Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITI...

נכתב על ידי niallsbabe_xx

2.9M 57.5K 26.1K

(Kind of Niall/ Luke book, but only a little lol) Good grades, full scholarship, rich lifestyle, what more co... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Not a chapter
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 92
Epolgue 1: Move-in Day
Epilogue 2: Along Came April
Epologue 3: Promise
Epilogue 4: June 12, 2018
Epilogue 5: Better Days
New Frat boy Niall book!

Chapter 91

16.7K 443 384
נכתב על ידי niallsbabe_xx

Khloe's POV*

"I- um." I watched as Niall sat up, clearing his throat before he continued with a panic look resting upon his structured face. His pink lips mashed together in a straight light before he continued. "What is it?"

I laid still, staring at him silently as I awaited for his dad to say whatever was necessary. I felt my heart pound in my chest, slowly increasing in speed at the thoughts of what could be possibly said.

Niall sighed loudly and leant his head down rubbing his eyes. I could physically see how hard this was for him to talk civilly to a person of which he'd built up so much hatred and repentance towards. As he kept the phone pressed to his ear, my fingernails gently ran soft patterns up his bare spine, lightly tracing invisible lines between each of the little freckles.

A look of annoyance mixed with agony crossed his bright blue eyes and I wasn't so sure I wanted to know what was being said anymore.

I hated to see him upset. Niall was fragile whether most people new that or not. He wasn't one to normally show it --always laughing and smiling-- but deep in the inside he really couldn't hide it. Not from me anyways. He'd been put through so much pain in his life and I just wished that his dad would just leave him alone and let him be.

Niall was a twenty one year old guy, he wasn't a kid anymore. He didn't need his father to control his every move anymore, but it seemed like that's all he knew how to do. He didn't know how to fight against him, or maybe he feared to, so he just ended up giving into his situations, not even realizing that it only made the problems worse.

"Niall..." I whispered. He glanced to me and put his finger against his lip before bringing the cellphone down from his ear and putting it on speaker.

The rough and ragged sound of his fathers voice was not one that I'd missed. It only brought back the horrid memories of which I wished to never remember.

It was suddenly as if all I could see was Niall's head being slammed into the brick wall as his dad plunged a foot into his stomach. I suddenly felt very sick, very fast.

"-I can't have them looking down at me for this, Niall. I'll even pay you. All I ask is that you show up, dressed nicely and the girl as well."

"You're so fucking disgusting." Niall shook his head, his cheeks turning a rosy color.

"Fucking hell, Niall Horan. I am your goddamn father-"

Niall laughed loudly, tipping his head back. "Do you even hear yourself?! Trying to pay me into going this little event so you can be viewed as a higher man than what you really are? God, you're so sick. You're definitely not my father and you never will be."

"Niall, dammit! I gave you a life in this goddamn world and I can certainly take you out of it."

"Is that a threat?" Niall shot back, shrugging his shoulders so my hand fell off them. I felt a little hurt at the fact that he didn't want my comfort, but I wasn't going to bring it up of course. He's under a lot of stress; I probably would be annoyed if someone was smothering me too.

"Fuck, Niall..." His father left out a loud, exasperated sigh and I could hear something crash in the background. Niall's eyes lifted to my own and I bit my lip. "Please just do this..." He begged. "I need this. You have no idea what could happen. People will start to ask questions and what am I supposed to say? Sorry my son couldn't make it because he had to go fuck some other girl in a bathroom stall?" Ouch. That hurt.

"Shut the fuck up." Niall seethed and gripped onto the comforter.

"The Débutante will be held in New York, New York on Christmas Eve at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Expect to be dressed in formal attire and to arrive no later than 9. I will have your room set up and paid off for your arrival."

"I never-"

"You're doing this and that is final, Niall. I will not be made a fool of." His harsh locution was made prominent causing Niall to instantly shut up. The line went dead and I picked my head up from staring at my hands to get a good view of Niall's blank expression.

His eyes closed and his breath steadied. Surprised at the action that followed, I quickly ducked as his phone struck through the air, slamming against the wall across the room and a cry of aggravation left his mouth. I could see the thin, lined hole that was left in the aftermath against the wall from where I sat.

The room was once again silent as he fell back onto the couch, pulling the blanket over his face. One of the worst things to ever witness is watching the one you love most hurt and not being able to do anything about it. I didn't know what to say or how to act.

