Someone's Calling My Name And...

By FlourryLTHS

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The Styles Triplets and Louis Tomlinson have been best friends ever since they're still in diapers. Years lat... More

Chapter 1: In a field of Dandelions, wishing on every one that you'll be mine
Chapter 3 he fell in love with his best friends part
Chapter 4 - I tried to be cool but my feelings they don't allow me to..
Chapter 5 - Cause nobody knows you baby, the way I do.
Chapter 6 - When you're with me, no judgement
Chapter 7 - I'm right here.
Chapter 8 - only if you knew how much I liked you.
Chapter 9 - If we're not friends, someone else might love you too.
Chapter 10 - Cause I like you but that's not enough.
Chapter 11 - I'm still longing for you.
Capter 12 - When you look in to her eyes hope you think of me.
Chapter 13 - Ang damdamin kong napagtanto na gusto kita.
Chapter 14 - Leave you lover.
Chapter 15 -his lips on mine, so soft. Feelings I don't know.
Chapter 16 - Sorry I didn't kiss you.

Chapter 2 - knew I was falling when I looked inside your eyes

438 19 3
By FlourryLTHS

"Knew I was falling when I look inside your eyes."
"And if I said I'm falling would you just reply, 'I know you are, but what am i?"
- Why Don't We | What Am I

After riding some of the rides. The four decided to move to the game booths spread throughout the whole carnival. After almost throwing up because of the intense rides they rode. It was fun, but they soon regretted getting up on the carts and seats, as it made their head spins and Harry almost losing his balance while walking at one point. But let's be honest, harry trips even if there's nothing to be tripped off.

Harry and Marcel was in front of a booth speaking in hushed voices as they made up a plan on how to win one of the biggest bear in display for louis. The clerk looking at them boredly, they all know that the game was already rigged. While the two alphas started having an intense conversion, Marcel pointing at the bottles stacked explaining certain angles on how to knock it all down. While harry has look of pure determination on his face nodding along to what marcel is saying, Hands crossed on his chest. they look like a proper idiots and louis loved it

Louis was besides Edward, munching on the pretzel Edward bought for him while the latter messily eat the cotton candy he chose, even taking a piece of it and feeding louis the candy. Louis hummed every time Edward does that, even stopping from nibbling on his own food. Appreciating what Edward does for him. The two watched a few feet from the alphas, munching on their food as they watch harry getting ready, positioning his arms backwards and legs forward like he's in a competition of baseball when in reality he just need to take down the six bottles positioned in the center. Louis held his breath, while he felt Edward does the same. Really hoping they would at least win one game. They watched as Harry throw the ball and instead of hitting the bottles he clumsily hits the light that lit when you won something.

Edward let out a loud laugh, while Louis suppressed a giggle behind his pretzel. They watched as Harry's shoulders slumped down while Marcel patted Harry's back, they watched as the employee walked towards the two alphas. Louis' attention shifted to Edward's as the latter cleared his throat.

"So uh, I heard that there will be new transferee." Edward said while licking off the remains of the candy that was left on his fingers. Louis hummed in acknowledgement, but the thoughts in his mind are clearly something. He's confused on what is Edward is trying to imply. They always get new students in their school, so what's so interesting about it.

"What are you guys talking about?" Marcel asked, before Louis could ask Edward who it'll be. Louis glanced at them to see Marcel pocketing his wallet while Harry clutched a big rainbow teddy bear on his chest. Louis thought that the bear was kinda cute and he wouldn't mind if it will be his cuddle buddy every night when he goes to sleep since he's a cuddler.

"You paid your way again, didn't you?" Louis looked at them with raised eyebrow, Making Harry nod with a pout on his face clearly ashamed on having to buy the prize instead of winning it. Marcel only sighed in annoyance, it has been the 4th time they bought the prize instead of winning it. And it clearly shows how much they sucked at it. They would always try and give the bear they bought to Louis but Louis would always turn them down saying "I'm not going to accept it, unless you three won it. I want it to be from your hard experience of winning it. I'm sorry, I hope you understand." Louis whispered afraid that the triplets would be mad at him.

Of course the triplets understand that. They also want to win Louis one of the prizes so bad. But alas, they sucked at carnival games. It's ironic how they're so good with almost everything, but the stupid carnival games are testing their patience.

"The employee said that we, instead of it being just Harry's fault. Broke the light this idiot hit, and we need to pay for it or else the owner would less his own salary because of it. And then the said idiot couldn't help but also buy one of the prizes." Marcel explained to them, while glaring at Harry. Making the latter rolled his eyes, mumbling something under his breath. (probably insults towards his younger brother)

The two continued to bicker acting like children, in the middle of the carnival. People looked at them weirdly, wondering what the two alphas are fighting about. They didn't know it was simply as not winning a game. Louis and Edward just look at the two in amusement. Louis shook his head smiling, while Edward decided step on before it gets heated. "Come on guys, I think I just saw a stand that sells hotdogs. Let go and grab some." Edward put his hand on Marcel's shoulder ushering him to stop glaring at Harry.

Sighing Louis knows he needed to do something to make the two alphas with their childish acts. "Okay! Let's agree on something here. Harry I'll accept that adorable rainbow bear you're holding right now as long as you and Marcy get along with no fighting or bickering through out the night, deal?" Louis negotiated with them. The two look at louis with shock but it was soon replaced with wide smiles, their whole faces lighting up. Even Edward perked at that looking at louis with wide eyes. Others might assume Louis said something about giving the triplets their christmas presents early.

Harry excitedly gave Louis the bear, before hugging him. Making the bear squished between them Louis hugged back for a while but with Harry hugging him still, Louis patted Harry's back indicating him to let go which Harry gladly did. "Come on, let's go get some hotdogs! I heard it has some good ass melted cheese inside it." Louis said excitedly. Urging the three alphas to walk towards where the stand was.

