My Wildest Dreams

By fhsgctcusbf

95.2K 1.8K 441

Josh and Katie have been best friends since he first moved nextdoor midway through freshman year. They were a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17

Chapter 6

4.8K 122 80
By fhsgctcusbf

*Hey guys, just warning you it's a long chapter.

The day is finally here, first day of senior year. After the incident with Josh and I after prom, everything went back to normal. I tried to keep everything the way it was, but when he'd make a crude joke or flirt with me, I'd blush like crazy.

Luckily school ended and I had the summer camp with escape to instead of dealing with what happened with Josh. I know it seems stupid, like it's not a big deal, but it's a big deal to me because whenever he's close or flirting with me, all I can think about is him touching me.

Since I've been back for the past week I haven't seen him because he just got back from a trip last night with some friends, so he said we'll catch up at school.

When I get to school I see him leaning up against his car waiting for me. Since he can't really see me looking at him because of the sunglasses I'm wearing, I take the opportunity to freely check him out. 

Wow he changed over the summer. He grew facial hair and damn does he look sexy with it.

Besides that the other thing that's different about him is his body, he's more muscular than the last time I saw him. His shoulders fill out the t shirt he's wearing and the sleeves stretch across his biceps.

Damn he's even more drool worthy than he was before.

When I get out of the car he immediately comes over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"Man did I miss you again this summer" He said. 

"I know, I missed you too. When did this happen?" I said pointing to his scruff.

"I grew it over the summer, it was Megan's idea actually" He said suprising me.

"Oh you're hanging out with Megan again?"

"Yeah, she was also on the trip I went on. We got talking and realized there was still something between us, so we're back together" He said.

"Wow that's great" I said even though I felt my stomach drop.

"I hope it's ok, but I'm waiting for Megan to to get here, so we can walk to our class together" He said.

Ah...I see how it's gonna be now. Well our friendship was good while it lasted.


Originally I thought that with Megan and Josh being together that I wouldn't see much of him or that I'd be the third wheel constantly, but I was wrong about that.

They made it their mission to make me not feel like the third wheel and I still hung out with Josh one on one also including sleepovers, I obviously didn't cuddle with him or slept in the same bed, it would be disrespectful of me if I did.

Megan became friends again, but not as close as we were, probably because I'm best friends with her boyfriend.

We went to every single football game together, cheering him on, but I had to deal with her being the one he's excited to see after each game and her wearing his jersey, that was a tough pill to swallow.

Now seeing him with someone basically in my face everyday, is not helping with my feelings. Everytime they kiss or show any affection towards each other feelings like my heart is breaking off piece by piece.

I know I probably sound dramatic, but if you've ever been in love with someone and they're with someone else and you have to witness it almost everyday, then you know the feeling.

Luckily with basketball season I could focus on that and worrying about college. 

A few scouts came to watch me play, but none I was interested in. It just so happens that my cousin Amy came to visit for Thanksgiving with my Aunt and uncle, and she told me about a college she went to in Georgia.

I looked it up and it has the degree I want and many other courses, and I could live with Amy instead of having to dorm on campus, totally cutting the cost.

I also looked into the college Josh talked about and it also has the classes I want, but I'm not sure if I could live with him. Like I originally said, I couldn't stomach being in the same house as him while he's hooking up with someone, but I could dorm there and I wouldn't have to witness anything.

Deciding to let fate take its course, I applied to both and whichever one I get accepted to first is the one I go too, I weighed my options and did my pros and cons and they both equal, so I'll just have to see what happens.


Graduation was fast approaching, but before that happens, we have prom to worry about. 

Josh and Megan were still going strong, so he asked her to prom. He wrote a song and sung it in front of everyone at halftime at one of his basketball games. Regardless of my feelings it was a really cute promposal.

Figuring it was probably the right time to do it or else we won't find anything, Megan and I decided to go dress shopping. We were going looking at this local dress boutique.

Megan found this really pretty mint colored dress and I found this beautiful navy dress.

We stopped to get some lunch after shopping.

"You figure out what college you want to go for?"

"Yeah, I've decided on FSU" She said.

Wow I'm surprised she's not going to the same school as him, they seem like the couple to make school decisions on their relationship.

"Nice, great school."

"Yeah I'm excited, I'm just upset I won't be near Josh. I'm really on love with him" She said with a smile. 

That makes two of us. 

We continue the agonizing conversation about how in love she is with him, not being able to stomach anymore I suggest we go shopping for shoes. After finding some heels we leave and head to my house to drop off the stuff since she's getting ready at my house for prom.

