𝐕𝐢𝐭𝐚 → H. Potter Fanficti...

By jennie-mania

272 5 13

"Remus, we believe that it will be safe for Harry to live with his remaining relatives," "NO!" "You will not... More

Chp 1. → For The Last Time
Chp. 2 → I Am His Godfather
Chp. 4 → He's Not Home

Chp. 3 → He Is Not My Nephew

52 0 0
By jennie-mania



—— 7th November 1981 ——

"Sirius," Tearful and puffy eyed due to crying, wearing the most modest and expensive looking black dress she had in her closet, that was how Molly Weasley came to the funeral of one of her closest friend, pulling Sirius into her arms the first moment she saw him. Sirius smiled at Molly sadly and wrapped his own pair of arms around her, giving her a gentle squeeze on both shoulders, giving her the strength as Molly was the closest with Lily in the Order after Marlene, Dorcas and Alice.

"Thank you for coming Molly, Arthur," said Sirius, nodding his head at Arthur who nodded his back. He was wearing his best black suits and his ginger hair was combed neatly. "You're welcome, Sirius. Where is Remus?" Asked Arthur, looking around, trying to find where Remus is. Sirius turned his head and looked at the stairs over his shoulder, silently telling Arthur that Remus is upstairs, "He's with Harry, feeding," explained Sirius.

"How's Harry?" Asked Molly, returning to Arthur's side and touched Arthur's arm that is around her waist. "He's fine and safe. He was with Remus when it happens," answered Sirius, smiling with relief. Molly heaved out a sigh of relief and smiled reassuringly at Sirius, using her gaze to tell him that he and Remus are not alone, they the Weasleys will be there for them. "Where are the children, Arthur, Molly?" Asked Sirius, looking around, trying to find the six spawns of the active and healthy Weasley couple.

"Home, with Bill. We doesn't want them to be here," answered Molly.

"I see — well, come on in. Don't just stay here," said Sirius, gesturing his hand, inviting the Weasley couple into the Potter manor where the funeral was held. "See you inside, Sirius," said Arthur and Molly in unison before Arthur guided his wife inside, deeper into the manor and headed straight to the ballroom of the manor.

Sirius watched as the couple made their way inside and turned his attention back in, waiting for the rest of the guests that he had invited over to come and pay their respect to the Potter couple. There are lots of guests that wished to be invited, the whole Wizarding world that is not on the Dark Side all wanted to come but Sirius and Remus only invited few of them. Most are the members of the Order of The Phoenix while the rest were the old friends and acquaintances from Hogwarts.

"Am I late?" An almost unrecognisable voice came and greeted Sirius's hearing, making him who was lost in his own train of thoughts earlier to widen his eyes in surprise at the unexpected guest that he invited out of courtesy. Standing right in front of him, a few steps away, wearing a simple yet elegance black attire ; black Victorian styled blouse with black corporate style skirt, black tight socks perfectly fits with her black heels. Her blonde hair was pulled into a tight bun and her green eyes that almost resembles Lily stands out with her black attires.

Sirius couldn't believe the person he is facing right now, he was wondering if his eyes are actually okay or if he truly needs to meet a healer for his eyes. But seeing as how no matter how many time he secretly pinchd himself, he still feels the pain, Sirius knew that this is real and Petunia Dursley née Evans truly is currently attending his sister's funeral. Thanks to Merlin that Sirius has yet to went inside the hall and not attending to the last guest, that is Petunia, even though he thought she wouldn't come.

"No," Sirius answered, not wanting to have any argument here, he speaks politely, "you're just in time. Come on in, the hall is that way. I'm just going to close the door and we will heading there," said Sirius. Petunia didn't say anything and only stepped inside, looking around the big and luxurious manor of the Potter family, waiting for Sirius to finish closing the door and casting a protective charms around it for safety.

"Petunia?" Remus's voice came, grabbing Petunia's attention from the nice designed vase to the grand stairs where Remus was descending from with Harry in his arms. Both are wearing the best looking suits that Petunia had ever seen, even her husband wouldn't be able to afford that kinda suits. Even this clothes, Petunia doesn't want to admit it, was gifted to her by her sister. There's more clothes that was given to her, but she stored it all away in the cupboard under the stairs.