He felt a hand placed on his shoulder, squeezing it before leaning down towards Louis' ear whispering. "You have a good ass." Louis' eyes went wide while he felt his cheeks heat up, letting out a gasp Louis turned to find that the alpha who made the dirty was of course Edward!

Punching his bicep because it's as far as he can reach, Louis looked at Edward scandalized. Edward pouted pretending to cry while rubbing his bruised arm, because let's be honest Louis would never hurt them that hard and the little omega is literally like a teddy bear, like the one cradled in his arm making them look like twins. The omega can't even hurt a fly much as hurting a 6 foot alpha that much. Marcel and Harry only laughed, probably hearing what Edward said even if they're a bit far from them. Damn them and their alpha hearings.

Louis scowled while crossing his arms or trying to. Since he's still holding the bear which is almost as tall as him. Stomping towards the stand, while also shouldering past Marcel and Harry. They already know they fucked up. Reaching the stand Louis impatiently wait for the three to catch up on him, tapping his white chunky shoes on the pavement.

Marcel looked at Louis apologetically, rubbing his shoulder in a soothing manner. Harry whistled while looking around pretending he knows nothing while Edward looked at Louis sheepishly. He knows he has upset the boy, so all he can do is make it up to him.

"Because of what you said. You're going to buy me three, three hotdogs." Louis said at Edward while lifting up three fingers to show him how serious he is. Edward nods in understanding, asking his brothers how many they want too before ordering.

While Marcel lead louis to one of the vacant tables, Harry stayed behind with Edward "You fucked up." Harry said quietly but they all heard the underlying pissed tone on his voice. "If I remember correctly you and marcel laughed at what I said." Edward said through gritted teeth while handing the amount they owed. Defeated, Harry sighed leaning his head towards Edward's shoulder. "What should we do?"

"Apologize of course. Say I didn't mean to make that rude comment towards him and you two would apologize for laughing at my stupid joke." Edward assured Harry, patting his hair before getting the hotdogs handed to him.

They sometimes forget how sensitive Louis was when it came to sexual or degrading comments. In middle school Louis was bullied when he presented as an omega. Even in the modern day, Some still saw omegas as a lesser being than the alphas or betas. He was told how disgusting it is to be an omega, they call him names and pushed him around. It was also the time the alphas moved into their public school, trying to see if it was as cool as what their friends say to them. Louis was left in their private school, he has no one to go to. He saw the triplets less when they moved, and he didn't dare tell his parents about it. Since he is cherished in the Tomlinson household, being the only omega while his sisters are all betas. Louis tried not to sound and looked weak he tried to be strong.

Louis never get to have any friends besides the triplets, one of the reason too why he was bullied was because of how close he and the triplets are. They were his protectors and best friend, that's why a lot of his classmates envy Louis. They want to be close too with the alphas, but even when they were popular in their school they only ever hanged out with louis in and out of it.

Louis was trying so hard to hide everyone that he was getting bullied, but of course his mom and dad are no idiots they always saw their son limping or rubbing his sides. They are concerned but they were waiting for louis to speak to them since they taught their children to be honest and true to them. But that one day they saw their son limping while also trying to hide his face, Louis' parents blood boils when they saw that their omega son had a bruised on his cheek while supporting a black eye.

As jay tenderly holds and caress Louis' cheek that's when louis broke down and told them everything. He's only an omega who could handle so much, even if he's trying to be strong and handle the emotional and physical trauma his bullies cause him. He's still an omega who can't handle intense emotions and pains, they are known to be delicate and soft creatures who do no harms. That's why they leave it to their alphas to protect them, their pups and nests.

Louis' dad angrily called the school asking them why his omega son is being bullied and have bruises on his face when no one in the Tomlinson house wouldn't even dare to lay a hand on their omega son.

Louis spend a week in his bedroom not talking to anyone, just getting out when he needs to use the bathroom or when he sometimes feel like eating. That's when jay called Anne for help, asking her if the triplets can come and check on louis. She was worried sick on what might happen to louis, he might even go to omega space if it became too much. It was clearly dangerous for omegas to go to their omega space with no one to help them down to it or get them out of it. Mostly alphas are the ones who can control and take care of their omega/s during a drop, they would make nests and talk to their omega/s to let them know they are safe and no one's going to hurt them.

he triplets came as soon as possible worried when they heard the news about Louis being bullied. They didn't know that Louis was suffering when they were away, they that louis was not okay when he would cancel their plans or hiss when the triplets held louis a little bit tighter, or when the omega would sometimes snuck into the triplets bedroom through their open window just across louis'. He would silently snuck into their bed cuddling the one closest to the edge of the bed (which is always marcel)

Louis would snuggle close to the alpha, inhaling his calming pheromones of dark chocolates and cherry, Louis would drift off to his dreamland with no nightmares roaming around at the back of his mind. Not noticing that the three alphas are awake.

They enter the omega's spacious room, they love the omega's room. It was soft filled with stuff toys the omega loves so dearly, it was also from the alphas who gave it to him, where they either bought it or won it at their local arcade by saving all of their ticket just so they can give louis the fluffiest toy they saw. It was also covered with fairy lights, the small omega's room was covered in pastel green with a huge king sized bed with two rooms for his ensuite and his walk in closet, a small desk in a corner where all louis' art supplies lay.

There lay in the middle of the bed is louis, but his hair is the only thing poking out of it. Marcel sat at the edge of louis' bed, sotfly caressing the omega's side careful of his touches on not cause louis too much pain, while harry sat on louis' swivel chair, petting louis' hair that was peeking out of his comforter. While Edward chose to lean on louis' bedpost.

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