Hot Wheels Acceleracers 5: Di...

By SonicStreak5344

49 2 0

6 months have passed since the evil Racing Drones were defeated and Vert has joined his father's team, so he... More

Chapter 1: Mutation Transformation

49 2 0
By SonicStreak5344

Location: Planet Möbius

It was a another peaceful night on Möbius unless there is a battle for the powerful 7 Chaos Emeralds in the crossfire! Every world in any dimension has a hero and Möbius' hero is Sonic The Hedgehog. Sonic is called many things, but what makes Sonic famous is the title of Fastest Thing Alive on Möbius. When evil is on the loose Sonic and his friends are on the job. Especially, against a certain mad scientist who builds armies of robots and is nicknamed Dr.Eggman.

Right now Eggman's new secret forest base was in complete chaos! Egg Pawns, Egg Fighters, and different kinds of Badnicks were getting blown to pieces and their parts were flying all over the place! The cause of it was a two legged jet black with striped haired hedgehog with a patch of white fur on his chest and futuristic hover shoes. The hedgehog jumped into the air and waved one of his hands and yellow energy like spears appeared and started rain down on more Eggman robots as a battle was happening and the future of the world was in the balance!

But today, it's a normal routine in Sonic's life as in stopping Dr.Eggman's plans for world conquest. Sonic and 9 of his friends were smashing through Eggman's robots. They were trying to stop Eggman from using the emeralds for his diabolical plan. Sonic's team comprised of his best friend and little brother Tails, Knuckles who has got a bone to pick with Eggman, Shadow The Hedgehog one of Sonic's rivals but can be friendly at sometimes, Blaze The Cat, Silver The Hedgehog a another one of Sonic's rivals but much more friendlier than Shadow is to others, Rouge The Bat who is a treasure hunter, a thief, and a friend of Shadow was helping too, then there was the Babylon Rogues comprised of Jet The Hawk a speed rival to Sonic, Wave The Swallow, and finally Storm The Albatross.

While Tails and the others were distracting the Eggman robots from the outside, Sonic who already got inside Eggman's base was racing for Eggman's main lab. Sonic knew that was where Eggman could be keeping the Chaos Emeralds and whatever Eggman was planning to use them for was not good. Sonic then saw a bunch Sneezer Turret Robots up ahead coming from both the left and right hallways and were locking on to him and were getting ready to fire on him. Sonic then had a smirk on his face as he sped for Eggman's welcome party. Sonic jumped into the air in a blue streak as the robots started firing at him! Then Sonic curled up into a ball and did a good old Spin Dash attack on the bots reducing them to scrap metal with an explosive ending. Yeah Sonic is a bit of a showoff at times.

Then Sonic raced around the left hand corner of the hallway and smashed through more robots trying to keep him from getting to their evil creator and ruin the new plan. Sonic smashed through waves of Eggman robots one after another and they going down like dominoes. Then a few minutes later after dealing with the 29th wave of robots; Sonic saw the main lab door to his left as he stopped and looked at the steel door he then said to himself, "Heh time to pay Eggman and his robots a little visit."

Then Sonic jumped into the air again and did a another Spin Dash attack and smashed into the door as the door exploded leaving smoke and metal shard remains of it in pieces. Dr.Eggman was in the room that Sonic busted into was surprised to see his blue arch enemy sooner than expected. Eggman had 5 assistant robots who are Decoe, Becoe, Bokkun, and 2 new bumbling lackies who were Orbot who had a red head top and a black bottom and was shaped like a sphere with red hands and a sarcastic personality, and the last probability the dumbest one of all was Cubot a robot had a yellow head top color and a black bottom and was shaped like a cube and unlike all of Eggman's minions Cubot wasn't smart and also had voice problems which changes his personality too.

Eggman growled as he saw Sonic when the smoke clear and had a smirk on his face, "You blasted Hedgehog! I spent a week of rebuilding that door last week thanks to you! Have you ever heard of knocking at all?!"

Sonic smiled and replied back at the mad doc, "Sorry Eggman, but I had to bring the door down on your little scheme. Now where are the Chaos Emeralds? If you cooperate I won't have break more of your little toys."

Eggman growled again after Sonic said that. Then he yelled at Sonic in anger, "Grr! Your manners are worse then ever you little blue spike ball! I'll have to teach you some! GET HIM!"

Then more Sneezer robots rolled up behind Sonic as he wasn't looking and took aim at the speedy blue hero. Sonic looked behind him and smirked as the robots started shooting at him and started running around the room at a fast speed. Then Sonic did his sonic boost move and mowed down the robots as one fell 2 more went down. Then 3 more robots went down and in a few seconds all the robots that Eggman ordered to destroy Sonic were now scarp iron. Then Sonic started walking towards Eggman who was now nervous and scared.