"Lupin," Petunia responded out of courtesy, nodding her head curtly whilst her eyes locked on the baby in his arms. "That's him? Harry, her son?" She asked as Remus had stepped down from the final staircase and stood right next to Sirius who had made his way to him earlier whilst he was descending the stairs carefully. "Yes," Remus answered, Looking at Harry for a moment and caressed his cheek, "this is him."

"I see. He has her eyes," Petunia said, still looking at him before she turned her head and began walking to where the hall is. Sirius and Remus followed from behind, walking side by side, and all three of them didn't say anything. They all walked in silence into the hall and the moment Sirius opened the door to the hall, all heads were turned their way, looking at the two lovers with the last Potter in one of their arms and then the woman, who despite having a horse-like features, still beautiful and also the unmistakably eyes of an Evans. With a single glance people all knew that, that woman is no other but Lily Potter née Evans's sister, Petunia Evans, some recalled the name.

Petunia was uncomfortable, but she didn't let it showed on her face. She, guided by Sirius and Remus, walked to the seats that were served for the closest family members. There are not much seats there, only three ; Remus Lupin's, Sirius Black's and Petunia Dursley's. Harry was still a baby and it's enough for him to sit on one of their laps, and it was on Remus's laps that he was sat on. Remus sat on the chair right beside Petunia, in between her and his fiancee, Sirius who sat at the third chair, a little but farther away from the two coffins that was placed at the very front of the hall, right beside the make shift podium that was built by Remus yesterday before the Potter couple's bodies were sent to their home from a Muggle hospitals.

Dumbledore rose from his seat, being the one who opened the funeral with his speech, speaking in a pure and sincere mournful voice as the hall was slowly, with the seconds passed, filled with sobbing and faint crying. Sirius brought his hand to Harry, stroking his hair and smiled when Harry giggles and leaned to his touch. Remus swung his right arm around Sirius's shoulder and gives the last male family member of the Black family a gentle squeeze, giving him the support that he will be needing.

Ten minutes was the time that Dumbledore took to finish his speech before he handed the stand to Sirius Black after Petunia refused to give any speeches. Sirius walked up the stands, Harry's in his arms and he began his speeches with reminiscing the time when the Marauders were all having their first meet with each other, and ended it with how he will always missed James and Lily. Sirius tried to break a joke to lighten up the atmosphere, but he almost failed miserably when it was him who almost cried. Harry was staring at him with a confused face, not knowing why his godfather was so sad, and not knowing that he won't be able to be with his parents anymore. The guests were all sobbing, and Remus caught a faint whispering of, "They were so young," coming from the back of his seat, a few rows back.

Remus gripped his hands and he flashed Sirius a smile when he walked down the podium, giving Remus the chance to walk up and began his speech. Remus speech was almost like Sirius, but he managed to make people laughed, even though it was only a tearful laughter. "—the best mates I've ever got," he said, ending his speech and walked down the podium. Sirius wrapped his fingers around Remus's hand the moment Remus sat on his seat, giving him a gentle and firm squeeze. Remus smiled at Sirius and pulled his head to his lips, kissing his temple before he took Harry and kissed Harry's forehead.

This action of theirs managed to make Molly, who sat behind them, to smile tearfully and bit down her sobs. Her eyes fell on Harry and she couldn't helped it but imagined, what will happen if it was her and Arthur at Lily and James's place? What will happen to her children, she wonders. Bill may be mature, but he is still a boy who needs affections from his parents. Molly couldn't bear the thought of having her children growing up without a mother and father.

"Molly dear," Arthur called. Molly turned her head, lifting it and looked deep into Arthur's eyes. Arthur was smiling at her and is rubbing his thumb round the back of her hand. "Don't stress yourself, it won't be good for your health," the Weasley patriarch said, reminding his wife. Molly smiled at him and nodded her head, she squeezed Arthur's hand, giving herself the strength she's needing.

