Life In Smallville {2}

By HeavensTree01

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After Whitney left to join the Marines, Liana is struggling with deciding if she wants to tell Whitney or not... More

Character Description
Chapter 1: Vortex
Chapter 2: Heat
Chapter 3: Duplicity
Chapter 4: Red
Chapter 5: Nocturne
Chapter 6: Redux
Chapter 7: Lineage
Chapter 8: Ryan
Chapter 10: Skinwalkers
Chapter 11: Visage
Chapter 12: Insurgence
Chapter 13: Suspect
Chapter 14: Rush
Chapter 15: Prodigal
Chapter 16: Fever
Chapter 17: Rosetta
Chapter 18: Visitor
Chapter 19: Precipice
Chapter 20: Witness
Chapter 21: Accelerate
Chapter 22: Calling
Chapter 23: Exodus

Chapter 9: Dichotic

183 6 0
By HeavensTree01

Liana and Lana are at Chloe's moving their stuff. Liana says, "Thanks again for letting me and my sister live with you guys, Mr. Sullivan. It really, really means a lot." Mr. Sullivan smiles and says, "You're welcome. And in honor of the day, I'm gonna make dinner." Liana says, "Oh, hey, don't put yourself out." Lana says, "Hey, if he wants to make dinner, let him make dinner. As long as I can help." Mr. Sullivan says, "Me casa es su casserole. And I'd love the help." Liana laughs and they both leave Liana and Clark alone.  Clark says, "So how you feeling?" Liana says, "Uh, excited and little terrified at the same time if that makes any sense." Clark says, "Well, it's a big change." Liana says, "Huge, and not just for me and Lana. Even though she agreed to it Nell was kind of upset that I decided to stay in Smallville." Clark says, "It's not easy when someone you love moves away." Chloe comes and says, "So that looks like its, uh, everything if you need to get your truck back." Clark says, "You know I lucked out, my mom called and said she was gonna take off early. Help finish up the chores. So you wanna celebrate?" Liana says, "I wish I could but I have to get changed and take a shift at the Talon." Chloe says, "Yeah, and I only have a second to grab a bite before I need to run over to the Torch. Sorry." Clark says, "Oh, when you two are scheduled to take a breath, give me a call." Chole says, "Will do." Liana smiles and says, "Thanks, Clark." Clark smiles and says, "Yeah." Chloe says, "Bye." As they both walk away, Liana says, "This is gonna be so great."

Later at the Talon Liana sees Clark and says, "Hey, Clark, thank God, I thought you'd forgotten about our math session." Clark says, "Actually that's why I'm here, with my dad out of commission I have to make the feed store run." Liana smiles and says, "Okay. Yeah, I understand." Ian says, "So. Simultaneous equations giving you grief?" Liana says, "Higher math and I don't seem to get along very well." Ian says, "Yeah, I suffered through algebra last term. You know, if you want, I can give you a few tips." Liana smiles and says, "Are you serious? Because I am totally lost." Ian says, "Yeah. Yeah, definitely. When's a good time?" Liana says, "I get off in 10 minutes." Ian smiles and says, "Great. I'll be right back." Liana smiles and says, "Okay, thanks. You okay, Clark?" Clark nods and says, "Yep.  Uh, I'd better go." Liana softly says, "Alright." Liana leaves the Talon with Ian and says, "Thanks, Ian. You're a lifesaver." Ian says, "Trust me. There's no place I'd rather be."

The next day at school, Ian's at Liana's locker and says, "Thanks. I really appreciate this, Liana. Your, uh, peer recommendation's gonna carry a lot of weight with Lex Luthor." Liana smiles and says, "Anyone who can help me understand double angle functions deserve a scholarship." Ian then leans in to kiss Liana on the cheek and Liana softly smiles. Ian says, "Well, I'll talk to you later. Page me." Liana waves goodbye and then hears Clark's voice say, "Looks like the study... date went well." Liana says, "It wasn't a date, he was just being nice. Ian showed me this great shortcut and after that the study part was over. Ian's really intense. You know, in a good way. We're actually getting together tonight." As Liana walks away, Clark follows and says, "More studying?" Liana smiles and says, "Yeah. We're going to his place to study this time." Clark says, "What does Chloe think?" Liana says, "What do you mean?" Clark says, "You saw her and Ian at the Talon last night." Liana says, "Yeah, they we're doing an interview." Clark says, "No. They were gonna go on a date. He bailed on her to help you with your algebra homework." Liana says, "Chloe, Lana and I were unpacking for an hour last night she didn't say a word." Clark says, "Liana, I swear, they --" Liana says, "Listen, Clark this move has been tough enough and Chloe and her dad have been great. So please, I know Whitney said to watch out for me, but I can take care of myself."

