Boruto/hxh Crossover Killua Z...

By Simpp_4life

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A/N: oh my gosh- im crying at the amount of misspellings😭😭 So this is my VERY FIRST story I EVER wrote, I h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
💗A/N important✨
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Special Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 11
🍙Its out🍡

Chapter 7

293 2 0
By Simpp_4life

Please no hate if I spell something wrong. I watched Hunter x Hunter in German, so they talk a little different. And I don't know exactly what the talk was about. So pls no hate.
The talk I am talking about is the one when they were in front of the huge gate, and with the Butlers.

Chapter 7: Killuas Rescue

As Hima and I turned around we saw "N-nii-chan?" He smiled. We run to him and also saw Kawaki-nii next to him. We gave both of them a big hug. Me and Hima then said in union "We mist you two so much!" "We too." They both said and smiled. Boruto-nii with his huge smile and Kawaki-nii with a light smile. Then we saw Sarada-nee and Mitsuki-nii. "Sarada-nee!!" We screamt as we run to her, and gave her a hug. Then we gave Mitsuki-nii a big bear hug, cause why not? As we broke the hug, Leorio ask "Who are they?" "Oh, right! That is Boruto-nii*points at Boruto* our big Brother, that is Kawaki-nii*points at Kawaki* also our big brither. And that is Sarada-nee, and Mistuki-nii, they both aren't my real siblings they are cousins." "OK!" Gon said with a huge smile, that made Hima blush. "Hima!!!!!" "What is is?" She asked "Since when are you and Gon dating?!" "Oh, hehe. Long story short it all happens before the last faze of the exam.


"Y-you wanted to s-speak with m-me Hima?" Gon stuttered as I blushed. "I wanted to t-tell you something very important." I was interrupt by Gon saying "Before you speak I want to tell you something" I said 'OK' and he continue speaking "Himawari,*blushing* I've been feeling very weird since I met you. I want you to know something.....I-i like you and not just in a friendly way. Himawari I love you." I am speechless. I just wanted to confess to him and now.. "I-if you don't feel the same, we can still be friends...."  "Yes! I mean No! I mean..?" "You don't need to answer" Gon said with a sad smile. "Nono... I-i l-like you too" Hima said with a huge and adorable smile. "Ehhm... W-will you be m-my girlfriend?" Himawaris eyes wident as he asked her this question. "Yes! I would love to!" Answered she with a smile that made Gon blush.

Flashback ended 

"Congratulation you two" Sarada and Mitsuki said as Boruto and Kawaki wound allow their little sister to get a boyfriend at that age. Then Sarada ask a question "I had this in my mind the entire time. Why do you two have Maid outfits on?"

Awkward silent 

"He he funny Story" I said as I  rubbed the back of my neck, cause I could feel the aura around Boruto and Kawaki....

After that awkward moment we took the next flight to Kukuroo mountain were the Zoldyck family lives. From there we took a bus that let us to Killuas home.

Oh and, on the way to Killuas home I tolled my Onii-chan, my Nii-san, Sarada-nee, and Mitsuki-nii about Killua. That he was an ex-assassin but don't want to be, his family, and what happened in the exam.


We are here.
"He lives in there?" Boruto asked. "It's huge.." Sarada stated, after Mitsuki could just bring out an interesting.....or some.

"Hallo, can I help you with something or someone?" An old man asked. "Oh Yes! We want to see Killua!" "You want to see Mr.Killua..OK who are you, what do you want from him, and what is your business with him?"the old man questioned. "We're are his friends. We want to see Killua Zoldyck" Hima said. 

After some time he agrees and called the (I forgot what it is called)
And guess what?--------they said 'We can't.' We tried again and they said 'Killua can't' or 'Killua is doing something important' but then after 60 minutes, the old man showed us the huge gate, what it stands for and what we must do to go trough there.

I tried and it didn't work. Hima tried it also didn't work. By Boruto did work and he opened 5 doors. Sarada, Mitsuki and Kawaki say that they will stay there, and wait for us. Then me and Hima tried together and it worked.

