The boy without magic

Galing kay Xsponge1997

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What if Asta had a older sister? What if Nozel wasn't the oldest brother? And what if Asta grew up with Licit... Higit pa

Some clarifications.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Character ages
Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Ritual
Chaper 6: A good day
Chapter 8: Training begins.
Chapter 9: The banquet
My thoughts about this story
Chapter 10: Dream
Chapter 11: Curse
Chapter 12: Anger
Chapter 13: Wedding preperations
Chapter 14: Wedding day
Chapter 15: Hage
Chapter 16: Moving on
Chapter 17: Revenge
Announcement (again Ik im so sorry :p)
Chapter 18: Reconciliation
New black clover story
Chapter 19
Chapter 20: A troubling truth
Chapter 21: How it came to be
Chapter 22: Little ones/Grandparents.
Chapter 23: How they met pt 1
Chapter 24: How they met pt 2
Chapter 25: How they met Final
Act II
Chapter 1: A new beginning
Chapter 2: The Exam + reasons why I've been gone for a while.

Chapter 7: How we met.

490 14 4
Galing kay Xsponge1997

Narrator Pov
"Why are you sending me on a mission with a new recruit? Why can't I just go with Morgen?" Asked Yami. "She needs the experience. Don't worry she's quite capable herself." Said Julius. "Tch. This is bullshit." Complained Yami. "Language please." Julius said. "Hi uncle Julius! I'm here for my mission!" Exclaimed a 15 year old Ilu. "Ahh, Ilu. Right on time." Said Julius. "You'll be going to a dungeon with your fellow member Yami." Julius told Ilu. "Nice to meet you Yami. My name's Ilu" said Ilu. "I'm not deaf brat!" Yami yelled. "Who put a stick up your ass!?" Said Ilu angrily. "Enough!" Yelled Julius. Julius was rubbing his temples and took a deep breath. "Yami, wether you want to or not you should get along with Ilu. Ilu please watch your language." Said Julius annoyed. "Alright" both the members said.

At the Silver eagles base.
"Nozel." Ridder said. "Yes brother." Said Nozel. "I have a mission to go to a dungeon, apparently I'm gonna be in charge to lead the mission. So while I'm gone you'll be in charge." Ridder said to Nozel. "About time I'm captain." Nozel commented. "You're not captain, but you're in charge. Since I won't be here, that would make the vice captain in charge." Ridder said. "Damn, if only I was a year older." Nozel complained. Ridder only laughed. "Well I'm gonna be on my way then, take care of the base!" Ridder said before running out.

Near a high mana region
"It's a bit cold" said a blonde teenager who is none other than Charlotte Roselei. "It's not cold at all!" Yelled a orange hair girl. "That's because you're using your fire magic to warm yourself up" said the blonde. "This is why I'm the strongest!" Shouted the orange hair girl. "You're not the strongest Mereoleona" said Charlotte. "I'm sure there are far stronger mages than you." Charlotte added. "I'll be the strongest once I kill all those stronger than me!" Yelled Mereoleona. "Sheesh do you have to be so loud?" Said a Silver haired teen. "Cousin Ridder, I want my rematch!" Yelled Mereoleona. "We have a mission to do" said Ridder. "Say, where are the other 2? From the guidelines it said that 2 members of the aqua deer were supposed to arrive." Said Ridder. "Yami, you idiot!" Could be heard from the distance. The three teenagers look to where the noise was coming from and see a broom falling towards them. "It's not my fault my broom broke, it was in horrible condition anyway" said a brawny teen wearing a tank top and beige pants. "Why didn't you just buy a a fucking new broom!" Said the gray haired girl. "I lost all my money by gambling." Said the brawny man. "Then don't fucking gamble!" Yelled the girl while losing control of her broom. Both crashed, Ilu landed on Ridder while Yami landed on Mereoleona. The 4 were in inappropriate positions. Ilus breast could be seen against Ridders face, while Yamis face could be seen smashed against Mereoleonas. "How fucking dare you kiss me!!" Said an angry Mereoleona after pushing Yami off. "Why are you angry you stole my first kiss!" Complained Yami. Meanwhile with Charlotte "NOOOOOO I wanted to be Yamis first kiss, no what am I saying! I can't fall in love with a man!" Thought Charlotte. With Ilu and Ridder: "Mmm so soft" mumbled Ridder, unfortunately for him Ilu heard that. "You. Fucking. PERVERT!!" Yelled Ilu while slapping him across the face. "Owww! Come on that was a compliment!" shouted Ridder. "Hasn't your mother told you how to treat a lady!" Yelled Ilu. "She has, and she said you have to be kind to women. And from what I know I gave a compliment which is kind." Said Ridder a bit annoyed. "What you said was perverted! A compliment makes a man seem like a gentleman, but you only made yourself look like a pervert!" Yelled Ilu. "HEEELP, SHES GONNA KILL MEEE!!" Both the arguing teenagers heard and looked over to see Mereoleona repeatedly punching Yamis face with a claw made out of fire. "Mereoleona, I think you should stop." Said Charlotte scared seeing her secret crush get beat up. "Yes please do what the prickly princess says!" Yelled Yami. "I'm gonna fucking kill you!!!" Shouted Mereoleona. "I never thought I'd see an asshole like that get his shit beaten out by a woman." Said Ilu. "You know for a pretty lady, you have a pretty foul mouth." Said Ridder. "Shut the fuck up you pervert, I didn't ask you to speak." Said Ilu in a cold manner. "I swear when you came here the temperature dropped even more, and I didn't think it could have gotten any colder." Joked Ridder. Ilu started to get fed up with Ridders comments, a man saying annoying things was