I kill pedos :) | Slashers x...

By RaiPeanut

19K 406 201

|| P.S the killers are in the Asylum! || Rey had just finished killing an abuser when someone called the pol... More

About Rey!
Chapter 1: The Sanatorium
Chapter 2: Meeting them Pt 1
Updates ! (kind of..)

Chapter 3 : Meeting them Pt 2

3.1K 76 78
By RaiPeanut

Rey's POV

Me, Norman, Stu and Billy walked to the first table.

"T-this is where I usually sit" Norman told me

I looked at the males that were sitting on the seats. Brahms Heelshire, Bubba Sawyer and Candyman or Daniel looked at me with curiosity.

"Okay, R-Rey? Meet Brahms Heelshire, Bubba Sawyer a-and Daniel Robitaille" Norman introduced them to me.

I smiled slightly making my mask shift, "Hello, it's nice to meet y-you!" I said, nodding my head to them as I gripped on Norman's hand tighter.

Brahms was the first one to speak to me, "Hi, Rey! I have never heard of you before. But it's nice to also meet you too!" He said with his child-like voice.

'How did he manage to continue to speak like that? Doesn't it hurts his vocal cords <:( '

"How are you speaking like that..? Doesn't it hurt your vocal cords.." I asked him while tilting my head to the side.

He got tensed but answered my question.

"Oh I'm used to speaking like this, So, don't worry! I'll be okay." He ushered me.

I hummed at him in acknowledge just to make sure if he's okay by using this child-like voice.

"It's nice to meet you too, kid" Daniel said suddenly patting hair making me jump back to Norman.

"G-GAH! Oh..! I-I'm sorry, I- I thought-"

"No no, I'm sorry for patting you without your permission. I should have asked you first." He said giving me an apologetic look.

I felt someone gently place their shoulders on me and rubbing them to comfort me.

I looked up to see Norman giving me his gentle look telling me that I'm fine and told me to breathe.

I took deep breaths before lifting my mask revealing my mouth.

"It's okay, You can pet me!" I exclaimed while smiling at him.

I pulled my mask down to see Daniel look a bit shocked but smiled back at me and gently patted my head.

I heard someone grunt and looked to see Bubba tilting slightly while looking at me.

I quickly turned to him and nodded my head to him as a greeting, " Nice meeting you too..!"

He raised his shoulders and nods violently ending it with a squeal. 

'He's adorable! ^-^'

"That's them, let's c-continue, s-shall we?" Norman said looking me down as I looked up at him and hummed.

"Let's meet the Sinclair Brothers!" Said Stu, instantly pulling me to the brothers table making me yelp at the sudden action and tried to settle down.

"Stu! Be careful, will ya?!" I heard Billy yelled and hearing rapid footsteps behind me and Stu.

'Rest in peace my legs ; - ;'

Finally, we abruptly stopped at a table with two. I held onto Stu's arm to settle myself before releasing him and looking at the brothers. 

One of them was looking at me annoyed with their arms folded while the other one-, well, nothing just, staring at me menacingly.

"Uh.." I spoke, not knowing what to do and getting kind of uncomfortable.

"Tch." Bo said looking away.

'Why is he such an asshole? ._." '

"Come on~  Bo! Introduce yourself and your brother to the kid." Stu said putting both of his hands on my shoulders.

Billy finally came and bent down on his knees to catch his breath, " *huff* *huff* D-dammit, Stu *huff* you run too fast" 

Stu laughed at his boyfr- I mean, best friend.

"Sorry man! Anyway, come on~ Bo! Vin! Introduce yourself~" He continued to pressure the brothers before hearing an frustrated huff.

"Ugh, fine! Names Bo Sinclair and that guy is Vincent Sinclair. There, happy?" He spoke looking at Stu and me with an annoyed look.

I looked at Vincent to see him looking down on his lap. I looked back to Bo and nodded.

"Nice meeting you." I lowly said but can still be heard by the brothers.

"Rey!" I heard someone called behind me and Stu. Suddenly, I was pulled away from Stu by someone and got hugged tightly as I lay my head on their shoulder.


"A-Are you alright?!" Said the person.

'Oh wait, it's Mister Norman!'

I hugged back, "I'm fine, just a bit shook by Stu, haha!" I said chuckling.

I heard a huff from someone.

"Hey man! Don't just take her away from my arms like that! We were having a fun time.." Stu said with a playful huff.

Norman pulled away and got up from his knees before turning to Stu with an apologetic look.

"My apologies, Stu. I don't want her to get hurt. Now, let's get to the final table" Norman said and started taking me to the last table followed by Billy & Stu.

'Oh jeez, these are the big dudes ; - ;'

Ones we finally reached to the table, some looked, some wasn't looking.

"Alright, this is-" 

"Oh my god! You're actually JoyKill! I'm a HUGE fan!" Said Danny or known as The Ghostface. That statement caught me off guard.

'Wait- what, Ghostface knows me? And is a huge fan? I feel flattered >////< '

"W-wait what? Really?" I asked him kind of shock that someone who is a well-known killer knows me.

"Yeah! I have seen you in television and I like the way you killed them! Like the other time where you tied a woman upside down with her organs ripped open filled with her sex toys. Plus! you even shoved her dildos down her throat, suffocating her!" He explained making me remember that murder that I did.

' Oh- what that was a year ago, I didn't even remember that murder ._.'

