Book 1: Bound by darkness Nar...

sakuramatchadesu által

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Adopted by chim_komorebi [Discalimer- Naruto belongs to Kishimoto] What if there was another girl onTeam 7... Több

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Konoha
Chapter 3 First day
Chapter 4 Graduation day
Uzumaki-Uchiha Aoi profile
Chapter 5 Teams!
Chapter 6 pass or fail?!
Chapter 7 Jouney to the land of waves
Chapter 8 Zabuza!
Chapter 9 Tree climbing
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 The battle on the bridge
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 The Sand siblings
Chapter 16 The Chunnin Exams
Chapter 18 The Forest of Death part 1
Chapter 19 The Forest of Death part 2
Chapter 20 The Sound Ninja
This story will be adopted by chim_komorebi

Chapter 17 First Exam

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sakuramatchadesu által

Chatper 17 First Exam

Getting ready, Aoi checked she had everything with her, then she headed to the academy to meet her team mates. 

As she got there, she saw Sasuke already there but the other not yet arrived. 

"Good morning Sasuke." She smiled and gaves him a hug which he returrned.

"Are you ready for the chunnin Exams?" 

She only smirked at this "More than ever, it's so exciting! I mean we can learn new things, have a chance to become chunnin, meet other people from other villages and-" at this her eyes sparkled with happiness and Sasuke just abruptly stopped her from rambling on with an unexpected kiss. 

At this gesture she was startled and stared blushing a bit since they were in public, and Sasuke just smirked back at her "you talk too"

Then she just hit him lightly over the head, "you could have just said it instead ya know?"

"admit you liked it." he teased her, she just stared at him in the face and pouted at him and mumbled something under her breath. 

After, Naruto arrived and then shortly after they waitedfor their last team mate and then after a moment Sakura arrived .

"Hey Sakura! you're finally here! It's not like you to be late."

"I just had alot on my mind."

Aoi and Sasuke justed look at each, knowing they had the same idea in mind and nodded.

"Let's go! The Chunnin Exams await us!"

Team 7 now is ready and headed to the academy.


As they arrived, they saw a girl being hit by two people who looked familiar.

"You're trying to take the chunnin exams with that kind of level?!" Kotetsu questioned them.

"you're just kids, theres no way you'll pass the exams."

"Please let us through." the girl pleaded them and her other team mate was knocked to the ground.

"That's so cruel." a few people whispered among themselves.

"What? we're only advising you here.The chunnin exams are difficult and we've seen people who give up or get injured from them, it's best to not enter ." Izumo said smugly.

"If thats all you have to say, I would like to go to the third floor, and whilst doing that take off the genjutsu its so obvious." Sasuke's voice brought everyone out of their thoughts and sauntered towards them.

Aoi gazed ahead and silently agreed with him.

Then she spoke up again "Go on Sakura, tell them, you analysation skills are the best on our team." and then smiled at her.

"I am?" sakura said confusedly "of course, this is only the 2nd floor."

"tch...thats one thing with noticing this...lets see how you like this!" Then Kotetsu dispelled the genjutsu and about to land a kick on Sasuke, he began to counter it but is blocked by a green flash in between them.

A boy with a black bowl cut hairstyle was stood in between stopping them.

"Lee! i thought we agreed to not show our skill level!" A boy with long brown hair and lilac eyes hissed at his team mate. 

The other girl just looked at him and replied "well she must be why..." 

Lee blushed deeply and looked towards Aoi, "My name is Rock Lee, my fair maiden you are Aoi are you not?"

She merely blinked at him once. Twice. Thrice.Then nodded slowly.

"Please be my girlfriend! I will protect you with my life!" he declared.

"umm thats nice and all but I already have a boyfriend..." she trailed off awkwardly.

Sasuke then pulled her back towards him and muttered "Damn right you do.." sounding slightly annoyed that somone straight out asked her , his girlfriend to be theirs. 

Then Lee just looked depressed but then asked sakura.

"well then how about you? you are sakura-san right?" he then faced her.

"No way... you're way too unique for my tastes....." and slowly stepped away.

"Hey! you there! you're this year's number one rookie, identify yourself." the long brown haired boy demanded to sasuke.

"It's common curtesy to introduce yourself before asking for others names." Sasuke explained wittingly to him, who in return glared back at him.

Aoi just sighed at the rivalry and then stepped in "Sasuke don't start a fight already...hey, sorry for my team mate's rudeness.. this is Uchiha Sasuke and I am Uzumaki Aoi, what is your name?" she said and smiled.

He just stares back and replies "Hyuuga Neji, nice to meet you."

Sakura then exclaimed"guys lets go!" and took their hands dragging them away.

Izumo and Kotetsu transformed back and stared at the receding backs of Team 7.

"So those are Kakashi's students eh? looks like this year's chunnin exams will be interesting, they passed this test alright..." Izumo said and Kotetsu just smirked along agreeing with him.