one thing she hated, but to add on it was a royal nonetheless. Ilu hated royalty, she noticed the Silva symbol on his clothing when they started arguing and that made her even more annoyed. "Okay Mereoleona, I think you should stop." Said Ridder. "You're lucky that a captain interfered with your ass beating." Said Mereoleona to Yami who was lying on the ground all bloodied. Ridder sighed and took out a magical artifact to heal Yami. After Yami was healed he slowly got up "remind me to never piss her off again." Said Yami. "No one remind him. I'll gladly beat the shit out of him again." Mereoleona said with a scary smile. Ilu was a bit frightened by the look of the orange hair, while Ridder was used to that look. "Alright then. Since we've been assigned on this mission, I think it's best if we can get to know each other before we work together." Said Ridder. "Names Yami Sukihero, Dont forget it." "My name is Charlotte Roseslei, I'm the vice captain of the Blue rose knights." "Mereoleona Vermillion!" "Great another royal" thought Ilu. "My name's Ilu Staria, a new member of the Aqua deer." "My name's Ridder Silva, current captain of the Silver eagles. I hope we can all get along." Said the young captain. "Let's begin the mission. According to reports this dungeon has three sections. Yami and Charlotte will investigate the west section, Mereoleona will investigate the east section, and since Ilu is a new recruit she will be with me investigating the North section. Any questions?" Said Ridder. "I got a question." Said Yami raising his hand. "And what would it be?" Asked Ridder. "Is there a bathroom in this place? I gotta take a big shit." Said Yami. "You idiot! Now is not the time to be thinking about that!" Shouted Ilu annoyed. "Ilu is right. You're gonna have to hold it in until the mission is done." Supported Ridder. "Well if that's all, then we should start our investigation." Said Ridder. The group started their investigation, Mereoleona who was in the east section found nothing interesting. "Ughh. Why did I have to get the most boring area. I swear I will kill Ridder if I don't find anything interesting." Said Mereoleona. After a a couple of minutes of walking and dodging traps she felt a sinister magic power. "Finally something interesting!" Yelled Mereoleona running after the source of magic. With Yami and Charlotte both were walking noticing strange letters written on the walls of the dungeon. "These letters are odd, I can't recognize what language they're written in." Said Charlotte. "This shit's so boring, I really wish I could have stayed at the base." Said Yami. Both felt several mana signatures coming towards them, dark mana beasts could be seen running towards the future couple. "Finally something interesting!" Shouted Yami. "Let's just get this over with" sighed Charlotte. With Ilu and Ridder both were walking silently until Ridder broke the silence. "Look, I'm sorry about before. I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." Ridder said to Ilu. "You should have thought about what to say beforehand." Said Ilu coldly. Ridder didn't know what to say, so he asked a question to start a different conversation. "So... I remember you said you're from the Staria family. Is your father Anthony Staria by chance?" Ridder asked. "Yeah he is my father, why do you care?!" Asked Ilu defensively. "I'm his biggest fan!" Exclaimed Ridder. "His work as a magic knight is something to be admired" Ridder added. Ilu was surprised. Usually royals and nobles made fun of her father for treating everyone equally and for marrying a commoner. "You're lying! No royal thinks my father is great. All royals are the same! They lie and just take advantage of those weaker than them." Said Ilu. Ilu assumed he was lying, no noble or royal had ever admired her father because of his choices. Ridder was taken aback by what Ilu said, he didn't expect such a reaction. "Why would I lie? Your father helped out many people which would have been forgotten about. He is a man who cares for everyone in the kingdom, if that isn't something to be admired then I don't know what is." Said Ridder a little angry at Ilu. Ilu didn't know what to say, she felt sincerity in his words but she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "But, he married a commoner. Doesn't that bother you?" Asked Ilu. "That's his love life, I could care less about that. And it doesn't matter who you fall in love with, as long as there is love from both sides it shouldn't matter. May I ask why you seem so upset about this? You've been acting so defensive and I didn't even do anything wrong." Ridder said annoyed by Ilu. Ilu had no Idea what to say, she assumed that Ridder would be insulting her father but it was the total opposite. Not just that, but he didn't even judge her fathers love life. "I'm sorry, but everyone usually insults my father for his choices. I thought you'd do the same." Said Ilu in a apologetic manner. "I'm not like those assholes you're thinking of. My mother told me social status doesn't matter, so if he married someone he loved that's something beautiful." Said Ridder now understanding her more. "Your mother sounds like a good person." Ilu said. "She was a great person. I'm sure you heard of the steel warrior princess." Said Ridder. Ilu heard her father talk about the steel warrior princess. He told her many stories of back when he was in his prime. "I remember my father talking about her, he said she was a very strong and talented magician." Ilu replied to Ridder. "I believe she was the strongest mage of her time." Said Ridder. Ilu noticed Ridder drew a tear from his eye. "Are