The Bone Philosopher

By PaperMars

48.8K 4.3K 1.6K

There is no politician above him. There is no authority to end him. There will never be a man with a status h... More

The Bone Philosopher
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven

Chapter Twenty-four

1.5K 156 81
By PaperMars

at this point i just enjoy tormenting Uri  

everything that can go wrong goes wrong for her but writing it just feels so right

Chapter Twenty-four

I found Virtus unfortunately conversing with Chelsea's father. Mr. Scott is talking about something, while Virtus's expression is concrete. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was absolutely miserable.

I hope he doesn't take it out on me.

I walk over to them, and Virtus sees me immediately. His eyes fall from my face to my neck, where my tie hung loosely around my shoulders. I attempted to tie it, but it clearly didn't work.

His eyes narrow, as if he's wondering why my tie got to the state it was in, and I didn't have guts to ask him to tie it, especially when Mr. Scott was here.

"Ah yes, the intern!" Mr. Scott grins at me, "What's your name? Ollie?"

"Uri." I correct him, and he places his hand on my shoulder, 

"Right, right, Uri." He gives a small laugh, "I hope my new son-in-law has been treating you well?"

"Very well sir." I respond, though I wouldn't call that the complete truth. I didn't fail to notice how possessive her worded his statement. As if he were the authority to punish Virtus when he does wrong. Does he really think, by marrying off his daughter to the Bone Cutter, he would have complete control over him?

I don't think Virtus missed it either.

"Good! I do hope to see more of you, Uri. I quite like your look." 

I fake a smile, "Thank you, sir."

"Excuse us." Virtus interrupts, "There is something we must attend to." Virtus gives Mr. Scott no time to dismiss us, as he walks away, and I quickly follow him. 

We move past several guests, all of them wearing very expensive clothing, and grinning ear to ear when Virtus passes them.

Then, he moves behind a large decorative statue, several large pots of tall plants surrounded it, giving us a bit of privacy from the rest of the guests.

"Where the hell were you?" He hisses, grabbing my tie, and tying it without me even asking. 

"It's a long story." I admit, "I couldn't find you."

"Do I want to know why you look like you've been crying?" 

I blink several times, and try to sound offended, "I have not." Lie.

He didn't believe me, "Your eyes are red, intern."

Intern. "My name is Uri." The words slip out of my mouth so fast I couldn't catch them. There is no reason as to why he shouldn't refer to me by my work status, and yet, after last night, it just felt wrong.

He stares at me, and I see him calculating the meaning of what I just said.

I suddenly wished the world around me would vanish, and I'd cease to exist.

Something changes in his expression, but I couldn't make it out. He's been staring at me all day like a hunter ready to kill for sport. It had scared me enough to be half-convinced he hates me again.

The hatred was still there. I could see it in his eyes. "Do you really think you are special? I'll call you whatever I want to call you." 

His words don't hurt me, because I can only perceive them as a lie. 

Yes, in someway, somehow, I am special. From the way he acted last night, I'm certain I'm the only intern he's ever kissed.

Chelsea's words echo in my head. "She's a special toy, for special boys."

She had mentioned he had a severe fear of being alone, and yet, there have to be hundreds, perhaps even thousands of people here today, so why had he still been worried about me not being around?

I can almost hear Chelsea laugh at me, her tone cruel and mocking, "Because you're his special toy, don't you get it?"

I frown. Why should I show him I care? He was married anyway. "You're right. Sorry."

This clearly surprises him, as if he didn't just expect me to put up a fight, he wanted me to.

"We should go, before someone thinks something is happening between us." I stare at him directly, and I watch his jaw clench. 

I'm being petty, and we both know it. I was pretending as if it's entirely his fault he kissed me last night, that I was definitely not the homosexual, he was.

Let him stew on that.

His voice is no hotter than ice. "You're right. I wouldn't want them thinking I'd lower my standards for someone like you anyway."

"Exactly. You have Chelsea, and she adores you doesn't she?"

I'm being a bitch. I'm rubbing salt in his wounds, and I know it. Funny how bold one gets after being assaulted.

The truth was, I would gladly make out with him right here. In fact, if he asked me to, I would have stepped on stage in front of the crowd and cameras, and kissed him then. I don't care what the people think.

