By itz_sookie

1.5K 17 0

"You've been working hard," Robyn said, her eyes focused on an area beneath Nicki's face. "All praise goes t... More



1.1K 12 0
By itz_sookie

Spin class seemed to last forever. Nicki  pushed down hard on the pedals, but didn’t have sufficient strength left to follow the cadence of the music. She should have gone for that long hot bath instead of rushing to the gym again. Her cat Jamie should be balancing on the edge of the tub next to her, shooting her disdainful glares every time he nearly slipped in.
She was getting too old for this kind of fitness regime. Nicki looked up and, through the drops of sweat raining from her forehead, caught a glimpse of Robyn’s strong arms. The instructor’s skin was soaked and her top clung to her body so tightly Nicki could make out her abs gleaming underneath. To hell with that bath, she thought, this is by far the best place to spend a Thursday night.
“Come on, Nicki,” Robyn shouted, her voice brimming with authority, “try to keep up.” Nicki thanked whoever invented the spin studio for the
current darkness she found herself in, obscuring the no doubt bright shade of red flushing her cheeks.
She sat in the front row, right across from Robyn—not her bike of choice but her photography teacher Jimmy had taken her apart after class again.
“To discuss the shadow lines in that picture of your cat in private”, he had said, but they both knew better. Jimmy had fancied her from the start. Nicki hardly wore her sexual preference on her sleeve, but she believed that, even to the not so keen observer, it must be fairly obvious she was a lesbian. Or perhaps Jimmy liked a challenge. Thanks to him she’d arrived
late at the gym and the only available spot happened to be directly opposite Robyn. Nicki usually hid in the back, cultivating her crush from a safe distance, but she had to admit the view up front was much better.
“Rise,” Robyn yelled dramatically and Nicki pulled herself up, clinging to one last flicker of will power, for a hill climb. Maybe she was just as bad as Jimmy, but at least her mild obsession with Robyn was increasing her fitness levels. She did, however, realise you couldn’t judge a woman’s sexuality successfully if you’d only seen her in workout clothes the margin for error was simply too big. Nevertheless, she had a good feeling about Robyn, even though she didn’t know much more about her than her name. She knew she had rock hard abs though, and triceps to die for. A current of sweat trickled down Robyn’s forehead while the toned
muscles of her arms bulged spectacularly as she tamed the imaginary mountain.
“Come on, team,” she shouted at the top of her voice, “one more minute and you’re free to do whatever you like.” If only she knew, Nicki pondered, what I’d like to do to her. Nicki, weary of people this late in the day, checked if the steam room was empty. She inwardly chuckled when she saw there was no one inside because, in life, she had learnt, it’s small signs of good fortune like this that matter most. Late night spin classes, for some reason, were quite a male affair. She’d only counted three other women in the studio—and Robyn of course. This near to closing time the female locker room was almost deserted
and Nicki let her back fall lazily against the damp chair, safe in the knowledge the steam cabin was hers alone tonight. She closed her eyes and immediately visions of Robyn’s sweaty arms and shoulders occupied her mind. The strength and stamina they promised filled her with both instant
desire and disappointment. Sure, Nicki had been lusting after Robyn long enough to acquire a more than acceptable body for a woman her age, but apart from the occasional polite chit chat before and after class, they’d hardly exchanged words. Still, maybe it was wishful thinking, but Nicki did feel like she had
some small signs to cling to. Not a class went by in which Robyn didn’t call her out—not an honour bestowed on anyone. Then again, maybe it was
simply a perk of being a regular. They had exchanged appreciative glances in passing in the locker room, but it was Robyn’s job to train the gym’s
members and guide them towards firmer bodies. So, basically, she was only acknowledging her own work. Steam hissed around Nicki and condensation drops seeped down from the ceiling. She’d give it another minute or two and then head for the shower. At least Jamie would be waiting for her at home and he was excellent at cuddling. A soft thud caught Nicki’s attention and she opened her eyes. Seriously, she thought, someone’s really going to ruin my blissful solitude now?
“Hi,” a voice cut through the steam. Nicki couldn’t make out a face through the vapours but she would recognise that clipped low voice anywhere. Instinctively, she wrapped her towel around her chest, then changed her mind and let it slip to the side again. “I thought you’d have perspired enough today.” Nicki fixed her eyes on Robyn’s shape, which was becoming clearer by the second. Please drop the towel, she prayed.
