Relics of the past.

By Rain_wolf2003

148 0 1

5 years after the rise of the empire a Jedi survivor of order 66 and a member one of the last members of sepa... More

Assembling a fleet.
the bad batch.
the chase for answers
jedi rescue.

The Third Battle of Geonosis

46 0 0
By Rain_wolf2003

Raine's pov

I watched on the command deck as we neared the desert planet that was Geonosis.

Jess.... something seems off.

What do you mean? she asked.

Its quiet.

We are in space. its gonna be quiet. She explained.

No. I mean the force is quiet here.

What's that supposed to mean?

I walked towards the transparasteel window. Raising my hand towards the planet. I called out threw the force Trying to sense the millions of bugs that were supposed to be Geonosis's population.

Its... empty.

What do you mean!? she exclaimed.

Jedi can sense the life around them and I can't sense anything. This planet  is empty. Its devoid of life.

That can't be. Here I'll run a planetary bio-scan. Jess countered

I-its Negative!? she exclaimed.

Did They leave the planet? I asked.

No... generally the Geonosian's don't really leave their home world. Even during the clone wars only a few ever left the planet and it was rare for them to do so. Jess explained

You mean like Poggle the lesser?

Exactly. she confirmed.

So what happened to them?

I-i don't know... 

I put my hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her. I'm sure we will find out what happened to them.


Soon enough we were in the main hanger of the lucrehulk. We got on a transport vehicle and soon enough we were entering the upper atmosphere. the rest of the fleet was remotely parked on a base on geonosis's icy moon.

One hour later. 

Jessica and I were walking on the barren desert surface of Geonosis, I couldn't help but look at all the carnage. Everything from clone armor to battle droids and the wreckage of Numerous ships littered the surface.

Um... where are we going exactly?

My personal droid factory. She said matter-of-factly.

Your what?

My factory.  Its the only one the jedi and clones couldn't find during both the main battles of Geonosis.

It took hours but eventually she lead me to what appeared to be a mountain with a chasm around it.

Jess.. I knew you were a little crazy. but I'm pretty sure this is just a mountain.

I took a few more steps evidently an alarm sounded and hidden doors opened I watched as dozens of battle droids marched across the arch that lead to the secret factory.

I drew my lightsabers and immediately started deflecting the blaster fire.


I don't know. They were supposed to be. 

Okay then, why are they shooting at us?

I'm pretty sure they are just shooting at you. She stated

I watched as a laser bolt almost hit her head.


I told you. I laughed

She Immediately hit buttons on her wrist com. 


I watched as every battle droid fell to the ground shutting down.



Out of all the high tech encrypted codes you could've used... and I'm not saying he wasn't a bitch. Trust me most of us just tolerated him because he was on the council but why?

Would you have guessed it? 

No.. I would've assumed it was a series of numbers and letters.


That's not the point I was trying to make..

Wait a minute... if the droid army was shut down and the separatist leaders were all killed... and the Geonosians are missing... who activated these droids? I asked

Good question... and I don't really know. She answered.

Well... I think we should find out. They are your droids after all 


Question. Did that signal from your wrist com shut all of them down?

Any droids that were produced in this factory will shut down at the mention of the emergency deactivation code. She said whilst pushing buttons on her wrist com opening the doors to the factory.

Is there anything that wrist com can't do?  I asked.

That's not a long list. She concluded.

Figures. I drew my light sabers igniting the blades in an attempt to illuminate the darkness.

I don't know why your doing that. I can see just fine. She inquired.

Most of us weren't brought up in a cave Jess. 

I.. YOU... ya know what that's fair. She admitted.

My laugh resounded threw the tunnel we were in. Eventually we made it threw the tunnel that lead to the main forging room that was the factory. To my surprise some parts of it was running. 

Who ever is running this place is not doing that good of a job. She proclaimed.

Its making droids is it not? I inquired.

Yeah it is but its only working at about 10% capacity. Normally I would have it running at 100 % capacity.

Okay we need to find out who is running this place. If you were to be running this place where would you be? I asked.

Probably the main office. It's where everything is controlled from.

Okay lets go.

We walked threw the forging room. Towards the back and up the stairs that presumably lead to the office. To my surprise there was a Geonosian drone at one of the many computer screens he immediately drew a blaster and aimed it at us. I immediately hid my light sabers in my cloak putting my hands in the air  to my surprise Jess started speaking Geonosian.

She made a series of clicking noises and lip smacking at the drone. He immediately put away his weapon and hugged Jess.

Jess what did you say? And why is he hugging you?

