The Physiotherapist (English)

By GuttoGarcia

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After a curve, the truck just was there! It was coming the wrong way, toward the car Krist was driving. Even... More

Chapter 1 - The change
Chapter 2 - The Phone call
Chapter 3 - Patients
Chapter 4 - Responsibilities
Chapter 6 - Going home
Chapter 7 - Daily life
Chapter 8 - Anniversary Preparations
Chapter 9 - Memories
Chapter 10 - Discoveries
Chapter 11 - Other Discoveries
Chapter 12 - Normal Life (Attempt 1)
Chapter 13 - Normal Life (Attempt 2)
Chapter 14 - Life that follows

Chapter 5 - New Responsibilities

660 82 11
By GuttoGarcia

A few days after taking Myna home, Singto was called in to talk to Dr Pete once more. This time, it was informed that Krist's health insurance was no longer covering the costs of the treatment and he was going to be transferred to a public hospital. In his mind, he just thought that he did not want anyone to take him away from him. He could not allow it. He asked for permission to transfer his patient to his clinic, which despite being in physical therapy, was also prepared to accommodate some patients who needed hospitalization for specialized treatments. As Krist only needed monitoring, in addition to the physical therapy sessions, he felt this would be the best option for Myna's father. Dr Pete said he had considered this hypothesis, but he did not want to talk right away because he was afraid he would feel pressured. With everything in order, after the last transfer exams, which had taken place with Singto all the time at his side, Krist became his full-time patient. Even for a sad reason, taking care of Krist and Myna made Singto's days happier.


When the room began to warm up, Krist got up and headed for the door. He already knew the noises would get clearer. First, he heard the rustling sound of the wings, which reappeared in the window as it lit up. Despite the fear he felt, these were the moments that brought him peace. He just thought an angel was around protecting him. Still wrapped in the emotions he was feeling, he heard a noise at the door, which sent him running to the other side of the room. Myna appeared in the doorway and stared at him.

- I remember you. You were with Anong when she came to say goodbye to me. What you want? Krist asked.

- I want you to lose your fear and give him a chance. She replied while smiling calmly.

- I do not understand. Who gives a chance? Wanted to know Krist.

- To our angel. He will take care of you! Myna replied.

- But I am scared. He said as he cowered in the corner of the room.

- Do not worry. You will be ready soon. Saying goodbye to Krist, Myna left the room, closing the door behind her.


As Myna grew up, Singto took her to meet her father and then began to take her whenever possible, he wanted Myna to grow up knowing who her real father was. Time passed and the doctors were losing hope that Krist would wake up. After a while, Singto realized that, even without meaning to, he was emotionally involved with Krist. Her sister's voice still echoed inside her head: "They need you and you need them." He would never give up on helping him. Most of all, he wanted to see Krist healed.

A little more than nine months had passed since the accident and the patient's condition remained unchanged. When he entered the room that day, Singto felt sad and dejected. He was not going to give up taking care of Krist, but he was starting to lose hope. As he looked at that man lying on that bed, he felt an overwhelming urge to cry. Why did he have to fall in love with someone who did not even know he existed? But he would not let his sadness get in the way of the treatment and he did everything as usual. As he started doing the exercises, he talked to him.

- Good morning, Kit! How are you feeling today? Ready to start exercising?

While doing the exercises, Singto was talking and telling him about his day at work and taking care of Myna. The whole family helped. They were all in love with the girl. As always, while Singto was touching him, the monitor showed a change in Krist's heartbeat. When he finished the exercises, before releasing his hand, he had a crying spell. When he got up to leave, calmer now, he placed his hand over Krist's heart and, approaching Krist's ear, whispered:

- Please come back to us! I need you! I love you!


When the living room door opened and Myna walked in, Krist just stared at her. After several visits, he was no longer scared of her. He was just thinking about the sensations he felt along with that heat.

- Now enough! Myna said as she walked towards him.

Taking a few steps back and widening his eyes, he asked:

- What do you mean by that?

- Enough of being afraid. It is time to get out of here. Besides, he is suffering a lot with you here! She said as she took Krist's hand and pulled him towards the door.

- Who is suffering? He still did not understand what was going on.

- Our angel! He loves you and is suffering with you here. It is time to go back. Do not worry he will take good care of you!

- Who is this angel? Who will take care of me?

- "Shing"! She answered and pushed him out of the room.

As he felt a sensation of falling into that darkness, he felt something in his hand. He held on, squeezing as hard as he could as he shouted the name of the angel Myna had spoken to.


Singto did not notice the monitor's heart rate increase until he felt his hand being squeezed and heard Krist whisper:

- "Shing"

- I am here, Kit! I am here. Singto replied, as he burst into tears of joy.

As he opened his eyes, the first thing Krist saw was the face of a handsome man who was crying and smiling in front of him. Singto yelled for the nurse making Krist blink in alarm. When May entered the room, he ordered her to get in urgent contact with Dr Pete to tell him that their patient had woken up and to come as soon as possible. Singto looked at Krist and started a conversation. He did not want to risk him closing his eyes again.

- How are you feeling? He asked.

- Strange! He replied in a slurred way.

- Do not worry! You will be fine! Singto spoke. Just do not invent sleeping again! He spoke while smiling.

- Tired out. Krist spoke.

- I know. The doctor must be arriving. Wait a little longer.

When Dr Pete arrived, Krist was asleep again and Singto told him exactly what happened, not to mention what he had whispered in his ear. While they were talking, Krist woke up again and answered some questions from Dr Pete, who decided that the best thing would be for him to go back to the hospital for a few days for further tests. Singto felt a happiness he could not explain. He was sure that from now on everything would change.

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