you fine? I can see a tear drop." Said Ilu a bit worried. "Oh it's nothing, something just got in my eye." Ridder dismissed. "Are you sure? It's not good to hold anything in." Ilu said. She felt like she was intruding into his personal life a bit too much, but she was truly worried about him. "It's just.. my mother recently passed away. A year and a half ago she gave birth to my baby sister Noelle. Due to complications caused by the childbirth her health declined rapidly, because of that she left us a couple of ago." Ridder lied to Ilu. "I'm sorry for reminding you. I'm sure she would be proud of you." Said Ilu trying to cheer up Ridder. Ridder only smiled. "If you want, after the mission we can talk about it a bit more. I know how it feels to lose a mother, although mine hasn't passed she was cursed. Her curse took away mana and vitality from anyone who came near her. Because of the curse she had to leave us, she was pregnant with my baby brother when she got the curse, but somehow he managed to develop an immunity when he was born." Said Ilu. "Ever since I was 13 I never saw my mother again, she sends us letters from time to time. My father has been trying to find a cure for her since then, but so far he hasn't found one." Ilu added. "I hope your father finds a cure soon, family is very important. Even though I lost my mother, she gifted me with siblings I can share my love with. Just promise me when your mothers curse gets cured I can play with your little brother, I have a soft spot for kids." Ridder said with a smile. Ilu never thought a royal could be so down to earth and kind. From what she previously experienced royals and nobles were all jerks. "I promise I'll let you play with him." Ilu said returning the smile, the moment was interrupted when they saw Mereoleona crash through the wall. "This bastards tough! I'm gonna enjoy killing him" said the orange hair girl while laughing. "Stay behind me." Said Ridder getting in front of Ilu. "This magic.. it's sinister and cold." Said Ilu scared. She never felt such an evil magic before, it gave her flashbacks of when her mother was attacked. The magic felt similar and somewhat familiar. A laugh could be heard coming from behind the dust, a black silhouette could be seen. A man emerged coming from the dust grabbing mereoleona from the neck, "weak." Was all the man said. He threw the girl against the wall next to the two magic knights. "Now, who's my next test subject for my new power." Said the man. "Who are you, and what business do you have?" Said Ridder looking at the man threateningly. "What's up with this guys mana? It's on a completely different level."thought Ilu."The name's Alex. I just came here to test out my new powers, nothing wrong with that is there?" Said the man now known as Alex. "You attacked a squad mate of mine, your intentions are hostile, meaning.. I have authority to either kill you, or capture you and have knights in my kingdom interrogate you. The choice is yours." Ridder said releasing his mana. "Ridders mana is almost comparable to that of that Alex guy, but Alex's mana is scary." Ilu thought while unconsciously backing up. "Demonic shadow magic: shadow beasts" Alex casted. Ten dark beasts emerged a black shadow that was casted by the mans magic. Ridder quickly drew his four leaf clover grimoire and casted a defense spell. "Steel creation magic: Knights shield!" Casted Ridder. A large shield was formed and blocked the path for the dark beasts. "I have to help him! Even if he's captain I shouldn't just stand here and do nothing!" Ilu thought. "Ridder!" Ilu shouted getting Ridders attention. "Drop the shield, I have a plan." Ilu said. "What! Are are you crazy woman?!" Shouted Ridder. "Yes I am crazy, but trust me!" Shouted Ilu. "Alright fine, get ready." Said Ridder. Ilu ran straight ahead, Ridder despelled his shield. When the beasts started to come towards them Ilu casted a spell. "Absorption magic: magic robbery!" Casted Ilu. All ten of the black beasts went inside Ilu. "Where am I?" Ilu said, she was in a dark space, there she saw a dark being with animalistic features, it had a face that resembled a goat, but it's body was humanoid and pitch black. "A human with the ability to make anyones mana her own? How interesting." The being said. Ilu got out of her trance, it seemed like for her that moment happened within a fraction of a second. Without giving it much importance Ilu casted the second part of her spell, "Return!" She shouted. The same black beasts she absorbed reappeared, but this time they attacked Alex. "So that's her magic. It has a lot of potential." Thought Ridder. "You're interesting girl, I'll give you that. However, these beasts are nothing to me." Said Alex. He tried to cancel his spell, but to his surprise it didn't work. "What!?" Yelled Alex confused. "When I absorb a spell, not only can I use your magic against you, but the magic becomes mine entirely. In simpler terms, these beasts are now made of my mana." Explained Ilu. Alex got angry, "You piss me off girl. 90%." Said Alex. A strong sinister magic pressure was felt, it was a mana much stronger than that of a captains. "Be honored. I'm using all of the demonic power I currently mastered." The magic pressure was enough to completely obliterate the beasts. "Demonic power?" Said Ridder remembering why his mother died. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!!!!!" Shouted Ridder expelling a ton of mana. "You have impressive mana reserves boy." Said Alex laughing "but you're still nothing compared to me" finished Alex. Alex starts to charge toward the both of them, but is interrupted. "Calidos brachium!!" Alex is caught by surprise and is hit on all parts of his body by fists made of fire. "Mereoleona!" Shouted Ilu. "If you think I'll lose so easily you need to stop underestimating your opponents!" Shouted the Vermillion pissed. "You got a lucky shot." Said Alex. Alex slowly got up and started to dust himself off, "if you think someone weak like you can defeat me you must have no common sense at all." Said Alex in a mocking tone. Mereoleona was getting angry, she clenched her fist so tight that her hands started bleeding. "Mereo, don't let his words get to you." Said Ridder. "He wants you to get angry so it can be easier for him to find an opening." Added Ridder. After Mereoleona heard that she calmed down a bit, her childhood teacher told her it was best to remain calm. "You're ri-" The girl was interrupted by a large shadow hand grabbing her and pinning her to the ground along with the other two. "You people gave me enough trouble already, no one has pushed me this far before, so I'll enjoy killing each of you." Said Alex. "Absorption mag-" Ilu tried to say, but face was grabbed by another shadow hand. "You're magic is a threat. I'll kill you first." Said Alex with a sadistic smile. "NOOO! Don't you fucking dare!" shouted Ridder. Alex only laughed. "Oh I dare." Said Alex. "Dark magic: dark cut!". A dark cut made its way cutting off the shadow hands freeing everyone. Ilu started gasping for air, she tried her best to absorb the magic from the shadow hands without using any spells from her grimoire, but it was too slow to free her. "Thank you Yami." Ilu said in between gasps. "What do you think you're doing trying to hurt my comrades." Asked Yami. "They annoy me, so I'll kill them. Don't worry I won't forget to kill you after I'm done with them." Said Alex. "Yami you should have waited for me." Said Charlotte once she caught up with Yami. "It's a good thing I came early, HES TRYING TO KILL US!!" Shouted Yami secretly freaked out. "We can't let that happen." Charlotte said. "Damn right you are, prickly princess." Yami said to Charlotte. Charlotte blushed when Yami called her that, but right now more important things were happening. "Thank you guys for arriving, we would have been goners if it weren't for you Yami." Said Ridder. "Don't mention it" Yami replied. "Now lets finish up with this guy." Added Yami. "Interesting, five against one. Now this will be fun" said Alex with a sadistic smile. Guys, Yami and Mereoleona will fight close range, Ilu and Charlotte will be support. I'll help with defense. Also Ilu tell me, have you absorbed any healing magic before the mission?" Asked Ridder. "I did, how did you know?" Said Ilu. "Before the mission I read through everyones files, I know how you fight and what your magic is capable of. But seeing it personally makes me realize its true potential." Said Ridder. "Everyone! Don't let your guard down at all!" Shouted Ridder. "Yes!" They all shouted. Both Yami and Mereoleona charged towards Alex, Yami used his katana covered with dark magic to try to cut him, while Mereoleona tried punching him with her fists covered with her fire magic. Alex kept on descending into the shadows "damn this bastard keeps on hiding it's impossible to manage to hit him!" Complained Yami. Ridder kept on studying Alex's movements, he noticed a weakness. "Guys fall back!" Shouted Ridder. "Hehe did you finally realize that you can't win?" Asked Alex. Ridder only smiled and created a steel ceiling using his magic. "Mereoleona, you think you can throw a fireball at Ilu? Also Ilu get ready to absorb some magic." Said Ridder. "Alright" said both Mereoleona and Ilu. The Vermillion threw a gigantic fireball towards the gray haired girl. "Absorption magic: magic robbery!" Ilu casted. Ilu managed to absorb all of the magic Mereoleona launched at her, "now use that magic and maintain it right under the steel ceiling I made." Said Ridder. Ilu quickly understood what Ridder was trying to do, if it dark shadows are everywhere, and with the enemies magic being shadow magic he has an advantage. By illuminating the area with light, Alex would lose that advantage. Ridder created a steel platform to help Ilu get close to the steel ceiling and Ilu used the second part of her spell once again. "Return!" Shouted Ilu. She managed to make a ball of fire and kept it steady and controlled so it wouldn't run out, she also added her own mana to it for it to last until they win the fight. "It's just as I planned, now you two!" Said Ridder pointing at Yami and Mereoleona. "Attack him, dont waste this opportunity!" Ridder shouted. "Charlotte, When the enemy is distracted, I want you to use your briar magic to tie him up, so I can finish him off" Ridder whispered. Charlotte only nodded and waiting for an opportunity. Alex was having a much harder time, he didn't have enough time to cast a spell because both mages were exceptionally fast, not only that but all their blows could be lethal so he couldn't afford getting hit. Alex decided to take a risk attempted to cast a spell, but before he could he felt barbed vines strangling him. "Fuck!" Shouted Alex. "This is your end, scum." Said Ridder before piercing the enemies chest with a steel longsword he created with his magic. "Aaugh" was the noise Alex made when he got stabbed. After taking out the sword the sword, everyone undid their magic. Ridder confirmed that Alex was dead, but as soon as Ridder got up he was hit by a strong blow causing him to crash into the wall. "RIDDER!!" Shouted Ilu. "He he he he. That Idiot was pretty stupid. Now that he's dead, I guess I could take over his body" said