I just introduced myself and said we were here to help. She explained.

Oh okay.. um can you ask him where his people are? Or what happened to them?

She once again started speaking Geonosian to the drone.  She went wide eyed and started glaring at me. she drew her lightsaber and aimed it at me. 




I... i... I'm sorry Raine... They were the closest things I had to family.. they were my people.. and now they are gone. 

Jessica I'm sorry this happened and I'm sorry you had to find out like this.. I know how you feel... the night the 501st stormed the temple was when I lost practically everything.. Remember what we are fighting for, to restore the galaxy to what it once was. The jedi order, the seperatist alliance, and the republic. We can't change the past but we can affect the future. We need to get this foundry up and running so we can defeat the people who did this. 

Your right... We need to get to work.. nothing like fixing something to brighten my mood she said hopefully.

She immediately went over to the central computer on the screen. I followed her curios to see a separatist super computer in action. 

About a dozen computer screens turned on. She scrolled over many files. I watched her face contort into confusion as she clicked on a file titled Project name Death star.

Jess.. what is the death star? 

It was a super weapon. capable of destroying planets she nonchalantly. 


I didn't stutter did I?

Who came up with it!? I exclaimed

Dooku was the one to propose the idea. stating that it would win the war for us.

How did it work? I asked.

Essentially it was a giant light saber yeah.. but with the jedi having guarded kyber crystal rich planets like Illum  we couldn't build it. She said.

Oh well that's fortunate. I said sarcastically.

Wait a minute..

what? she asked.

If the Jedi are no longer in charge of planets like Illum.... that means who ever has the design plans for this can build it.  I pointed out

So ? Dooku was killed 5 years ago.

I don't expect you to know this... but Dooku was a sith lord... and the sith.. followed the rule of two. One master and one apprentice

Get to the point Raine.

Palpatine was Dooku's master. After I found mace Windu outside the senate building I used my force ability to help him, he told me that Palpatine was the sith lord who was responsible for the clone war.. and the one who trained Dooku.

I'm still not quite seeing the point... 

If Dooku proposed these plans.. and the jedi no longer protect the kyber crystals... then there is a good chance that Palpatine succeeded where Dooku could not.. I explained fearfully.

If the plans were here.... in my factory then they must have wanted the Geonosians to build it.  she added.

That's why he exterminated them.. he didn't want any chance of the public knowing he wanted it built. I said whilst looking at the Geonosian drone who was in the corner.


Um... what's he doing I asked pointing to said last Geonosian  in the corner who was looking worriedly over a pile of junk.

Jess and I got up walking over to the corner he was in.  

Jess started once again speaking Geonosian presumably asking him to move. How ever he did not move.

Care to help out she asked?

Sure. I said whilst raising my hand and lifting the drone up and out of the way.  After he was moved he started freaking out. I started lifting the junk out of the corner via the force.

Jess...I can sense something in this corner... and its alive... faint but alive. I pointed out.

I continued moving stuff until I moved a piece of cloth. under it there was a sizable yellow egg that had what looked like a bruise on it. 

Jess... is that a Geonosian egg?


Jess... I can feel its life force fading.. look at the bruise on it. 

OH DON'T TELL ME HE DROPPED IT!!! She screamed. 

I watched as she turned around and put said drone in a choke hold.. clearly pissed at his carelessness.

I walked over to the egg.. raised my had over it and a golden light soon filled the room.. Jess dropped the bug and rushed over to see what was happening. 

The egg started rising in the air and the bruise faded as I repaired what ever injuries the egg had during incubation.

The egg slowly descended onto the nest that it was in and to my surprise it started cracking. 

How ever Jess was the first to move and pushed me out of the way

I watched from the floor I was now on as said new queen hatched. She burst out the egg. She had a small fan shaped crest on her head, and looked very similar to a regular Geonosian. albeit with a larger abdomen. Jess just had a look of awe on her face.

I got off the floor dusting myself off. 


Sorry... I was excited.  She apologized. 

It's fine. I sighed. 

What are you gonna name her? I asked curiously 

Katrina. after her mommy.  she answered

The jedi archives said that the last queen of Geonosis was named Karina... I pointed out

Her true name was Katrina. She just prefered to be called Karina. Jess explained.

Well that makes sense. 

Hey Raine...?

Oh by the force what do you need?

well... I need to get the shield generators up and running and the planetary scanners back online. and I don't exactly trust him to watch her. She said while pointing to the Geonosian that was in the room.

I feel like I shouldn't ask... but why?