Well, maybe I do care about my parents, but they'd forgive me once they find out how rich Virtus really is.

"Besides," I continue because at this point I'm angry, my body still feels shaken from my encounter with Alan, and I just want to go to sleep, "I'm nothing but your dog anyway."

Something seemed to click, as if he just figured something out, the anger in his eyes seemed to lighten a fraction, "What the fuck happened to you? Something happened."

Oops. "Nothing happened."

"There's no reason your tie should have come off."

"I took it off."

"You just told me it fell off."

"I took it off and it fell off."

"Did someone touch you?"

If he didn't shut up right now, I was going to cry again. I could already feel the panic reminding me of the horrific moment I just endured, "No."

His eyes narrowed, "You're lying." He's saying it like he's accusing me, to which he'd be right.

"Virtus, please, this is ridiculous." I try to walk away but he grabs my arm, pulling me back behind the statue.

Both his hands were holding my arms, his face inches from mine, nothing but determination on his face, "Who touched you, Uri?"

Done with this, I grab his shirt in fists, and say, "Enough." I shove him away as hard as I could, and because he's a lot stronger than me, he doesn't fall, back, in fact, he barely staggers. 

Still, it was enough to get my point across. 

He said nothing, but I know he was thinking about it. He was a professional at holding a grudge, and though he didn't know who violated me, I was certain he wasn't going to stop until he found out just who touched his toy.

Stupid man.

We return to the reception area, as all sorts of people of all sorts of nationalities congratulated Virtus and Chelsea, who was wearing a completely different dress now, on their marriage.

I stood to the side of Virtus for the entire event, and the burning stare of the cameras was almost hot enough to melt under. It wasn't the millions upon millions of people watching us through their televisions that worried me. It was the three sets of eyes that I knew were watching. My mother, my father, and my brother Yoel.

I should probably try to call them again, it's been well over a month.

Several reporters attempted to get a quote from the newly wed couple, but the sheer force of security in the plaza hastily made them back away.

I wondered how it was possible to get used to such publicity. Virtus and Chelsea both acted as if it were just another day. I was doing everything I could to not pass out from the pressure.

What were my parents thinking right now? Surely they recognized me. I tried not to look directly into the cameras, but it was useless. Cameras were all around us, and Virtus was the icon, I was the accessory. If they saw him, they saw me.

When the party soon began to close, I followed Virtus out a back exit through some flower gardens. 

Several body guards accompanied us, and I found it weird the Chelsea went her own way.

"Why isn't Chelsea coming with us?" I asked, but Virtus ignored me.

Ok, fine. 

We approach a car parked far form the venue, and get in. I blink at Virtus, who was refusing to acknowledge me. I think about how odd it is for a man like him to be so terrified to be by himself. Even to shower?

I know nothing about psychology, or the study of the human mind, but surely there's a reason right?

Chelsea had joked he may have had a bad childhood, but with a father like Alan, I didn't think it was a joke.

I've never met Virtus's mother, but the way he and Alan had talked about her, she clearly was not on their good side.

I lean back in my seat, realizing just how little I know about the man I've been glued to for over a month.

A fear of being alone -it was almost absurd. 

He kills people for a living. What is there to be afraid of? He's the one people fear when going to bed at night.

His own father seems to be afraid of him. Not only him, but Chelsea too. Alan was weak when it came to those who has a higher status than he, which makes me his potential target.

I'm glad he didn't show up the whole night. Chelsea must have scared him off.

We return to Virtus's home, where security was tripled due to all the publicity of the wedding. Men from all sorts of military backgrounds surrounded the home, but Virtus acted like they weren't even there.

We walked right into the mansion, like he didn't just get married, and he wasn't a man the whole world had been watching for the majority of the day.

As soon as the front door shut, I felt a weight lift from my shoulders, and when he glanced back at me, ten more weights were put on.

"We aren't finished with that conversation from earlier."

Of course that'd be the first thing out of his mouth when we are alone. "Funny." I say pretending like he wasn't making me anxious, "I could have sworn we were. Besides, why should I tell you anything, when you never tell me anything?"

His eyes narrow, "That isn't the same thing."

I ignore him, "You can start by telling me why Chelsea isn't here tonight."

