Forever Yours

By jfrussell

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BOOK 2 OF THE FOREVER SERIES It's been fifteen months since a single decision changed Roxy and Isaac's lives... More



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By jfrussell

Perched on top of her favourite spot, Roxy Winters inhaled a deep breath as a soft breeze ruffled her golden fur. The peak at the top of the pile of boulders gave a panoramic view of the Moonlight Ridge territory, the same spot which had been the start of her and Isaac growing closer almost two years ago. It'd become her daily ritual to watch the stunning sunrise, awakening the sleepy land in a bright golden light. It was the only time she got to herself, to let her worries float away on the fresh morning air. In the past year she found she'd been teetering on the brink of a breakdown. If she didn't force her tired body to rise before the rest of the pack each day for a small window of quietness, she was sure she'd go insane. Although a good sleep would probably give her the same satisfaction, getting up before everyone else and coming out here was a certainty. A decent sleep was not.

As the sun peaked over the horizon, she closed her wolf's eyes as it warmed her body, imagining its rays seeping through her skin and massaging her worries away. She sighed, wishing she could spend an entire week in her wolf form amongst the outdoors. But the four walls of the pack office were all she tended to see nowadays, since her life had taken a chaotic path she'd never have thought imaginable.

When she'd decided to change Isaac into a blood wolf, she knew the long road ahead of them wasn't going to be easy. While she'd hoped his strong body would fight the venom now coursing through his system, she'd always been prepared for it to consume him faster than they imagined. For the emerald greens she drowned in to turn into a spine-chilling yellow, for his muscles of his strong body to drop away and be replaced by skin and bone. And more terrifyingly, for his already heightened Alpha emotions to amplify as the bloodlust took control. Of course, being her, she'd been naïvely confident that they'd find a cure within a few months. They were now in the fifteenth month of scrambling for answers, still no closer to finding a cure than they had been on day one.

Normally Roxy didn't allow her most feared thought to barge its way into her mind, but today she did. With a long and sad whine she lowered herself to lay down, her belly pressed against the rocks. With her large head resting against her paws, she allowed a single tear to dribble down her nose. What if they never found a cure? While there was little information about blood wolves, thanks to them being mistaken as extinct for thousands of years, they had learnt through the endless research that the most a werewolf had been able to fight the curse was twelve months. Like Isaac, he'd been a strong and powerful Alpha, the blood wolves had changed him to weaken him and take over his pack. Isaac had been cursed for over a year. They were quite literally racing a ticking time bomb.

As much as she hadn't wanted to, she'd been forced to create a plan for the day Isaac did cave into the bloodlust which seemed to be approaching fast. At present there was no cure, no remedy to ease the symptoms, the only way of putting a blood wolf out of their misery and ensuring other wolves' safety was to kill them. But the thought was too painful for Roxy to bear. She'd already watched her soulmate die once, and she refused to watch it again because of her decision. So she'd decided that if – or more like when – the dreaded day came, she would lock him up in the mausoleum. Just like the original werewolves had to contain their insanity on a full moon. She had to keep believing that there was a cure out there.

Roxy forced the thought of the uncertain future away, her mind transporting her to the image of Isaac sleeping as she'd left this morning. Like the sun rising in front of her, her heart continued to glow with every thought of him and every second she was in his presence. Although she wished it wasn't happening, Isaac's death and transition had told her to be grateful for each moment. This morning, just like she did every morning, she'd bent down and placed a kiss on his forehead before whispering 'I love you, Alpha' into his ears. Just when she'd turn away to leave, thinking he hadn't heard, she'd been pulled back into bed and covered with playful kisses. Sometimes they would make love – slow and passionate – wanting to bathe in every moment they were blessed with. Of course, now they had to be a lot more careful. While it was normal in the werewolf realm for a she-wolf to fall pregnant only months after a bonding ceremony, they'd had to delay creating a next generation. They did not need to add to the blood wolf resurrection.

A lump formed in Roxy's throat. For a good month now they hadn't had sex. Even though he tried to put on a brave façade she could sense Isaac's body weakening. When he'd pepper her with kisses of a morning, his chest would be heaving with laboured breaths and he'd use the excuse of not wanting to hold her up instead of telling the truth that he was simply too exhausted. A week after their sex life had become dormant, she'd noticed his forehead was hot with a burning fever each time she'd press a soft kiss to it. Unlike the days when she'd first arrived at Moonlight Ridge, when Isaac was the one up before the rest of the pack, he was now the last to rise. Sometimes he would sleep for fourteen hours and would come downstairs with pale skin and dark bags under his eyes. This week he'd developed a cough and she'd discovered the bloody tissues stashed at the bottom of the bin in the bathroom.

