
By naylahere

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One who was hauted and the one who was hauting How the roles have changed More



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By naylahere

I was tired of sitting and waiting for him to realise that I was here. I was done. I was done trying, it wouldn't help with anything.

"I'm gonna go home" I said. putting both hands on the table. I slowly lift myself to get up only to be stopped by Elijah's hand on my forearm.

I swear he has a thing for grabbing people.

Me eyes meet his. His beautiful hazel eyes hold nothing but hatred. His harsh fingers tighten around my forearm which resulted in me wincing. He just kept looking at me.

"Elijah let go" I say trying to rip  my arm away.

"No" He spits.

"Let go please" I was in constant fear of Elijah's unexpected acts. It was terrifying

"You're not going anywhere after you just got shot. You're weak." He says looking at me dead in the eye. I didn't like the way he said weak. It seemed more like a fact than a reason to stay.

"Elijah please let go you're hurting me." I was so overwhlemed with everything. The wound. Rob somehow knowing me. Lorenzo situation with the clothes. Not knowing if Jenny is safe. The concussion. Elijah's grip. Elijah himself. It was too much to comprehend that I had tears threatening to spill.

"Fuck here we go again. Stop crying would you?."

"Then let go." I mutter lowly. Slowly but surely, a small tear made it's way down my cheek.

His grip just kept getting tighter and tighter. I whimper in pain. This is not okay at all. This is assault. Right? Elijah is keeping me somewhere agaisn't my wish. It's assault. Hostage? Am I being held hostage?

I rip my arm out of his hold with success and try to run towrds the large black doors hoping it was the my way out. Of course with the pain in my abdomen and the ache at the back of my head I was slowed down. But that wouldn't stop me from trying. I couldn't hear anything behind me meaning Elijah wasn't trying anything. I think he knew I wasn't gonna go far. He was waiting for the right moment.

I continued to run towards the door. Again, my left hand finding it's way to the bandage covered wound. I wasn't that far anymore. Only a couple more steps and i'm free. It was at that moment when i heard a chair slide back against the hardwood floor. Meaning Elijah is coming my way.

I turn around and see him walking towards me. I was running and he took his time. His long steps will win against my stumbles. There was no competition because I knew and he knew that I won't get far.

I was started to get frustated and my tears were more frequent. I was crying. He was so scary. So mean and so intimidating. His whole demeanor held a dark one. Like he wanted to hurt me.

I had finally reached the door when his hand landed right beside my head agaisnt the black wood. His other one turned grabs my shoudler and turns me towards him harshly. I'm getting déjà vu of last night when he was pressed against me.

Both his arms land on yesterday's bruise caused by him. My upper arms. I grunt, groan, whimper, hiss, wince, whatever it is, I do it. Still, he doesnt fucking notice. Just...


How much more careless can he get?

I was a crying mess right now. Tears were forming and falling, I was hyperventilating, Elijah scares the absolute fuck out of me. I seriously thought he was gonna fucking kill me.

"Is there anything else you wanna try instead of crying?" he spits at me.

"Let me go, please Elijah" I keep trying to twist my arms out of his grip only for him to tighten his.

"You're always fucking crying Belle. You're still the same weak kid crying for her mom. You know, I thought after 6 six you would grow a  bit  but no, still the same whiny, selfish bitch." He says making more tears form.

"Don't mention my mother" I managed to speak out. Sadness consuming me all over again. I wasn't trying to stop the tears, I didn't care at the moment.

"Why? Are you gonna go home and call her Belle? Cry for her? Saying how I was so mean to you like you always used to? How you don't like me? How my presence bothers you? What eles will you say Belle, enlighten me" He just wouldn't stop. Elijah always found passion in making me frustrated. But this was at another level.

"Stop" I plead. I'm praying for him to just stop.

"Now why would I do that-" He was distracted with taunting me. I use all my strenght to kick in between the legs. Elijah winces before letting go of my arms to cup himself. I use the advantage to push is shoulders backwards and we falls. Still keeping both his hands on his dick. I look down at him before speaking.

"As much as I would love to hear my mother's voice comforting me, I can't. Trust me Elijah I want to. So bad. But I can't" I mutter to him.  "Wanna know why?" He just keeps his look on my face waiting for me to elaborate.

"Because she's dead" I enunciate.

I see a look of pure shock spread across his face. Before waisting another second. I open the door an leave. I run as fast as I can in any direction and take looks around trying to decipher where I am. Turns out, I wasnt very far. It was a 45 minutes walk at the least.

I didn't like the fact that Elijah knew about my mother. I shouldn't have let him know, But I was under pressure and it just slipped out. It wasn't appropriate for me to share that information on my behalf.  I grieved, it was hard but I had grieved her death.  But that doesn't mean that I won't be sad about her in certain situation.

My mother was a good woman. A great mother and a strong human being. I loved her. Through our differences and fights, I loved her. Dearly.

Although it bothered me the way Elijah was talking about me. Saying how I was a selfish weak bitch. How i'm still the same person. The way he mentioned the relationship between me and  my mom. That nothing changed since the last time he saw me.

If only he knew

I hadn't realise that I was at my destination until a building came in view.   I reach under the mat and take the key before inserting it and opening my door after a couple tries.

I enter and make my way straight to the  bathroom. I peel the oversized fabric off my body and make my way to my room in my undergarments to  look for clothes.

I choose an oversized sweatshirt and plaid pajama pants. I really couldn't care about a bra but i did take underwears. I walk back to the bathroom and take a long look at myself.

Hating the stretch marks on my thighs. Being disgusted by the scars all over my torso and the new bullet scar forming. The bruises on my arm. The bruising around the bullet wound from when Elijah tried stopping the bleeding. My hip dips.

Litterally my whole appearence.

I force myself look away and get in the shower. I was planning on changing the bandage after soaking myself in hot water. And I did after getting the first-aid kit

I slowly and carefully peeled it off being very careful with the way I'm ripping the tape off. I've seen countless of medical shows and was trained as well so I feel that gives me an advantage. Hissing and groaning as I gently tap on the wound with some gauze to wipe off any excess blood. I took in a deep breath and poured rubbing alcohol on it. Screaming at the burn and trying to keep still to not rip more stitches.

As soon as I finish with that, there's a knock on the door grabbing my attention.

I seriously can't catch a break can I?

I stand up and slowly move towards the door. Standing right beside the handle and getting ready for any circumstances. Right as i'm to open it, I hear a voice.

"It's Jenny, I tried calling you multiple times, you weren't aswering so I came to check up on you" I sigh in relief and don't hesitate to twist and pull the handle.

Jenny seems relieved to see me but stiffens as soon as she sees the gauze filled with blood on the coffee table.

"I got shot at the club last night and lost my phone there too. Minor GSW and a concussion." I answer her questions before she gets a chance to ask them.

She nods towards me and enters the apartment.

"I got out in time before the shooting started, I looked for you but couldn't seem to find ya anywhere." she says.

"I got held up with some things, I'll tell you later." Jen nods at me before pulling a file out of the book bag and throwing it on the kitchen table.

"What's this" I ask her.

"Our new mission. Morrigan caught me up this morning."

ah shit

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