
By elizamarie27

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book one of the bad bitch series When the world's smallest assassin and public enemy #1 cross paths. *I need... More



4.2K 124 123
By elizamarie27

y'all gotta chill w telling me to update it's only been 5 days HAHA I'm 21 in college and dealing w a car accident all while attempting to keep up a social life pls give me some leeway HAHAHA

love you all tho thank you for 143k!!!  <3

Beth's POV

It's been a few days since Bucky was granted his arm, but it's still not on. They started it, today, though. Apparently they have to have him unconscious to do it, so he's been out for a while.

And when I say a while, I mean it's been 13 hours and I've heard nothing. Not that I'm worried, I'm just bored out of my mind.

I'm a little confused on the whole unconscious thing, though. I doubt normal anesthesia would work on him since he heals extra fast and I really don't think they'd have Steve in there constantly punching him. Did they have to freeze him? But if they froze him in the chamber, how are they working on the arm? Also, they haven't started working on my brain yet, they've been doing his first. Do they not need him unconscious for that, too? We haven't even talked about it.

See, this is why I can't be left alone. Too many questions.

I don't even have class to teach today, so I'm really dying.

"Miss. B?"

I look up at the ceiling. Please god, be about Bucky. "Yes, JARVIS?"

"Mr. Stark needs to see you. He's in his office."

Okay. Now I'm worried.

I hurry out to the elevator and ride it up to the top floor. My brain is going wild the entire time. Is Bucky dead? Did they kill him? Oh god.

I bust into the office and see Tony at his desk with his head down. "Is he dead? If he is just tell me."

He looks up. "Man-slayer-"

I wave my hands. "Nope. Don't sugar coat it. I can deal with it. Just rip off the bandaid-"

Suddenly he's in front of me shaking my shoulders. "Can you shut up for a second? Barnes isn't dead."

My body relaxes and I meet his eyes. "He's not?"

He laughs a little. "No. They're still working on the arm. Apparently HYDRA botched the job, so they're having to fix it and implant new sensors in him. It's still gonna be a while, though."

I grunt. "Then why am I here?"

He rolls his eyes. "Because I know you're bored and going crazy, and I just got a call that'll give you something to do."

I furrow my brows. "Define that."

He smirks. "You wanna go psycho killer assassin for the night? Well, not exactly killer assassin, because you'll be bringing them to SHIELD alive, but-"

I perk up. "My phone got another call?"

He nods. "Yep. Of course, you can't take Barnes, but you could pick someone else to go. Can't be me or Steve, though, that'd be obvious."

I smirk. "I have the perfect person in mind. Where am I going and when?"

He looks at his watch. "It was a last minute call, and I needed to research, so it's in about an hour at the Boswick Inc. grand opening downtown. Do you think you can manage that?"

I nod. "Absolutely. Can I have some backstory?"

He walks over to his computer and nods for me to follow. He pulls up a long list of police reports on the screen. "There's a lot to it. There's a long list of murders of prostitutes and homeless women that have taken place the past 15 years. A lot of the times, there wasn't even a missing person report." He turns to me. "A lot of murderers will go for those types of women because they're low risk targets. Usually there's no one looking for them. But," he turns back to the screen and pulls up a picture of a woman, "this woman, Lucille Gray, was found murdered 2 weeks ago. Her sister has been raging to the police saying it was Mark Boswick who did it, but they won't take her seriously." He pulls up a screenshot of messages. "These are between Lucille and her sister right before the murder, it shows that Lucille texted her saying she was excited because Boswick picked her up and that she was going to come home with a lot of money this week." He pulls up video footage of the woman getting in a silver Honda. "This is the last footage of her, it's where she gets in the car. Now, the police don't think it was him, because 'why would a guy that rich have a 2005 Honda Civic when he's been seen out in Ferrari's?' But, and hold the applause," he pulls up traffic cam footage from a completely different date and zooms in, clearing up the picture, "this is a photo of Boswick driving that same exact car, coincidentally on the same night another woman was murdered."

I nod. "So, it was definitely him?"

He hums. "By my standards, yes. It's at least enough for a trial, but the police won't even look in his direction." He points at me and smiles. "So, now you get to take him in and bring him to SHIELD."

I give him a half smirk. "I won't stab him, but can I at least kick his ass?"

He laughs loudly. "Not too harshly, but I think he deserves a good ass kicking at the bare minimum."

I smile big and bend down to hug him. "Thank you!"

I pull away and speak out loud. "JARVIS, where's Sam?"


"Now, why the hell am I the one doing this with you?"

I scoff out a laugh. "Because we needed to bond. Now give me your arm and shut up before you make this obvious."

He grunts and folds his arm out so I can wrap mine in it. "You have a weapon on you. I don't feel safe."