With a long sigh, Roxy heaved herself to her paws and began hopping down the boulders. It was time to go back to reality, no matter how bleak.

Isaac still weighed on her mind heavily as she began walking across the paddocks, the grass seeds hooking onto the fur of her legs. Would he have opened up to her about his slowly dying body if she hadn't of been the one to continue the transition? It was in Isaac's nature to protect the ones he loved. It's part of an Alpha's duty to take the brunt of what can be a cruel world so the rest of the pack don't see it. Was he keeping it quiet because he knew she already blamed herself deeply? She liked to think that no matter what he would protect her. But guilt continuously rained down on her, leading them to the same tiring argument.

'Isaac, tell me the truth.' Roxy would say as they laid next to each other in bed of a night. 'Do you hate me for doing this to you?'

Isaac's agitated sigh told her he was sick of answering the same question, but she felt that she had to keep pushing until he cracked. She couldn't explain why, but it was as if she wanted him to hate her. She would rather be heartbroken by the truth of his feelings rather than protected with lies.

'Roxy, for the millionth time, I don't hate you. I never have and I never will. You gave me another chance to be with you again.' Isaac would tug her body to his, wrapping his arms around her which she'd noticed were becoming skinnier. 'I love you, mío para siempre. Now get some sleep.'

Only she wouldn't sleep. The same questions which ran rampant in her mind all day would also torment her when the sun had long set. Had she done the right thing in resurrecting Isaac? As painful as it'd been, would she have been better off to let him die an honourable death and his spirit be returned to nature? Now she was watching her soulmate die slowly, his self-respect dwindling with each passing day as his powerful figure slowly shrivelled into one of a dying man. With the curse of a blood wolf he would no longer return to nature when he died, his spirit to join his parents', but he'd be stuck in an afterlife limbo with his spirit unable to rest anywhere. A creature divided by good and bad.

Out of the corner of her eye, moving in the distance, Roxy caught sight of the patrol group making their way back to the houses. They were the nightshift, going home to change over with the day shift.

'Anything to report from patrol?' Roxy asked them.

She recognised the large black wolf to be Paul, his voice filling her head. 'No, Luna. Not even a deer dropping.'

Roxy sighed, the familiar nervousness which had plagued her since the battle bubbling up inside. Every single werewolf of the world was on the lookout for the two fugitives who'd escaped. Isaac had been sure that without Abaddon's influence and protection, that Levi was too spineless to create another blood wolf Armageddon. Roxy however wasn't. It was strange that they'd swapped their views on the lone wolf. Normally Isaac was the one to assume the worst in wolves, especially Levi, and Roxy would be the one to encourage him to see past their flaws, just like she'd done with the blood wolf they'd imprisoned. But she'd seen the curse of the blood wolf consume him during her kidnapping, proving at just how good of an act he'd kept up in befriending her. And now he had Abigail under a spell. What if they were lying low, creating an army with their offspring, just like Abaddon had?

From time to time Roxy would think of the girl Kayla had introduced her to. Often she would relay the moments they'd shared together before Roxy's first day of school – when Abigail had shown her the trick of tying her tie without having to undo it again. The girl hadn't been close with Roxy for long but her innocence and sweet heart had made an impact on her. Maybe it was because it was devastating that she'd been captured and manipulated by such an evil wolf, forbidden from finding her true soulmate who would've been blessed to have someone like Abigail. The real Abigail.

It hadn't been long after Isaac's return home that they'd gone knocking on the Greens' cabin door. They'd stayed home during the battle to help care for the elders and youth during the pack's absence. Roxy could still hear Mrs Green's heartbroken wails as they broke the news of Abigail's manipulation and escape. Mr Green had stood rigid, a large hand on his soulmate's shoulder. The following day they'd alerted Isaac and Roxy that they were leaving, devoting their lives to searching for their only child. They hadn't heard from them since.

With a frustrated growl, Roxy quickened her pace from a walk to a jog. The sun was now high in the sky but she was going where not even a ray shone. The witches were always good to take her frustrations out on.

In the covering of the forest that surrounded the pack houses, the temperature of an autumn day plummeted. After shifting from her wolf form and into her human one, Roxy stepped out from behind the thick trunk of a pin oak tree while buttoning her jeans. The fallen and dried pine needles crunched beneath her bare feet as she walked towards the mausoleum. Their coverage would soon be minimal when the trees turned into skeletons – another thing to discuss with Tobias. Four Omega wolves stood at each corner of the mausoleum whilst two stood at the doors. With their high risk prisoners now in its cells, security had been doubled and they'd permanently allocated guards.