a deep sinister voice. The once human body began to change its appearance. The face of the body morphed into a head resembling that of a goats, horns started to slowly grow on the head, the torso of the body took a pitch black color. "I guess that's one way for a devil to enter this world." Said the devil. "That's..." Ilu thought while looking at it with wide eyes "...the figure I saw a moment ago.". The devil looked at Ilu noticing her gaze, "you" said the devil pointed at Ilu. "Your magic interests me. Join me and I'll offer you many things to fulfill your desires." The devil tried to convince Ilu. "No! I'm not interested in anything you offer me!" Shouted Ilu rejecting the devils deal. "Well that's too bad." Said the devil. "Demonic shadow magic: endless night." Said the demon. The whole area turned pitch black, there was no light, the only way to sense the devil was from his mana. "Damn. I can't see anything." Complained Yami." "Heh heh heh. You are now in my domain, which means you are now at my mercy. Too bad I won't show any mercy." Said the devil. "You think I'm scared of being in the dark? This dumb spell won't be enough to stop me!" Yelled Mereoleona. "No matter what spell you use I'll ki- guagh" Mereoleona was quickly silenced by a strong punch to her gut. "Damn you." Said Mereoleona starting to produce her fire magic as a source of light, but when she activated her magic no light was generated from the fire. "W-what?!"said Mereoleona surprised "In this spell all light is absent. No light is strong enough to break to this spell." Said the devil. "DAMN!!" Yelled Mereoleona. "This is bad, I could try absorbing this spell." Thought Ilu. "Absorption magic: magic robbery." Whispered Ilu. Ilu started to absorb the magic around her, but she started to feel a horrible pain all over her body "AHHHH!" Cried Ilu. "Stupid girl, this magic is pure demonic magic your human body wouldn't be able to handle it." Laughed the devil. Ilu was writhing in pain, her body was feeling like it was breaking apart. Ilu had no choice but to use some of the healing magic she borrowed. "Absorption magic: chosen magic." A green magic started to surround Ilu and slowly healed her. "Damn I had to use one of the healing spells, I only have 1 more left." Thought Ilu. Ridder was embedded on the wall listening to everything, "damn! I'm the leader of this mission and yet I'm useless." Thought Ridder. "The devil said that this was his domain, I wonder if I could try to use that.." Ridder thought. "I won't know until I try. Mana Zone: Mana expansion." Ridder spread out his mana everywhere, using a spell of this caliber depleted half of his mana reserves, "I don't have much mana left, so I'll quickly finish this." Ridder said. "In my mana expansion, I can make a physical connection with my mana. Where my mana is, I can appear anywhere I please." Thought the captain. Ridder quickly appeared behind the devil with a steel sword, "DIE!!" Yelled Ridder beheading the devil. The devil who was caught by surprise didn't have time to react and was beheaded the the silver haired mage. The spell casted by the devil slowly disappeared and everything could now be visible. "That was easier than I thought." Said Ridder. This time Ridder didn't let his guard down, he was attentive to anything. "Thank goodness you're fine Ridder." Ilu said while getting up from the ground. After Ridder thought everything was over with he started to walk towards his teammates. Laughing could be heard from the devils direction, Ridder got ready and started prepare his magic. "I admit, you surprise me. But us devils, especially those of mid to high ranking aren't affected by your weak magic." Said the devil regenerating. "What?!" Exclaimed Ridder surprised. "I guess I'll kill all of you, you bore me. Five shadow claws started to come out of the devils back and made their way towards the clover mages. Mereoleona and Charlotte dodged the attack, Yami and Ridder cut the attacks with their swords, while Ilu used Ridders magic to create a steel wall to stop the shadow claw. "I guess it was a good thing I borrowed Ridders magic from before" Ilu thought. "Just die already!" Yami said as he appeared next to the devil trying to decapitate the creature; however, Yami missed but managed to sever the devils arms off. "My arm isn't regenerating" thought the devil, "this boy has a unique magic" whispered the devil. Ilu noticed that Yamis attack managed to hurt the devil. "Yami!" Yelled Ilu getting Yamis attention. "Come to me I have an Idea, you too Ridder." Commanded Ilu. Both quickly made their way to Ilu, while Mereoleona and Charlotte were keeping the devil busy. "Both of you grab my hands" said Ilu. Both boys did as they were told and felt their magic get absorbed. "I noticed that dark magic works against the devil, we should be able to defeat him if we have three dark magic users." Said Ilu with a smile. "Absorption magic: magical generosity" said Ilu. Both the boys felt a different type of mana, and now they understood what Ilu was planning. "You're a smart girl, I'll give you that." Said Yami, "there's no time to waste, you two attack him close range, while I'll fight from a distance." Said Ilu while creating a steel bow and arrow which was coated with Yamis dark magic. "Also if you need another weapon, you can use some of Ridders magic I gave you to crate one. I also used the last of the healing magic I borrowed to heal both of you from your injuries. Now lets go!" Yelled Ilu. Both boys quickly ran towards the devil who had the advantage against the girls, "guys let finish this quickly." Said Ridder while getting a nod