Instant Attraction

Oleh j1mshort

222K 11.5K 401

Summer 1886 Anthony Baldwin, newly installed 8th Duke of Wolverleigh(Tony to his friends) travels with his fr... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Epilogue 29

Chapter 13

7K 389 11
Oleh j1mshort

Wolverleigh Castle

            “Oh my,” Cheyenne said as they stood outside the coach on the side of the road for her first glimpse of the castle not far from the Scottish border. “I feel as if I’ve gone back in time. It’s…it’s magnificent, Tony.”

            Tony and Oliver were standing on either side of her and it was Olivers’s first look at Wolverleigh Castle as well. “I agree,” he said. “I almost expect to see men in armor on trusty steeds come riding out to greet us.”

            “Are you warm enough, sweetheart?” Tony asked his wife putting an arm around her shoulders.

            “Yes,” she replied. They traveled most of the way by train but the last part of their trip was by coach. The countryside was beautiful with a new dusting of snow that had fallen the night before. Keeping her warm was a new cape lined with ermine along with a matching muff and hat which Madame Benoit finished just in time for her journey to the castle.

            Where they stopped, they could see the castle at an angle from the front corner to the back corner. Built in a huge square and surrounded by water. A moat spanned the front of the castle with a  large lake at the back. The drawbridge was down allowing entry from the long bridge that ran over the moat at the front of the castle. Large banners and flags were flying from the front two huge square towers. There were two more tall square towers of the same size in the back corners of the castle.

            They were the first to arrive for the Christmas party with the other guests coming in about a week before Christmas which would allow Cheyenne enough time to get acquainted with the castle and it’s staff. The family members, Tony’s brothers and aunts, arrivals would take place over the next several days with the first guest’s arrival a few days after the family had settled in.

            Smoke rose above the castle from the many fireplaces and Cheyenne knew she would welcome the warmth even though she felt warm enough in her cape. She was tired from the trip and wanted time to rest before the evening meal. “The view from here is outstanding,” she said. “I cannot wait to see what the inside looks like.”

            “Well, sweetheart, shall we finish our trip so you can see?”

            The three returned to their coach. In a short time, she could hear the different sounds of the horses hooves and coach wheels as they rolled across the bridge before entering through the castle archway into an open grassy area. Tony informed her it was called the inner ward. The inner ward consisted of part grassed and part garden areas, with a road running down the middle of it, leading toward the back of the castle where the main living areas were located.

            Before the coach came to a halt, the huge double doors opened and the staff came pouring out to greet them. Tony forewarned her that since they were so close to the Scottish border many of the staff was Scottish. Many too, were decedents of families that had served the prior Dukes of Wolverleigh.

            First Oliver then Tony descended from the coach before Tony turned to help her down. “MacDuff,” Tony said once Cheyenne’s feet were firmly planted on the ground, “this is your new Duchess of Wolverleigh and Lord Wainwright.”

            “Welcome to Wolverleigh Castle, Yer Grace’s, my lord,” the gray haired man said. “Tis a bonny lassie you brought hame to the castle, Wolverleigh.”

            “I think so,” Tony replied smiling at the old gray haired man who should have retired years ago. “Introduce my Duchess to the rest of this rag-tag bunch of Scots if you would, please.”

            “Aye,” MacDuff replied. “We understand you’re a Sinclair a good Scots name.”

            “Aye,” Cheyenne answered garnering another smile from the butler and some of the other staff. “My great-grandfather was from Scotland but my father never talked much about his family origins. I’m not even sure what part of Scotland they came from.”

            “Tis ashamed he should be,” MacDuff told her.

            “Aye,” was all Cheyenne said not wanting to think about her father at this happy time in her life.

            “Forgive me for keeping ye standing here in the cold,” MacDuff told her then proceeded to introduce her to Mrs. Greer, the housekeeper, Mrs. Duncan, the cook, the other female staff and male staff along with the gardeners and the grooms. Once the introductions to the staff were through, Tony escorted Cheyenne and Oliver into the castle.

            They walked into a huge entry with a stone floor. Banners and old weapons adorned the walls and a huge chandelier hanging from the tall ceiling. There were even two suits of armor placed on either side of the entry to the rest of the castle. MacDuff ordered several footmen to take their wraps before Tony took her arm and they entered what he told her was the Great Hall.