'Good morning, Peter.' Roxy smiled at the tall red wolf on the left. With her smile still intact, she turned to face the wide black wolf on the right. 'Tony, glad to see you're still functioning at this time of day despite having newborn twins.'

His caramel eyes twinkled with amusement.

Roxy approached the stairs and the two wolves parted with a solid step to the side each. 'Thank you, boys.'

She shivered as she stepped inside the mausoleum, the dark and cold place always giving her the heebie-jeebies. Rubbing her bare arms now prickled with goosebumps, she began making her way down the spiralling staircase, sticking to the flame torches which radiated warmth. As she neared the end of the staircase the strange herbal scent of the witches filled her nostrils, along with the urine and faeces which would be in the straw. Roxy felt guilty for the wolves she'd assigned on muck out duty. Keeping prisoners was fun until the smaller details were thought of.

At her arrival the witches began hissing, throwing their faces against the bars of their cells while their fingers decorated by freakishly long nails curled around the iron. All of them except one gave her the frosty welcoming. Roxy looked to Cordelia in her cell who laid against the ice-cold stone with her legs up against the wall. A book was in her hands, held closely to her face. Roxy had allowed her the luxury of having a new book to read each week. The youngest witch was the kindest by far. It was hard to believe she was the younger sister of Evanora, the most callous and annoying witch Roxy had come across. Not that she'd met many witches in her time. As much as Roxy wanted to believe there really could be such thing as a good witch, she was still cautious of the fact that Cordelia could be playing a convincing part. Her older sister used crystals to manipulate minds after all.

Turning her attention away from the witches, Roxy walked over to the Beta who stood eyeballing the witches along with the other guards which were spaced two metres apart throughout the entire mausoleum. At the sight of her, his white teeth glowed against his dark skin as his face broke into a grin.

'Right on time, as usual.' Tobias jerked his head, which had new patterns shaved into the sides, to the cells. 'Hoping to get something out of them this time?'

Roxy rolled her eyes at the three witches' cackling. 'I've only been trying for a year, what more is another day?'

Tobias smirked. 'You're one hell of a Luna, Roxy. You know in the early days it baffled me that you and Isaac were soulmates but after watching you take the reins of the pack more, I can see that you're a perfect match for our Alpha. You're both as stubborn as sticks in mud.'

Roxy giggled. 'You're not the only one thinking that lately. Unlike Isaac I don't have the heart to torture them for information, even if they did assist a blood wolf in my sister and I's kidnappings. Moon Goddess knows how I've managed to stop Isaac from doing just that.'

'I believe the term is whipped.' Tobias grinned and mimicked the action of cracking a whip, making the other guards break into smirks beneath heavy black armour.

Roxy snorted before a frown settled onto her face. 'Hang on, I thought I had you on the night shift down here. The sun is long up! Go home and be with Kayla!'

At this, a grimace came onto the Beta's face. 'I swapped with Sienna. Kayla's been a bit all over the place lately because of... you know.'

A sadness descended on Roxy. For the past six months, despite having continuous heat cycles, Kayla was struggling to fall pregnant. It saddened Roxy that someone like her best friend who was a natural born mother wasn't being blessed with pregnancy. And she felt that she was to blame. The stress of her brother being a blood wolf wouldn't be doing anything good for her body.

'Black cohosh still not working?'

The herb indigenous to the Mountainous Region was used to help fertility by bringing on menstruation as well as helping keep the reproductive organs healthy. Kayla had been having it with every drink and meal. Not that Roxy would ever voice her opinions, with her best friend already being emotional, but she couldn't help but wonder if the pressure Kayla was putting on herself was also delaying her falling pregnant. Roxy just hoped it was in her mind, and not something seriously wrong with her insides.

Tobias sighed and shook his head. 'Nope. Now she's added liquorice, ashwagandha and shatavari to our diet. Oh! And then there's the castor oil packs she wears at night. When she falls asleep and rolls around I wake up feeling like I've slept in unicorn­–'

Roxy held up a hand to halt him, knowing fully well where the conversation was going. She sighed sadly. 'So now you've been roped into the herbs too?'

Tobias looked glum, his grey eyes darkening and his eyebrows puckering. 'I don't know what to do, Roxy. I mean it could be me but Maria ran a heap of tests and said everything was you know, working normal.' His shoulders slumped. 'The herbs probably aren't doing any harm but it's the fact she's convinced they'll work. If I tell her to ease off she accuses me of thinking she's crazy or that I think it's a load of bull. I just, I don't know how to help her!'

Roxy opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a high-pitched voice behind them.

'I could perform a ritual,' sneered Ophelia, her large almond eyes glistening with mischief. 'Of course, it'll come at a price.'