from everyone. Charlotte used her briar sword to wrap around the devils legs, while Mereoleona was punching away the shadow claws preventing them from getting close to her teammates. Yami and Ridder were attacking side by side choreographed perfectly with each other, their fighting style complimented one another. Ilu who has finding a shot was carefully waiting for the perfect moment to shoot. Yami gave a sweep to the devils legs which were tied by Charlottes briar magic, causing the devil to fall on the ground. Ilu who couldn't find a good shot quickly transformed her bow into a sword similar to Ridders deciding fighting close range would be best. The devil who was in a predicament found a time to attack the four: Ridder, Yami, Mereoleona, and Charlotte. Four shadow claws formed around them and grabbed them rendering the clover mages immobile, but the devil didn't expect seeing Ilu so close to him. Stab Ilu stabbed the devils heart and the shadow claws around the other four started to dissipate. "What a way to steal the thunder" said Yami in a pissed manner. "I JUST SAVED YOUR LI-" Ilu was interrupted by a horrible pain in her abdomen. "ILU!" Shouted the other four mages. Ilu coughed up blood and looked down to see a small shadow claw pierced through her abdomen. "If I die, I'll take you down with me" said the devil before disintegrating. "NO NO NO NO, stay with me Ilu!" Cried Ridder creating a steel eagle. "Go on ahead without us Ridder, she needs urgent medical attention fast!" Yelled Yami worried about his new rookie teammate. Ridder didn't even pay attention to what Yami said and ripped his shirt off and put pressure on both sides of her wounds. Ridder quickly flew to the capital on his steel eagle while carrying Ilu who was unconscious. After 30 long minutes Ilu was losing a lot of blood, "SOMEONE HELP!!" Shouted Ridder reaching the medical ward. "what's wrong?" Said a younger Owen, he froze seeing the scene in which he saw a crying captain stained in blood carrying a unconscious girl. "Come with me quick!" Shouted Owen leading him to a room. After a few minutes, Owen could be seen walking out the room tired. "You can come in now, she's stable but still unconscious. She lost a lot of blood, if you had come any later she would have died." Said Owen. Ridder was relieved to know that Ilu was stable, he was worried that something horrible was going to happen. "Thank goodness you're now stable." Said Ridder to an unconscious Ilu. "If it wasn't for you the devil could have killed us all" Said Ridder while grabbing her hand. "It's good to see that she's fine" said a orange haired teenager. "Julius would kill me if I let a rookie die." Said Yami who was secretly worried about his squad mate. "She's a strong woman, She is a great example of a woman." Said Charlotte. "You guys came?" Asked Ridder. "Of course we came, if it weren't for her we probably could have died" said Yami. "How is she?" Asked Mereoleona. "Owen said she's stable, but still unconscious." As when Ridder said that Ilu slowly opened her eyes. "ILU!" Shouted Ridder before hugging her. "You worried me!" Yelled Ridder. Ilu who was taken aback from the hug didn't know what to do, "When did I give you permission to hug me you pervert." Said Ilu in a weak voice. Ridder who realized his action blushed and let go, "Sorry." Said Ridder. "It's fine, it's not that big of a deal." Said Ilu regretting calling Ridder a pervert. "You should have seen his face when he saw you in that condition" Yami laughed. "It was the first time I saw him leave so fast, I guess seeing you that injured caused that. But if it weren't for him, you'd be dead." Said Mereoleona. Ilus eyes widened, "Ridder, you saved me?" Asked Ilu. "Of course I did. You promised me that I could play with your little brother, once your father finds a cure for your mothers curse and I wouldn't want to play with him without you." Said Ridder with a smile. "Say Ilu, once you recover let's fight!" Said Mereoleona. "You're strong and I respect that, so let's see who's stronger." Said Mereoleona covering her fist with fire magic. Ilu was surprised, a royal respected her? Maybe not all royals were bad, Ridder was a good example of a good royal. "I promise, when I recover we can spar." Said Ilu. "But first I need to get stronger, the previous fight made me realize that I'm not strong enough to win everything." Said Mereoleona thoughtfully. "In that case, I'll get stronger too." Said Ilu with a voice no longer weak. "Say Ridder, I never expected you to fight with a sword" Yami said to Ridder. "Royals depend too much on ranged attacks, me and Mereo are the only ones that do close combat. Swords are more lethal and dangerous for the opponent. That's why I like swords." Ridder said. "I like your way of thinking" said Yami with a smile. "We should train together sometimes." Proposed Ridder with a smile. "Sure, I don't see why not." Replied Yami. "Ilu, I admit you're really strong." Said Charlotte. "Thank you, if it wasn't for you we would have lost." Charlotte added. "It's no problem at all Charlotte, I was just doing my job as a magic knight." Said Ilu flattered by Charlottes words. The rest of the night passed with all of them talking and laughing, with the mission taking a dangerous turn of event, who would have thought strangers ended up becoming good friends. A week passed since the mission, both Yami and Ilu were awarded 10 starts each for their work, the details of the devil were kept hidden by the request of the magic parliament, Mereoleona resigned her work as a magic knight to train in a high mana region. Currently Ridder can be seen talking