
By strippedrecords

30.3K 1.6K 293

Ending up with an important deal with her father, Jimin decides to leave her delinquent life to study hard an... More



3.4K 204 35
By strippedrecords

epilogue | until the sky falls down on me

"If things could go our way for once, would you come home?"


Two years later.

It's a cold night for Seoul. The white snow covered its beauty and people couldn't go out without wearing thick clothes.

"Are you sure you won't freeze to death on that?" Minjeong scolds the red-haired beside her as they hurried down the hallway for an important event.

Yizhuo just gave her a smile, "It'll be warm inside. Besides, you have more things to worry about aside from me." she finishes just in time for them to reach a huge door.

Minjeong gave Yizhuo a look. She told them that there was no need for another grand celebration after last night, but her friends insisted. Saying it wasn't enough for the award she won.

The blonde takes a deep breath before finally pushing the door open. The light from the other side was blinding, but she managed to quickly adjust. As soon as she heard a round of applause and people cheering, a smile immediately made its way on her lips.

"There she is!" "The Director of the Year! Kim Minjeong!" "Congratulations!"

And many more compliments erupted inside the room.

Minjeong would be lying if she said that she's already used to receiving compliments. There's no way she'll get familiar with the warm feeling inside her chest. It will always make her heart race.

As the blonde made her way through the crowd and up the stage, she received another round of applause.

"Thank you." she mumbles through the mic.

"Director Kim, any words?" the host beside the blonde speaks, encouraging her further to the front of the stage.

Minjeong was nervous as hell. She has always imagined herself being a successful director someday, just not two years after she graduated college. It was a huge shock to her and everybody that the movie she wrote and directed in college became a million dollar film that earned her spot to the top filmmakers in Seoul. She was acknowledged by the well-known directors that she'd only seen in the television.

She still can't believe it.

"Uh..." she starts, and the four cornered room quickly fell silent. "I told my friends there's no need to celebrate this award again but here we are." she jokes, trying to make herself less awkward.

Thankfully, the audience bought the joke and laughs along.

"Thank you for your support. I wouldn't win the award last night if you didn't do your parts. I'm not the only one who won." the radiant smile on her lips made everyone in the crowd stare in awe.

Minjeong never lost her star-born aura. She's still the prettiest woman you could lay your eyes on. She's still captivating, her face is still as divine as ever. But if you only know her as a star but not specifically the sun, then you would know she's not shining as bright as she should be.

Somewhere inside, there's a void only someone as bright as her could fill.

"Miss Kim, " A voice from the crowd snaps the blonde out of her thoughts.

She immediately pans her neck below and spots a familiar looking man.


He smiles, "Have you finally found your moon?"

The question sparks whispers inside the hall. Though it's fine since only the staffs from the movie are inside, it wasn't the case for Minjeong's friends—specifically Yizhuo and Doyeon who were part of the cast. One look in their eyes and you can tell they're already shredding Juyeon alive in their heads.

"I'm just curious. Cause your movies seemed to revolve around someone liking the moon." he adds with a polite smile.

Minjeong knew he didn't mean any harm. But why would he ask that now?

Seeing how her friends were about to walk straight to where he is, ready to drag him out of the room, the blonde decided to just give Juyeon an answer.

"No." Minjeong's voice kept everyone frozen on their spot, even Doyeon and Yizhuo. "I have no intention to look for a moon that don't want to show itself."


"Juyeon is really an asshole." Yizhuo rants as soon as they settled back to the blonde's apartment after a long night of celebration.

"That's why I told you to not invite him." Doyeon speaks, slouching down the sofa. "Ah, I'm so exhausted." she groans.

Soon, another body slams down above hers. "You shouldn't have thrown the party in the first place." Minjeong lays atop of the brunette who's now struggling to get the blonde off her.

"But hey, it's a huge award to not celebrate." Yizhuo speaks from the kitchen, clearly feeling at home in the blonde's apartment.

What Yizhuo said made the blonde ponder and look at the shelf across her, where a small but huge enough to notice trophy is being displayed. "Yeah, but it would've been better if I could celebrate it with the woman who first portrayed her role." Minjeong subconsciously mumbles.