“There’s always room for more.” Robyn took the seat opposite her and unfurled the towel from her upper body. Nicki swallowed hard and thanked all the heavens and the stars and all the gods she didn’t believe in. She tried to regain the composure she
lost the instant Robyn had set foot in the cabin, but the heat enveloping her and the sight of Robyn’s bare breasts weren’t helping. She’d have to leave the steam room soon if she didn’t want to faint. Or maybe Robyn would resort to some inspired mouth-to-mouth if she did.
“You’ve been working hard,” Robyn said, her eyes focused on an area beneath Nicki’s face.
“All praise goes to this gym’s excellent instructors.”
Robyn flashed her a sly smile and Nicki couldn’t keep her eyes off her instructor’s magnificent shoulders. So close, she thought as a mild dizziness crept up on her, but yet so far away.
“I’m sorry, but I’ve been in here too long.” Nicki rose and had to steady herself against the soaked wall. “I need to get out."
“Careful.” In a split second Robyn was by her side, her towel left behind on the chair. She supported Nicki’s arm and the firm grip of Robyn’s fingers
around her bicep made her head swim even more. “Walk slowly. I’ll escort you out.”
Not that Nicki had a plan, but still, this was not the plan. What was the point of boasting toned muscles and a lean body if you nearly lost consciousness in front of the hot instructor? She let Robyn guide her out and sat down on the wooden bench flanking the cabin. She took a few sharp breaths and felt her strength return. Nicki had lost her towel along the
way as well and Robyn towered over her, a worried look on her face and her body covered in nothing but sweat. “I’ll get us some fresh towels,” Robyn said. “I’ll just be a minute. Will you be all right?”
Nicki nodded and watched Robyn scoot off around the corner, but not before getting a decent look at her well-shaped behind. The wall clock reminded her it was half an hour to closing time and Nicki was relieved to not hear any signs of other members in the changing room. All the showers were quiet and no locker doors were being slapped shut. She only
heard the sopping sound of Robyn’s footsteps as she arrived with two clean towels.
“Thanks,” Nicki muttered, slightly mortified. At least she got to see Robyn naked, although not in the exact circumstances she would have wished for. “Time for a shower.” “Take the cubicle across from me,” Robyn commanded in her strict teacher’s voice. “I want to keep an eye on you.” Nicki was more than willing to oblige. The shower cubicles closed with glass shields from both sides and Robyn left hers ajar, inspiring Nicki to do the same. She set the tab to cold and the water was a shock to her system. Her nipples jumped to attention and blood pulsed through her veins. It was nothing compared to the effect catching glimpses of a showering Robyn had on her. A sizzling fire burned in Nicki’s belly. It was now or never. This kind of opportunity wouldn’t come knocking again anytime soon. Maybe the fuss Robyn had made over her was a pure act of kindness or plain professional concern, but Nicki believed it left a lot of room for alternative interpretations. Either way, she had the dizzy card to play again. She gaped at Robyn through the crack in the shower doors, at the white foam sliding down her skin and caressing her taut muscles. Nicki had been vaguely aware of it before, but there was no more denying it now, something was throbbing between her legs and she had twenty minutes to do something about it. She wasn’t planning on doing it herself.
“Oh,” she yelped and let her back slam against the slippery wall, making enough noise to get Robyn’s attention. It only took Robyn two seconds and three long strides to reach her side, her hands planted under Nicki’s armpits and her eyes scanning Nicki’s face for signs of an imminent blackout. Nicki may not have to fake that dizzy spell after all. Blood rushed to her cheeks as she took stock of the situation. Two naked women crammed together in a shower cubicle with no one else around. No, not
just two women—Nicki cornered by Robyn’s strong arms against the wall, which was getting colder against her hot skin. Nicki couldn’t help but notice Robyn’s hard nipples, dark circles standing out against the light mocha complexion of her skin, like candy waiting to be licked.
“Shit,” Nicki whispered as she heard the door of the changing room swing open and then shut. Robyn put her hand in front of Nicki’s mouth, curling her long fingers across her jaw.
“Shhht,” she hissed. “If we’re lucky, she’ll be in and out.” Distant footsteps pattered about and Nicki prayed for them to not come any closer to the showers. Robyn fixed her hazelnut eyes on Nicki,
her hand still curved over Nicki’s lips. Water drummed down around them and bounced up over their feet. Things can hardly get wetter, Nicki