Deciding to not say anything, I simply crawled back under the black, soft comforter with him, moving down to wrap my arms around his waist. My head was buried into his neck and I felt Niall squeeze my body into his as if indicating that he just needed me and was thankful I was here.

"Don't cry, baby." I whispered as I felt a wet drop plop onto my cheek. He didn't say anything for a while, both of us just listening to each others hearts and small breaths emitted into the dead air.

"I'm just never good enough, am I?"


"There's my two love birds!" Harper smiled as she plopped onto the couch across from where Niall and I sat. He hadn't left my side all morning, almost scared and timid as to if I'd vanish into thin air on him. I wasn't going to. I was here for as long as he wanted me.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, softly stroking Niall's hand. He'd been dead quiet since the phone call, and nothing seemed to changed as he sat idle now, staring at the coffee table.

"Not too bad. I woke up on the floor which was much more uncomfortable than I remembered last night." She chuckled and I smiled. "But man, I can't believe how late everyone slept in."

"You and Ash are actually the last ones up." I laughed. "Everyone else left around noon to go grab a bite to eat."

Harper just rolled her eyes, sinking into the soft vinyl couch. "Well then. Looks like they won't be getting some of Harper's magical hangover cure." She sassed more to herself than to us before she stood and walked to the kitchen.

While she was gone, I took the opportunity to check up on Niall. His silence was oddly scaring me. "Ya okay?" I asked softly, running my hands over the hair around his ear.

His eyes caught mine, the glossy blue reflecting the bright rays of the sun that shone through the large windows. "I'm okay." He whispered and gave the best smile he could muster then lowered his head. I pressed my lips to his, expecting a chaste kiss, but this was anything but. As I went to pull away, Niall was quick to hold my head in his hands, keeping me in place. His tongue parted my lips, causing my mouth to water at the crave for him.

The feeling of his hands running through my hair as he spread it across his lap was enough to send butterflies through me to pick and poke at the insides of my belly with their little, tiny wings.

The touch of my fingers against his jaw caused him to tilt his head to the side, deepening the kiss even more.

It's funny how no two kisses are ever the exact same. Each one holds a different story, different emotion, different feel. It's impossible to compare one to the other. It's like trying to compare a piece of glass with a cloud. It's incomparable. It's something so beautiful and unusual. To me, it's almost as if a kiss is a piece of art. The body is the canvas, the lips are the brushes, and the emotion is the paint. And no matter if you paint the picture once or a thousand times, it will never by the same as the previous. One line, one color, one shape may be out of place, therefore creating not the same picture, but a brand new piece of work.

I could feel the hurtfulness and anger and pain all flowing through Niall along with a hint of love as his soft lips continually moved against mine, only pulling back to get the tiniest gasp of air before connecting us into one again.

It was minutes that had passed before the sound of Harper groaning caught my attention. "For the sake of my soul, go get a room, will ya?!" I giggled and pulled away from Niall to turn my head towards her as he continued to bury his head in my neck and place open mouthed kisses along the visible skin of my shoulder. "I've been sitting here for more than five minutes trying to distract myself, but I can't take it anymore! Damn! You guys are like a fucking horny married couple!"

I felt the skin on my neck vibrate due to Niall's laughter before he pulled away.

"It's my house. My girlfrien'. My rules. T'erefore, I can make out wit' her on t' couch if I want. If 'ya don't wanna watch then go find'a different room." Niall spoke lowly, his accent thicker and heavier than I've ever heard as he deeply chuckled. I turned my head to look at him, my eyes wide.

"Don't kill her, Niall." I laughed. "Jeez." I teased, partially because I knew it was from being upset and I wanted to make him laugh a little, and partially because it really was deep as hell.

He didn't say anything, but rather just smirked and continued to play with my hair.

Around two thirty, Niall decided that it was best for us to go for a walk down by the park since it was rather nice out. It was 50 degrees and sunny, which felt great in the brink of December when it was supposed to only be 20, so he insisted that we get out and enjoy it.

Being a girl, I wasn't so quick to get ready, however I must say that I was having a good day. After all the crap this morning, I was feeling good. My make up was on point and my hair fell in sleek, natural beach waves down my shoulders.

I threw on a pair of ripped up jeans and a long sleeved shirt with a bikini underneath. Niall plans on going for a "chilling, but thrilling" dip as he calls it. Well see how that really works out for him.

"C'mon, babe. We're going for a walk, not to the Grammys."