"Hey! You there with the attitude!" Lee exclaimed loudly and pointed to Sasuke.

They all turned around and stared at him,"What do you want?"

"I want to fight you!"

"You want to fight me? right here right now?" sasuke questioned looking interested.

"er.. guys i don't think this is a good idea, and its almost time, or we're just going to end up being Kakashi late.....well i guess thats what they say like teacher like student..." Aoi then just sweat dropped.

"I want to test myself against an Uchiha." Lee looked determined in challenging sasuke.

" you know my name and clan and yet you still want to fight me? well i'll show you." Sasuke smirked his cocky smirk at him seemingly confident and then said"i've been wanting to try this out."

He then closed his eyes and activated his sharingan.

Sakura gasped at this revelation, while Aoi just kept staring and thinking how this was a bad idea. 'this won't end well...'

At the same time, Lee was sending hearts to Sakura "oh sakura! you are an angel!" and as she dodged those hearts for her life, Aoi sweat dropped at this but also could not help from snickering slightly, it was quite an amusing moment actually.

Then as Lee started running towards Sasuke, but Naruto barged in and agrued that he wanted to fight Lee since its always Sasuke, but was knocked into the wall.

Aoi just facepalmed at this scene in front of her.

"Sasuke, i don't think this is such a good idea..." she faced sasuke but he just smirked at her , without even saying anything she understood exactly what he wanted to say with that smug look.

Then as Sasuke realized he was too slow to counter Lee's fast moves, it was too late, he kicked Sasuke in the air, and Lee appeared behind him, but then suddenly a pin wheel hit his bandages and so Sasuke fell back, but Aoi prepared for this, ran and caught him, her hands already lit up in green medical ninjutsu. "Are you okay Sasuke?" she asked with worried eyes.

Sasuke but looked frustrated at being beat by Lee. He trembled in anger and annoyance at not being strong enough.

"Lee! that is a forbidden move!" exclaimed a turtle.

"You were watching? I'm sorry, i got carried away" 

Then they started shouting about youth and running and many other things...

Team 7's eyes started twitching at the sunset scene.. Sasuke thought ' i can't believe i lost to that weirdo...'

They slowly backed away. "hey! you are Kakashi's students right?"

They nodded and asked "you know Kakashi?"

"i know him of course! he is my eternal rival and i'm stronger than him." Gai said to them to which they looked in disbelief and shock.

After a few more exchange of words, they left leaving Team 7 to ponder about the chunnin exams. "The chunnin exams are going to be interesting." Sasuke said and smirked, whilst everyone just returns it and ,then Sakura and Aoi grabbed their hands and they all commenced the walk there.

"Let's go meet Kakashi-sensei before we're too late to register." 


Aoi's POV 

We finally arrived to Room 301, and this time it's the real one, we saw Kakashi there.

"Glad you've all made it, especially you Sakura, now i can officially register you all." He praised seemingly proud and eye smiling at us.

"What do you mean sensei?"

I spoke up for them, explaining "well to enter the chunnin exams, we all had to agree to take them otherwise we couldn't enter because we have to be in a team to participate."

"Correct. It's as Aoi have said,if one of you in this case, Sakura, if i'd had told you guys earlier about this, no doubt Sakura would have felt pressured by Sasuke or Naruto and wouldn't have entered on her own accord. But seeing as you're all here, I'm proud of you all. I couldn't have asked for a better team. Good luck."

We all then just smiled at him and now we pushed the door open and entered.

Walking inside, there was a vast amount of people, seeing team from Sunagakure from before. Everyone looked tense and serious, the atmosphere was so thick, you could cut it in half with a knife.

Then suddenly "SASUKE! Where have you been?!" A blonde haired girl jumps on Sasuke, it was no other than Yamanaka Ino.

At this moment, Sasuke sent me a pleading look for help, but i think i rathered stay in one piece i sent him a 'sorry can't help you' smile to which he glared at me for and then sent me knowing look that i could decipher as 'I'll get you back, just watch'.

Sakura stepped up, looking enraged at Ino, "Get off Sasuke-kun!" Ino pig!" Ino then just smiled as if she'd won at her and said "Hello Sakura, didn't know they'd let you in with that big forehead of yours." 

"What did you say?!"

Then Shikamaru decided to butt in with "What a drag, why do i have to participate?" 

"Well, if it isn't the three stooges!" Kiba sauntered over confidently with his team mates right next to him.

"The whole gang's back together." When they approached us, Kiba says "Theres no way you're gonna beat us."

"Hey! we've trained hard too! don't you mean you won't beat us!" Naruto retorts back.

Then i suddenly felt a presence coming towards us, i looked back seeing a grey haird boy with glasses in purple gears.

"I think you guys should tone it down a little, you're attracting all the attention, it's not a school field trip here." This boy came and told us.