with Nozel. "I understand. I hope you stay safe brother." Said Nozel. "I'm still gonna be remaining captain for a year, I'm going to train you to be stronger so you can be a good captain." Said Ridder. "Ever since the appearance of that devil in the dungeon, I can't help but think that there are more devil possessed people causing harm. I can't let that happen." Ridder added. "Will you go alone?" Asked Nozel. "I do plan on going alone, I have a year to become stronger so I will train. But for now everyone has a day off, my treat." Said Ridder. "Sounds good, brother." Said Nozel. "If you're going to hang out with Dorothy make sure to use protection!" Shouted Ridder while leaving. Nozel blushed heavily when he hard that. "Fuck you Ridder!" Nozel shouted. Ridder only laughed and went to the capital. In the capital a gray haired woman could be seen looking at clothing shops. "Hrmnn, I recently got paid and I have too much money to carry. I never thought I'd be paid so much." Thought Ilu. The girl could hear her stomach grumbling, "I guess I could grab something to eat." Thought Ilu. Ilu made her way to a diner that wasn't busy, while appreciating the simplicity of the diner she collided with someone. "Hey! Watch where you're going" complained Ilu. "You were the one that walked into me!" Yelled a familiar voice. "Ridder?/Ilu?" Both of them said. "What brings you here?" Asked Ridder glad to meet his new friend. "I had a day off, and recently got my pay. I didn't know what to do with the money so I decided to visit the capital to find something to spend my money on." Said Ilu. "What brings you here?" Ilu asked back. "I gave my squad a day off and I wanted to eat from one of my favorite diners." Said Ridder. "This is your favorite diner?" Asked Ilu. "Yeah, it's really good and is usually never busy." Replied Ridder. "Care to join me?" Asked Ridder. "I was about to enter the diner before I collided with you, so I'll join." Answered Ilu. Both entered the diner and found a table to sit at. The waitress who was a red haired women carrying a 3 year old girl arrived handing them the menus. "My, what a cute child you have." Said Ridder. "What's your name little one?" Said Ridder baby talking with the girl. "Her name is Rebecca, me and my fiancé had her unexpectedly, but she was the best thing to ever come into our lives." Said the woman with a smile. "She's so cute!" Said Ilu looking at the child with a smile. "So, what would you two like to order?" Asked the waitress. "I'll take the steak, medium rare, along with a side of asparagus please." Said Ridder "alright" said the waitress while writing down his order, "and for the lady?" Asked the waitress. "I'll have the grilled fish with a side of mixed vegetables please." Said Ilu. "Would any of you like anything to drink?" The waitress asked. "Just water" both said. "Alright your orders should be ready in ten minutes." Said the waitress. To pass time Ridder and Ilu decided to talk to each other, "so you're going to resign your position as captain?" Asked Ilu. "You know what happened in the dungeon, I can't let creatures like 'those' be doing as they please." Said Ridder. "Going alone is too risky, even for someone like you. I can join you." Proposed Ilu. "No, that's too risky. I can't let you get hurt again." Said Ridder. "Come on, getting hurt is part of the job for magic knights. And if it weren't for me you guys would have been dead." Said Ilu annoyed that Ridder rejected the idea. "To be fair, we truly won because of Yamis dark magic." Said Ridder. "I'm pretty sure Yami would reject the idea of going along with you, and besides: I kept some of Yamis magic. As long as I have a tiny bit of his mana I can add on my own mana I'll have more dark magic in my arsenal" said Ilu. "You keep on surprising me. I expect no less from the daughter of the great Anthony Staria. Speaking of your father, do you think I could meet him today? I'm a really big fan and I really want to meet him." Said Ridder Ilu was thinking about what Ridder said. "Alright fine, but on one condition." Said Ilu. "What's the condition?" Asked Ridder. "You take me with you when you resign your position." Ridder was thoughtful at what Ilu said, but he knew she was a capable mage. "Alright deal!" Yelled Ridder. "Your food is ready." Said the waitress handing both Ilu and Ridder their food. "Thank you!" Said the both of them. "Enjoy the food." Said the waitress. "Thank you, you too." Said Ridder making himself sound like an idiot. Ilu laughed at Ridder, "what are you laughing at?" Asked Ridder. "What was the last thing you said to the waiter" Ilu asked while giggling. Ridder realized his mistake, "fuck I made myself look like an idiot." Said Ridder. "You always look like an idiot" said Ilu making fun of Ridder. "Why are you so mean to me" cried Ridder. "It's fun teasing you." Was all Ilu said before starting to eat her food. "Wow! This is delicious." Said Ilu surprised by how good the food is. "This is why this is my favorite place. The food never disappoints." Said Ridder. "This food reminds me of moms cooking." Ilu said with nostalgia. "I'm sure your father will find a cure for her soon, after all he is the great Anthony Staria!" Exclaimed Ridder before starting to joke on a bite of his steak. "Oh you Idiot!" Said Ilu using one of her borrowed magics to punch Ridder on his abdomen to take out the food. "For a royal you really don't have any table manners." Said Ilu. "Sorry, I just got excited." Excused Ridder. After finishing their food and paying the bill, both left the diner and Ilu told Ridder to follow her. Ridder reluctantly accepted because he