"Shut up." I laughed and hit his chest, going to walk down the hall when he suddenly blocked me with a smile dancing across his thin lips. "Niall, c'mon." I giggled and tried to move around him. Did that really work though? No. Of course not. "Niall."


"Move." I laughed. His arms rose and his legs spread further apart as the smile then turned into a smirk.

"Make me."

"You have a lower region for a reason and I don't think it's meant for the abuse I'm about to give you."

"You wouldn't." He gasped playfully, moving his hands to cover his crotch. I took the opportunity to try and dodge him, only for his arms to quickly grab ahold of my waist and spin me around. "Nuh-ah" he laughed, but I laughed harder.

"Niall!" I squealed as he tipped me over his shoulder, my head level with his rear end. "If you fart I will literally beat the shit out of you." I laughed as he began to run down the hall. "Niall James!" I gripped onto his jeans, accidentally sliding them down each time he'd take a step. When his briefs were visible to my eyes, I smirked and yanked the band up as hard and high as I could.

Niall yelped and stumbled down the steps. I let out a squeal as I watched myself get further and further from the ground until I felt my back come into contact with the hard wooden steps. We tumbled down the last couple, finally landing with two hard thuds against the floor. Niall groaned and I let out a barking laugh, despite the pain I was currently feeling.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" I laughed, rolling over to rest my head on his chest.

He slightly smiled. "That fuckin' hurt. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I giggled, ignoring the pain in my back. It was just a slight ache. "That's whatcha get, dummy." After kissing his cheek, I sat up and pulled him up with me. He was clad in his red trunks along with a white shirt. "You're going to freeze."

"Nah, this'll be fun. Are you ready now?" Taking his hand into mine, I nodded and he led us out the door, slightly rubbing his lower back.

He'd already had the towels and warm blankets in the back seat of his truck for afterwards so I wasn't complaining too much, other than the fact that of all people, I was paired with an idiot as a boyfriend. An idiot that I love, nonetheless. But still an idiot.

"Are you ready?" Niall had drove us down into the woods, past all society, so that way no one could witness our stupidity.

"Not really." I laughed, squeezing his hand which was not occupied with the towels and little snack basket.

The wind was cold against my clothed skin, goosebumps covering all of my flesh. The sun was hot like boiling caramel in contrast, beating down on my head along with Niall's bare back. He'd taken his shirt off before he was even out of the car.

I had to admit that this really was kind of thrilling. I was excited to try something crazy and completely out of the mind for once. Niall was practically known for being the crazy one yet for some reason, I hadn't really witnessed it until today.

We stopped on a wooden bridge just over the middle of the walkway, glancing down to the fish that swam at the surface. I shuttered at the thought of actually getting in.

"Here, Khlo." Niall handed me everything but the basket full of our food before he dug out a slice of bread and ripped it apart, tossing bits into the water. We watched as a school of minnows fled to the top in spite if being the first to nibble the treat and began to laugh as they fought of we the same tiny crumb.

"Throw in another- that's so mean." I whined, giggling. "Look at them. They're going at it." Niall laughed and did as I asked, then wrapped his arm around my shoulders, leading me down to the shore.

"Are you ready?" He asked, swirling his feet in the water. "It's so cold, this is going to be great."

"You're crazy, Horan."

"It's my specialty." He sassed back with a bow and a chuckle.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled my clothes off my body, shivering as the chilled air whipped around my skin, enveloping my body into it's cold waves. "Niall, you're an idiot. I am not doing this." I sat down on a park chair, wrapping a blanket around myself.

"C'mon, babe. Be spontaneous!" He tugged at my hand.

"No..." I groaned and pulled back. That didn't seem to fly with him though as I was suddenly scooped up bridal style and suddenly carried down into the water despite my squeals and screams. A splash was heard and a last gasp was elicited from the back of my throat before the ice water swarmed my skin coating me in a thick blanket of immediate goosebumps. My bum hit the sand underneath, and I pushed myself back to surface. The black mascara that was dripping down my cheeks reflected of the water under my eyes causing me to lift my fingertips and slide it off to the side.

"Niall fucking Horan!" I yelled, running back into shore. Niall ran ahead of me, soaked from head to toe with the dribbling drops of water as they ran down from his died blonde hair which rested against his forehead.

