Undefined (CoTE x Male Reader)

By Crandeline

42.9K 1.2K 345

Did this on a whim, it's also helpful as I can improve my writing skills while writing this. More

Chapter 1 - An Undefined Student.
Chapter 2 - All Kinds of People.
Chapter 3 - Class Scouting.
Chapter 4 - Countermeasures.
Chapter 5 - Abilities of the Undefined.
Chapter 6 - Afternoon For A Friend.
Chapter 6.1 (SS) - Monologue.
Chapter 7 - An Incompetent Leader.
Chapter 7.1 (SS) - A Rundown.
Chapter 7.2 - Another Friend.
Chapter 8 - Fruited Labors.
Chapter 8.1 - Ichinose's Trial.
Chapter 8.2 (SS) - Overcoming.
Chapter 9 - All According To Plan.
Chapter 9.1 (SS) - A Genius.
Chapter 9.2 - Friends.
Chapter 10 - Reflection.
Chapter 10.1 (SS) - Hypocrite.
Chapter 10.2 - Midterms.
Chapter 11 - (SS) Ichinose's Improvements
Chapter 11.1 - End of Midterms
Chapter 11.2 - Head First
(Present) Student Profiles: 1st Years
Chapter 12 - Ayanokōji Kiyotaka
Chapter 12.1 - Karuizawa Kei is a good friend

Chapter 6.2 - P.E Escapades.

1.2K 48 13
By Crandeline

"Reality isn't cruel, but the people who make it so."

Next Day

"Are you excited for later?" As I took a seat, Amikura immediately started a conversation.

"Later?" I repeated that word for her.

I didn't have the slightest bit of idea on what would happen later.

"It's Physical Education! Boys have been talking about it since they arrived-" She smirked. Eyeing the people she mentioned.

"Ah... Well, I guess they need some energy to let out too."

Exercising and doing any other physical labour is proved to be the most effective way of countering horniness. It's better for them to spend all those energy in P.E than in other things, speaking objectively.

"They? Sadi-kun, you're not excited?"

"I'm neither excited nor disinterested."

Amikura gave me a suspicious look, seriously doubting my words that held all the truth in the world.
It would've been a different story if there were other upperclasswomen with us. But alas, there is not.

"Ehhh... The guys are seriously hyped up though. They'll see Ichinose in the issued clothes, they said." She said in a exasperated tone, annoyed from the actions of our classmates.

"At least they have something to cheer on, wouldn't you agree?" I replied sarcastically.

Amikura just looked at me in a neutral face. (-_-)

I'm not in any way interested in the girls in my year. The other way around is the same, I doubt they'd have any interest in me. I heard high schoolers these days like "mature" boyfriends/girlfriends.

My case is a little bit different, a much simpler case perhaps. I'm not looking for a committed relationship, what I'm looking for from someone are things you could find in girlfriends, except the fact that there would be no love or the title of boyfriend and girlfriend involved in it. The shorter term would be friends with benefits, there's another that's a much graphic word, but you get the point.

"I noticed this only now that our classmates said it, but... You use the stairs right?" Keeping her eyes stuck on mine, Amikura started her question.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" I could guess what she was going to ask.

It's likely to be are you a sports kind of person?

Or something along those lines.
I also noticed some of my classmates looking at me in a funny way when they see me emerging from the staircase.

"Oh nothing, I can see why you're not really interested in Phys ED because you won't really have any issues with it." Amikura laughed at her own joke.

Was this her own way of complimenting me? How interesting.

"I mean, I tried all kinds of sports so you're right... In a way." I kept the details scarce, she would naturally feel the need to ask for more info.

Knowing her sort of happy going personality, they would want to know another person for all the good reasons. I would usually say this isn't good out in the real world, but the again... Who am I to judge?

I could lie through my teeth, or be as kind as them. Either way my whole personality highly depends on the circumstances. Sticking with one would get you readable in environments like this.

"In a way? Show me what you got then Sadi-kun! It's a shame that it's gender separated; I would love to play with just us friends in that time too."
She lamented that fact, cursing the heavens or so what it looks like.

Haha should I be pressured of what she said?

"We all could play after school, what's the issue with that?"

The only issue is that students would need to schedule their playtime with friends or other business because of schooldays, while I don't have problems with that myself, Amikura and other people of the same nature would have a hard time. They have too many friends for their own good.