A few months after that I got a few letters from colleges. I got accepted to both of the colleges I applied for and 1 with a full academic scholarship and the other a basketball scholarship.

Either way I have a full ride, but I still don't know what one to choose.

Good thing I have plenty of time to figure it out.


The time for prom came up quick, luckily we had a half day of School since we graduate on Tuesday. The day went by very quickly and Megan and I went home to get started on our hair and makeup.

I eat some lunch while Megan takes a shower and then when she's done I do the same.

After we're done with that we put on our dresses and shoes and last minute touch ups and wait for Josh to get here.

My mom yells that Josh is here, so we're get everything we need and head downstairs.

"Wow you guys look beautiful, I am the luckiest guy to be escorting the both of you" He said with a big grin as we walked down the stairs. Wow he looks so handsome.

After hundreds of pictures from all our parents, it was time to go. 

We arrive at the prom venue and we get our pictures taken, we do one with all three of us and then just Josh and Megan, after we take our pictures we head into the venue. 

Megan and Josh don't leave my side unless it was for a slow dance. I felt bad for being their shadow even though they wouldn't leave me, so I left them, I started dancing with Josh's friend Tyler from the basketball team.

I danced with Tyler for most of the night unless Megan and Josh came to dance with me. 

We all started dancing together so I didn't mind. We danced to DNCE's "Cake By The Ocean" and Shawn Mendes's "Stitches" after dancing for awhile we all sat down to eat dinner, I ordered the chicken francese again since it was really good last year. After dinner we danced some more. We danced to Fifth Harmony's "Work From Home" and Calvin Harris and Rihanna's "This Is What You Came For" and we slow danced to gnash ft Olivia O'Brien "I Hate You I Love You" and mouthed every single word while glancing over at Josh.

I had to go to the bathroom, so I went into the hall. On my way back I saw Josh talking to some guy on the football team, I got curious so I eaves dropped and I really wish I didn't.

"Hey bro you're one lucky mother fucker with two hot chicks as your dates" He said with a smirk.

"No it's not like that, one's my girlfriend and one's my best friend, we decided to go all together" Josh said.

"Best friend? You're telling me you never fucked Katie Watson? She's so hot" He said.

"What? Absolutely not, she's basically my sister" Josh said almost with a grimace. 

After hearing that I couldn't stomach hearing anymore of the conversation, so I went back to go to the ballroom. 

It's one thing to be in the friend zone, but to hear the guy your in love with sister zone you is ten times worse. 

I turn my back and start heading towards the ballroom when Josh calls for me. Putting on my best fake smile on, I turn towards him.

"Hey there you are, I've been looking all over for you. I want to talk to you about something" He said sounding nervous.

Oh boy, what now?

"Ok what's up?"

"Let's go outside and talk" He said.

"Ok" I said curious about what he has to tell me.

After we get outside we sit on the bench and he starts bringing one of my worst nightmares to life.

"So you know how I've been with Megan for awhile?" He said.

"Yeah?" I said wondering where he's going with this.

"Well I've decided I'm going to ask her to marry me. I know we're young and everything, but I know she's the one. We're not going to get married right away or anything, we'll have a long engagement and probably wait until after we graduate college and then get married. What do you think?" He asked sounding nervous.

And if I thought hearing him sister zone me was bad, this is even worse. It's keeping everything in me to stop myself from sobbing, but the tears start flowing, It feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest.

He's looking at me waiting for an answer and I know I have to say something, I just hope it comes out sounding ok and not revealing my true feelings.

"Wow that's great... I'm so happy for you" I said getting up to hug him. 

"Aww Katie girl you're crying because your so happy for me" He said.

"Yeah... I'm just so happy for you" I said with a wobbly lip."Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom to touch up my makeup that you just made me ruin, you should go find Megan, she's probably looking for you."

"Ok I'll see you in there" He said. 

After getting to the bathroom I let floodgates open, I don't care if my makeup is ruined, I'm done with this night and I want to go home.

I text Tyler letting him know I want to leave since he said he would bring me home.

After balling my eyes out I look in the mirror to asses the damage, it's not as bad as I thought, so i touch up my makeup and go to find Tyler. Once I find him I say goodbye to Megan and Josh and leave with Tyler.

On the way home Tyler asks me what is wrong and I spilled my guts to him telling him about how I'm in love with Josh and how he just told me he was going to propose to his girlfriend.

Once he drops me home I immediately go up to my room and cry some more, after probably dehydrating myself from crying so much, I fall asleep.