            “Oh, my.” Cheyenne was in awe of the massive room as she spun around taking in all there was to see. She felt the history as she saw the huge fireplace warming the room with its fire. If empty, she would be able to stand upright with room to spare and as wide as five people standing with their arms stretched end-to-end, touching only their fingertips to each other. The stonework above the mantle was magnificent with carvings of knights on great steeds. One half of the room held a huge dinning table that would seat at least twenty or more people and the other half was a sitting area.

            More banners, weapons and suits of armor decorated the room with several large outstanding tapestries hung about the tall walls. There were four more chandeliers hanging from the twenty-foot or more from the tall wooden ceilings that matched the one in the entry. “I could never have imagined anything like this room,” she told her husband.

            “I agree,” Oliver seconded. “This is amazing. All those years ago when we were in school and you invited me here for Christmas I should have come.”

            Tony chuckled at his wife’s and Oliver’s words and faces as he watched them take in their surroundings enjoying every minute of it.

            “We need to go over the changes you have planned,” she told Tony. “You cannot do anything that will change the character of this castle.”

            “We will look them over later,” he replied. “Most of the changes I had in mind were baths which the majority are finished according to MacDuff’s last communication and the kitchen area for Mrs. Duncan’s benefit. I thought about changing some of the furniture but we can decide on that later after your tour. Now let me take you to our suite while MacDuff shows Oliver his. Oliver we will join you later so please make yourself at home and MacDuff will see to all your needs.”

            “Including your brandy?” Oliver teased.

            “Including my brandy or the best Scotch whiskey you’ve ever tasted,” Tony replied smiling at he took Cheyenne’s hand in his and they left going toward the back of the great room then disappearing through a portal they climbed the stairs in the tower until they came to an arch leading off to a long hall. They walked until they came to a huge double doors opening in the inside wall entering a room with a bed the size Cheyenne had never seen before. It was probably twice the width and length of their large bed at Dryden House.

            “Oh, my,” she said again upon seeing it. “I cannot seem to say anything else with each room we enter.”

            “This is known at the Queen’s room,” Tony told her. “Centuries ago one of the kings wives was suppose to stay here on a trip north but it never happened, but they still kept the name for this chamber. Through there,” Tony pointed to a door to the right, “are our dressing rooms and the new bath.”

            Cheyenne’s eyes still glued to the bed and her thoughts of how tired she felt after their journey. The baby she was carrying, now sure she was, was making her tired but thank heavens she’d had no morning sickness.

            Tony looked at how tired Cheyenne looked with dark circles under her eyes. He wondered when she would mention she was carrying their child. Didn’t she know he knew she had not had her monthly courses for some time now? She’d better inform him soon because he was having a hard time not shouting it to everyone.

            “Why don’t you rest for a while,” he told her. “I’ll help you out of your gown and by the time you awaken Eehee should have your trunks unpacked.”

            “You don't mind?” she asked him. “I am rather tired from our trip.”

            “Turn around,” he told her and once she had, he unbuttoned her buttons then helped her step over her gown once it fell to the floor along with her petticoats leaving his wife in her chemise and bloomers. Turning back the covers, he waited for her to sit on the bed then he bent down and removed first her shoes then her garters and hose. Once she was undressed, he helped her lay down then covered her with the bed linen, tucking them in around her. Kissing her on her forehead Cheyenne was asleep before he left the room to inform Eehee and Jensen that she was asleep and for them to be as quiet as possible. Leaving them, he went downstairs to the library combination study where he found Oliver already enjoying the brandy.

            “Is Cheyenne resting?” Oliver asked him once they both sat around the fireplace. “She looked tired.”

            “She is,” Tony replied not wanting to tell anyone about the baby until Cheyenne informed him.

            “The trip and meeting new people can be tiring,” Oliver added.

            “Yes, and she’s been worried about the incident with the wagon on Bond Street and if someone is trying to harm her has not helped her rest as she should. Care for a tour of the castle before dinner?”

            “I was wondering when you would offer one.” Oliver teased his host.

                                                                *                     *                  *

            Cheyenne awoke taking her a few moments before she remembered they were now at the castle. Stretching she wondered how long she had napped and what time of day it was.

            “You’re awake,” Eehee said her head peaking around the door leading to the dressing rooms.