knew he was going to meet his role model. "Well we're here" said Ilu taking out her key and opening the front door. "Dad I'm here to visit! And I brought a friend!" Shouted Ilu. "Sweetie, so glad your back" Anthony said, but froze when he saw Ridder. "Sweetie, you didn't tell me that your friend is a.. Boy." Set Anthony releasing his mana. "Dad it's not like that, I'm not interested in dating. He's just a big fan of yours." Ilu said blushing at what her father thought. "Oh why didn't you just say so." Said Ilus father. "I just said so." Said Ilu annoyed. "G-g-g-Good afternoon, Mr. Staria." Said Ridder nervously. "It's an honor to meet you, my name is Ridder Silva." Said Ridder bowing his head in respect. "Hehe. No need for such formalities, say you're the daughter of Acier Silva right?" Asked Anthony. "Yes sir, I am." Said Ridder. "I remember me and my wife used to play with you when you were a baby." Anthony said. "We used to be great friends, I'm sorry about her passing." Anthony said with a hint of sadness in his voice. "It's alright Mr. Staria, my mother gifted me a with a baby sister before she left. I try to live up to my mothers expectations and keep everyone in my family safe and happy." Ridder said. Anthony smiled at his response, "Acier truly raised a fine gentleman, I'm sure she would be proud of you." Said Anthony. "Thank you, sir. That means a lot to me." Said Ridder. Ilu only saw the scene with a smile, she knew Ridder was a really kind man. Looking at him she felt her heart beat faster than normal, but she gave it no importance at the moment. "My daughter said you're a fan of mine?" Asked Anthony "Yes sir, I am a huge fan of your work as a magic knight!" Said Ridder. "Well we can talk in the living room." A couple of hours had passed and the three had been talking about many things. Ilu brought the topic of her and Ridder traveling to her father. "You and Ridder resigning from the magic knights?" Asked Anthony. "Yes, father. Ridder was planning on going alone, but I think it'll be best if I go with him to help him. I can't let him get hurt, he has a family he needs to take care of." Said Ilu. "And what if you get hurt?" Asked her father. "Mr. Staria, I'll protect Ilu with my life if I have to." Said Ridder with confidence. Ilu blushed when Ridder said that and looked at him with a smile. "You don't have to worry father, both me and him will be fine. Just trust us. And besides, maybe I could find a cure for mothers curse during our journey." Said Ilu. Anthony thought about it for a minute. "Alright fine, just be safe and don't come back pregnant. If you do I will kill Ridder." Anthony said giving Ridder a scary look. "WE'RE NOT GONNA BE DOING ANYTHING LIKE THAT!!!" Shouted Ilu blushing furiously. Ridder said nothing because he never felt so embarrassed, he was a blushing mess his face even more red than Ilus. "Good, you better not be doing anything like that." Said Anthony. "W-w-w-well I think it's time for us to leave." Ridder managed to say. "I think you're right." Ilu agreed. "Say hi to Julius for me Ilu!" Anthony said. "Will do father." Said Ilu. "Goodbye" both the teenagers said. "Well it looks like we can go next year. We should start training for the journey." Said Ilu. "You're right, and I hope we find the cure for your mothers curse soon. I really wanna play with your brother. I wonder how cute he looks." Said Ridder. "You're so fond of children it's kind of creepy" said Ilu. "I just think kids are cute, don't you think the same?" Asked Ridder. "I agree they are cute, but I think you obsess over them too much." Ilu said. "Kids are the embodiment of innocence, I just want to protect and play with them all" said Ridder. "If you say it like that, I can't argue with you." Said Ilu. "Well it's getting dark, I think I should head back to my base." Said Ilu. "Me and Yami are going to be gambling tonight and he has horrible luck." Ilu added on. "Isn't he already broke as it is?" Said Ridder. "He takes some money from the thieves he captures, so he usually has enough money to lose from gambling." Said Ilu. "Wow, I'm not surprised by that." Ridder said comically. "Well until next time" said Ilu. "See ya soon!" Said Ridder. Both went their separate ways back their base.
"Alright Ilu! Prepare to lose!" Yelled Yami at Ilu while Morgen was shuffling a deck of cards. "Do you have to be so loud" asked William with his soft voice. "Shut up weird mask!" Yelled Yami annoyed. "Don't be rude Yami." Ilu said to him. "And besides, I'm not going to lose." Ilu added on.
"I see you finally came back brother" Nozel said. "I ran into a friend and we ended up spending the day together. She was a fun person to talk to." Ridder said the last part out loud accidentally. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend." Laughed Nozel. "I don't see her that way, although she is a good girl I'm not really interested in dating as of right now." Said Ridder. "So, did you get lucky with Dorothy?" Ridder asked. "She had a mission." Said Nozel depressed. "Sucks to be you." Was all Ridder said. "Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight." Said Ridder before leaving.
Authors note: by far the longest chapter I have written. A total of 7848 words. This chapter was about the last part both Ridder and Ilu were talking about in the last chapter. I really enjoyed writing this chapter, but the fight scene took a while to type. Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Next chapter will be the beginning of the 4 kids training with Ilu and Ridder. Thank you for reading and have a good day!

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