I wake up to a pounding headache, I cried enough to stop a drought, so I understand why I have one.

I get up and go downstairs for breakfast, not even bothering to change out of my PJs. Going to the kitchen I get my cereal and start eating. Sitting there realizing that my worst nightmare is actually a reality comes at me full force. 

My mom comes in and sees my face all red and blotchy and she asked me what's wrong and I break down telling her what happened. After spilling my guts for the last half hour I go upstairs to take a shower.

After showering I decide to stay in my PJs since it's a Saturday and I just want to relax and deal with my heartbreak. 

Going on my phone I realize I have an email from the university in Georgia asking if I'm accepting and if so what my housing will be along with one from the college Josh wanted me to go to with him asking the same thing.

I keep thinking about last night and realizing I couldn't handle living with Josh or even being in the same proximity of him right now so I make the decision to finally get over him, with that being said I decide that I'm going to Georgia.

It's time to finally spread my wings and not have Josh as a security blanket. Maybe if I'm away from him for awhile I can get used to him getting married and finally get over this unrequited love.

I call my cousin and talk to her about everything that's going on and tell her that I'm going to Mercer, immediately she tells me to move in with her since her roommate just moved out and she needs help with the rent, I told her I was going to move in with her anyway, so it all worked out.

As Monday comes quicker than I expected, I anticipate the last day of school since I have to face Megan and Josh and have to say goodbye to all my favorite teachers that I've had since I started here as freshman.

Luckily all we have to come in for is graduation practice and that's it, so it will be a quick day.

After that's over, Megan and Josh try to get me to come hang out with them, but I make up an excuse saying I have to do something and I'll see them tomorrow for graduation.

When I get home I tell my parents I've decided to go to Mercer, my parents are actually thrilled that I chose that school, plus I will be close to my relatives, so both my parents are at ease. 

After just chilling at home for a few hours I decide to go get some ice cream. I head outside to go to my car when I hear someone call my name behind me, I turn around and see Mrs Parker waving me over. 

"Hey Mrs. Parker how are you?"

"I'm good sweetie, how are you?" She said. 

"Not too bad"

"That's good, but really how are you holding up?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" 

"I know about your feelings for my son sweetie" She said squeezing my shoulder.

"Oh god, my mother told you about prom didn't she?"

"Yes she did, but I knew you always had feelings for him" She said.


"The way you look at him is how I look at his father, like he hung the moon" She said with a smile.

"Oh, I thought I was being discreet enough."

"You were since my blind as a bat son couldn't see you right in front of him, but I saw it all" She said.

"Yeah he is pretty blind, but it is what it is" I shrugged trying to convince myself.

"Yes he is sweetie. Now don't get me wrong I love Megan, but I would rather have you as a future daughter-in-law since you already feel like a daughter to me" She said with a smile.

"Thanks Mrs. Parker, I mean Julie, that's very sweet of you, but apparently we're meant to be just friends" I said with a sad smile.

"Maybe, or maybe my idiot son will come to his senses and see what's right in front of him. This distance with might do him some good. You know what they say sweetie, distance makes the heart grow fonder" She smiled like she knew something I don't.

"Yeah maybe, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. Oh yeah can you not tell Josh about me going to Mercer, I wanted to tell him myself."

"Of course sweetie. Well I'll let you go since I just wanted to see how you were doing" She said.

"Thanks Julie, I really appreciate it" I said hugging her again.


It was graduation day. I slept in since I was researching about Mercer and about the area until two in the morning, so as soon as I woke up I rushed down stairs to eat breakfast and went back up to my room to take a shower and then start getting ready for graduation since we have to be there at twelve considering it starts at one. 

After getting ready I head downstairs so my mom can take pictures.

After my mom cried many times saying "my little girl is graduating today" She finally stopped taking pictures. 

Waiting for Josh and his parents to arrive so we can take more pictures before we have to head to the school. 

Josh called me last night saying we drove in together the first day he came here, so we have to drive in together the last day, so I couldn't really tell him no.

There was a knock at the door and then Josh and his family came in. After getting compliments from both our parents, it was time for our pictures.

After finishing our pictures it was time for Josh and I to drive to school one last time. I finished saying bye to my parents.

When we arrive we go into the gym meeting up with the rest of our graduating class. The time goes by very quickly and before we know it, it's time to line up into our spots and walk to the football field.

We all start to walk towards the football field, it seems so surreal how it seems like just yesterday we were all freshmen trying to navigate our way through this brand new world. 

Once we get to the field we sit in our seats. The ceremony goes by quicker than I expected, after hearing a beautiful speech done by our valedictorian it was time to call up everybody for their diploma, before I know it Josh was being called up.