He laughed, tipping his head back as he wrapped a thick towel around his skinny body, quickly drying himself. I followed after, making sure to hit him as hard as I could with the towel which only caused him to laugh harder. Niall then stripped from his shorts and underwear and grabbed the blanket then curled it around his body.

"Are you really going nude?" I mused with a smile as I dried my hair.

"Yeah, they're soaked. And so are you so get over here!" He pulled me into him, the blanket covering all parts.

"No! Someone's going to see us!"

"Khlo, it's too cold for anyone to even be out here in the first place and if they are, then they're just as crazy as us and have no room to talk about the fact that I want to be naked and warm. After all body heat spreads better when it's skin to skin contact and they should know that." he smirked. "Now c'mere, baby."

My heart fluttered as I allowed Niall to pull me onto his lap and wrap the blanket around me.

"Shit, you're cold on my legs." He laughed. He sucked in his bottom lip moving my hair to one shoulder as his fingertips toyed with my bathing suit ties. "It's like my own little special gift to unwrap." Niall whispered.

My cheeks began to feel like hot flames as I rested my hands on his toned chest. His working out lately surely has improved his looks for the better. He just looked so damn sexy with his patch of chest hair placed directly above his little happy trail leading down, with his hair messily placed on his head and his eyes gleaming as he pulled my top off slowly, making sure that my body was visible to him and him only.

Sitting onto my knees, I slowly slid out of my bottoms as well, placing both articles of clothing to the side.

"You're so beautiful." Niall smiled and pulled me more onto him, wrapping his hands around my lower back, both of us snuggling into each other. "Are you hungry yet?"

I was, but I didn't want to be the one to move and grab the food. I was happy just cuddling here on this park bench even if it was in the middle of December. "Yes." I nodded.

Niall smiled and pulled out a bag of grapes and I couldn't resist the temptation to roll my eyes as he cheesily plucked one from the vine and fed me it. I giggled, letting the juices burst against my tongue.

"Real romantic." I teased. "Sitting on a bench, naked, feeding each other grapes." Niall laughed and made a face.

"I know." Scrunching my nose as he placed a delicate kiss upon it I couldn't help but to just want his moment to last forever. It was like we were in our own little world here.

We sat there for a little bit, just laughing and talking about everything. Finally, once we were dry and warm, I crawled off his lap and wrapped a towel around my bare body. Niall kept the blanket around himself, gathering our I teams before we made our way back to the truck. I had goosebumps down my skin from head to toe and thankfully Niall had a pair of sweats and a clean shirt in the back which I happened to slip into.

"As a twenty one year old, you learn to always keep extra clothes in your car 'cuz ya never know when you're gonna need 'em." He smiled and slipped into a pair of his boxers before starting the car and blasting the heat. "Does that feel better?"

"Yeah, thanks." I smiled. "I had fun today. Even though I did get thrown into ice cold water." I giggled, resting my head against the window.

Once we'd pulled out onto the highway, Niall took my hand into his, running soft patterns over my knuckles. "I'm glad you had fun. Now wanna go back to the dorms and relax or do you wanna go out and do something?"

"Go back and cuddle." It didn't even take time to actually think it over before the words just spewed out of my mouth in a mess of a sentence.

Niall laughed and pulled into the student parking lot. "Sounds good to me. We can have a movie date."

"Most certainly." I smiled, then blushed when he added:

"As long as I'm with you, I don't really care what we do, I'll still be happy." Lastly, Niall kissed my fingers before parking and climbing out.


"Babe!" Niall yelled from the kitchen. Thankfully the bedroom door was left cracked so I could still hear him as he managed to make me dinner, trying to make it a surprise. I could hear pans and pots banging around and things falling off the counters and cupboard doors slamming which only caused me to bury my head further into the pillows. I didn't even want to know what was going on out there.

Once we had arrived here earlier, niall got called out onto the football field for a soccer meeting which means that we didn't exactly get our movie date like planned, so in order to make it up, he promised he'd cook me dinner in bed then lay down with me to watch my favorite show: a.k.a. Pretty Little Liars.

Niall didn't understand one thing, but I found it extremely cute how he'd just yell out about wanting to figure out the unidentified question of "Who is A". He'd get so worked up about it and call the show hundreds of horrid names, but you can guarantee that he was back in bed that next week to watch another drama filled episode.

"What?!" I yelled back, too lazy to actually get up and see what he wanted.

"Can I just cover the bin in aluminum foil and microwave it so it'll heat faster?!" He groaned and I instantly sat up.

