The Phoenix King


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Imagine having it all and watching your whole world crumble all of a sudden. Well someone like my boy Phoenix... More

Author's Notes
Book One: Gold vs Furnace
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight

Chapter Six

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        Alexa had apparently decided not to let up. I've caught her on several occasions just staring at me in class but decided to totally ignore her stares. I never knew what she wanted and I still don't know. But whatever it is she really wants it more than ever for her to make the bold move of approaching me.


       Alexa is a pretty interesting soul, in fact most of my classmates are. My class is not like any other class in the school by far. And for a lot of reasons too. There are a lot of brilliant souls in the class and I'm not just talking academically.
      Jonah is one of the best swimmers I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure he could beat some of the greatest in the country, of which there ain't many. Mark the Artist is also in my class. He's probably the only Mark in the whole school but everyone calls him Mark the Artist. Only his girlfriend has other names for him. Mark the Artist's name speaks for itself so I won't talk much.
    And there's Rachelle. She's an excellent singer and should have the Guinness world record for both the highest and lowest notes ever sang by man. I actually advised her to take the test but she just laughed it off. Maybe she didn't believe in herself. Or maybe she feels like fame is not for her, just like me. Gabriel, Gabriella, Kwadwo, Yaw, Panin, Kakra; I can keep mentioning names!

    The academic frontier is also an interesting one worthy of study. My class barely has any average students. It's either you're an academic juggernaut or dull-minded. Virtually no in-betweens. We could literally write a test where 21 students get an A or A+ and the other 21 gets either an E8 or F9. But despite this everyone is pretty good at something.

    In fact, some other classes see our members as legends even though most teachers hate us for our abnormal academic slope. I've talked about so many people but Alexa is a special case.

    Alexa is one of the most uninteresting people in the class. And that's what makes her interesting. For as long as I've known her she has never gotten even a B on any test. Her best grade ever was a C5. And she did that only once. She doesn't seem to have any special skills or talents that I know off. Very average looking girl with glasses and braces.

       I'm not being mean or anything but the fact that she's the richest girl in class is probably her only asset. Even still most people stay clear. She has even had a lot of trouble making friends. But last semester she made a couple of friends which kinda shocked a lot of people.

    Some people that you'd probably call hyped teens or alphas started hanging out with her and she quickly became very popular. Alexa always smiles, laughs and looks happy but I always see through her act. I knew she'd trade her richly status just to be accepted by society. But in those months that she was surrounded by those hyped teens, she was genuinely happy.

      That is why it was tragic when word came out that this people only associated with her because her parents had paid them to. Her parents had bought her friends. Damn! I'm someone who loves a good drama but the aftermath of the news was far from dramatic. It was traumatic. No one could really laugh at what happened and we all pretend like nothing ever happened. It was that bad.

       After that the uninteresting raw cake just hardened up and hid in a box never to accept icing on top of her ever again. No decorations, just a raw cake that no one's eyes would ever notice again. Perhaps my mistake was approaching her to console her after the incident. I was the only one who did and it meant so much to her.

      Ever since she recovered (never fully recovered but I'm talking about when she started to look and feel like her normal self again) her eyes have set their gaze upon me. For two years those uninteresting black eyes have made me so uncomfortable on so many occasions but I try my best not to notice them. As if that was bad enough, she had now mastered the courage to approach me. Great! More problems for my already troubled life!

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