Yeah, she agreed, she shouldn't stress herself over something that has yet to happen. Harry has his godfathers to look after him, Molly knew that Harry will be safe and love by the two men no matter what. And her children, if Molly and Arthur were to suffer the same fate as Lily and James, will be happily raised by those two as well. They all, the Marauders, are indeed close with her children after all.

* * *

The funeral ended hours ago, and yet, instead of returning home, Petunia was asked to stay until at least after dinner because apparently Dumbledore still persistent over the idea that he had on wanting Harry to be under the care of the Dursley, his only living blood related relatives. Sirius was fumed with anger naturally, and he was glaring at Dumbledore throughout the entire dinner.

It was only them ; Dumbledore, Petunia, soon will be Lupin-Black, Harry and McGonagall that were left behind for dinner. Remus has this feelings that the reason why McGonagall's here was not to be Dumbledore's supporter, but only to be the one who will prevent any fights from happening. A peacemaker you could call it.

"I hope the dinner was to your liking, Mrs. Dursley," said Dumbledore amicably with his usual benign smile. The plates and eating utensils had all being sent by magic to the kitchen, and currently were also cleaned by magic. Petunia dapped her mouth with the white handkerchief before she folded it and puts it aside, her movements were done with elegance. "I just want to make it clear, so listen carefully as I will only say it once," she said straight away, not having the wish to hide around the bushes. Her green eyes were locked on Dumbledore, her face stern and her body language totally is telling everyone that she wants to go home right now.

"I will not, and never will I, even if you threatened me with death, take the boy in. The boy will remain here, with your lots, raise by your lots and the boy will not, even by a step, be anywhere near my family," Petunia said sternly, not even giving a glance at Harry who was now got his mouth wiped by Remus with a soft handkerchief.

"But Mrs. Dursley—"

"My decision is final," Petunia cuts him off, rising up from her seat, she picked her purse, which she had placed right beside her plate earlier up and clipped it under her armpit. "He is your nephew," Dumbledore said, thinking that may be by saying that it will soften Petunia's heart, but it didn't. Petunia scoffed at Dumbledore and she, for a second, glared at the baby boy that got her sister's eyes. "I only came here because of the letter that you've sent me. I have no intention on attending this funeral, but I've got no choice as I don't want to suddenly one day found the baby lying in front of my doorsteps, just because I didn't attend this funeral and make it clear to you," she said, pushing the chair under the table and straightened her body posture.

"That boy is not my nephew. Good night," was the last thing that Petunia said to Dumbledore before she walked out of the manor. Remus stood up from his seat, following Petunia as the door of the manor was warded with a lot of safety charms and it was also locked, Petunia wouldn't be able to open it without any help from a wizard, or she will accidentally activated the alarm that had been placed there for safety measures.

Sirius picked his glass of butterbeer up and takes a sip of it with a wide grin on his face, his eyes flickered to Dumbledore, whose face showed bewilderment and disbelief. "We've told you," said Sirius, grabbing Dumbleore's attention. "She won't agree in taking Harry in. She can discarded her own sister aside, do you really think she won't actually send Harry to the orphanage if you just dumb him on her?" Sirius scoffed and ruffled Harry's hair.

"She hates magic, it was obvious. You should have realised it considering that you are one of the wisest wizard of our time," said Sirius more, taking another sip of his butterbeer.

"But Harry is her nephew," said McGonagall, in disbelief with she just heard. She had never thought that they will be someone like this in the family of one of the sweetest and brightest girl she had ever seen. Sirius scoffed and he finished his butterbeer, flicking his wand and vanishes the glass back to the kitchen. "Bold of you to assume that she will even give a single caring glance at her 'nephew'," said Sirius, standing up from his seat and picked Harry up. He hold Harry carefully and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Not wanna sound rude, but the two of you should go, leave this house. Me, Remus and Harry would like it if we could have the time for only the three of us, mourning over the death of out family," said Sirius, jerking his head to the exit of the dining hall. Dumbledore stood from his seat, followed by McGonagall. "Harry needs to be under the protection of a blood ward," he said in persistent. Sirius groaned and he holds Harry protectively.

"Then casted it around this manor. Both me and Remus and Harry will be living here from now on, where James was raised," said Sirius, frowning in frustration at Dumbledore.