"B-but! Don't you think that's too little time?!"

A tear flowed out of her left eye,
I mean you wouldn't have that problem if you limited your friend circle...

"I'm not sure how I'd help, heh."

I knew how to, that doesn't necessarily mean I would. They're already growing, I doubt they'd appreciate help from people of the same age.

Also, I just realized I failed to hide my mischievous laugh at the end. Now my friend here is glaring daggers at me.

"Now... Leaving that. What have you been up to lately? Your name's been the talk of the girls in our class."

I'm sure it took some of her mental capacity to leave that, haha.

Anyway, the phrasing of her question was a little weird. She said it as if she doesn't know why? The only thing that would be the reason for my name booming are my current academic scores, which Amikura should know by now.

"Uh, my test scores maybe?"

An overused, generic, boring, and bland main character would probably be blushing and have no absolute clue as to why he was getting talked about in his own class. Fortunately I'm not that bland, I haven't fallen so far down thankfully.

"Well yes, but apparently it's because of other classes talking about you." She adapted a thinking face.

Meh, it's probably just students from other class seeing me with their classmates and such. A safe bet to say is probably Class-C, I visited it two times now. Surely my name and face has been engraved inside the head of students there.

"Should I be embarrassed?"

Deadpan. What my face is showing right now. My name's getting talked about, Sadi Tōdo from Class-B is getting more and more reach.
I have to say it's going according to plan.

There was no plan formed for this matter.

"Good grief, you don't get flustered at all." Amikura sighed at her failed attempts? Not sure if she was trying to make me blush or anything, but she has to try harder.

"I know the reason for the talks though? Why should I be flustered for that? If anything, shouldn't I be proud?"

My behaviour for this matter was the only logical way of handling such a situation, do people like fame so much so that they'd fake a reaction?

"Eh? What's the reason for your sudden fame?" Amikura's eyes widened.

She looked to be dumbfounded hearing my reaction.

"Didn't you tell me to make some friends? It must be that. Since I made some on other classes very early on, there's naturally a first impression that I made."

This shouldn't come at a surprise to her or my classmates though?

My case was a little different but we both had similar goals of making friends in other classes. Your name popping up on a conversation in the said classes shouldn't be all that unnatural.

"Oh my. While I'd love to hear more of your calm comments, let's get going! You're going to get left behind by the boys, you know?"

She dragged my bored self out of my seat, hurriedly walking out of the room with all of our classmates.

"I guess we'll just use an unused room or something?"

"The school isn't that short on space to have students use something like that, Sadi-kun."

Hoshinomiya-sensei suddenly appeared behind me. Hitting my head with what looks like a list of the students.

After changing.

"Uh, so what will we do for P.E, Sensei?"

The class should more or less understand how she and I talk to each other. While Hoshinomiya-sensei's attitude and demeanor will have students lower their guard, there's naturally a barrier between respect and their positions that's keeping students at bay, had they ever gotten the idea of doing something stupid.

"Of course, warm-ups first. The activities will be gender separated, Soccer for the boys side and volleyball for the girls. Keep in mind that this was decided randomly, so complaining won't do anything~"

Despite her direct choice of words, Sensei still made sure her tone was as gentle as ever.

She had the class walk towards the field, I'm not sure why but, I walked with her on the very back side.

"Did you need me for something?"

I asked what's the need for this of course. I could speculate that she wants me to lead on the boys side for something I can't quite put my finger.

Or that, I'm overthinking and she just wants me to simply lead the boys.

"You check the boys accordingly for their athletic ability and have them play on which is best suited, keep in mind that having the most athletic play on one side wouldn't be good for the weak ones."

Well, what a surprise this is. Sensei seems to be taking our plan very seriously, even changing her attitude to a serious one.

I had thoughts similar to what she laid out for me, I haven't yet memorized the name of my classmates but I should do good.

"Rather than in the present time, are you checking their abilities to evaluate their worth for the future?"

Not just their athletic abilities, we would see who gave the most effort once the next Phys ED comes. This took a sudden dark and tight turn, is she thinking of culling out the students that had the least contribution?