"why should we listen to you? Who the hell are you anyway?" Ino questioned him.

The boy then simply smiled and looked over to us, but his stare lingered abit on me, somehow i felt like this guy was bad news, there's something off about him, i couldn't place my finger on it but ...

He then pushed his glasses up and introduced "Names Kabuto, thought i might give you rookies some advice, you see those Amegakure ninjas, aren't too pleasant here. Everyone's waiting for the exams to start and they're getting irritated by your noisiness. Here let me share some ninja intel for you guys."

"Have you done the chunnin exams before?"

"It's my seventh time."

"Whooa! that means you have alot of experience right?!" Naruto exclaimed happily and excitedly at his response.

Whilst i just narrowed my eyes, how could he fail so many times? i knew there was something off with him. They then all looked at him placing chakra within the cards and showing the stats of Gaara and Rock Lee. This was highly suspicious...i mean he had failed so many ties and also he had intel on certain people.

I tensed and stepped back, away from him, his presence made me feel uneasy. Sasuke noticed this, questioned worriedly "Are you okay?"

I could clearly see the worry swarming in his eyes, but i didn't want to worry him too much so i replied with "yeah...but theres just something off with this Kabuto guy..." 

Then, all of a sudden, these sound ninjas came forward and attacked Kabuto, he dodged successfully but fell down and his ears began bleeding. Everyone looked confused as he clearly dodged the attack, and then they all discussed something about Kabuto offending their village.

A tall guy then entered the room, who looked like the proctor for this first exam, "Okay you baby faced degenerates! No fighting in here sound ninjas unless you want to be disqualified. Got that?"

This guy....he looked familiar...Thats it! Morino Ibiki , he's the head of the T&I for Konoha.

We then all collected a number and then sat down, next to me there was a grass ninja with long black hair, and the other was a rain ninja.

"Rule number 1, each of you begin with 10 points. This test has 10 questions and each is worth a point, for every answer you score incorrectly, you lose a point. Rule number 2, this test is scored as a team, so passing or failing depends on your score as a team." Me , sasuke and sakura just glanced at each other all thinking about the same thing 'Naruto!' Oh kami...this is written paper, i surely hope Naruto at least scores one question correctly or we're doomed.'

"Rule number 3, if you cheat, then we deduct a point, cheat 5 times then you're out! as well as your team! Now show us what first rate shinobi you are! Starting from now you have one hour."

Everyone then turned over their sheets, i looked at the first question, then second then third...these..these are all chunin above questions! There's no way anyone can answer these questions! wait...he repeated about cheating so many times but then never forbid it. I see. Thats some crazy reversed psychology there, the main aim to this test was to cheat! This was a test to see our skills on intel gathering, of course on a mission we can't fail or there could be casualties.

Now lets see, I whispered under my breath "Sharingan!" Staring at a candidate in front, i copied his answers quickly and effectively. 

Suddenly, as i placed my pencil down, the grass ninja next to me whispered "What an interesting skill you have there, Konoha seems to have such interesting shinobi with such skill." she smiled might i say creepily which gave a shiver down my spine.

I didn't know why, but her mere presence was unsettling...what is with these candidates this year! 

I wasn't sure how to reply to that, i deactivated my sharingan and then nodded to her.

"Times up! now i will give you the last question. But before that, you have to choose whether you will answer it or not, if you reject it then you are disqualified, however if you answer incorrectly, then you can never take the chunnin exams ever again. "

At this point, murmurs were heard throughout the room.

"you can't be serious!"

"Just your luck, this year i'm the proctor and I make the rules, got that?" everyone then looks uncertain and a quarter of the class backs out.

Right now i saw Naruto about to raise his hand, i looedk at Sasuke in panic, but he returned it too, but Naruto slammed it on the desk .

"Don't underestimate me! I don't run or quit! I'll take this question. I will still become Hokage even if i stay a genin my whole life, I won't give up, I never go back on my word! Because thats my ninja way!" Everyone then looked startled at Naruto's outburst, i smiled at him while sasuke just smirked. Well that was interesting, it seems Naruto has given hope to the remaining participants.

"I'll say this again, this could affect your whole career as a shinobi." He repeated.

As no one else backed out, he smirked at us "Well done, you have passed the first exam."

Everyone's faces was shocked by this, even i was slightly surprised although i kind of suspected as such, he is the head of T&I but nonetheless i'm glad we passed

As I walked towards the door, i pass the same grass ninja, who continued to stare at me with a smile that gave me the chills, after the second proctor crashed through the window. 

I had a bad feeling about this. A real bad feeling. We then headed to the next place the exams would be held.


Sorry for the wait guys! T-T here is your long awaited chapter! omg theres going to be more action next up! >< although i'm not the best at writing fight scenes T-T for that i deeply apologize! Well here it is, enjoy! ^^ Don't forget to vote, comment and follow~ :3

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