Unsolvable With Jason And Mar...

By weirdowithnobeardo

890 44 5

Jason and Marinette star in their very own unsolved mystery adventures. More

Chapter One
Chapter Three

Chapter Two

280 17 2
By weirdowithnobeardo

Mothers and fuckers of wattpad...chapter two!

Inspired by by @thebookwormfairy​

Shout out to @thebookwormfairy​! Thanks for letting me use your au idea!

And while I didn't do the love at first sight part (it's not really my style) I just started writing and this happened.

Also Marinette swears a lot because I think it's hilarious because she seemed so sweet and innocent so everyone would be surprised by how much she swears.


Let us beginnnnnnn


Marinette swore she didn't mean to.

But it was kind of hard to explain that to the snobby rich boy she bumped into on her first day at Gotham Academy.

Of course, she thought, of course I can't make a good impression in a new country.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I wan going and I just bumped right into you! Oh my gosh, I'm so, so, so sorry!" Marinette was rambling, but she couldn't seem to stop. She was far too nervous to.

"Tt, you should be more careful, I don't want your incompetence rubbing off on me..." The boy--who she had yet to actually look at, trailed off as he looked up at her from his spot on the ground.

Marinette was frantically picking up his books and trying to hold in tears. She was incompetent. Even her old friends thought so.

The boy sighed and Marinette finally looked up at him, an oh wow.

The boy had midnight black hair, it looks really soft, Marinette thought absentmindedly. He had a nicely sharp jawline and he was so tall. His skin was a light almond shade that made his blue eyes more pronounced. And his lips looked so damn kissable.


The two blinked at each other, a blush was rising on Marinette's face. Snap out of it, Marinette! Her mind screamed. It's no time to think of boys! Especially a boy who--

"Did you just call me incompetent?"

The boy seemed to freeze for a moment, like he was realizing he said that out loud and he hadn't meant to.


Marinette narrowed her eyes as the gorgeous boy, he didn't seem like the kind of person to stumble over his words all that often.

"Maybe?" He cringed.

"Well that's rude. You're not so competent yourself if you didn't see me coming." Marinette crossed her arms and sent the boy a glare.

"it's not my fault you came barreling down the hallway like a mad woman!"

"Excuse me? I was hardly barreling! I was going to be late for class--which by the way, I now am because of you--and I needed to hurry!"

"Well perhaps you should have been watching where you were going, I was simply walking and you crashed into me!"

By this point, the two were screaming at one another. It was a good thing no one was in the halls--it was the middle of class afterall.

"You two! Detention now!" Marinette and the boy startled as the voice of a teacher flooded the halls.

Marinette jumped, the boy simply sighed and brushed past her to follow the fuming teacher.

The teacher gestured tiredly for the two to follow her to detention.

Marinette bit back a groan, it was her first day, she hadn't even made it to her first class, and she was already sent to detention.

"This is it, behave yourselves." The teacher motioned for them to go into the room.

It was an empty classroom with no decorations, no pictures, and no joy. A man, who Marinette assumed was the person in charge of detention, was leaning back in his chair at the teacher's desk. He was snoring loudly and leaning so far back Marinette feared it was about to fall.

Marinette and the boy sat down on opposite sides of the room, she sighed heavily and laid her head down on the desk.

"This is all your fault." the boy muttered to Marinette, staring straight ahead at the teacher.


"You started it, you prick."

"Quiet! No talking in detention!" The teacher barked, before promptly falling back asleep.

The boy grumbled angrily.

Marinette silently hoped he would choke on his tongue.

After sitting in silence for the first ten minutes of detention, Marinette decided to speak. Hey, if they couldn't be friends, she might as well make things worse.

"So why are you so angry anyway?" She asked, tilting her head curiously at the boy. His head shot to Marinette so fast she wondered if he was going to get whiplash. She hoped he would.

"Tt, believe it or not, annoying new kids who knock me over tend to get on my bad side."

"Pity," Marinette set her chin on her hand to prop it up. "You seem like an interesting person." She let a cocky grin spread on her face.

The boy's brows furrowed. "Is that an insult?"

"Nope." Marinette popped the P. "Just an observation."

The boy sighed before saying, "Tt, fine. My name's Damian Wayne."

She had bumped into Damian Wayne? Ah, fuck knuckles.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng."

And, as if the world had ended, Damian smiled just a little. He looked even more gorgeous when he was smiling.

And with that, the hostility between them seemed to disappear.

Funny how that works. (It's almost like the author wanted them to love each other already).

"Well, Marinette, shall we ditch this place?" Marinette blinked. He wanted to ditch school?

On one hand, it was her first day and she didn't want to miss all of it.

On the other hand, it's not like she didn't already miss school because of detention anyway.

And hanging out with a gorgeous stranger didn't seem so bad either. Even if he seemed saltier than a french fry.

"Well, Damian, that would be delightful." Marinette practically purred. What was up with her? She was being all too flirty...maybe she was sick?

Damian stood and held out a hand for her. She grasped it and he pulled her up. His hands were rough and calloused. His long sleeve slid up to reveal a few scars littering his arm. Later she would wonder how he got them.

But right now she was too focused on the fact that they were touching hands.

The two crept out of the room, Marinette had to cover her mouth to stifle her giggles as the teacher sneezed in his sleep. Once they were free of detention, they ran out of school laughing wildly.