He frowns, "Why do you care if Chelsea is here or not?"

"Perhaps because my cousin was killed on her wedding night?

He isn't ashamed enough to feign offense, "You think I'm going to kill her?"

"Of course not." I snap, "But how am I to know she's safe if you don't tell me shit?"

He pauses, as if wanting to say so much more, but instead limits himself to, "She's fine, she's at her own place, doing whatever it is Chelsea fucking Scott does." He turns away from me, "Does that suffice, Intern, or should I also mention how many men she's going to fuck while away from me?" He begins to move up the stairs, and stops, "Or maybe you want to know how many women I'm going to fuck just to quench your curiosity."

I begrudgingly follow him up the stairs, I feel like digging at him, just because I deserve it after today. When we get to the bedroom, he pulls off the crimson red jacket to his suit. The expensive clothing falling to the floor like it was worthless to him. I wanted to pick it up, and brush it off. "Why should I care how many women you're going to fuck, Virtus? When we both know you prefer a different type."

He stills, and I immediately regretted the words. Once again I went way too far. I should have just kept my mouth shut.

He slowly walks towards me, and out of self-defense, I take several steps back until I hit the back of the door. My heart was pounding. I didn't just go too far, I may have sent him over the edge.

"Uri." His voice is cool, and that terrified me.

"Y-Yes?" My voice was weak. I am nothing but a mere mouse to him.

He suddenly grabs a knife, the same one used to cut his palm and Chelsea's, and slams the blade into the door, not more than an inch away from my head.

I bite my lip to keep from screaming. 

He leans over and hisses in my ear, "Give me a reason not to fucking gut you right here."

My mind whirls, "I don't have a reason." Tears once again fill my eyes, and it makes me angry that all I've done today is argue and cry. I feel less like a man in this moment than I would if I wore a dress and put on lipstick. 

He pulls the knife from the door, and presses it against my neck, "I'm really trying to stay calm, Uri."

He's taunting me. I don't know what to say to calm him down so I tell the truth, "I wish I didn't push you away last night."

He stares at me, and I can't figure out what he's thinking. The knife is still pressed tightly against my throat when he says, "Why did you?"

A tear escapes down my cheek, "You would hate me if I had let you continue."

He slowly, very, very slowly, shook his head, "I don't think I would."

I try to lighten the mood with a very unfunny remark, "I call you gay once and you threaten to kill me."

He's not amused, "I'm not gay."

This time, I let out a shaky laugh, "You might be right." He has no idea how right he is. "You don't know me at all, Virtus."

"No." He pressed the knife even harder against my throat. If I moved even slightly, I'd be cut. It was not helping my unease. "You're right, I don't." His other hand travels to my chin, lifting my face up. 

My eyes are glued to his lips. I've never wanted anything more in my life.

He notices this, and for the first time in a long time, there's a small grin on his face. The blade never leaves my neck. "Should I slice you?"


"Should I stab you?" He removes the blade finally, and trails the tip of it down my throat, my chest, to my abdomen. "Here?"

His body was so close to mine.

"No." I whisper, so captivated to the small proximity of our bodies. "Virtus I don't-"

The knife is suddenly back at my neck, "I don't care." The sharp edge pressing against my skin yet again. "I don't want to hear whatever you have to say."

I swallow hard, "You never do."

His grin is wider now, as he leans down and brushes his lips against my neck. I go still, fighting the urge to grab him by the collar and forcing his lips on mine. "You talk too much, intern."

"No no no." I can't pull away from him, the blade was tight on my neck, "Please Virtus, you don't understand."

"Fuck, Uri." He suddenly shoves away from me, running a hand through his hair, he turns back to me, "Tell me what it is that I don't understand!"

I wince, "I can't!"

"Why? Tell me why."

"Why won't you tell me why I'm here in the first place? Why do I have to follow you around wherever you go? Why did my cousin have to die?"

He doesn't respond, and I don't push it. I knew I wouldn't get an answer anyway.

For the rest of the night, he didn't say a word to me, and I decided that was for the best. Had he continued kissing my neck I would have succumbed, and unfortunately, completely give in.

I knew I couldn't let him touch me again. It was getting harder and harder to stop him, and to stop myself.

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