Tobias gave a sharp growl, his eyes narrowing onto the witch still wearing the plum dress, cloak and shayla she'd worn while Roxy was locked in a cell across from them. 'Your filth will never come near my soulmate, witch.'

Ophelia cackled in response, moving away from the bars.

Roxy sighed and turned back to Tobias. 'How about I come and stop by after I'm done with these nitwits? I know I haven't been there for her as much as I should be lately.'

Tobias' eyes brightened. 'I think that'll be good for her. Thanks, Roxy.'

She smiled and jerked her head towards the staircase. 'I know she's bit of a handful at the moment but go and be with her. I think her being alone with her thoughts these days is the worst thing for her.'

Tobias gave a nod and after ordering the guards to keep a close eye on the cells, he bounded up the staircase out of sight.

Spinning on her heel, Roxy moved along the cells of witches, grinning smugly when she walked just out of reach of their clawing nails. Ignoring Allegra, Ophelia and Evanora who she knew would only respond with snide remarks and cackling, she came to a halt on the other side of Cordelia's bars. Settling herself down on the ground, Roxy watched as the young witch's eyes continued to move along the pages, so absorbed by the book she hadn't noticed her presence. By her flushed cheeks and wide eyes she'd gotten to an exciting part of the story. It wasn't until Roxy cleared her throat that Cordelia jumped, smacking the book closed as if Roxy had invaded her personal thoughts.

'Luna Winters,' said the girl nervously in a British accent, tucking a thick blonde plait behind her ear. 'I'm sorry I didn't see you there.'

Roxy smirked. 'Sorry to interrupt. You looked to be enjoying that.'

A pink blush dusted the witch's white cheeks and her teeth chomped down on her rosy bottom lip. 'Oh yes, quite so. I do love a good romance. The prince and his lover had just reunited after he was in battle for weeks you see–' At Roxy's bemused expression a brighter blush made her cheeks glow and she set the book aside. 'I'm sorry. I could talk about literature all day.'

'No problem.' Roxy shrugged her shoulders. It was strange being kind to a witch, but with Cordelia seeming to be the gentlest of the four she hoped that maybe instead of gruelling questioning that maybe she could win her over with kindness. And lots of romance books.

Cordelia's large blue eyes became nervous and she used a grimy finger to wrap a curl of her hair around it. Biting her lip, she scurried closer to the bars, making the skirts of her raggy dress drag behind her. The leather strings of her corset were almost worn, making it sit awkwardly against her small body. Roxy frowned at the way her eyes slid nervously to the walls dividing her from the rest of her coven and she couldn't stop the way her heart did a hopeful flip. Was Cordelia about to tell her a cure for the blood wolf curse?

'I know of a way to help your friend,' she whispered gently. 'For her to be blessed with child.'

Roxy scanned the witch's face, looking for any sign of wickedness that seemed to be permanently etched on the others' faces, but only found hope and openness. 'How?'

Cordelia looked down to her dainty hands clasped in her lap. 'Your friend and her soulmate have had the right idea with the herbs, but the ones they are using are not for supernatural creatures.'

'Why do I feel like you're about to tell me the herb they need only comes from one plant in a hidden corner of the world?' Roxy folded her arms across her chest, still not convinced that a witch was willing to help Kayla from the kindness of her black heart.

Cordelia laughed. It was soft and melodic. 'The herbs I need are not hard to come by. Enchantment, however, is.' Her face became serious. 'I heard what your Beta said – that he wouldn't allow a witch's magic to come near his soulmate and I do not blame him.' She pressed herself against the bars, her small hands wrapping around them tightly. 'However I want to help. My sisters and I have caused so much pain and suffering to your pack, to your family, and I would like to be the one to at least put a plank on the mending bridge.'

Roxy eyed her steadily. She wanted to believe her, if this witch was telling the truth then Kayla and Tobias would be happy. But the past had proven she was blind when it came to trust. Although it was a trait of hers she was honoured by, her large amount of kindness often led her to a world of hurt. And now that she was practically running Moonlight Ridge during Isaac's illness, she'd learnt to remove emotions out of her decisions. What would Isaac do? She chewed at her bottom lip. He would do whatever it took to make the ones he loves happy.

'What would you want in return? Your sisters are the champions of bargaining,' muttered Roxy.

'The herbs I require grow within your territory. All I ask is that you allow me to retrieve them.' Cordelia's eyes became desperate. 'Being a green witch, I am closer to Mother Nature more than other witches. After being locked away for so many years I can feel myself weakening and I crave to be amongst her again. That is all I ask.'

Roxy rose to her feet, brushing the grime of the floor from her shorts and legs. Cordelia rushed to level her, her eyes still wide with hope. 'I will talk to my Alpha and come back to you with a decision tonight.'

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