Our Hands are Tied

由 LouisThiccSexyAss

4.4K 323 7.5K

{completed} Read the prologue- Not technically my original idea *read the prologue to understand* Louis is l... 更多

Prologue/ thingy I'm using for explanation.
Prologue Vol. 2
Prologue Vol. 3
Prologue Vol. 4
Week 1: Day 1, Saturday
Week 1: Day 2, Sunday
Week 1: Day 3, Monday
Trigger Warnings!
Week 1: Day 4, Tuesday
Week 1: Day 5, Wednesday
Week 1: Day 6, Thursday
Week 1: Day 7, Friday
Week 2: Day 1, Saturday
Week 2: Day 2, Sunday
Week 2: Day 3, Monday
Bitch read this
Week 2: Day 4, Tuesday
Week 2: Day 5, Wednesday
Week 2: Day 6, Thursday
Week 2: Day 7, Friday
Week 3: Day 1, Saturday
~a little message~
Montage: (Week 3)
Montage: (week 4)
Montage: (week 6)
Montage (Week 7)
Week 8: Days 1&2, sat and sun
Week 8: Day 3, Monday
Week 8: Day 4, Tuesday.
Thank You's
Character Ask.
Character Ask; Answers. Part I
Character Ask; Answers. Part II
Character Asks; Answers. Part III
Character Ask; Answers. Part IV
Character Ask. Part X

Montage: (Week 5)

75 6 217
由 LouisThiccSexyAss


Day 1

"Lewis. Wake up, school."



"Louis- come on."

"No. You're warm."

Harry moved as far away from him as possible, resulting in his falling off the bed.

Larry the cat watched them bemusedly.

"Larry's staring at you."

"Where is Larry?"

"Currently in the closet."


"Who knows? We all know that it's there."

"I feel like this has a deeper meaning..."

"It really doesn't."


Oh no.

There was a new guy at school- who was currently in Harry's seat.

The thing was, Harry had his earphones in- and was ignoring everything around him. Most likely listening to Made in the A.M.

Why? He was humming the song 'hey angel' 

So- he had about two minutes before Harry would notice the bloke. Two minutes before Harry's very likely hissy fit. 

"Oi- you. Get up?"


Oh fucking great- this guy was fucking Northern Irish or some shit. 

"I said 'get up'- this wanker," he gestured at Harry, "sits there"

"And why can't he sit somewhere else?"

"Wot? Why can't he sit somewhere else? You bloody blind?" 

The boy looked sufficiently confused. 

"I swear to god! You fookin dickhead. We're handcuffed...!"

"Wh- oh-" the boy finally clocked the handcuffs- his thick eyebrows shooting up into his hair.

Harry finally looked up- finally noticing the lad. He removed one of his headphones, fumbling to pause the music. 

The boy got up (proving to be slightly shorter than Harry), gazing at them with his dark blue eyes. He extended a hand (what type of teenager gives a fucking handshake?), and when Louis cautiously took his- he shook it firmly- maintaining eye contact the entire time. 

"Maxwell, Jesse Maxwell."

Apparently this guy is a fucking weirdo. James Bond who?

"Uhh- Louis... Louis Tomlinson."

"I'm Harry" Harry piped in, before putting back in his headphones and prompt

A/n: not me losing my train of thought at Louis' End of the Day solo. Made in the A.M. Is the best album- bite me. BUT LOUIS' SOLO IN LOVE YOU GOODBYE THO. Oh no- If I Could Fly. 

-promptly removing himself from the conversation. 

"Can I ask why you are handcuffed"

"Huh?" He totally hadn't been staring at Harry, ignoring uh... Maxwell? (what? He didn't listen)

A/N: IT'S LOU'S SOLO- I AM NOT OK. Fun fact: the bloke who Jesse is based off (my friend- Maxwell, yes, I call him that. Why? Oh- I didn't know his first name for ages... Hehe) dared talk during this solo when I was listening to If I Could Fly. I may of yelled at him- in art class. 


"Why are you two handcuffed?"

Oh- simple question. But- to traumtise the boy or to give an honest answer...? 

Definitely the former.