"No! Are you crazy!"


"You can't microwave tin foil!" I screamed.

"Well, I'm sorry! Since when?"

I pressed my forehead to my palm. "Niall, you're an idiot! You can't microwave metals, are you nuts? You'll blow up the dorms!"

I could faintly spot him raise a hand through the crack before he continued to stir around something on the stove top.

"In my defense, I didn't know aluminum foil was a metal..."

Oh my god, I swear I'm going to kill him one day. Well, if he doesn't kill me first from a house fire. "Niall! C'mon!" I huffed out an exasperated sigh and closed my eyes as I fell back onto the sheets and let out a light chuckle.

"I'm sorry!" He pushed through the door minutes later, laughing while he carried two plates of spaghetti in his hands and a small container with garlic bread.

Smiley widely, I sat up. The smell instantly made my taste buds go haywire as my mouth began to water. "Aww, Niall!"

"I know how much you love pasta and I wanted to make it special for you. The sauce is all homemade." He blushed and set the plates onto our mattress, bringing his fingers to his mouth. My eyes dropped into a glare when he bit his nails and he instantly stopped.

"It looks delicious, baby." I moved over so he could have room to sit down and brought the plate onto my lap. We said a quick prayer and tuned into our show waiting for the new episode to start as a rerun of last season played.

"Thank you." He smiled and pressed a kiss to my lips before digging in.

Niall's meals were always delicious to say the least. I don't know where or how he learned to cook, but I never want to eat anyone else's food if Niall didn't help make it somehow. It had the bursting flavor and was always cooked to perfection. Everything literally melted in your mouth and you couldn't help but to let out a satisfied sound with every bite.

When I was finished I tossed my plate to the side and rested my head on his shoulder. Niall reached across my body to place his plate on the nightstand along with mine before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me into him.

"Niall." I giggled when he nuzzled his head into my neck, the hair on his head tickling my skin as he trickled delicate kisses down my jaw.

"Khlo." He mumbled, moving so he was now straggling my lap as I laid back on the bed. His hands interlocked with mine, bringing them up to rest above me head as he pressed his forehead to mine, his deep, stormy blue eyes staring down into my chestnut brown ones.

I could feel his hot breath fan across my lips causing me to crave him even more. There was a deep burning urge inside the pit of my stomach the longer he stayed like that.

"Did you know that I love you? I feel like I don't tell you enough." His whispers were almost inaudible as the telly in the background continued.

"Yes, I did know that." I smiled. "And you tell me plenty."

"Good because it's true." He smiled back. "I've never loved anyone like I love you. It's a funny feeling, really." his eyes closed and I instinctively squeezed his hands in mine. He pulsed back twice smiling even wider at the gesture. Our gesture.

"Did you know that I loved you more?" I asked, tilting my chin up to peck his lips.

"We've went over this."

"We have." I giggled. Niall's eyes blinked back open, just staring straight down into mine. In that moment, I felt so protected. I felt whole and strong. I was happy and overjoyed and there's nothing I could have asked for more.

"I've dragged you through a million and one things and yet you've stayed through them all. Why?"

I thought deeply about this question, so deeply that I didn't even hear Niall mute the tv.

We have been through hell and back in only a few months and not once did I walk out. Not once did the events break the bond between Niall and I. Between Jonah and Luke and his dad and Ashley. Between Gemma and the discovery death of Colton and the bet. We've been through a lot together and honestly I wouldn't trade my life for anything.

It's a hard one to live, but we've managed. And if we've managed to juggle all of that within the last five months then we can fight what the future has to present.

You don't really think of how wonderful a life can be. Instead were all so focused on the negatives. Stupid little negatives that mean absolutely nothing in the long run. We don't realize that we're all just a tiny little pixels of the earth. We don't mean anymore than our neighbor despite if one's rich or poor or suffering or not. In the end, everyone wins anyways, so what's the point of complaining now. Why don't we just enjoy what we have and what we're given.

Live in the moment and fight the future as it comes. We miss out on a lot by focusing in forward motion.

I don't know where Niall and I are going to end up in ten years, let alone next year. He's gathering opportunities and taking chances. He's slowly putting his life together and right now, I'm okay with being pushed to the side if it means that he's happy. I'm okay with where we stand right now. For what's to come, I'll focus on that when it gets here, but right now I just want to enjoy this gift I was given by the heaven above.

He's something worth holding onto. He's my boy. He's more than I could ever ask for.