"Woah woah wait, what the fuck?" Said the chucky doll catching Danny's attention.

"Yeah! It was like, a year ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday! It's my favorite." He exclaimed.

"W-wow you remember that murder? My anger issues was up because of her so I have to let it all out on her." I said scratching the back of my neck.

'Wait, a doll is talking? O_O'

"Is.. Is that doll talking?" I asked while pointing to the good guy doll.

Chucky suddenly got on top of the table and walked up to me. 

"I'm Chucky, and yes I am a talking 'doll' I'm a human in the inside." He said smirking at me.

I smiled at him and bowed my head to him.

"Nice meeting you, Chucky" I said.

"And my name's Danny Johnson! Or Jed Olsen." Danny said reaching his hand out for me to shake which I happily took it but Danny shook it so fast making me stumble a bit.

"Nice to finally meet you, Mister Danny! Or uh Jed."

"Oh please, drop the Mister! It's too formal so just call me Danny or even Jed!"

I hummed, "Okay!"

Suddenly, I felt hands crawling up my back to my shoulders. Making me shiver.

I think this is Freddy since the left hand has blades.

"Hey sweetcheeks~" A low, husky voice whispered onto my right ear, scaring me the living shits out of me.

I yelped and elbowed Freddy to the face with full-force, knocking him down to the floor.

Sounds of Danny, Chucky, Billy and Stu's laughs was heard including some who just chuckled.

I quickly held onto Norman who reassured me that everything was alright while rubbing circles on my back.

Freddy sat up and started rubbing his face where I hit him.

He growled at me before standing up from his place and started slowly walking up to me.

"Why you little-!"

Suddenly, Jason was infront of me and Norman.

He was staring down on Freddy, not making any single noise.

Freddy stopped at his tracks and growled at him.

"Get out of the way, asshole." He said and tried to get behind him but was stopped by Jason's arm.

Freddy stared at him before smirking, "You wanna go, mama's boy?"

'Shit ._." '

That made Jason angry and got into a fighting stance.

Freddy smirked even wider and also got into a fighting stance.

Right before they were about to fight, a man's voice stops them.

"Now now, there is no need to fight. We are not trying to scare our new little cellmate, correct?"

I turned to the direction of the voice to see Mr. Hannibal standing up from his seat.

"We'll take this later." Said Freddy before going back to his seat.

Jason then slowly turned to me and continued staring at me.

I got nervous and gripped onto Norman even tighter.

Jason then reached his hand out and patted my head, shocking me.

After he patted me, he walked back to his seat.

'Th-that was so cute of him !! >////<'

I slowly released Norman before hearing footsteps.

I turned around to see Mr. Hannibal, smiling gently at me.

"I apologize for their behavior, little miss. How are you feeling?" He said looking at me with concern.

I smiled at him making my mask shift slightly, "It's alright, and I'm okay thank you for asking just a little bit shook."

He smiled before reaching his hand out for me to shake, which I, of course, did.

"My name is Hannibal Lecter, it's a pleasure to meet you, little miss."

I nodded at him, "It's nice to meet you too, Mister uh.. Mr. Hanninbal?"

"It's Ha-nni-bal"

"Oh yes, sorry. Mr. H-Ha-Hanninbal." I repeated myself correctly, earning a smile from him.

He released his hand from me, "I'll introduce the others to you."

He first pointed to Jason.

"His name is Jason Voorhees, he cannot speak unfortunately but he makes noises."

I nodded before he continued.

He then pointed to Freddy who was, fussing and glaring at me.

"That grumpy fellow is Freddy Krueger. Also, do not worry, he always acts like that." Mr. Hannibal told me causing me to giggle.

Lastly, he pointed to Michael, "And that man, his name is Michael Myers. He's mostly quiet and we rarely heard him make any noises whatsoever."

I nodded slowly before smiling and bowing my head towards them.


A door was opened with a loud bang.

I got startled and held onto Norman as we all turned to the direction of the sound to see Miss Lena and Mr. Piper.

I noticed that Miss Lena wasn't wearing her police uniform but is wearing what the nurses are wearing.

"Rey!" Yelled Miss Lena as she rushed to me.

I released Norman from my grip before being hugged by Miss Lena

'Miss Lena looks super pretty in on her nurse uniform! But, why is she wearing it though?.'


3rd person POV

Mr. Piper took a look at the little girl who was being hugged by Miss Lena and was asking questions from her.

Mr. Piper smirked in amusement before turning to the killers.

"I'm impress to see that you all have not hurt her, congratulations."

The killers stared at each other knowing what happened when the two adults are gone.

The alarm started ringing indicating that all killers have to go shower.

Rey covered her ears. She didn't like very loud noises but looks like she has to bear with it everyday.

Mr. Piper turned to look at the guards as they nodded and went to the killers to escort them to the shower room.

"You heard the bell, see you guys again in therapy" He said before turning to the girls.

"Come on sweetie." Miss Lena said as Rey nodded her head.

Mr. Piper walked up to them and smiled at the two.

"I'll escourt you two to the shower room. Now, let's go"

They started walking to the shower room.

'Finally, I know I smell bad anyway'


End of Chapter 3: Meeting them Part 2

I'm sorry for taking so long. I was writing an another story about Brahms and i also have zero ideas in this book but for now, there is :)

thank you for reading<3

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