Doyeon gave up on struggling and just blankly stared at the blonde on top of her.

Yizhuo, who just came back with a box of pizza and glass of water, looked at the brunette with a puzzled look. "Why did you guys turn silent?" she asks.

"Ask her, she's thinking about Jimin again." Doyeon replies.

She felt Minjeong getting light and she finally managed to push her aside. She joins Yizhuo on the floor and grabbed a slice of pizza.

The red-haired looked at Minjeong with worried eyes. "I told you to stop waiting for her already."

"You can't blame her." Doyeon, who has her mouth stuffed with pizza, intervenes. "She's probably worried about Jimin so she's still trying to understand. And besides, she promised her she'll come back."

"Yeah, but when was the last time she reassured her that? Last year. And even if Minjeong could wait for another two years, you don't know what could go through the head of Jimin's dad." Yizhuo retorts.

The duo could only sigh. They feel bad for the blonde but it's not like she's the only one to blame.

Maybe Minjeong loved her moon a little too much.

Or maybe, she loved someone else's moon when she shouldn't have.


"Jimin, our flight's tomorrow." Yeji whispers to the blonde laying beside her.

The raven-haired looked puzzled. "Huh? We're going back home?"

Yeji smiles, "Aeri said there's a reunion this week. She'll be there."

Without even hearing her name, Jimin could already feel her heart racing.

But does she still have the right to feel this way?

"You can go alone. I'll stay here." Jimin turns to her side of the bed, not wanting the conversation to push any further.

"Jimin," Yeji tried to call, but the raven-haired didn't budge.

"I thought you want to come back to her?"

"I think I've made her wait long enough."

Jimin wants to see Minjeong of course, she missed her. In fact, there's not a day that she don't think about the blonde. But she won't deny that she underestimated the distance between them. Add the fact that she hasn't been feeling well since her mother passed away. After losing the woman she loved the most, Jimin got stuck in deep agony. Each day felt like a torture, it was hard to cope up. If Yeji didn't move in with her in one apartment, who knows what could've happened.

She spent the following months waking up without feeling anything. Nothing excites her anymore.

And soon enough, she became unfamiliar with the things and people she loved. Even Minjeong.

Yeji sighs before standing up the mattress to sit. "I thought you want to come back to her?"

"I do but—"

"Jimin." The brunette cuts off, eyes trailing down Jimin's back. She don't care if the raven-haired is being stubborn, she knows a more stubborn blonde that surely feels the same way as her.

"Go back to Seoul with me or I'll tell your father I want to marry you."


"Jimin! You came!" Aeri runs through the crowd to greet her friend who just walked inside the room. The music was beating loud inside but her voice was also loud enough for the newcomers to hear.

Yeji, who's been standing beside them just mumbled a small "I'll leave her to you." Aeri gave her a light nod before she finally disappeared in the crowd. The brunette then wraps the raven-haired in a tight, choking, suffocating hug on her neck. "I heard you didn't want to go home you asshole." the brunette mumbles through gritted teeth.

"I-I can't breathe—" Jimin struggles to speak, she could feel herself passing out any minute now.

Once the brunette felt satisfied to Jimin tapping out in forfeit, she lets her go with an innocent smile. "Why did you want to stay in New York? Are you not feeling okay?"

Jimin took her time to catch her breath before replying to Aeri. "I'm already feeling better than last year, don't worry." she starts, "And I want to avoid seeing her. There, happy?" she rolls her eyes before looking around the room.

It wasn't long before she felt a hard smack on her head.

"What was that for?!" she looked back at Aeri with a glare.

But the latter didn't faze. Instead, she scolds the older. "You're still dumb as ever."

Jimin could only huff. Aeri is right and she hates it. Her being awkward with Minjeong is the result of only one thing: her being dumb.

"Aeri?" a familiar voice calls from behind.

The brunette turns to where the voice came from and was immediately stunned on her spot.

"Yizhuo..." she whispers as she kept her gaze on the goddess standing in front of her.

The red-haired laughs at the older's expression. "Why are you so surprised?"

"Ah," Aeri shakes her head, "Y-you look pretty tonight." the panicked reply only earned another laugh from Yizhuo.