Eggman was shaking like crazy and was sweating like an cow along with his robots as they cowering in fear as the hedgehog got closer. Then Eggman, Decoe, Becoe, and Bokkun got to their knees and were in a begging position now and Eggman pleaded, "Oh please Sonic! We're... sorry. Please look go easy on us we'll turn over a new leaf I swear. Please give us another chance!"

After that Eggman moved forward and put his hands together and was begging for mercy from his arch nemesis. Then Decoe said with artificial tears coming from his eyes, "That's right we'll be good we swear!"

Becoe then cried to Sonic. "Yeah! Don't send us to scrap yard Sonic! I'm too young to go there!"

Then Bokkun crawled to Sonic as he stopped to watch the show and said with tears coming out like a stream of water, "Yeah what they said Sonic! Please, don't have a grudge against me for using Television Bombs on you and your friends on Chris' world and in space! Let us off easy this time! PLEASE FORGIVE US! HAVE MERCY ON ALL OF US! WWWAAAHHHHAAAAHHHHAAA!"

Orbot and Cubot who were watching the whole fiasco were nervous hoping Sonic won't tare them apart. Then Orbot said to Cubot with fear, "Cubot I don't want to be permanently disconnected I hope Sonic let us off hook this time!"

Then Cubot replied in a cowboy voice, "I don't know partner but we've built a few weeks ago we're too young to go caput now!"

Sonic who was amused and smiling at the whoa show that Eggman and his robots were putting on and he said to Eggman, "Well this is new you and your robots showing remorse Eggman. If you played nice my friends and I wouldn't have break all your little tin toys."

But unknown to Sonic Eggman let him get through his robots on purpose. As a matter in fact, the whole reason Eggman had all of the Chaos Emeralds was because it was the perfect bait to lure Sonic into a trap! Eggman started grin evilly as he pulled out an controller with a red button on it and since Sonic was completely off guard and the mad doc yelled, "Gotcha!"

Eggman pressed the button and a bottom open glass cylinder tube came on top of Sonic trapping him inside as Sonic looked around in surprise and glared at Eggman as he started to laugh, "Hoohoho! I can't believe you actually fell for my trap Sonic your the one who going to be sorry you trifled with plans for the last time!"

Then Sonic pounded the glass as hard as he can but it didn't break. Then Sonic yelled at Eggman as the doc smiled evilly at the results of his trap, "So whole thing was a trap? What are you up to this time Eggman?!"

Eggman chuckled evily and said to the trapped blue hero, "Hehehe you're about to find out my little blue hedgehog friend. Or should I say my little blue genie pig! Hahahahah!"

Then Eggman turned around to his to right and said to Decoe who was now siting in a chair next to computer console, "Decoe bring the ray down above Sonic's tank. And get it charged up why don't ya."

Decoe replied back with a salute and said, "Right away Doctor! Bringing the ray down above the tank right now."

Then Decoe pushed a blue button and sealing above Sonic in the tank opened up and a laser came out from the darkness of the hole. The laser was aimed directly at Sonic! Then Decoe started typing on the keys of the keyboard and the laser turned on glowing blue.

Eggman then said to Becoe on his left side sitting at another computer console, "Becoe fire up all the Chaos Emeralds. Raise them to full power!"

Becoe replied back to his creatator and said, "Right away Dr.Eggman!"

Then Becoe pressed a green button and Sonic turned around to see all 7 Chaos Emeralds in a machine rise out of the floor! Also all seven were giving the ray above him power! Then Sonic growled and yelled, "Okay Eggman what's going on here?! Why you set trap for me in first place? And whatever your up to I'm certain it's not good as usual!"

Eggman laughed evilly as a reply, "Hahaha. Right you are Sonic. Allow me to explain why you in that tube."

Then Eggman walked over to the tube where Sonic was locked inside and said with a evil smirk, "I have just made a discovery about the Chaos Emeralds that you and your pesky friends didn't know about. It would seem that the Chaos Emeralds have the actual power to rewrite genetic codes. So I had the brilliant plan of using you as test subject and turn you into something I can get rid of you easily! All I had to do is to lure you friends into my base and capture you! Hahahahah!"

Sonic was in shock he didn't know the Chaos Emeralds had that kind of power! Then he realized what was above him it was a DNA Ray! Then he heard a charging nose above him and saw a blue ball of energy forming and when it fully formed it locked onto Sonic. Then he said with worry, "Uh oh!"