"Josh Michael Parker" Our valedictorian says.

"Yeah go Josh!" I said screaming at the top of my lungs. As the rows go through and more classmates get their diplomas.

I realize it's almost my turn. I step up to the line that they told us where to go during practice and I wait for my name to be called.

"Katelyn Rose Watson" Our valedictorian calls my name. 

"Woohoo go Katie girl!" I faintly hear Josh screaming for me.

After hearing my name being called I start to walk toward the podium where my principal and vice principal are waiting to hand me my diploma, after grabbing my diploma I shake his hand and go to the next person who is my basketball coach and my favorite teacher. 

She hugged me. "Congrats Katie, Also I heard about Mercer and I'm so proud of you, they are a great school and you are going to do fantastic there" she said.

"Thanks coach, I couldn't of done it without you" I said hugging her even tighter.

After shaking the rest of the staffs hands, I go back to my seat. After the last graduate has gotten their diploma the valedictorian announces that the graduation ceremony is over. 

"Graduates please move your tassel to the left side of your cap" She says with a huge smile. She gets the ok from the principal and she goes to her own seat, the principal comes up to the podium.

"I would like to announce the graduating class of 2016" The principal says.

After that we all take off our caps and throw them in the air. We all say our goodbyes to our favorite teachers and make our way toward our families.

I get congratulated from my family and Josh's family. After finding Josh and hugging him, our family wants pictures again. After taking some pictures he finally asked me where I decided to go to college.

"So where'd you decide to go?" He asked.

I let out a big breath. "I decided to go with Mercer, it's a great school and I'm in the same town as my family, so I won't be all alone, and I'm going to be staying with my cousin" I said knowing he's not going to be happy, but I have to worry about me for once.

"Wow that's awesome, but what happened to going to University of Southern Florida?" He frowned.

"Don't get me wrong that's also a great School, but Mercer really stood out to me."

"Well I guess I can't change your mind. It's going to suck not having you around all the time" He said with a frown.

"I know, but you're going to have a lot of fun in college, plus you're going to have a fiance so you'll be busy."

"Yeah I guess. When do you leave?" He asked.

"Not until July, so we have plenty of time to hang out." 

"Good" He said with a big grin.

After I got done talking to him I went to talk to some of my teachers. As I'm talking to my teachers I see Josh not far from where I am talking to Megan, trying not to focus on them I continue to talk to my teacher.

After saying goodbye to my teacher I get stopped by someone else, as I'm talking to that person, I hear gasps in the crowd.

turning around to see what the problem is I see Josh down on one knee, proposing to Megan. 

Not being able to stop the water works from coming I give a hug to the person I'm talking to saying I have to leave.

Turning in the direction of my family I realized not only my family is already looking at me with a frown, but so is Josh's family. I mouth to my mom "car" and she mouths to me "unlocked." Before I turn towards the parking lot I see Mrs. Parker mouthing to me that she's "sorry" and I mouth to her "it's Ok."

Getting into the back seat of my mom's car, I slam my fists on the head rest in front of me screaming and crying. My family gets into the car not long after that. Everyone is quiet on the way home until I break the silence.

"Would it be okay if I leave for college earlier than expected like Friday?"

"Are you sure that's what you want to do honey?" My mom asks.

"Yes. I can't stay here any longer mom, I can't do it" I say starting to cry again.

"Ok honey... I'll start looking for flights" She said.

"Thank you."

The rest of the ride was quite besides the radio playing in the background.

After getting home I stay in bed all day. My mom suggests we go to Sonic to celebrate my graduation since I love Sonic. After that I go up to my room to relax. Trying to avoid all social media so I don't have to see Josh's engagement, I Shut off my phone and watch Friends.

I called Amy and told her what was going on, she said moving in earlier than expected is fine and I'd probably be a good idea to get a job right away, so I could help pay rent.

The next day I start packing all my stuff and getting it ready to ship it to Georgia.

The next remaining days are spent by packing and saying my goodbyes to people.

I tried to get ahold of Josh, but I didn't have any luck until the day I had to leave, apparently he was with Megan somewhere.

Not even an half hour before we have to leave for the airport, I got to see him and say goodbye to him.

"Hey sorry I didn't answer your call Wednesday, I took Megan to a hotel to celebrate our engagement. You guys going on a trip or something?" He said walking into the driveway.

"Well first I want to say congratulations on your engagement" I say even though I feel like throwing up.

"Thank you" He said.