"Thank you. Who are you talking to by the way?" The younger asks, and Aeri doesn't know if she should step aside to let her see Jimin and have her best friend murdered on the spot.

But either way, Yizhuo was already leaning to the side to see who's behind her.

The red-haired could only gasp when she saw who it was. "Oh."

"Uh, hi?" the raven-haired awkwardly smiles.

Aeri swore she was ready for the lashing that's about to come in a few seconds.

But to her surprise, Yizhuo just stood there with her lips shut tight. Not saying another word.

"Uh..." the brunette tries to say something.

Which Yizhuo quickly cuts off. "Minjeong is outside the terrace. Go talk to her before I shred you alive."


Jimin didn't need to be told twice before she excused herself in a hurry.

After squeezing herself through the crowd, she finally reached the door to the terrace. She don't even need to open the door to know that the figure she's seeing through the glass door is the woman she's been dying to see.

Taking a deep breath, the raven-haired swung the door open.

The creaking noise from the door and a second of the crowd on the other side getting louder was enough for the blonde to know that someone's with her.

Before she could turn her head around to find out who it was, a very familiar voice beats her to it.

"You look lonely."

That voice. The soft and raspy voice that only reminds her of a certain raven-haired.

She almost forgot how Jimin's voice sound like.

Without wasting another second, Minjeong turned around to confirm if she wasn't just hearing things. And god, when she saw Jimin standing a couple of steps away from her with a smile on her face. All of Minjeong's pent up frustrations almost went away in an instant.

"Jimin..." the blonde mumbles, still frozen on her spot.

"Hmm? Were you expecting someone else?" The older took the first step closer to Minjeong. She took a step after another until she was face to face with the blonde.

Jimin has no idea where this confidence is coming from when the whole day, all she could think about was avoiding this situation.

But now that Minjeong is on her reach once again, she can't help but feel like her college self. The stupidly in love over a certain blonde college-self.

"How are you?" Jimin asks, eyes on the blonde in front of her.

The stars gleaming above the midnight sky reflects through Minjeong's hazel orbs. It was captivating and warm, just like the sun she adores.

But today, it's not as bright as it used to be.

Minjeong gave her a timid smile before replying. "I'm doing good." she turns around, back facing Jimin. She can't let the latter see her face. The face of someone who's holding back to hug her tight.

"Congratulations. I saw your movie, it was so good." Jimin speaks from behind.

The blonde bites her lip to suppress another surge of emotions. How long can she keep this up?

Exhaling deeply, Minjeong replies, "How have you been?"

The question was left hanging on the air for a few more seconds. How have I been? Jimin thinks to herself. I have never been the same since I lost my mother and everyday, I missed you. Everyday. Even if I wasn't my usual self, I know deep inside me, I still miss you. "I'm fine. New York has been tough but I managed."

"Good. I was worried about you."

The following words stunned Jimin for a second. Honestly, the only reason why she was trying to avoid the blonde is the fact that she might be fuming mad right now. Jimin was thinking of the worst case scenarios so this turn of events is totally unexpected.

"Worried?" Jimin repeats the blonde's words.

"It must've been tough. I know you're strong but I still got worried. You only had Yeji with you there." Minjeong explains.

Jimin chuckles lightly at that, "Ah, yeah. It was bearable thanks to her."

When Minjeong finally turned around, she had a bright smile on her lips.

"Yeah. I'm glad you at least have her."

Jimin knew it was fake. Maybe it's the familiarity, the way she perfectly knows the way Minjeong smiles that one look is enough to identify whether it's genuine or not.

Her heart always clench when it's the latter.

"By the way, your movie—"



"Why did you come back?"

There it is. The million dollar question. Either the outcome would be for better or for worse. Minjeong would be lying if she said she's already lost hope. No matter how many times she tries to convince herself that it will be painful the more she holds on to it, a part of her still had faith on Jimin's promise.

The blonde sees the older cast her gaze on the ground with a small smile on her lips. "I don't know if you still remember it, but I promised that in three years, if things could finally go my way, I'd come back to you."

Minjeong swore she could cry after hearing those words escape Jimin's lips.

"Can things finally go your way?" the blonde asks with eyes full of hope.