"It's good to see you're fast on the uptake. I should know the skills of each student by now so there was no need for you to check them directly and only need my word, normally that is. This school isn't all about academics you know? It also isn't all about physical either, so to ensure your safety you need to have a mix of both. Those with the lowest contribution would unfortunately, need to leave."

As much as I love my students, that's the current situation.

She said the last parts under her breath. Hoshinomiya-sensei had no hints of joking nor teasing me about this matter, it's another one of her test for the students. Maybe she wanted to test me too, wanting to see my reaction on expulsion and all that.

"That's the hard truth about this school, I suppose? The students need a boost of some kind. No matter how it's done."

I started to speak in a way similar to hers. Looking at my classmates not as an equal, but as their individual worth.

"Now get to work and here's the list of the boys-"

She pulled something out of a holy place, I had my back turned on my classmates unconsciously so I covered her doing something which might get Sensei in trouble.

"I'll ignore where you got this..."

With my fingers twitching, I grabbed the list out of Sensei's hand. To hell with horniness.

"Fufufu, is Sadi-kun getting all excited by an old woman such as myself?"

"So you do admit you're ol--"

Ack. Her smile was that of a devil's, smacking me using the clipboard with unexplainable strength.

"I'll get going now..."

Scratching my head due to the pain,
I went to guide the boys on what to do.

Sensei apparently was in charge of the girls, huh. Wish we could switch places right now.

Sensei would have a easier time dealing with these guys than me.

"Oi, stop horsing around and get in line... Uh Sensei left me in charge."

With my calls followed by an awkward silence, they all stood in line.

"If I may ask, why are you in charge, Tōdo-kun?" Four-eyes which name I forgot peeked his head out of the crowd and proceeded to unknowingly shame all the boys along with him.

"Well, you'll see after we're done with the warm-ups. Go get a pair to help you stretch you all!" I yelled out to the guys on the back.


A fellow classmate of them seems to be lacking in their eyes, I guess I'll show them why I'm the one leading.

Without any delay, they started to get pairs. Kanzaki paired with Shibata unsurprisingly.

Some guys here and there, I seriously need to remember their names.

"That all?" I looked over in front of them, and everyone thankfully got their own pairs.

They all took turns into stretching and pushing their partner's back to help it crack. Some were fooling around but nothing too serious.

"What about you, Sadi?" Kanzaki stood up from the ground and asked.

I guess they're confused seeing me just speaking infront. Also wasn't there some form of familiarity with his tone? I'm glad either way.

"...?" With a frown on my face, I did a normal pistol squat.

Putting the list inside my pocket simultaneously.

"We're playing soccer, so you'd need to warm up your lower body accordingly- it isn't much but this is a great display of leg strength."

I jumped up on one foot then landed with both. I refused to look on the side, seeing the girls watching on the side of the gymnasium. Are they still getting the keys?

"....." Kanzaki couldn't come up with a response.

Some of them were in awe, I'm sure they're all at least average in terms of sports, but lack real training in some parts.

"It's not that amazing, with some time you all could do it." Just be careful not to snap your ankle.

"Even if you say that... You didn't look to have any kind of difficulties..." Sō spoke up on behalf of all the boys.

"Let's leave it at that. Warm-up session is over, get in line and I'll call the first players. This is a sudden death so the first team to score wins." I made up the latter rules on my own terms, Sensei didn't give me any other specific orders so I suppose she really left this side to me.

I need to make sure everyone at least has some pressure to take care of, hence the one score rule.

"Then what about Shibata-san? It would be unfair since he's good at soccer." A random classmate of mine complained? I guess that was reasonable.

Hmm... This is a problem.

"We play with 10 players in each team, let's play a warm-up match first, when I call you come in front. The first name is on the left side, the second on the right side. So on so forth." I called the first player on the team.

Then the second, up until everyone was called. I picked myself to be on the opposing team against Sō to give some of my classmates hope.

Sō plays daily so I'm at a disadvantage, while I'm decent at it,
I can't hold a candle to a natural.

I would need to gap the hole in my soccer skills with others. Is this my first deceit to perform on my classmates?

Just before our friendly match started, Hoshinomiya-sensei gave the players good luck, while asking me what I found out so far. We got to a little bit of distance away from others to talk privately.

"I've gotten a general idea of which is lowest and the highest. After the soccer match ends, we'll more or less be able to pinpoint the weakest. Don't worry though, no one really fell below average in our side." Not sure on the girl's side though.