"Oh- he's such a kinky shit that he refuses to take them off. And forces me to be attached to him."

Maxwell looked horrified. 

"He's joking- it's just a social experiment."

"LIMA! You're no fookin fun!"

"Louis!" Liam was mocking his tone. "You promised no more traumatising new boys!"

Ah- fuck. Lee. He forgot about that.

Maxwell watched the exchange quietly. 

"Well, I'll be leaving you alone then."

He walked away.

"Creepy bloke"

"Lewis- be nice"


"Lou-" Harry poked his face. 

"Wot?" He was quite distracted, what with Larry the cat (he was scratching behind his ears, and of course- he was purring.) and Harry (the same as the cat, except he was scratching his scalp.)

"Leeroy, or at least I think it was Leeroy- seems a bit like Rocky stole Leeroy's phone- invited us over after school tomorrow."


"I don't know-"

A/N: jesus the I want to write you a song solo 🥵

"But we're gonna go?"

"I mean-" Harry yawned "- do we have anything better to do?"

Louis could think of a few things. 

"You dirty bastard."

Apparently, he said that out loud. 

"Don't say you don't want it- Styles."


Kinky Sex ensued.


Day 2

"Lou! Come ON"

"Don't fookin rush me"

"We're late!"

"Beauty takes time, Harold, you of all people should know that."

That shut him up.

"All you're bloody doing is putting your hair in a quiff"

Or not.



Rocky ran over, engulfing them in a drunken hug. Bexx stood behind him, shaking her head.

"Rock- don't kill the boys."

Rocky stumbled backwards, before leading them into the house.

"Lads! There's someone I'd like you to meet."

No other than Jesse (is that right?) Maxwell stepped out of the darkness (CREEP).

"Hi, again."

"Wait wait wait waitwaitwaitwait! You- you KNOW them? THAT JUST RUINED ME BLOODY DAY. YE COULDA TOLD ME! FECK."

"We briefly met, Rocky."

"Nevermind that Harry! I WAS HOPING YOU COULD MEET NOW! Le gasp- who is this???  Non! Ye bloody bastards! But no! Of course You've already met Jesse! Ruined me damn fun! TU ES UN SANDWICH NÉGATIF! All of ye! Non! Non! Non! You made it all wrong! OF COURSE! OF COURSE you've met Jesse! AND HERE'S ME..."

"Why is he yelling in angry french? He isn't french..."

"Oh- I know, Lou, they're the only phrases he knows. 'No' and 'you are a negative sandwich'. I'm not entirely sure he's correct with the latter, though."


"Why is he so annoyed?"

"I'm assuming he's had a tad bit more to drink than usual."



Bexx saved them all from the Rocky's gonna die alone rant.


Oh great- Chad. 


Chad and Rocky had been yelling at each other for an hour- nobody was quite sure why. 



Rocky (for the first time) seemed genuinely offended by what Chad had said. Whatever it is. Louis wasn't quite sure what he meant.

"You didn't" Chads words had seemed to sober Rocky up. Leaving him using a dangerously low tone.

"Well- I'm right? Aren't I?"

Rocky stepped across the room, slapping Chad hard across the face.

"Get the fuck out before I make you get out."

Chad left- Rocky raining insults down his back and  screaming profanities.

After Chad had (finally) gone, Rocky quickly ran down to the basement, slamming the door shut behind him.

A/N: that pained me to write. FUCKING CHAD.

A stunned silence descended around the room, a silence so thick you could cut it with a knife- a silence so Loud it screamed a million things at once, many not making sense to him. 

Harry looked really upset, for Rocky. 

Bexx looked madder than he thought it was humanly possible.

Jesse- he looked stunned (and disgusted)

He knew that there would be a look of confusion painted across his features. 

They all sat in silence for a while, Louis tried not to ask what the fuck was going on. Eventually, Bexx and Jesse went to see if Rocky was ok (stupid question, really. But they wanted to)

"I- I can't believe Chad said that... How did he know?"

"Know wot?"

Harry jumped, like he forgot he was there. Strange.

"N-nothing. It doesn't matter."


"I'll tell you later."


He never did. 


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