(I'm not gonne write Gons whole training, so I'm going to write one of my fav words)

Le Timeskip five days later

It has been 5 days and I still can't see Gon, Kurapika or Leorio. We (Hima and Boruto) have been sitting here talking and such, and still they are nowhere to be seen.

1 hour later 
"Y/N, Himaaa!!" Gon shouted as he run to Hima and give her a hug. Kurapika said 'Hi' and Oreo said 'Hey kiddos'. Then we wanted to continue going till I realize that this Butler is standing there. Gon wants to go there, but the Butler drew a line and start speaking "You can't cross this Line. If you cross it, I will not hesitate on using force." Gon went over the Line and was hit in the face.

3 hours later
3 hours has past and Gon is still trying to go trough the line, without force.

"Mr. Pls leave" The  Butler said. But then Gon scream "I won't leave before I haven't seen Killua! I just want to see my friend!" Then Gone eyes widened, and he continue. "You may be a well trained Butler, but you still have a heart and feelings. You're not a robot or neither trained to be one like Mike (the huge dog from Killua). As I mentioned Killuas name I saw how your eyes softened. So please let me see my friend!" That when the Butler begin to talk, "please save Mr. Killua! His Famil-" Before she  could continue speaking we heard a Bullet shoot, and a  Woman came out with a little girl that was not that little but still younger than Boruto, Hima or me. "What are you talking? Oh I'm sorry for the nonsense she has been talking about."  "Ehm..miss who are you?" Gon asked with his innocent smile. "Oh. I'm Kikyo Zoldyck, Killuas Mother. And this is Kalluto. Killuas Brother." As she said that I was in a little shock state, cause wow his Brother is Beautiful. Then I spoke "You're really pretty ya know?" I saw him blush "thank you" he mutter flustered. Then Mrs. Zoldyck start panic, and cry something like "pls don't let him go." "Please he has just got home." And with that she run of.
"Are you not going to follow?" Kurapika asked. "Yes but first, what do you want from Killua?" "We want to see him!" I, Gon, Hima, and Orio said. "OK. Go to the Butler estate/Mension and wait there for him. And Thank you"

(I don't know if it is called that in English but..yeah I tried.)

With that he run off.

Le Timeskip 

"I have known Mr.Kilua since he was born, he is to me like my own Son." Mr.Gatoh then healed a lecture about how Killua was   like his own Son that his Mother was really sad and cried when he left and so on. I zoned out(again).

"What is the game about that we will play?" I heard Leorio asking. "It's a simple game. If you can see in what hand the coin is in, you win. But there will be more than one round. And if you win you can see Mr.Killua if you loose you must take your leaf, and we will cut her head of*points at Butler*" We all agreed, and he began. "This is just a test round to see, how the game work." Then he began to do something with his hand...?
"In witch Hand is the coin?"  We all said in his right hand. With that the game began.

Round 1 left hand= all
Round 2 left hand= all-Leorio
Round 3 left hand= all-Kurapika
Round 4 right hand= all
Round 5 right hand= all-Boruro 

"OK now to the final round when you get it right you win. If not you loose." He did....that again..with his hand..??
"Which hand?" He asked calm. Hima, Gon, and I pointed behind us, and it was right.
"You guys won.*sighn*" as he wanted to continue speaking he was interrupt by noone else than....
Killua. "Gatoh are they here?- Gon" "Hi Killua!" "Hey Killua" "Hey Himawari" "oh Kurapika right?" "Yeah" "and....leeo..orio...oreo-" "It's Leorio!" Then he turned to Boruto "Do I know you?" 'No. I am Boruto, Himas and N/N older Brother*smiles*" "OK, I'm Killua. Ehm.." He started "yes?" Gon asked. "W-where is Y/N?" "Oh right she is there*points to you*" then his eyes went to were I am standing. "Y-y/n..." He whispered, and then looked away. "Kill..." I responded.*runs to Killua, and hugs him* "I missed you so much!"