Do you know anything about Geonosian society? Jess asked

if I say yes will you still explain?

Yes. she confirmed.

In that case no I do not.

Well... I don't have a lot of time to explain... but it's a drones main job to do all the building. maintaining. fighting. and of course... doing the deed with the queen and making more Geonosian's. 

I'll never get that image out of my mind... thank you for that Jess.

Oh your very welcome.

And something tells me that particular drone has never done it in his life.. so he's probably more then eager to. She explained. 

Not to mention I'm pretty sure He dropped her when she was in the egg. I concluded

Yeah that's a fair assumption. She agreed.

Okay I'll watch her.I said 

I'll be back in a few hours. said jess

Okay, I'll try my best to keep her entertained. 

Jess's pov.

I walked out of the office And up the many stairs that lead to the roof. 

First up on my fix it list the shield generators after removing the access panels and cleaning the sand from the generator core it started spinning and producing a red plasma field over the factory.

There... that's that I suppose. at least the factory is safe from orbital bombardment .

Hmm... now all I have to do is get the rest of the factory online.  

I descended the stairs and immediately got to work. in the main office, repairing and replacing some of the screens and getting many of the data pads and control boards cleaned, and replaced any missing parts. and repairing any frayed wires that could be found.

After a thorough cleaning and repair I pushed numerous button sequences smiling in satisfaction as parts of the factory burst to life, and the already running parts started at an amazing speed.  I was glad that the factory  was now filled with the various sounds of the factory at work. 

I watched as molds were pressed, molten metal was poured and parts were assembled. There was still much work to be done but this was a start. this factory must have be at about 60 percent capacity, a vast improvement.

I walked down the tunnel and into the main office to my surprise  found Raine asleep in a chair with Katrina asleep in her lap.

The touching  moment didn't last long as the alarms started sounding to which Raine woke up with a start, and Katrina started screeching. Raine picked her up and tried to comfort her, giving her to me. 


I don't know, I'll check the security feed.

she walked over to a patched up monitor  pushing buttons and the display lit up showing a small battalion of storm troopers out front.

Oh well that's no good... she exclaimed.

I yawned, still tired from being woken up, so whats the plan Jess?

well... the droids need to be reprogrammed not to kill you, and they are still shut down so they probably wont be much help. So you ready to murk some bucket heads?

Raine's pov 

Sure I said whilst stretching and cracking her knuckles.

I walked down the stairs that lead to the main office, past various machines and devices towards the tunnel that lead to the main entrance, to my surprise the storm troopers could problem solve. I watched as plasma cutters pierced the stone and steel door that covered the entrance igniting my blades and waiting for them to come in.

the second the last few inches of stone were cut it fell inwards.

Oh hey boys, hows it going? I asked leaning against the wall.

I was quick to act, I called to the force lifting the now incapacitated door and throwing it across the bridge taking multiple storm troopers out in its way. Eventually is came to a skidding stop just a few inches in front of the rest of the white clad battalion.  

They immediately started firing at me. I started deflecting the blaster fire sadly it wasn't a real challenge.. these idiots shoot worse then B1 battle droids.

I watched in pitiful satisfaction as the red plasma from their blasters was redirected at them falling many of them. I only had to keep this up for a short while before there was only a handful left. Most of which turned and left. 

The last storm trooper dropped his blaster getting on his knees with his hands up.

I pointed my lightsaber towards his throat.

Trooper, can you contact your superior officer?

He swallowed hard shaking. 

W-which one? he asked shakily 

Hmmm.... the one in charge of this invasion, lets see someone who could call off this little military action.

I can't call the admiral... at least not from what I have on me he admitted. 

How about a separatist super computer? Would he accept a call from there?

I..i... I suppose he would.

That's good, get up please. 

Are you taking me prisoner!? He exclaimed. 

Not to sure yet, I replied.

I need you to contact your esteemed admiral from one of the computers inside the factory. 

O-okay.. he replied while getting up and walking towards the no longer present door that should have been sealing the place from intruders.

I walked him down the many tunnels through the forging rooms and up the stairs that led  to the office and control rooms.

Jess was in hover chair spinning around replaying the battle feed laughing, bouncing Katrina on her leg. 

We are taking prisoners now? she asked

No. not quite. I need to contact his commanding officer to discuss his surrender. He says he needs one the computers from in here to contact him.

I walked him over to the super computer, letting him sit in the chair and contact his admiral. 

he pushed several sequences of buttons attempting to contact him. Eventually the imperial bastard answered his face now on the main monitor, to which I pushed the storm trooper away so I could talk.


