blood.

It was a dream though?

I'll ask doofus god later....

Jumping from bed I quickly look through the cupboard looking for something snazzy to wear, OMG I'm soo damn excited, I get to witness all TVD  interactions LIVE!

her outfit+ combat boots+ hair tied up

after getting dressed I run out of my room and kiss grams on the cheek.

" bye grams!" I say running out.

"bye cupcake! what about breakfast?!"

"I'll eat later, bye"

I jump into the car and start to drive.

Time skip: Mystic high

As I walk down the hall, more eyes glimpse at me, I am fairly new after all.

Walking through I spot my dear bonbon and Eli, short for Elena staring intently into the office.

Yes Elena is starting to grow on me, even with her attitude. but I'm gonna try hold to my standards as much as I can.

"it's a hot ba-aahhh" bonnie screeches as I jump onto the two from behind.

"heeeyyy bonbon, who has a hot back????" I squeal a little too loud but who cares, Edward can hear us anyways.

"shhhhh val! don't let the world know" Elie hisses.

"aww Elie pooo are you embarrassed?"

"god I hate you" she says sighing, with a wide smile on her face.

"I know you love me, your smile says otherwise, anyways, who's hot topic?" I snickered.

Edward seemed to have finished the compelling cause I just missed it. Damn I wanted to see.

"I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays guitar"

"ooooooh, well if miss witchy made a prophecy then I should too,  I sense real Edward Cullen vibes, real vampy, mysterious AND broody" I then smirk as I see Stefan flinch and steal a glance at me.

"OMG Val stop joking around!" bonnie smacks my back playfully

"you guys are really gonna run this physic thing into the ground huh?"

"You just realized?" I smirk mischievously.

Elena then spots Jerrio walking into the bathroom, whelp, he's screwed. 

"I'll be right back" and she walks off

"please be hot" bonnie looks hopefully as Stefan turns around. 

"and boom, he's hot" I say as he quickly walks past, flashing a smile at me.

After witnessing the whole awkward stelena interaction, I walk to class complete.


during history Edward and Bella kept peeking at each other, Matty was sulking and I gave him a pat on his back, bonnie and I giggling and gossiping. No one really payed Tanner much attention but oh well.

Time skip: end of school

I walked with Elena to the graveyard because apparently my dead parent's graves were here. I felt sorrow from the memories from this body but dealt with it considerably well, Elena doesn't know my parents are dead so I'll go show her the grave to make her feel less lonely. It helped in my other lives well whenever I tried to talk to someone dealing with loss.

"Hey Val, why are you coming with me? I mean you don't really have a reason to be here."

"well, I'll show you. By the way, you don't have to act Elena, it's obvious you're not okay, and I really do understand." I say stopping at a tomb which sat opposite Elena's parent's one.

I touched it's stone which was slowly covering itself in moss even though they only got buried a while ago.

"this is where my parents were buried" I say, almost forgetting Elena's presence, or the crow spying on us.

Elena pov

I Gasped.

"o-oh my god, I'm so sorry", it hurt, a lot. I treated Val like she doesn't understand my pain.

good going Elena

She smiles back sadly and I feel awful, why was she telling me this? she hasn't told anyone else so why me?

"I showed you this because, I wanted you to understand that you're not alone. I understand loss, I really do, so if you ever need to talk, talk to me. you can cry on my shoulder if you want. I also want you to understand that you should move one. maybe date the new guy." she said with a smile.

"val..." she returns to her normal perky self.

"well girl, you go ahead and write your diary and I'll be drawing, these graves are very conveniently place" she said with a snicker sitting opposite me leaning onto her parents grave, and I do the same facing her.

A few minutes pass as I write down my feeling and the day, I write about Stefan, about escaping. About my friends and the new addition to our group, an angel who helped me understand that this is apart of life. 

The pen stops mid sentence and I look up at her drawing intently, then watch her pull back from the book and examine what she has done, the pencil tapping her lip. 

I muster the courage.



"when did they pass?" I ask quietly only the sound of the wind and a crow can be heard.

her smile turns sad.

"3 months ago, though we buried them here two months ago, they were born here" Val said, her voice airy as if she was thinking back.

"I live with my gram" she said with her usual bright smile.

"enough talk about me. what's going on between Edward and you? it always starts with glances, next thing you know, you're married. I'll be the flower girl at the wedding though" she said snickering.

"it's nothing"

"girl it's so obvious, at least make an effort to hide it!"

"Elena stared into his deep, forest green eyes" she mimicked.

"pffffftttt-" I couldn't hold it.

"there's nothing like that Val! OMG" I feel my face heat up as she starts to hug herself and intensely mimic me making out.

"someone's shy...." a mysterious grin crawling onto her face.

Oh no, she's gonna set us up isn't she? that wouldn't be too bad though

Suddenly the crow I saw this morning catches my eye as it sits in the tombstone Valentina was leaning on.

"not creepy at all.." I mumble to myself.

Valentina stares at me confused then follows my gaze.


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