Missed You || Yoongi (Suga) Au

By SugarYonnie7

1K 113 34

Everything was going great for Y/N and Yoongi, the two children were inseparable and were together ever since... More

Omegaverse intro
Characters intro
1- I lob u yoonie hyungie
2- Always be with you
3- She is an Omega
4- My demon
5- Burnt
6- Wake up
7- White Omega
8- Dream
9- Smile
10- Sweety
11- Lost friendship
12- Celebration
13- friendship feelings
14 - The past
15- History repeated
16- Scared
17- Poor soul
19- Beginning of friendship
20- Mission
21- Room
22- back like childhood
23- morning
24 - Defending force
25 - fun fire
26 - darkness
27 - scars guard
New Book
28 - Pledge revenge
29 - shit!
30 - coward
31 - no way!
32 - Scars
33 - horny
34 - meeting
35 - hot
36 - Gaeji
37 - vanilla
38 - Please My Love
39- Biased....
40- mark
41- EXO
42 - Make you happy
43- fill me up

18- Pack merge

17 3 0
By SugarYonnie7

Yoongi's p.o.v

Last time I saw Namjoon he was smiling and promising a visit, that was literally yesterday morning or something, but the Kim Namjoon sitting infront of me in my house was anything but happy.

The air was tense and silent, I walked slowly toward him and noticed y/n sitting next to the other Alpha but looking to the ground, her scent spiked with sadness and Suga was really trying to take over again to comfort her.

The first thing that came to my mind was that Namjoon knows what me and y/n did and that's why he was pissed off, but before I could defend us he spoke,

"Hi, I'm gonna get right into the matter so.... If I Might ask... What is your pack's population Alpha Min?",
Both me and y/n snapped our heads toward him with the same confused expression, however, Namjoon ignored y/n and focused his eyes at me intensely.

"We have 42 Alphas, 39 Betas and 58 Omegas in total",
I answered slowly with the same questioning look hoping for explanation,
"And how many extra dens do you have?",
"Alpha Kim I think you should explain to me your sudden visit first?".

The Alpha sighed and stayed quiet for a moment, he then looked at me and then to y/n then back at me,
"Masul has been attacked".

My eyes widened in shock, the next few minutes was Namjoon and y/n telling me what happened at Masul, the intruder, the fire, the murder of the intruder in his prison, the message left on the wall...

My head hurt from thinking about all of this,
"How is the Luna?",
Namjoon smiled sadly,
"Jin is, let's say a little bit traumatized so... He isn't taking all of this calmly but don't worry.

I nodded and sighed,
"How can I help Alpha Kim? Do you want our forces to fet united and inspect this together? I'm fully ready for th-",

Namjoon laughed slightly and shock his head before looking at me seriously,
"I want our union, but not only our forces....I want both our packs to unite into one whole pack Yoongi".

Namjoon's p.o.v

I know what I just said must have shocked everyone but I meant every word I said, I know my pack isn't weak but we are also not a big pack, our members can put on a good fight but their numbers are easy to take over.

"You...you want our packs to merge?",
Yoongi asked cautiously as if I might have meant another thing, I nodded slightly in confirmation,

"I know my pack, we aren't weak and I'm sure we can defend ourselves or die trying to",
I looked down to the ground to control my emotions before I continue,
"But..I can't be selfish and risk their lives, we have children and elders, I can't see them facing what our pack faced years ago".

That was true, the merge of our packs would mean that I would be no longer the head Alpha because I'm the one who asked to merge, Yoongi's pack is bigger, and Yoongi is older than me so it's obvious that my pack would be the one to submit.

"I really hope you accept this",
My eyes shifted to the head Alpha infront of me with hopeful look, he was staring at me with a blank face but I know he was thinking or maybe even having a discussion with his internal wolf.

Yoongi shifted his gaze toward y/n and his blank eyes turned soft all of a sudden with a spark of confusion and sadness, I turned to look at y/n and to my surprise she was crying!

Before I could stand or say anything Yoongi was by y/n's side wiping her tears and looking to her face with concern,
"Y/n! Why are you crying sweety? Are you hurt?!",

Y/n didn't reply and just stared at her feet with tears streaming down her cheeks.
"Y/n are y-" "Shut up",
I stared at her in shock, y/n
never said anything of this rudness before, even Yoongi looked at her shocked,

"Excuse me?", I said in a low voice,
"I SAID SHUT UP!!", Then she suddenly stood up and ran out of the house.

Yoongi tried to run after her but I grabbed him to stop,

"Send a Beta to follow her and make sure she is okay, just don't make her feel he is following her",
Yoongi looked hesitant and looked at the door but then sighed and looked at Hoseok, the Beta nodded and ran after y/n.

"Why did you stop me?",
"Because I know y/n, she isn't the kind to say anything rude or burst like this, she is overwhelmed and when she is like this she needs some time alone to calm down".

Yoongi nodded and sat down again,
"Okay, but why did you want to send a Beta though?",
I sat as well and answered knowingly,

"Because I know the forest isn't safe right now after what happened, also a Beta doesn't have a scent so y/n won't sense him easily".

We sat in a comfortable silence, I can sense Yoongi's worry and need to go make sure his mate is okay but yet still he gave her  privacy, I'm sure Hoseok is a good fighter if he entrusted him with his mate's safety.

"I accept"
I stared at him for a second, I Accept?",
He nodded and looked at me,
"But we need to prepare for any attack so we are gonna need to train all the pack's members both Alphas or Betas on higher trainings and increase the scouts around the pack, we need to deal with this as if we are in war, as for the Omegas I think y/n would be the best to take care of their training"
I nodded quite amused with
his confidence in y/n and the
Omegas of both packs and how acceptable he was to the idea of merging, it was honestly a relief, and it made me look at him in appreciation.

"Don't look at me like that, We lost the Masul pack 12 years ago...I won't take the risk to lose it again with all those I love inside it and I really wanna beat the shit out of those who attacked the pack".

I nodded my head and we both shoke hands as Yoongi smirked, "Let's unite the packs and kick some asses Alpha Kim"
I smirked back.


I hope you liked this chapter.

Swagyswagy loves you~💜

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