I stop walking and squint at him. "Did you murder a bunch of women?"


"Then quit your bitching. I'm not going to hurt you."

He huffs. "Fine. Let's go." He yanks me by my arm towards the door which causes me to laugh.

Rhodey, Nat, and Wanda are all on the roof incase something bad happens. Per usual, we all have ear pieces in and can talk at any time.

Once we're in the door, I look to Sam. "Alright, stick together or split up and we both look?"

He shrugs. "I don't know, you're the one who always does this!"

I roll my eyes. "First of all, the million times I've done it, I was alone. The only few times I've done it with Bucky, we split up."

He nods. "Okay, if we split up, what do I do?"

I slap my hand to my forehead. "Alright. New plan. Go get a beer and keep an eye on me. I'll find him."

He nods and salutes me. "Hit the ear piece if you need me. I'll come runnin'."

We both split up and go our separate ways. I had to spice up my look a little since the Avengers have introduced me as one of them and I might get recognized, so I added long eyelash strips, heavy makeup, and a long, brown wig. I honestly could've just done the eyelashes, man, those things are badass. I looked like a different person just with those on.

I finally find Boswick, but he's surrounded by a bunch of people. Of course he is, this is his event. This is going to be harder than usual, but nothing above my pay grade.

I watch him for a few minutes before I see him excuse himself and walk over to the bar. I make my way over and stand right next to him, leaning over the bar a little to put my cleavage on display. The bartender walks up to me and I order. "Vodka redbull, if you've got it."

Mark's head turns towards me. "Would've taken you more for a wine person." I slowly turn my head towards him and watch as his eyes rake over me. "You here with anyone?"

Men are so easy, my job could be done by an idiot and it still wouldn't be difficult. "Nope. All alone."

He nods. "I find it surprising a woman who looks like you isn't tied down."

Heave. I shrug. "I find it better to be alone. My only family died when I was young, so I've stayed alone ever since. No boyfriend, no husband, no friends." I give him a smirk as the bartender slides me my glass. "A lot easier to live this way."

I watch the corner of his mouth twitch. "Understandable." He takes a long drink of his beer before meeting my eyes again. "Want a tour of the place? I'd be happy to show you around."

Amazing. "I'd love to!" I hold out my arm so he can intertwine his with mine and I let him lead me towards a hallway. I flick my eyes towards Sam who's watching me like a hawk.

Yes, that was a bird joke. Had to.

His eyes go wide like he doesn't know what to do. I reach my hand up and give my ear two taps, signaling for him to just listen for a location.

Mark drags me down a hallway and finally walks into a room at the end. Not a very good tour, if I say so myself. He skipped like 12 rooms. Once we're in, he lets go of my hand and walks over to a lamp in the corner, flicking it on. I look around and see that it's a large office, a big mahogany desk in the center. He takes a seat and beckons me to join him. I sit at one of the chairs on the opposite side and lean my head on my hand, pressing the ear piece as I do. "So, what's this room?"

He holds his hands out, motioning to the whole room. "This is my main office. Do you like it?"

I nod, giving him a sly smirk. "Gotta be the worlds worst tour, we passed every room on the hallway and just went straight to the room on the end."

I hear a rustle and then Sam's voice. "Got it. I'll head that way. Let me know when you need me." After that, I drop my hand from my face, letting go of the button.

Mark laughs. "I had a better idea of what we could do instead."

"Oh really?" I stand from my chair and round the desk.

He spins his chair towards me and lays his hands on the arm rests. He tilts his head down, beckoning me to straddle him in his chair.

As repulsed as I am, I do it anyways. Both my legs are now on either side of his lap and my hands rest on his shoulders.

Man, I miss Bucky.

As soon as he leans in to kiss me, I feel a sharp pain in my back.

Then another one.

I gasp out in pain and reach into my boot, pulling out my knife and stabbing him in the shoulder.

I don't even have time to pull it out and get him again because he twists the knife in my back and shoves me to the floor, standing over me. I reach up quickly and hit my ear piece. "Sam!"

Mark stops advancing towards me and his eyes go wide. "You stupid bitch." He moves to kick me, but I roll over, yank the knife out of my back, and stab it into his leg.

Right as he screams in pain, Sam bursts into the room. He presses the ear piece as he runs towards us. "Guys, get to the office. Now!"

When Mark goes to advance at him, Sam whips out a gun. "Uh, uh! Don't move." He doesn't move his eyes from him, but he speaks directly to me. "B, are you good?"

I shrug and stay on the floor. "Maybe a little internal bleeding, but I'll be alright."

His eyes flick to me for half a second before moving back to Mark. "Did you stab her?"