Eggman's evil grin grew as he knew it was time to fire the beam! Then he said to Sonic as he started to walk backwards to watch the light show, "Right you are hedgehog! Now then Sonic allow me to use my new DNA Ray on you and say goodbye your old DNA. Forever. Hehehe hehehehe. Decoe FIRE!"

Decoe yelled in reply to his Master, "Yes Doctor Eggman firing DNA Ray now!"

Then Decoe pressed a red button and then a beam of blue energy hit poor Sonic as he started to wail in extreme pain! It felt like his own body turned on him and was changing both the inside and outside. Then the scene zoomed in on Sonic's skin as a went to microscopic image of one of Sonic's DNA helix's being exposed to unknown genetic altering DNA code from a different species in the form of blue electricity mutating Sonic's genetic code. Then it zoomed back to a normal view showing Sonic still in the tank wailing in extremely excruciating pain! Then suddenly both Sonic's shoes, socks, and gloves disintegrated into ash by the energy and then Eggman noticed Sonic's body was beginning to change. As Decoe and Bocce monitored Sonic vital sighs as the mutation was beginning! Sonic heart rate was going faster and faster as the pain from the energy was extremely painful!

Sonic's hands started to retreat back into his arm and started to become medium turquoise blue coat furred forelegs with hooves. Then Sonic's legs grew bigger and got the same medium turquoise blue coat color again and were the same length with his new front legs. Sonic's back had pain going through it and his center body got new ribs and Sonic put his new forelegs down as the transformation was continuing. Sonic's fur changed color from blue to medium tinted bright blue for the center of his body. A spiky blue tail came out above of Sonic's bottom then a pair of wings sprouted out on both Sonic's right and left sides one on the left and one on the right and were in Sonic's new fur color. But a strange blue fireball mark appeared on his new flank.

Then Sonic's skull got bigger and thicker and his mouth and nose became a muzzle with the medium tinted bright blue colored fur. Sonic's ears changed to horse ears and got the same new colored fur the rest of his body gotten. But Sonic's spiky blue hair didn't change it became longer but retained its shape and became a mane.

Then after that the beam stopped and went back to the sealing and energy around Sonic disappeared, also steam was coming off Sonic as he tried to catch his breath. Sonic opened his eyes and they were still green, but they were facing forward. Sonic heard his heartbeat as everything slowed and his vision started to get blurry and at that moment Sonic fell unconscious from the pain and his body went went numb and fell to the right hit the metal floor in the tank with thud.


Eggman smiled evilly with the end result Sonic was completely knocked out cold. The last thing Sonic saw was the tube's walls and everything went black after that and passed out. But Sonic was turned into a Pegasus stallion thanks to the beam that hit him. However, Eggman completely forgot about one little important detail that happens when the Chaos Emeralds are altogether and was about to come back to bite him. Then he yelled out loud in triumph, "It worked! Finally something worked for a change! I finally gotten even with that little blue troublemaker for messing with my plans! Now Möbius will be mine! Hahahahah ohohohoho!"

Then Orbot said to the doc in a worried tone as he looked at the machine that had the Chaos Emeralds in it while Eggman was too busy laughing his butt off at his victory on Sonic and thought nothing could spoil the moment, "Um... boss I think you forgot something! I don't think you shouldn't be laughing right now!"

Eggman turned to look at the robot and said with a confused and annoyed look and stomped up to him and got in his face, "What you taking about Orbot?! I didn't forget anything so stop bellyaching! Your ruining the moment here!"

Then Cubot said still his cowboy voice and he was also worried about the same thing that Orbot realized that Eggman didn't realize; he maybe be dim-witted but he sometimes have good points especially for this situation that Eggman forgot about, "Um Sheriff I think you did forgot something important."

Eggman was about to strangle the annoying dingdong cub robot until he heard a familiar electrical shorting sound as he turned to see the machine with the Chaos Emeralds inside short circuiting and his face went from rage to fear. Then Eggman remembered what happens when all 7 Chaos Emeralds are together and he ended up starting it again! Chaos Control!

Eggman then yelled at his dumbots, "You Tin Can Turkeys didn't bother to me that Chaos Control will happen!!!"

But before any of his robot lackies could reply a blinding white light started to come from the machine as it started to go haywire! Then streaks of white shined from the base as it was engulfed in a dome of white light as it caught Sonic's friends in the blast and it mutated their DNA too just like with Sonic! Tails became Pegasus Stallion, Knuckles became a Earth Stallion, Shadow was turned into a Unicorn Stallion, Silver became a Unicorn Stallion just like Shadow did, Blaze became a Alicorn pony, Rouge became a Pegasus pony, Jet was mutated into pegasus stallion just Sonic and Tails, Wave became a pegasus pony like Rouge did, and Storm became strong pegasus stallion as well. The white flash obscured the area for a few seconds. After the light stopped and the area could be seen again the base and everyone were gone.