"He needs to be with someone who is closely related by blood with him," said Dumbledore.

Sirius groaned again and he handed Harry to Remus who had just enter the kitchen back, ("Let me take him," Remus said as soon as he enters the kitchen.) "Have you forgotten who's James's grandmother is, Dumbledore?" Sirius asked, folding his arms, "Dorea Black, one of the member of the Black family, and obviously one of the closest relatives of mine," he added.

"I am technically related by blood with Harry, I am technically closely related with him by blood because Fleamont Potter, James's father, was born from the womb of a Black," said Sirius.


"Doesn't want him! Have you truly gone deaf?! Petunia Dursley née Evans doesn't want her own nephew! She doesn't want to raise him. She HATES him, can't you get that fact inside your mind?!" Asked Sirius, fighting the urge to jab Dumbledore' head with his finger. Sirius took in a long and deep breath, not wanting to start an argument here that has the chance to turn into a one sided duel. "Out," he said, walking to the door and pointed his hand out of the door, pointing straight at the entrance of the manor. "Get out of this manor, and come again after you can finally get that shit inside your blood head," he said.


"Let's go, Albus. You have no right to take Harry away from Sirius and Remus, his respective guardian, legal by law," McGonagall cuts Dumbledore off, pushing him to the exit of the manor. Dumbledore sighed and he had no choice but to comply and agreed with what his deputy headmistress had just said. "Good night, Sirius," said McGonagall before they closed the door of the manor.

Sirius huffed out a breath and flicking his wand, adding back the protective charms all around the manor before he went up the stairs to Harry's nursery.

* * *

"I just hope we can have a dinner together," Lily once said to her, "like before."

"Goodbye, sister," was the last thing that Petunia told Lily before she ended the call.

Who would have guessed that it was the last conversation that they would have together? Petunia had never thought that her sister was targeted by one of her lot that had turned evil. She had never thought that the conversation they had, could be the only chance for her to redeem her sins, what she had done to Lily.

Petunia poured down more wine into her glass. She was in the kitchen of her own home, sitting at the dining table and listening to the ticking of the clock, the only sounds that she could hear after the pouring wine. Her head was in her  own free hand whilst the other one was holding the wine glass. She gritted her teeth, frustrated as her mind was reminding her of the second chance that she got to redeem her sins.

Her sister's son. He has the same eyes as hers and Lily's, the eyes they all inherited from Mrs. Evans, a beautiful woman who before used to work as a model in a magazine before she retired due to her pregnancy of Petunia. It was the only traits that Petunia likes about herself, her beautiful, bright green eyes that could make up for the rest of the beauty that she didn't inherited from her mother like her sister did.

Harry is her second chance to redeem her sins, but she didn't take it.

Even at the last moment she didn't even acknowledge Lily as her sister, she didn't acknowledge Lily and Harry as her family. She doesn't have a choice was the reason she's telling herself, the only reason she has that could make up for her wounded conscience.

If she took Harry in, her family will be in danger.

The Potter was targeted by the evilest man that ever lived, according to what was written by Dumbledore inside his letter a few days ago. Even though that man was already dead, his followers are all still active and had yet to be caught. Petunia can't have her family being put in constant danger just because she takes in her nephew.

She couldn't risk the safety of her son and husband.

Petunia rather being viewed this way, an evil lady, until the very end if it's mean that her family will be safe.

Petunia downed the drink down her throat and slammed the glass on the table. She heaved out a sigh and lifting her head up, looking at the clock. It showed her the time ten o' clock, her husband and son are both asleep during this time, Petunia was alone in the kitchen. Petunia stood up from the chair she's sitting on and bring the glass back to the sink, placed it inside and decided that she will wash it tomorrow, early in the morning. Petunia kept back the wine inside the cabinet and she walked up the stairs to her room.

She shouldn't think much about her nephew, she already swore, a redemption or not, she will not accept her sister into her life anymore. This funeral will be the end of everything, she already made it clear with Dumbledore that Harry is not her nephew. She will not be accepting Harry in her life, and if he still kept on insisting wanting Harry to be under her care, she won't hesitate to give Harry away.

"Goodbye sister" is indeed the end of everything.

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