"My dad always told me that when you find something that makes you happy, you can't give up on it."

Niall didn't hesitate this time to fully press his mouth to mine, the loving and admiration look deep in his eyes shortly disappearing behind his eyelids.

I sucked in a short breath of air, moulding my lips together with his. His lips were molasses as they slowly moved against mine, making the kiss deep and soft and thick.

His tongue slipped through my lips, carefully massaging mine as his hot breath lingered across the tips of my skin causing goosebumps to raise all along my body. The feeling of being cold but sweating caused my body to fuel like a fire and just simply burn at every little touch of his.

When we finally pulled away, the room sat dead silent except for the ragged breathing between us as we both tried desperately to gather our composure. My mind was so far on cloud nine that I couldn't even see straight, it was all hazy.

"You're not like other girls, Khloe." Niall spoke up, still slightly panting, but he was hiding it a lot better than I was. "I can't just go back to how I was, you know that right?"

"What- what are you getting at Niall?" I breathed out.

"I...I can't. I tried and it didn't feel right. It's not right."

I was really confused, but instead of interrupting him to ask, I just sat silent waiting for him to continue.

"Remember a couple days ago when we had sex?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Very vague niall." I chuckled. "Like after class last week or like in the car on Monday or...? Can you clarify?" Niall laughed loudly, smiling brightly.

"No, no, like the last night in Ireland."

"Okay, that was like two weeks ago! Not the other day." I laughed, giving him a hard time just for fun.

"Same thing." he smiled, his face softening."Anyways, we tried something new. Well, new for you. I... I couldn't do it... like at first it was thrilling and I was excited to try to do something like that with you, but when I saw you struggling to get your hands out of the hold-" Niall sighed, his eyes shutting as his hung his head as if he was ashamed.

"It was a like I was forcing you into something that you weren't comfortable with. I wanted to try it because I really wanted to know if I could just go back to how I used to be before you, but I realized that morning that I couldn't. It wasn't something I was comfortable with anymore. That's why I didn't refrain you from pulling your hands out. And it's also why I ripped the blindfold off. I didn't like that. I needed to see you. I needed your touch.

"If it would have been easy for me to go back, I for surely wouldn't have let you finish. I wouldn't have felt so paranoid. I wouldn't have felt guilty or sick, but the thing is, that I did. I felt so worried. I never used to feel anything other than lust for a woman, but all I feel for you is love, Khlo. I feel safe with you. I feel good and happy." He opened his eyes again, the color slightly glistening in the dim lit room.

I was really happy that Liam had flew home with Sophia so he wouldn't have heard any of that. I don't know what I would've done if I knew that he heard about Niall and I's animalistic sex scene because Niall was 'trying something'.

My fingers lightly traced the shell of his ear, guiding down to his cheek as he continued to hold my other one, still linked together.

"I've never felt happy, Khlo. I've felt powerful, and victorious, and cocky, and I've been as high as a kite, yeah, but I've never been truly happy. At least not until you came along. You somehow-" he looked up to the ceiling then back down to my eyes sending me a small smile. "somehow! brought this goofy and silly playful side out of me. You make me smile and laugh and you make me feel alive again. I'm not near as numb as I was and I certainly don't have an ego 'bigger than my dick'." He laughed, remembering back to one of the first times we talked and I told him that.

I laughed too, smiling widely.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is that I thank you for everything you've ever done for me. You've made me a better person and you've brought me love. I don't know what I'd do without you, and I know for a fact that I never want to lose you. You're the most important thing I have in my life and I didn't know if you realize that, but I hope you do now. No matter what happens, I'm going to be here for you just like all those times that you were there for me. You deserve it. You deserve everything in the world and more and I really just hope that one day I can give that to you." He smiled and I smiled back, feeling tears build behind my eyes.

Was he really going to make me cry?

It sounds ridiculous, but I just... ugh.

Niall kissed my nose before shuffling to the side just a bit. "Niall what are you-?" I began but instantly stopped as I watched him open up the night stand drawer. He paused for a minute before pulling out a little box wrapped in shiny gold wrapping paper. Attached to the top was a little, curly bundle of ribbon. Niall sat up and I quietly gasped to myself.