Marinette stopped to take a breath, throwing her head back to laugh. It had been a while since she had laughed like that, not since before Lila joined Madame Bustier's class.

Marinette finally stopped laughing and wiped her tears, still giggling slightly.

She looked to see Damian staring at her, a light dusting of pink on his cheeks.

Her face turned beat red, did she have something on her face or something?

"We, um, should get off campus before we're caught." Damian was stuttering again. Wait...that was her thing!

"Y-yeah, we could, um go to this cafe I passed on the way here..." Marinette nodded and awkwardly shifted her feet.

"Sounds great, what's the name?"

God, why did they sound so awkward now?

"Oh, um, Deja Brew, I think."

"I know the one." Damian started to walk, pulling her behind, making Marinette realize they were still holding hands. her blush returned in full force.

The two walked in silence for a bit, Damian didn't let go of her hand.

And all Marinette could think about was what if her hands were sweaty? What if he wanted to let go but thought she wanted to hold his hand? Well...she did want to hold his hand. But not if he didn't want to!

"Angel? We're here." Damian raised a brow and glanced down at her--he was almost a foot taller than she was.

"Angel?" She squeaked, Marinette's face was so red she thought she must look like a tomato.

He immediately blushed, now they matched. "I--uh, just a nickname...and stuff."


Damian tugged her inside the store, he refused to look her in the eye.

As they walked to the register, a few people whispered quietly. Marinette hoped it wasn't directed at them.

But it probably was.

"What would you like?" The barista asked when it was their turn.

"Can I please get a venti filled with espresso shots and about a truck load of sugar. What about you, Dames?"

The barista looked at her with something like fear. Marinette didn't understand why, her usual tended to have even more caffeine than that. How else was she supposed to get through the day without her divine coffee?

"I'll have a small black coffee with milk."

The barista nodded, her expression changing to awe when she looked at Damian.

"That'll be $6.57."

Marinette dug through her wallet looking for a ten.

"Angel, I'm paying." Marinette shot her head up to stare at Damian.

"Not a fucking chance, Dames. I got the bigger drink." She sent him a glare before turning back to her wallet to triumphantly pull out a crisp ten dollar bill.


"No." She cut him off, handing the barista the money with a grin.

Damian sighed in exasperation. She won.

The two stepped aside to wait for their drinks, they talked about their favorite foods and preferred hobbies.

"Venti with espresso and a black coffee!" The barista called out.

Marinette grinned, she needed this coffee. The ravenette had been running late that morning and didn't have time to collect her precious coffee.

Once they held their steaming cups of delicious liquid, the two left to walk through the city.

Damian pointed out important buildings, which eventually turned to pointing out weird people. They would make up weird stories about people they saw. Marinette's favorite was the tall man wearing a suit and a hot dog hat.

"Wait!" Marinette screeched to a halt, noticing the Ace Chemicals building. It wasn't really a landmark or anything, but it was the perfect inspiration for the finishing touches on Marinette's Harley Quinn dress that she was in the middle of designing.

She yanked out her sketchbook, setting her coffee down right there on the sidewalk. She quickly scribbled down her ideas, tongue sticking out in concentration. When she was done, Marinette snapped her book shut to place back in her book bag.

She looked up to see Damian looking at her curiously. She blushed a deep red. God, what was she thinking? they were in Gotham for fucks sake! And she just stopped in the middle of the sidewalk to sketch.

"Sorry! I just had an idea and I really wanted to write it down, I'm such an idiot!" Marinette groaned and facepalmed, sloshing her coffee that was in the other hand.

"Angel, it's fine. I was just...worried." Damian blushed a light pink.



And that was it. The two kept walking until they reached a bench by the Gotham Pier. They sat, speaking about random things.

Marinette talked about fashion and why she moved to Gotham (about Jagged and not her old friends), Damian talked about his brothers--who apparently he thought were morons.

But, of course, the moment was ruined by Marinette's phone ringing. Marinette sighed and checked to see who the call was from. Jagged was calling her, probably to see where she was.

Marinette smiled apologetically at Damian, who returned it with a nod.

"Hey, Jagged, what's up?"

"Marinette! Little Rocker! Where did you go? The school called about you being absent?" Jagged sounded frantic and worried. Marinette suddenly felt guilty about skipping--even if it was the most fun she had in a while.

"I, um...skipped?"

The line was silent. Marinette looked to Damien who raised a perfectly shaped brow. Did he pluck them or something?

"I'm coming to get you."

"Wait, Jagged, you don't even know here I--" Marinette sighed as she heard the beep. "And he hung up."

"I'm assuming your father is coming to get you?" Damian asked.

Marinette groaned, "My uncle actually, being overprotective as usual. Sorry we can't hang out more."

Damian smiled. "Tt, it's alright. I have a thing now anyway."

Marinette grinned and rolled her eyes. She was surprised by how comfortable she felt around Damian after only knowing him for a few hours.

"Sure you are, Dames." Marinette leaned forward to peck him on the cheek and muss his hair just as her Uncle Jagged pulled up to the sidewalk. "See you tomorrow?"

Please say yes,

"Of course. We do go to school together afterall." Damian had a grin on his face as she got into Jagged's car and drove away.

"So," Jagged wiggled his eyebrows at her in the mirror. "You were with a boy?"

"Uncle Jagged!"


Fluffy Daminette!!!

Sorry if I didn't do all that great with Damian's character (I tried).


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