But Sonic's newest interdimensional adventure was just beginning, but this time 3 worlds collide, 2 intelligent species from 2 separate dimensions collide, unknown robots programmed to drive that existed long ago when the human race was young, and the race for the Chaos Emeralds in strange otherworldly race tracks in unique new worlds. Team up with 3 human racing teams one is a highly top secret military trained team while the other 2 live to race and race on the streets! Not only that they'll drive some of today's and yesterday's cars of the real world from around the globe to the high speed 275 mph cars to the most legendary, technologically advanced, high performance, and masterfully made sports, muscle, performance, super, exotic, and hyper cars from around the world!


Then the scene changed to a black void with a solid ground and sound of a 1,168 Horsepowered TwinTurbo Aluminum 5.0 L V8 engine roared throughout the area. The scene soon changed showing footage of cars racing though familiar strange interdimensional race tracks. Cars with different paint jobs from modified exotic and sports cars, muscle cars that let out streams of fire out of their engines and mufflers, then changed to high advanced cars made for stealth and undercover work, and the last cars were made by ancient test robots created by ancient alien race that loved racing but these robots had an absolute obsession to win and destroy anything that got in their way!

The camera changed to a adjustable carbon fiber back rear wing with 2 two tone blue stripes with one white of a car as it stood motionless with grace. There were 3 letters on the right and left sides of the wing and 3 letters were RSN and were painted white. Then the view changed to a up close look of a carbon fiber rim with the Koenigsegg logo in white with the edge of the rim and the tire were in the same two tone blue color. Then the view zoomed out to show the car and it was a brand new 2019 limited edition Koenigsegg Agera RSN painted in a brand new two-tone blue manufactured painted job.

Seconds later the car's LED headlights turned on and at the back the taillights turned on as well. Then the roar of the of the hyper car's engine roared to life as the rectangular opening on the rear carbon fiber bumper let out a stream of exhaust and waited for the go ahead to accelerate. As the Agera RSN revved its highly tuned engine it wait for the all clear or the green light to go.

Then multiple cars raced past the Agera RSN and they were cars from the four teams that raced in the Racing Realms from the Teku, Metal Maniacs, Racing Drones, and Silenzers. After the pack of cars disappeared into the black void the Agera RSN revved its mid-engine more than last time as it was ready and raring to go. Then a flame shot out of the exhaust opening of the car as the engine revved up and down meaning it was time to race. Just as the Agera began to roll out multiple headlights from other cars came on with many of them having LED headlights just like the RSN.

A few moments of silence came until it was shattered as the Agera RSN's back tires began to spun around and smoke came from the tires as it tried to get traction. Then a few seconds later the car got traction and raced off into the dark void with the taillights on behind the blue hyper car. The Agera RSN was soon followed other Hyper Division and Exotic Division cars both old and new including the 1997 McLeran F1, 2020 Bugatti Chiron, 2017 Lamborghini Centenario LP 770-4, 2010 Aston Martin One-77, 2019 Aria FXE, 2021 Hennessey Venom F5, the new 2020 Czinger 21C, the new 2021 Ferrari SF90 Stradale, the new 2021 Rimac Nevera, 2021 McLaren Speedtail, and many other fast cars followed by Super Division, Performance Division, and Sports Division cars raced by the camera and a 2009 Lamborghini REVENTÓN then drifted past the camera leaving the red light of the taillights blind the scene.

Then the scene changed to the iconic 2005 Hot Wheels logo and sound of a car racing by then replaced by a burning fire sound as the tail end waved like actually fire. Then the logo moved up as the second part of the logo which looked like it was part of car with 5 gauges, a rear wing, and 2 sound speakers below the wing had a then medium tinted bright blue thin line around the speakers. The bottom part of the logo turned up and then the sound of rivets being installed came as metal silver colored letters came down on top of the wing to form the word Acceleracers!

Then the logo turned on as neon turquoise blue lights lit up at where the speakers were and the speakers were playing along with the music's tune and the center gauge said a speed of 300 MPH. A few seconds later the rest of the title appeared in turquoise blue flames. That was soon followed by the roar of a car in the distance.

                      Hot Wheels Acceleracers: Dimensions Collide

During that time while the title was being shown the sound of a car engine roaring as it was in motion. Then the title glowed white and then the scene and title disappeared in a blinding white light!

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