If our lives switched

By _OutsidersStories_

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"Plant me next to mom and dad for me, will you?" ------ Basically if Ponyboy and Johnny switched lives, like... More

~ Intro ~
Running Away
Abandon Church
Gone With The Wind
Medical Problems
Story Time
Not all heros wear capes
Mom & Dad
⚠️A/N ⚠️
Is this goodbye?
⚠️A/N ⚠️
Your alive...?
Holding Me Close
One Year Later
~The End~


198 2 4
By _OutsidersStories_

Hey guys! I just want to say thank you for everything and you guys are amazing! Thank you for all the love and support! Also this is a very long chapter:)

Anyways enjoy!

Narrators pov:

The house was silent...except when Steve and two-bit bust through the door acting like crazy people...

Johnny had went home with the Curtis because Darry and soda made him stay, they didn't want to leave him out in the cold.

Darry and soda were very worried about all of this going on...they could shake it off...and they hated that they could shake it off.

Dallas really wanted revenge on the Socs, he wanted revenge on what they did to pony and Johnny.

Steve and two-bit had to make sure everyone was happy, that was like there job, they hated seeing the rest of the gang so sad. They feel like they failed them when they are sad.

Steve has to make sure soda doesn't pop and go crazy and try and look for the Socs that have been messing with his baby brother, Steve can't have his best friend do that.

Two-bit is always that happy person, he makes sure everyone is happy that he cares about, like the gang! He makes sure the gang is okay and that they are taken care of, it's like his family.

Sodapops pov:

...the rumble...

My poor kid brother is in the hospital and fighting for his life...damn those socs...always getting at us greasers.

I never thought I would see pony being a killer, he killed bob...he saved Johnny, my baby brother, the one who barely talks and is basically the gangs kid brother.

All I could think about it...my baby brother...is in the hospital fighting for his life! He deserves the world.

I was sitting up from the bed and I looked over to where pony would normally sleep but he isn't...he is at the hospital!

The damn hospital! Him, my baby brother, I don't know why I am this angry...but why him, why Johnny, the two greasers that get jumped the most by those socs!

I get up and I go downstairs and I look at Darry who just looked so confused and I was wondering what he was thinking.

Dallas pov:

Pony I know something is wrong, I have this gut feeling...I couldn't shake off...something was wrong and I knew I had to see him.

I pull all the IVs out of my arm and I rushed out of my room and I went to pony's room, I saw his eyes flutter open.

Like he was in a deep sleep, and when he saw me his face lit up and was so excited...I go over to him and we started talking.

He told Tim Shepard stopped by, HIM!? Near the kid!? Ooo was I pissed, what did he do to pony, was he okay, all these thoughts running through my mind.

"How are you feeling kid." I asked and he shook his head no...man do I feel bad, he is only 14 and is this amount of pain.

"Horrible...dally I don't think I am going to make it..." pony said honestly and that broke me into a million pieces.

I have always been overprotective of him and Johnny, they are my little brothers, not blood related but they keep me sane...and I thank them for that.

"Pony don't you dare say that! You will make it." I said and pony just sighed and I knew what had to be done.

"Pony tonight there is going to be a rumble." I said and he looked at me confused...damnit they didn't tell him.

"W-what..?" Pony asked, he really didn't know about the rumble tonight, I am kinda glad they kept it a secret but kinda not, I know it's to protect him but he has a right to know.

I just kept him company for a little bit and I just wished none of this never happened, like pony killing the Socs, the church on fire, ect.

Pony's pov:

A rumble? A rumble and nobody told me!? I mean I get that they wanted to protect me but damn...

Dallas kept on talking and I told him that Tim came by and told me things and I just missing going outside, and going to the movies, and hanging out with the gang.

I was lost in thought until Dallas said something...I never thought he would say something like that in his whole life, like at all.

"Kid, your a hero." Dallas said and I looked at him confused and I just looked at him and I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

And Dallas smiled and knew the nurses will check in soon within me so he left, I feel off today...

Is today the day I die...I am only 14...I don't want to die...I still need to accomplish more in my life than what I have.

Like meet Darry's standards, be as cool as soda and be the best little brother I can be...I guess that failed though...

At the Curtis house hold:

Steve and two-bit tired everything to make them smile...nothing seemed to work...nothing did...

"Hey...I wonder what Dallas and pony, are doing." Johnny said out loud and everyone seemed to stop and looked at me and shrugged there shoulders.

"Dallas probably went to go see the kid, you know how he is towards you and pony." Steve told Johnny and he just smiled brightly.

Soda had this lost in his eyes and just wanting his baby brother to be okay, Darry looked at soda with tears in his eyes and soda ran up to his older brother and hugged him tightly as soda started crying in his chest.

They needed there baby brother to be okay, they had to be, they just couldn't die on them, no they couldn't.

That's when Johnny came up with the idea to tell a story from when the fire took place, and since it was funny he had to say it.

"Oh poor pony, when that little girl bit him in the arm." Johnny said and the gang looked at him confused and that's when soda said something.