Killua POV
I can't look her in the eyes.... I killed someone in front of her....
She probably hates me now.

'She hugs me?' "Why" I said out loud. "What, why?" "Why...i-i killed someone in front of you...why you don't hate me?" She looked at me shocked, then giggled, and then smiled. "Why do u think that I will hate u? Because u Killed someone? I know u are of a family of assassins.*sign* Killua since I met you....I..I have this strange's like I have Butterfly's in my stomach. And in the last faze as you said that I realized that I have fallen for you. Killua.. I-i love you..."

(Me/Author-chan: Mah Babies are growing up*fake Cry's*
Adrien: you are being over dramatic😑
Nino: Man dud's right
Alya: *fake crys*But Author-chan is right they just confess and it was soooo cute and nice and-
Mari: But they realize that the others are there?
Me/Author-chan: oh, sh*t)

I am shocked. "I...if u don't want to be with me now then it's OK*sad smile*I will wait-" Before Y/N could continue speaking I kissed her and he eyes widened.

He kissed me as my eyes wisent then closed. As I though the moment will forever last, I heard a 'caught'

I turned around with Kill and we see the others shock-like-proud-like- state?... "Killua...." We heard my Brother and Kurapika say, we turned around and saw Kurapika in an mother-aura, and Boruto in the overprotective-brother-mood. Killua took my hand and run outside with Gon and Hima, hand-in hand following and Boruto, Kurapika and Leorio.

Timeskip in front of the gate 

"Killua" *turn around* "oh sh*t" Killua says. "You are Not  going to date my sister/child" Kurapika and Boruto said in union, as he they said that Kawaki also got in his overprotective-brother-mood.
"Child?" Mitsuki asked. "Yeah he's like the mother in this friends group." Hima tolled Mitsuki, "OK". Then Killua began to run cause of Kurapika, Kawaki and Boruto.

After Kurapika, Kawaki and Boruto calmed down 

" I am alive" Killua said. *giggled* *Killua blushing*
*some says later*

Killua POV
Its been 5 days since I and Y/N got together.

"So we will see each other in one year in York New?" "Yeah in one year by the auction in York new!" Gon answered Leorio 'question'. Then Kurapika and Leorio go(do u say it like that?)

"What are we now going to do?" Hima asked. "You two are going home." Sarada said as she pointed at the twins. "Eh?! What?! No! At least not now.." The twins said in union. "Y/N, Hima..." Boruto began "since u two got here everyone got worried. Old man made an search party, and even mom is in the team of the search party...we must go home*sad smile*" "b-but Killua...."

(A/N-chan: cause I am lazy asf i will just do this-
Adrien: you're always lazy😐
Me: why are you always so mean to me..??
Adrien: I'm just speaking facts.
Nino: Dude chill....but your really sometimes lazy....-
Mikey: Draken were is my Dorayaki? And were are we even?
Adrien: Who are u?
Me: oh my gosh... Are u really Majiro Sano also known as Mikey and u Riyuji Ken also known as Draken?!*fangirling*
Mikey: Yes and u are?
Me: your future wife
Mikey and Draken: What-??
Adrien: What No! Never! You can't just say you are his wife...!
Draken: what is happening?
Nino: I don't know, but I am liken this tea🍵
Draken: same🍵
Me: we can solve this later. For now back to the Story
Adrien: No-)

Author-chan POV
As all agreed that they will go to the heaven's arena to train get some Money, and solve the problem that Hima and Y/N must go home, they took an airship to get to the heaven's arena.


>Hallo Besties! Thank u for your passion, for waiting 5 days!

>I will probably update the next chapter on Monday or Tuesday.

>Oh, and when write Onii-chan I mean Boruto,when I  write Nii-san/Nii-chan I mean Kawaki. And Oreo is Leorio.

>Thank you guys again!!!

*2264 Words*

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