The next day, Liana's at the Talon. Clark comes in and says, "Liana, have you seen Chloe?" Liana says, "She's at the sheriff station giving her statement." Clark says, "I don't remember ordering a side of hostility." Liana angrily says, "I can's believe you accused Ian of murdering Mr. Frankel." Clark says, "Liana, you have to believe me. I don't know how he did it, but he's lying to everyone. He's seeing you and Chloe at the same time. He was at her house, she's his alibi." Liana says, "First, me and Ian are just friends and second they we're finishing up an interview." Clark says, "Liana, Ian thinks your going out with him. And does Chloe always finish up her interviews by making out with her subjects?" Liana says, " Well I guess I need to make myself clear to him. So, what? She likes him. I think you're jealous that Chloe's moving on from you." Clark says, "I'm not jealous." Later, Liana goes to see Chloe at the Torch and Chloe says, "Hey, Ian, um, I will be with you in just one second." Liana clears her throat and Chloe looks at her and says, "Liana, hi, uh would you... I thought you were, uh, going home after your shift was over." Liana says, "We need to talk." Chloe says, "Okay, sure. Um, about what?" Liana says, "About Ian." Chloe says, "He's, um, actually, he's stopping by to look over his article." Liana softly laughs and says, "Is that why you're wearing a new blouse?" Chloe says, "Yes?" Liana says, "Clark came by the Talon. He said that Ian is going out with both of us." Chloe says, "That's crazy." Liana says, "Ian was helping me study last night." Chloe scoffs and says, "Making me 0 for 2 in the "They always go for Liana" sweepstakes." Liana says, "Chloe, he's playing both of us. He thinks me and him are going out. I should have been honest with you up front, but I thought he could take a hint and be with you." Chloe says, "It's okay." Ian then walks in and says, "Hey." Liana says, "Ian, what are you doing here?" Ian says, "Well, I was looking for you. Both of you, actually." Chloe says, "The two-for-one special? Ian, we know." Ian says, "Well, can you blame me? I mean, I enjoyed being with the two smartest prettiest girls in school. Together, you're almost my equal." Liana scoffs and says, "I don't believe this. Clark tried to warn us about you." Ian says, "Kent. Is that why you paged me at the same time?" Chloe says, "What are you talking about? I never paged you..." Chloe looks at Liana and she shakes her head no. As Ian walks away, Chloe says, "Ian, what are you doing?" They watch Ian close the door and lock it. Ian says, "Securing my future. Your futures, on the other hand, don't look so bright." Liana and Chloe both try and run away, but another Ian comes and blocks their way. Ian says, "Hey, girls. How about a double date?" The Ian's drive the girls to a dam and Liana says, "Ian, don't. Please." Ian says, "I'm not gonna let you ruin my life." Chloe says, "Ian, you need help." Ian says, "That's what I'm doing. Helping myself." Ian then knocks out Chloe, since you tried to run away. Liana yells, "No! Chloe!" Liana then breaks free from Ian's grasp and tries to run away. Ian grabs her and says to the other Ian, "Hey, give me a hand here!" Ian says, "Be there in a sec." Ian than grabs Liana and throws them both over the edge. Liana screams and Ian holds onto her legs as Liana is trying to hold onto the railing. Liana feels herself about to let go and says, "Clark!" As Liana lets go, Clark grasps her hand and Liana watch's Ian fall. Clark then pulls up Liana. Clark says, "You okay?" Liana nods and Clark says, "You sure?" Liana softly says, "Yeah."

Later, Liana's folding her clothes and Chloe comes and says, "Hey, Liana." Liana says, "Hey." Chloe says, "How you feeling?" Liana says, "I'm okay." Chloe says, "What really gets me is that I should have known better. Only Chloe Sullivan could fall for a guy who splits himself in two. I don't know. What is it about me? Do I have a sign around my neck that says, 'Mutant Magnet?'" Liana says, "Don't worry Chloe, you'll find somebody who likes you and only you." Chloe says, "I hope so." Liana softly smiles and says, "I'm gonna finish the laundry 'cause I'm cooking dinner tonight." Chloe says, "Liana, you don't have to do that." Liana smiles and says, "I don't mind and I could use a distraction from what happened tonight." Chloe says, "I understand, but you're not a glorified guest. This is your house too and we're not gonna kick you out if there's evidence that you actually live here." Liana says, "I guess after my parents and Nell I've got a few abandonment issues." Chloe says, "Oh, I went through the same thing when my mom walked out. I was so afraid my dad was gonna leave too. But he finally sat me down and said I didn't have to earn the right to be a part of this family. Neither do you." Liana smiles and says, "Thanks, Chloe." Chloe says, "I already ran this through Lana, so now it's your turn. Let's go over the house rules." Liana says, "Oaky, and they are?" Chloe says, "One, do not make your bed until after 5 pm. Two, don't touch the dishes in the sink until it's overflowing. And three, contrary to my dad's protestations... your bedroom floor is definitely a closet." Liana laughs and says, "Okay." Chloe says, "Okay?" Later, Liana and Chloe go to the Talon and Clark walks over to them and says, "Got your messages. Is everything alright?" Chloe says, "We've been up all night talking." Liana says, "And you were the number one topic of discussion." Clark nods and says, "This can't be good." Chloe says, "Actually, we wanted to apologize to you for the way we've been treating you. Even though you did technically use us as bait." Clark says, "I didn't count on it getting out of control." Liana says, "And the point is, you warned us about Ian and we didn't listen." Clark says, "Yeah, you thought I was jealous." Chloe says, "There's a lot of water under the bridge between us, Clark." Clark says, "You guys have to understand that I would never let anyone hurt you." Liana softly smiles and says, "We know that, Clark." Clark says, "I just find it interesting that you guys would give Ian all the latitude in the world and I would just be immediately dismissed." Chloe says, "After all the times you've been less honest with us can you really blame us for having some doubts?" Clark says, "You want honest? The truth is that I expected more from both of you." Liana says, "And we expected more from you. We made a mistake. But it was ours to make." Chloe says, "So, what do we do now?" Clark says, "Well, first we can stop treating me like the jealous boyfriend... since none of us have actually dated. You wanna be friends, let's be friends." Liana softy says, "Okay." Clark says, "Goodnight."

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