"YAY! Another story time!" Soda said happily and rushed over and sat on the couch and Steve sat next to him and Darry sat on the other one and two-bit was on the floor with beer and chocolate cake and Johnny sat down on the couch.

"This takes place when Dallas pulls into the dirt road and we see the church on fire...and pony was the first one out." Johnny said and soda is sitting at the edge of his seat just wait to what happens next.

"Pony was the first one in the building and when him and I looked for the kids to get them out and safe, he tired to pick up one to save her, and she bit in the back of his arm and he looked at me like he wanted to drop her into the fire." Johnny said and Steve and two-bit started dying of laughter.

Darry and soda looked at each other and laughed but it was mostly two-bit and Steve on the floor laughing like manics.

"He had that look on his face and it was priceless, that was the funniest part, seeing him get all mad over a little bite." Johnny said and that made the gang laugh a lot more.

Before the rumble:

The gang was getting ready for the rumble...tonight is the rumble between the greasers the lower middlish class and than the Socs the higher class.

If the Socs win they could be in the greasers territory forever and jumped them more, and if the greasers win the Socs have to leave them alone and not jump them anymore.

Soda and Darry thinks it's getting justice, since pony and Johnny get jumped the most they wanted to give them justice.

Steve and two-bit love fights, they love picking on fights and getting into them, they don't know why it's just there lifestyle, they love the feeling of beating up people.

Dallas on the other hand, is more than in love with them, he makes them, he doesn't care if they are ten, are if they are 100, he loves that lifestyle of beating up people, and especially Socs.

Johnny and pony, hate rumbles, hate fights, and hate being in the middle of one, Johnny is the soft one and kinda outgoing but that's mostly pony, they normally would team up and take down people but now since pony is in the hospital he can't help Johnny even though he really wants to.

Darry is putting on his shirt and soda is fixing his flannel, Steve is wearing what he normally wears, his sleeveless jacket with a white t-shirt only because Darry forced him to wear a t-shirt, two-bit wore his Mickey Mouse shirt and some jeans and his boots, Johnny wore what him normally would wear on a day to day basis.

The worst part about this rumble is there is no weapons aloud to be in the rumble, no matter what.

That's when it was time to leave they were extremely happy and doing flips off of cars and the fence and leaving very happily, and excited for this rumble.

When they got to the lot, the lot where everything changed, the lot where Johnny and pony got jumped, the lot where pony killed bob..that lot.

The greasers were the first ones there and they saw other greaser just hanging around and that's when Tim Shepard stopped by them a greeted them and they all could tell that these greasers were ready to have a rumble.

During the rumble:

Darry stood in front of Paul to show he is bigger and stronger and that he is not afraid to fight him even though they used to be friends back in high school.

(You go dare bear:)

The fight was about to begin when in the distance there was a faint scream...a scream that only came from the one and only Dallas Winston.

"THATS NOT A RUMBLE WITH OUT ME IN IT!" Dally yelled and that's when Paul punched Darry and Darry punched back.

That indicates that the rumble began, whenever someone from the other side hits them it begins the rumble.

Steve attacking them left and right throwing them off the shoulder, and beating them up, it's like a dream come true for him.

Soda let out all of his anger and beat them up, you knew if you were there that this soda had popped and was ready for revenge.

Darry got the bigger ones that ones that he was worried about the gang, and when he saw Johnny about to get punched he punched the soc off of Johnny.

Two-bit is throwing punches here and there like every where. He loved beating them up it's like a dream came true for him.

Johnny went to fight the little guys but since pony isn't here to help him he saw Darry kept on helping him fight off the Socs.

Dallas was beating them up for what they have done in the past to his friends, how they beat up them and how he hates it.

That's when the Socs decided to run off...indicating that the greasers have won this rumble and how excited they were.

Johnnys pov:

That's when the Socs ran off I could hear cheering but that's when Dallas grabbed me and dragged me along. Like I was some sort of rag doll, and I knew something was wrong cause he would never hurt me like that. I guess he was worried about something.

"Come on johnnycakes, the kid isn't doing to well." Dallas said making me move more and both of us running to the hospital, I never knew I could run this fast.

Once we got to the hospital we ran straight to pony's room and Dallas threatening the nurse to let us through.

I get she is doing her job but for gods sake let me see my best friend, Dallas brought the switchblade closer to her a roughly a few feet away from her but enough to make us in.

When we got to the room Dallas closed the door and that's when I saw him...pony was more pale than usual and it broke me...

He is only 14 years old he can't die...I can't have my nightmares coming true...he has so much to live for.

The pain in his eyes breaks me...he knows it and I know it too...that hurts me the most...

...God no not him...

Dallas brought up a chair and he grabbed his hand gently and told him about the rumble, and how we beat the Socs fair and square.

Pony's pov:

They started talking about winning against the Socs, and man was I proud of them! They came this far and they won.

Man my body was failing me...I knew this is it...my last day... the day I hate the day I am dying. I hate it.

"...Johnny..." I huffed out.

Hey guys! Sorry this is a very long chapter! I hope you guys are having an amazing day and night! I love you guys very much! Never forget that you are loved!

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