It took a few more seconds before Jimin lifted her head to look at her but when their eyes finally met, Minjeong already figured the answer.

"Yeah. We can stop being the tragic pair from your movie now." the smile on Jimin's eyes and lips were bright. For she knew she was finally back to the universe she calls home.

"Let's stop being the sun and the moon, and just simply become each other's light, Min."


February 14, 2024.

The city of Seoul has always been busy during this time of the month. But inside Jimin and Minjeong's apartment, it was the opposite. The ray of sunlight beaming through the glass window blinded Jimin who was laying on the window side of the bed.

It took her a few more seconds to completely open her eyes. When she tried stretching her limbs, she feels a heavy weight on her arms.

She'll never get used to the feeling of sharing one bed with Minjeong. (she's not complaining though)

Turning her entire body sideways to get a clearer view of the blonde's face, Jimin took her time to admire every inch of Minjeong's god-like beauty. Her heart's starting to race. Seeing Minjeong always gives her the feeling of falling in love all over again. It makes her feel giddy and excited. She loves the feeling of being in love with Minjeong.

"You're staring." The blonde's raspy voice snapped the older out of her daydreams.

Jimin grins. "Because you're so pretty."

"You're still a loser like your college self." Minjeong laughs, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks which by the way, is obvious enough for Jimin to see.

Without saying another word, Jimin leaned closer to the blonde and plants a soft kiss on her forehead. "I love you, Minjeong."

There goes Minjeong's heat again.

"God I'll never get used to your romantic ass." the blonde laughs, but pulls Jimin's body close to her. "Happy valentine's day, loser." she whispers.

Jimin could already imagine how red her face is, "Happy valentine's day, my unromantic girlfriend." she jokes.

She feels a light bite on her neck. "I'm not unromantic." Minjeong argues, but the raven-haired only laughs.

"By the way, we have somewhere to go, we should get ready." Jimin shifts the topic.

Minjeong raises her head to look at her with twitched brows. "Where are we going? I thought you wanna spend valentine's at home?"

"I changed my mind."


"Just a few more steps, come on babe." Jimin held Minjeong's hand tightly as she led the way for them through the crowd.

The blonde has no idea where her girlfriend took her. When they reached the end of the bridge, Minjeong finally realized where they are.

"Don't tell me we're at the love locks." Minjeong mumbles.

Jimin could only grin.

"You're being a romantic loser again." the blonde remarks. Though the ear-to-ear smile on her lips says otherwise. She really feels happy whenever Jimin is being romantic.

"Don't be a party pooper, I even brought our own locks." Jimin shows an unopened pair of heart locks and a pen.

Minjeong laughs at the older's antics but still wrote her name on one of the locks.

"J+M4ever, there!" Jimin beams as soon as she was done writing hers. She took the blonde's lock and intertwines it with hers, then she finally puts it on the bridge filled with others' own locks.

Just by looking at Jimin getting all excited over the simplest things subconsciously plants a smile on Minjeong's lips. She feels really happy right now.

"See, you're smiling." Jimin's voice snapped the blonde out of her trance.

"I'm just happy to be with you."

The genuine words from Minjeong left the raven-haired speechless for a moment.

"Me too." Jimin manages to reply. "But just for the record, you sounded like a loser in love just now." she teases.

Minjeong didn't even bother arguing cause she agrees. She pulls the raven-haired close and leans in until they were breaths away. "Yeah, I'm a romantic loser just like you." Minjeong whispers.

The sudden proximity sent Jimin's mind in haywire. Her feline eyes could only look at the blonde's soft and plump lips.

She so want to kiss Minjeong right now.

But this is a public place.

Should I ask her first?

All of Jimin's thoughts were cut off when she feels a pair of lips gently pressing on her own. It was short—like a peck, but it lingers. It makes her want more.

"I love you, Jimin."

It was simple, it was only four words. But it meant more than an entire universe for the raven-haired. It's coming from Minjeong, the daunting academic prodigy that happened to tutor her in math and made her fall head over heels. It's Minjeong, who made her experience a tremendous heartbreak before graduating in college. It's Minjeong, the woman who returned her feelings even if it was already too late. It's Minjeong, who waited for her return.

It has always been Minjeong.

From then.


And forevermore.

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