            “Yes, come in,” Cheyenne told her sitting up and once she did wishing she never moved as her stomach flip making her feel as if she wanted to heave up the contents of her stomach.

            Eehee noticed her green color right away and ran for a bowl sitting on a table near the fireplace returning just in time. As Eehee held her hair, back Cheyenne emptied the contents of her stomach in it.

            “I was wondering when your morning sickness would begin,” Eehee told her mistress smiling.

            “But it’s not morning,” Cheyenne replied once her stomach was emptied.

            “For most women it occurs in the morning but not for every woman,” Eehee answered her. “My three sisters each suffered at different times of the day. Let me get you a wet cloth to wipe your face and water to rinse your mouth with.”

            Cheyenne sat on the side of the bed clinging to the bowl while her maid left the room. She would have to tell Tony sooner than she wished. She wanted this to be a surprise for him for Christmas but the sickness would change her plans.

            Eehee returned with the cloth and water and Cheyenne felt better once she rinsed her mouth and wiped her face with the cool cloth. She was finishing when Tony entered the room and rushed to her side crouching in front of her.

            “Sweetheart,” he said seeing her pale face, “are you ill?”

            “I…yes,” she answered him.

            “I will go below to see if the housekeeper has some herbs to make you a tisane to settle your stomach,” Eehee told her then left the two of them alone. Cheyenne waited until the door closed after her maid left.

            “I…I wanted to surprise you for Christmas,” Cheyenne told Tony looking into his beautiful azure blue eyes as her own filled with tears. “I…we’re having a baby.”

            “I know,” he replied grinning at her from ear to ear.

            “You…you know?” she said as a tear ran down her cheek.

            “You’re several weeks late on your courses, sweetheart,” her husband replied. “We’ve slept every night together since we married. I know when your courses are due. Don’t cry, love.” Tony wiped another tear as it ran down her cheek.

            “I…I don’t know why I’m crying.” Cheyenne wiped at as another tear escaped.

            “Women often get emotional when they are with child.”

            “You’re sure?” she asked him then sniffed. She hated this since she was not a weepy sort of person.

            “Emma did and so did Amanda when she was expecting the triplets.” He patted her hand. “Do you still need this bowl?”

            “No, I don’t think so,” she answered and Tony took the bowl and disappeared into the dressing room to return a few minutes later with the bowl empty and clean. “I’ll set it close to your side of the bed.”

            She watched as he set the bowl on the table next to the bed. “Thank you.”

            “Do you feel up to dressing and joining Oliver and I downstairs?”

            “I think so. Once Eehee returns and I drink her concoction, I’ll join you both. I’m not sure I’ll be able to eat anything for dinner though.”

            Tony chuckled then patted her hand once more before he brought it to his lips and kissed her palm. “I haven’t told you yet how happy I am you are carrying our child. I love you, sweetheart.”

            “I love you, too,” she replied and more tears came to her eyes disliking this part of being with child.

            “I want a little girl who looks just like her mother,” Tony told her.

            “Oh…no! It will be a boy who looks just like you.”

            Tony chuckled once more. “We could have twins, one of each, then both of our wishes would be fulfilled.”

            “Twins!” she exclaimed and her husbands chuckled again at his wife’s astounded face as the thought of their having twins instead of just one baby sunk in. She even turned a little green once more and Tony swiftly reached for her bowl.

            “I’m fine. I think,” she told him rejecting the bowl and Tony returned it to the table. “Twins,” she whispered, “do you think?”

            “I don’t know,” he chuckled, “after all I’m just the father.” Tony then became serious as he thought about a baby or babies. “I think you should see a doctor and soon.”

            “I’ve felt fine other than being a little tired until now,” she told him. “But I agree I think I should see a doctor. Are there any close around here?”

            “Yes, I’ll have MacDuff send a message to Doctor Williams asking him to come here in the next few days when he has a chance to see you.”

            “Good,” Cheyenne answered just as Eehee entered with a tray on which there was a steaming cup.

            “This is what my sister’s used to help settle their stomach’s when they were having babies. It will not harm you or the child and hopefully it will make you feel much better,” her maid said as she sat the tray on the bed then lifted the cup and passing it to Cheyenne.

            Cheyenne put the cup close to her nose and smelled the stream as it rose up. It smelled of mint, lemon, and something else that she wasn’t sure of.