He doesn't answer, but he tries to move towards Sam again. Luckily, Sam didn't have to shoot him and cause a scene because the other 3 pop in the room. Rhodey stands beside Sam and holds his arm out, ready to blast him at any time while Wanda and Nat run up to me. Nat immediately rolls me over. I groan. "Damnit, Nat. That hurt."

She rolls me back over and waves her hand. "You're a super soldier, you won't die. Plus, I thought you loved knives?" She gives me a half smirk.

Wanda rolls her eyes. "C'mon, B. I'll take you to the car. Nat, will you help them?"

She nods. "Of course." She grabs the hand that Wanda doesn't and helps me up to my feet. Once I'm up, she walks over to help Rhodey and Sam put cuffs on Boswick.

Wanda takes this chance to really look at my wounds. "I don't know, B, this looks kind of bad."

I scoff. "Define bad."

She makes a noise. "Hmmm, bad as in, like.. if you weren't injected with a bunch of super soldier serum, the amount of blood loss you have right now would've killed you by now."

I give her a half-smirk, "Well, hey, bet you're glad I was kidnapped and tortured by my dad now, huh?"

She rolls her eyes. "Come on."

She starts walking me out the door and helps me to the car that me and Sam brought. Once she puts me in the passenger seat, she just stares at the car. "Wanda, babe, I'm running out of blood here."

She shakes her head. "Sorry, I've never drove a car before!"

I laugh as best as I can and hit the ear piece. "Someone switch with Wanda. Neither of us can drive."

I hear Nat over the radio. "On it. Wanda, go to the van."

Wanda begins running in the direction of the back of the building just as I see Nat emerge. She doesn't even open the door, just hops over the side of the convertible and turns the car on. "That was badass."

She looks in my direction and laughs a little. "Just work on keeping your eyes open. Barnes will kill me if I bring you back dead."

I cough and wipe my mouth, seeing blood on my hand. "You might want to step on it then." She turns and looks at my hand before pressing the gas fully, shooting us off into the road. "How is he, by the way? Is he out yet?"

She shrugs. "Not sure, I haven't heard anything. You can check on him once you go see Bruce." She pulls out her phone and dials a number, speaking into it. "Hey, we've got an issue. Get Bruce ready." Theres silence on her part before she rolls her eyes. "Tony it's fine, she's not gonna die." She turns to me. "You're not gonna die, right?"

I wave my hand at her, my eyes closing. "Nah, I've patched myself up from worse."

She snaps in my face. "Uh, uh. Eyes open." She turns her focus back to the road. "Just get Bruce ready. We'll be there in 5."

A few minutes later, we pull into the garage and she turns the car off, running over to my side of the car. Steve pops out of nowhere and lifts me from the seat. I make eye contact with him. "Where did you come from?"

He rolls his eyes while jogging me to the elevator. "You're on the brink of death and that's what you're worried about?"

I close my eyes and lean my head against him. "Well, actually I'm worried about Bucky. Is he okay? No one will tell me."

I hear the elevator doors open and close. "He's fine. They had to take off a little more of his shoulder because HYDRA's job completely messed up the nerves. All that scar tissue was definitely hurting him."

I huff. "That's sad. He never complained."

He laughs a little. "I know he didn't. He never does."

I scoff. "He always complains. What are you talking about?"

My eyes are closed, but I swear I can hear his eyes roll. "He never complained about anything until you showed up. That was my first sign that you two were secretly in love."

I laugh a little. "I do love him. A lot."

The elevator doors open and we move again. "I know you do. Now stay alive so you can tell him that yourself."

I hear Tony yell a few seconds after we got out of the elevator. "What the hell happened?"

I laugh a little as I'm being set onto a table. "Homeboy tried to kill me! Before I even attempted to kill him. How rude."

I hear him sigh. "Yeah, she's losing it." I'm being rolled again and I grunt in pain. "Jesus, man-slayer. He got you good."

"Yeah, you're telling me."

Him and Bruce exchange a few words, but I don't listen. Nat told me to stay awake, so I'm focusing on wiggling my toes. I hear snapping in my face. "Stay with me. Do you know what kind of blood you have?"

I cough, feeling liquid on my face, but I don't have the energy to wipe it. "O positive."

A few seconds later I feel a pinch in my arm. "Ouch! That hurt, god damnit." I open my eyes a little and look down, seeing a needle in my arm. I lean my head back and close my eyes again. "I'm gonna hurl."

I hear Bruce laugh. "You get stabbed multiple times, but the IV is what gets you?"

I shrug. "I don't like needles."

Steve, who's apparently still in the room, speaks up. "Hey, we finally found out a fear that she has! Did anyone bet needles?"

I open my eyes again, once again tilting my head up. "You bet money on me being scared of something?"

They all exchange a look. I just shake my head and lay it back down. "I hate all of you."

It's silent for a minute before I hear Tony say, "Well, I'm not gonna say it! It's gross."


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