Hello... I am jedi council member Raine  Alessia. I would like to talk to you regarding your impending surrender and your more than pitiful attempts at taking out just two individuals inhabiting an old droid factory... and your troops pathetic attempt at killing me.

 I will not surrender to you jedi dog..

I did try to be reasonable with you.. I've done nothing wrong even gave you the chance to leave this rock in peace.. and you insult me?

A large vibrating hum filled the room as I lifted my hand towards the screen

Your sorcery and tricks won't work from down there jedi

Oh... is that so?

I watched the admiral's eyes go wide as he was lifted from the floor of the command deck of his star destroyer. He immediately started choking gasping for breath.

Hmm... seems to be working just fine... I'd say you have about ten more seconds before you join the cosmic force

what say you Jess? 

Oh ten?! I'd say give him four.

So... what will it be admiral? Will you politely surrender and encourage your other imperial friends not to bother us? Or will you be killed on your own ship whilst choking on your own ignorance?

I..I surrender... he choked out

And what of your friends? Will you tell them to leave us alone?

Yes he gasped out. 

I lowered my hand. smiling. 

I'm so glad you agreed.. I hope your injured throat and pride heal soon. I replied.

He scoffed, switching off the communication.

I sighed, collapsing onto the floor. coughing relentlessly. 

RAINE! are you okay? Jess exclaimed.

yeah.. yeah.. I'm fine just.. over did it I'll be fine.

You guys aren't gonna... torture me are you? 

I looked up from the metallic floor I was now laying on and up against the computer council.

To torture is to inflict pain... that is not the jedi way. I explained.

No but it is mine. Jess assured whilst rounding on him.

I raised my hand restraining Jessica with the force halting her actions. 


LET ME FINISH! I yelled.

Trooper... what is your name? I asked curiously 

He looked at me in confusion before hesitantly stating his name.

My name is Kai he stated. 

Kai what? I questioned.

I.. I don't know... I was an orphan on the streets of Corellia.

Corellia? That's a terrible place to grow up... especially without parents

Y-yes.. He stated looking down.

... Why did you join the imperial storm trooper core? I asked trying to changed the subject.

I wanted off world... to try and put an end to the senseless violence that plagued planets like Corellia.. he explained.

And did you find that in the impieral military? A sense of peace? Hope for war torn planets? Restore justice and peace wherever you went when assigned? 

Well no... he said once again looking solemnly at the floor.

Hmm... how was it as a storm trooper? were you valued? Felt needed? accomplished perhaps? respected? at the very least honored?

Well no... He once again answered.

I'm gonna give you a chance.. a one time offer Kai,

And what's that? He asked

You will be part of a movement to restore the galaxy to what it once was... before the empire.. and the clone wars. You can fight to eventually be the sense of justice and peace you wanted to be in the storm trooper core. If not.. we will drop you off where ever you need to go.

Why should I trust you? You jedi commissioned the clones and made them expendable foot soldiers and started the clone wars To this even Jess looked up from her screens to listen.

My eyes narrowed.  Trying to think of what to say or how to explain it.

Kai.. can you explain to me something?

What? he asked?

The jedi were... selfless.. free of attachment.. and peace keepers.. guardians of diplomacy and at the very least spiritual monks before the clone wars. They were sent on diplomatic missions to help end or prevent conflicts. Now.. can you explain to me how or even why a group of selfless peace keeping monks would create an army of super soldiers for a war that at the time hadn't even happened to yet?

I sensed him being in a state of deep thought.. silent  until he answered,

I really don't know. He finally answered.

Further more... how would a single jedi council member ever come across the funds to create such a large army of millions? Paying for their embryonic chambers.. birthing chambers... food.. clothes.. housing.. training ... equipment.. among other things? I mean even designing the genome for a perfect soldier would cost quite the amount of credits. When the up keep alone almost bankrupted the republic in the later years of the war.

I... I don't know that either he explained.  

At this point Jess the was the one to interrupt. 

Well... if you and your... cult.. never created them.. and didn't have the means to pay for them? Who created them? who paid for them? Jess asked

.... That question was a question I asked myself every day of the war.... I trusted my clones with my life and may the force help anyone who harmed my squad but I always questioned their origins . I answered.

I accept.  Kai interjected.

You accept my offer? to join the relics of the past? under the cause of creating a brighter future for the galaxy?

Yes. I swear.

alright... we have allies to gather. we have a fleet. and a droid army well on the way. We need more allies in the mean time. I explained

But first... we need answers.



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