            “I promise it will make you feel better,” Eehee assured her once more.

            Cheyenne sipped the mixture and once half the cup was empty, her stomach did feel much, much better. All the queasiness seemed to disappear.

            Tony now stood off to the side watching Cheyenne as she drank Eehee’s tisane. “Will it make her sleepy?” he asked Eehee. He didn't want Cheyenne on the tower steps if she was lightheaded.

            “There is just a little chamomile in the tisane but not enough to put Her Grace to sleep.” Ah, that was one of the flavors she was detecting in the brew, Cheyenne thought.

            “When she’s dressed for dinner I want you to accompany her down the stairs just in case she becomes lightheaded,” he told his wife’s maid.

            “Yes, Your Grace,” Eehee answered smiling at the father-to-be.

            “Good, then I’ll change for dinner and see you later?” he said looking at his wife.

            “Yes,” Cheyenne replied. “I’ll try and not take too long in dressing. I have a new gown I think you’ll like.”

            “Yes and when we return to town I want you to visit Madame Benoit once more and have gowns made that will expand as your grow with our child.”

            “I will.”

            Send me the bill for these since I’m the one responsible for your needing new gowns and dresses,” he teased her. The last ones she would not allow him to pay for. Tony kissed her cheeked then strode to his dressing room leaving the two women smiling after him.

            Cheyenne finished her tea before she stood up, feeling much better, she led the way to her dressing room to dress in a bronze velvet gown trimmed with Angora wool lace of the same shade bronze as the dress. With a high neck line and long sleeves she felt nice and warm but Eehee handed her a shawl of deep brown and bronze tones to wear if the Great Hall turned out to be to chilly for her. Looking one last time in the full-length mirror in her dressing room Cheyenne was pleased with her appearance before she and Eehee ventured down the stairs of the tower to join the men in the Great Hall.

            Tony and Oliver rose from their chairs in front of the fireplace when she entered the room and MacDuff came to stand by her chair once she sat to ascertain what she would like to drink before dinner. Cheyenne chose tea.

            “You look as if Eehee’s tisane helped settle your stomach,” Tony told her pleased she was no longer pale or green.

            “It worked wonders,” she replied.

            “I hear congratulations are in order,” Oliver said. “I’m very happy for you both.”

            "Thank you, I’m rather happy about the coming event, too,” she answered, “and so is Tony of course.”

            “Yes,” Tony replied grinning from ear to ear once more the proud papa-to-be.

            Cheyenne smiled as she remembered her remark to Devlyn in the Warrick study in Bridgeport about father’s taking all the credit. Her husband would be another one.

            “When is the baby due?” Oliver asked.

            “In August if my calculations are correct, sometime in the second week,” Tony answered for her surprising Cheyenne. He looked at her and winked when she raised an eyebrow at him. She should have known, she thought, if he knew she was having their baby her husband would have already determined when it was due to arrive.

            MacDuff returned with her tea and while he poured her a cup, she thought of a question she didn’t ask upon their arrival.

            “I forget to ask, MacDuff, if our shipment from has London arrived.”

            “Yes, Yer Grace,” he answered her then passed her the cup of tea. “We have set aside one tower wing for the Duke and Duchess of Warrick and their four bairns. The cribs arrived along with the toys and books you sent. Everything will be in place for them upon their arrival. Their oldest son will of course have his own chamber and the wee three bairns will share as suite with their nannies near by.”

            “We will put some of those items to use soon ourselves,” Tony told him butler who smiled from ear to ear at his master.

            “A wee bairn?” MacDuff said grinning.

            “A wee bairn,” Tony replied thinking the last small child in this castle was his son, Derrick, when he and Emma came to visit his grandfather not more than six months before the his son died.

            Cheyenne saw for just a second a look of sadness come to her husband’s eyes then quickly masked it. She knew he thought of the little boy he lost years ago and she prayed their child would grow to have a long and happy life. As tough as Tony came across she knew he would be devastated if he lost another child.

            MacDuff smiled at Cheyenne. “I wish the old Duke had live to see this,” he said. “He was worried ye would never remarry, Yer Grace. The staff with be overjoyed to hear the great news.”

            “I’m sure my grandfather knows,” Tony said smiling at the butler.

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