thought, but immediately had to correct herself. It wasn’t just water from the shower seeping down her legs. Her entire body pulsed and throbbed, aching to be touched more intimately by Robyn. Robyn still had one hand underneath Nicki’s armpit, but now withdrew it. She used it to shove the shower doors together and then gently ran a finger across Nicki’s collar bone. Her finger travelled between Nicki’s
breasts, down to her belly. Whoever had come in was still fumbling with locker keys and Nicki heard precious seconds ticking away in her head. The presence of the other woman didn’t seem to faze Robyn, who took the opportunity to drive Nicki wild by skimming just one finger over her upper body. A nail trailed over Nicki’s abs now and she was grateful for the extra crunches their body pump instructor subjected them to at the end of every class. Beneath Robyn’s other hand, the one still clamped over her chin, Nicki widened her mouth and ran her lips over Robyn’s drenched palm. Soon she was licking her fingers and sucking them into her mouth—at least it kept her quiet. Bam. The unwanted visitor left the locker room and a heavy thud of the door was the signal for both of them to crank up the heat. Time was not on their side and the cleaners would be in soon. Robyn seemed to get the message as well and pushed her body against Nicki’s, finally lavishing
her with the touch she craved. Before pressing her lips hard against Nicki’s mouth, she peered into her eyes one last time and the longing shining through them was inescapable. Nicki felt her knees go wobbly again, only this time it wasn’t because her body couldn’t cope. Robyn’s hands explored her breasts and they had no time for soft strokes. Nicki’s nipples hardened under Robyn’s tugs and, instinctively, she spread her legs. “Fuck me,” Nicki moaned. Robyn’s lips moistened her already soaked neck and her ears were right next to Nicki’s mouth. Nicki grabbed Robyn’s head and yanked it up to face her. “Fuck me now,” she repeated and thrust herself against Robyn’s hard wet body. She snagged Robyn’s hand and pushed it down, unable to wait any longer.
“I need your fingers inside of me.” Nicki was ready to resort to begging to quench the lust dripping from her, flooding her inner thighs. Robyn’s fingers didn’t delay and slipped inside Nicki as if they were made
for nothing else. “More.” Nicki couldn’t stop herself. Robyn fucked her with two fingers, burying them deeper with every thrust. Sweat mixed with soap and lusty juices and all Nicki heard was water coming down around them and the sound of Robyn working on her pussy. Robyn didn’t need coaxing to add a
third finger and when Nicki opened her eyes for a split second she could see how the strong muscles in Robyn’s arm bulged with every stroke. Nicki dug her hands into Robyn’s wet hair and pushed her down. Not that she needed it to climax—she could already feel the orgasm building, tingling in her fingertips and toes—but she desperately wanted to feel Robyn’s tongue on her clit. Robyn dropped to her knees on the rubber shower floor and didn’t hold back. She started with one careful, almost hesitant flick of the tongue but soon transitioned into confident licks and nudges while her fingers continued to fuck Nicki to a screaming orgasm. Nicki marvelled at the feeling of Robyn’s tongue dancing around her sensitive clit and increasing the tension in her body. She adored the tiny explosions her sexy spin instructor’s fingers caused to ripple through her blood. She wanted to lean against that cold damp wall forever and have Robyn go at her until her trained muscles would give up—not a thing Nicki would expect to happen any time soon. Robyn’s fingers drove upwards inside of her, touching her in all her most sensitive spots and filling her until Nicki believed she couldn’t take anymore. The friction on her clit increased as Robyn sucked it in and out of her mouth between puckered lips. It felt as if all her insides were collapsing, swallowing each other only to be spit out again with big joyous bursts. Every thrust of Robyn’s fingers
ignited a fresh round of swirling fireworks inside Nicki’s bones and a satisfying warmth swarmed through her. She clasped her fingers in Robyn’s hair as her body tensed and relaxed, first in big slow waves and then short intense ones. Nicki pushed Robyn’s mouth away from her clit and revelled in the strong, unrelenting strokes of her fingers deep inside of her for just one moment longer before pulling Robyn up and kissing her with all she had.
“Best wash up,” Robyn said, looking almost unflustered. She glanced at her waterproof watch. “We have five minutes.”
Nicki still stood panting against the wall and it felt as if she’d spent the last five hours in the cubicle, while, in reality, it couldn’t have been longer than ten minutes. “I owe you one.” Nicki curled her fingers around Robyn’s wrist, not wanting to let her go just yet. “Same time next week.” Robyn pecked her low on the cheek, next to her lips, and slipped out of her grasp. Nicki couldn’t wait.

                                 THE END

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