I explained what I had gotten so far, walking back on the field we were going to play on.

"Shibata is unsurprisingly the best bet for now, eh." Sensei smirked.

"For sports like this, then yeah." Considering Sō's soccer prowess I expect him to be above average in physical things.

Either he's B+ or A.

"You purposely made him your opponent. Are you pulling another stunt of yours?"

Let me in on it too! Sensei's eyes screamed such things to me. She could choose to be involved or not, it's really up to her.

"I don't know... Maybe you delay and have a portion of the girls watch the match?" I said in a significantly lower volume, seeing that there were other classmates on the field already.

I'll do just that! Sensei ran back to the girls excitedly, her well endowed chest shook. It surely awakened something inside the boys who were watching.

"Let's do this." The eyes of my classmates glowed red, absolutely intent on winning this.

Look at what you did Sensei! Just you running made them like beasts!

"Good luck to you, Sadi-san."

Sō spoke in a strangely formal manner, he's taking this warm up match seriously huh?

"Same for you and Kanzaki." Rather than deciding on a coin-toss, the ball was immediately ours.

If Sō, a member of the soccer club were to be on the enemy team, its only natural for there to be a handicap of some kind for us.

As I walked in line for the start of the match, I advised one of my ally to kick the ball really hard towards the enemy goal. As if shooting for a goal from the middle of the field.

He was weirded out but understood what I wanted to do. As long as Sō is not the one to catch the ball, I'm sure to steal it. If no one expected that and the ball aimlessly wandered, I was confident in getting to it.

If the kick is well done, some of the positioned players will need time on catching up to it, with a stroke of luck I might be able to snatch the ball right to their faces. I'll need to take care of the goalkeeper though.

As soon as I got to my position on the farthest left, the guy I instructed kicked the ball with all his strength.

"That's a really bad kick!" I screamed on the top of my lungs, my other teammates were bewildered, so I was the first one to catch up to the ball.

Seriously though, why'd he have to kick it straight to Sō of all people?

Well, thankfully it passed by him since the kick was more powerful than expected.

New to soccer maybe? Anyway, I ran the fastest I could. The ball was to land tens of meters away from me to the midfielder.

I ran against the wind and passed through the first person, which happened to be four eyes. He's slower than the others right?

The ball landed and was catched a little sloppily by the dude in the middle. He was so focused on the ball he didn't notice my figure running in front of him.

"Thanks for that." I hid my laugh. And slid down the ground for a steal.

I was basically using all of my stamina for a risky steal and score. If this fails then we're fucked.

"Here!" My teammate that surprisingly catched up to me yelled for a pass.

Was his name Ryōta or something?

"Look behind you-" I slowed down on my pace and held off on passing.

Sō was already behind him planning for a steal.

Some of the defenders got into position to block me, few of them were catching their breaths and slowly reaching my position.

I was in quite a bad position, Ryōta, the only teammate that was the closest from me is being guarded by Sō, the others were still busy catching up.

Kanzaki was coincidentally their goalkeeper for some kind of reason,
I expected him to be a striker considering I've heard word that he had above average physical abilities.

I picked up on my pace and barely passed the first line to the goal, four eyes almost got me caught for a moment.

It's only Kanzaki and me now.

"Even if this is a warm up match, I won't let you score." Kanzaki made a bold declaration as he took on a defensive stance, leaning forward with both his hands on front.

I momentarily stopped to get his attention, sorry Ichinose, be a great sacrifice for me.

"I heard Ichinose and the other girls are changing there-" I mustered up some strength on my lower body as I pointed to a random direction.

It seemed to be successful, Kanzaki seriously looked towards there with a very worried face. Glad that my plan had worked very well, I kicked for the goal with moderate striking power.


I plopped down the ground, catching my breath after that rushed score. Of course, I doubt I'd be able to score like that in the next match, but I still scored.

"That was quite underhanded Sadi..." Kanzaki threw the ball towards my head. I dodged it barely by just lying down the ground.

"You seriously fell for it....?" I could only muster a tired voice in response.


"Nice play man!" Sō ran over and interrupted in happy spirits despite the loss on the warm up match.


I'm not sure how I'd play in the next match, hopefully my teammates can score a goal without me, for now I want to catch my breath.

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