"I know it's not quite Christmas yet, but in just a few days it will be our first Christmas together as well as the hundredth day of me loving you. It may not have started that way, but I know for a fact that the day we met there was something about you that I couldn't let go of. And I know it hasn't been long in the real world time, but for me, this is the longest I've ever stayed loyal to one person. It's the longest I've been able to trust myself. And it's been the longest I've ever been happy." He set the little square box in my hand, a slight smile bridging at the corner of his lips. "Now I want you to open this before I continue."

I didn't ask why. I didn't speak. I didn't hesitate. Instead, I gently unwrapped the small gift and lifted the lid off the box as gently as I could. Tears immediately flooded down my face, cascading in little streams, one after another.

Inside sat a small, golden ring, shaped in the form of a crown. The tiniest of tiniest diamonds were placed in each tip and on the inside of the band there were two dates engraved as well as three small words:

10/3 (when we made everything official)

10/18 (When he told me he loved me)

I Promise you...

I instantly brought my hands to my cheeks, wiping the tears away with Niall's help. "This wasn't meant to make you cry, baby." He laughed. I laughed at myself, too.

"Now pull it out and try it on. There's a card at the bottom too." I did as he said, my hands shaking slightly as I slid the ring down onto my ring finger on the left hand. It fit perfect which just made me want to cry again.

"I want you to read it." I said, handing him the note. Niall smiled and took it, pulling my chin to his so he could peck my lips before continuing.

"I give this ring
as a promise to you.
A promise that I'll be here
and I'll always be true.

I promise that I'll hold you
when your day isn't going right,
and I promise that I will comfort you
through the long cold night.

I promise that I'll make you smile
when you feel like dying,
I promise that I'll be here
when you feel like crying.

I promise that I will guide you
when your future is it clear,
I promise I will be there
to wipe away your every tear.

I promise that no matter what
we will make it through.
I give you this ring as a promise;
A promise that I'll always love you."

His voice grew softer at the end and I could see his eyes shining so brightly and pure.

Never would I have guessed this morning that this was going to happen. I didn't even know if Niall expected that. We had such a rough start with his dad and it all ended with this.

"Things are going to happen between us and our lives are going to change in ways we've never imagined, but no matter what happens I want you to know that I love you so much and I wouldn't have it any other way. I want you to know that I'm always going to be here for you and you'll always be mine. There is no other match out there for me, Khlo. There never has been and they're never will be."

Finally after taking everything in, in one swift motion, I pushed the box to the side and instantly wrapped my arms around Niall's neck. I smiled and pressed my lips onto his, letting out a sigh as he wrapped his hands around my back and fell backwards.

I giggled as I felt his tongue graze my lower lip. "Don't you deny me." He muttered against my mouth making me laugh harder. His tongue slid through the space and brought us even closer all while his hands roamed my sides.

I can't deny that I was getting turned on, but like the mood ruined I am, I sat up to take off my shirt only to find that the previous show had ended and that the Christmas special of Pretty Little Lars was now starting. I jumped off Niall, scurrying to find the remote in the pile of sheets.

"What are you doing?" He laughed, watching my movements. I felt bad for leaving him hanging, but I've waited for this for too long. I've been watching rerun after rerun waiting for something new. Every new clue leads to a new discovery.

"It's on! What'd you do with the remote when you muted the telly?!" I yelled frantically searching.

"Calm down." Niall laughed. "It's on the floor."

I bent over the edge of the bed, all of my hair following in pursuit, making it harder to find because I couldn't see. "Ah-Ha!" I yelled when I found it, making Niall laugh. "Now, shhh!" I hushed him, sitting up against the wall.

Once the show became volumized, it didn't take long for me to get lost in the trance, not even feeling Niall on my side as he played with my fingers; mainly the one that held the new prized possession.

"I love you, Khloe Rey." Now that I did hear and I did respond. But in a more intimate way than words as I paused the show and quickly spun my head to the side to slam my lips against his.

I've waited weeks to see this episode, what's one more hour going to kill me?


Holy fricking HSHXBHZJSNWJDJ I loved writing this chapter. It became everything that I wanted and I can only hope that you all liked it too.


*internally and externally dies*

Thank you so so so much for reading my book guys. I can honestly now proudly say that I have COMPLETED A BOOK! I've tried so many times to write before and I'd always get stuck and delete them and it's all because of you that Frozen was able to become a finished product.

I love this book so much and I love all of you more. Thank you for everything and I'll talk to you all in just a couple days.

I love you dearly, xx -Ariel

P.s. you should check out my newer book called Tenerife Sea which is also a Niall book!! :)

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