I let out a breath. "There's no easy way to say this, but I'm leaving for Georgia, my parents are driving me to the airport" I said letting out a big breath.

"Wait... what?" He asked in disbelief.

"I'm leaving for Georgia, I just made the decision Wednesday, I tried to call you, but you were busy."

He raked his fingers through his hair. "Fuck! I knew I should've picked up, you're really leaving now, why?" He asked.

"Yeah we're leaving in ten minutes. Something happened with my cousins roommate and she needs the rent because she can't pay it all by herself." 

"Wow, I still can't believe you're really leaving" He said with a frown.

"Yeah, I thought I had more time, but this gives me time to know my surroundings and meet people" I said lying through my teeth.

"That makes sense, but still sucks that you're leaving" He said.

I go up to him giving him a big hug knowing I need to leave soon and I'm not sure when the next time I'll see him, he hugs me back even harder.

"You have to promise me you will come home and visit on holidays and breaks" He said.

"I promise I will" I said lying through my teeth. I'm not sure if I'll come home on every break.

"Wrap it up we gotta leave!" My dad said from the car.

"Ok well good luck at USF and I'll see you before you know it" I said squeezing him.

"You kick ass at Mercer Katie girl. Remember you promised to come home and visit" He said looking into my eyes.

"I will." 


After releasing Josh, he kisses my cheek. 

That definitely has to be the perfect send off.

"I'll miss you Katie girl" He said. 

"I'll miss you too." 

I got into the car and we backed out of our driveway and I looked back at Josh one more time waving at him out the window.

~~~Josh's Pov~~~

As I watched her car disappear around the corner I felt like I just got kicked in the stomach. I head back inside and go watch TV to distract myself. My mom just so happens to be on the couch, so I tell her about what just happened.

"Well Katie just left for Mercer two months early."

"I know, I talked to her yesterday" She said nonchalantly.

I stare at her wide-eyed. "You knew!"

"Yeah her mother called me about it on Tuesday" She said.

"You didn't think to call me and tell me?!" 

"You were busy with Megan honey" She said.

"Yeah, but you could've told me, I would've came home earlier to spend time with Katie instead of saying goodbye for only ten minutes!"

"How does all this make you feel honey?" She asks.

How does this make me feel? Why the hell is she so calm about this, I feel like I just lost my best friend.

"Like I've been kicked in the stomach, like my other half is missing."

"Well good maybe, you're not that blind after all" She said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing honey, she'll be back for Thanksgiving break before you know it" She said.

After that, we didn't talk about it anymore.

The summer went by quickly and before I knew it, it was time to college. I liked the campus and my classes and it turns out Alex from my basketball team also decided to go to USF so we go a lot closer, and Megan and I were also doing great, it just felt like there was a missing piece, and I knew that was Katie.

I counted down the days until Thanksgiving break. I got home the day before Thanksgiving and we were getting ready and I asked my mom if the Watsons were coming over for dessert like they do every year and she said yes they were. 

When the Watsons got there I was buzzing with excitement, I couldn't wait to see her, to see how she's been doing over at Mercer and to tell her how I've been doing since we really don't talk that much anymore.

We check in on each other every now and then, but that's it, nothing like we used to.

They came in and we all say hi to each other and I'm looking around them, I don't see her.

"She's not coming sweetie" Katie's mom says with a sad smile.

"Why is she not coming?" 

"She's having Thanksgiving with her boyfriends family and we're going to see her tomorrow" she said.

After hearing that I feel like I have just been sucker punched, maybe since Megan broke up with me last month and now that I'm single, hearing other people get into relationships bothers me.

What bothers me the most is she didn't even tell me she had a boyfriend.

After dessert I text her asking her how Thanksgiving went and she said it was good and she wished me and my family a Happy Thanksgiving, I asked her if she was coming home for Christmas and she said no, she said she was spending Christmas with her boyfriend again. 

When the time came I tried to wish her a merry Christmas, but it said the number was no longer in service, so once again it was another lonely holiday without my best friend. The only good thing about this time was my niece Melanie was born.

The next year came and I was hoping she would come visit for Thanksgiving, but turns out she didn't once again. 

The Watsons had moved, so I had no way of contacting her since she no longer had social media. After that I gave up hope. I didn't know when the next time I would see her again, but I hope she's doing good.


*Author's note

Fuckkk that was a long one, sorry for it being really long, but I did warn you guys.

I Actually started to tear up when he realized how much she means to him and he wouldn't see her anymore.

You will see more of Josh's pov in the next chapters.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to comment!

see you guys in the next update!👋

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