Life In Smallville {2}

By HeavensTree01

5.8K 180 4

After Whitney left to join the Marines, Liana is struggling with deciding if she wants to tell Whitney or not... More

Character Description
Chapter 1: Vortex
Chapter 2: Heat
Chapter 3: Duplicity
Chapter 4: Red
Chapter 5: Nocturne
Chapter 6: Redux
Chapter 7: Lineage
Chapter 9: Dichotic
Chapter 10: Skinwalkers
Chapter 11: Visage
Chapter 12: Insurgence
Chapter 13: Suspect
Chapter 14: Rush
Chapter 15: Prodigal
Chapter 16: Fever
Chapter 17: Rosetta
Chapter 18: Visitor
Chapter 19: Precipice
Chapter 20: Witness
Chapter 21: Accelerate
Chapter 22: Calling
Chapter 23: Exodus

Chapter 8: Ryan

205 8 2
By HeavensTree01

Liana and Lana are riding their horses until they see Nell and Liana says, "Hey." Nell says, "Hi. How was you guys ride?" Liana says, "Oh, it was great. We took the long way around Crater Lake." Nell says, "Do you remember when you both went riding at the Metropolis Equestrian Center and you both said you wished you belonged to a club like that?" Lana smiles and says, "Yeah. They've got fantastic facilities." Nell says, "Well, what would you girls say if I told you that you both could ride there every weekend and anytime you wanted after school?" Liana says, "I'd say it'd be a long drive." Nell says, "I know this is sudden, but, uh... well, Dean's taking a job in Metropolis and he wants us to move with him." Lana angrily says, "Let me guess you said yes?" Nell says, "I know it's a lot to ask, girls. But it's important to Dean and I think it'll be a great opportunity for both of you. It'll be great for all of us." Lana says, "I can't believe you agreed to do this without even asking us." Nell says, "I know it's difficult to imagine right now, but --" Liana says, "What about school? Our friends? The Talon?" Nell says, "Girls, you can visit Smallville anytime you want." Lana's very angry and rides her horse away and Liana is just very heartbroken.

The next day, everyone throws Ryan a jailbreak surprise party. Ryan walks in with Clark and everyone yells, "Surprise!" Chloe says, "It's your jailbreak party. We even have the obligatory pistachio log ice cream cake and we managed to rustle up a band." Ryan says, "This is so cool. Thanks, guys." Pete says, "Good to see you, man." Liana smiles and says, "I'm so glad you're back." Liana gives him a kiss on the check." Ryan smiles and says, "Wow. Yeah, me too." Liana brings the ice cream cake over to Ryan and Clark and says, "I brought you guys a couple of pieces before everyone eats it all." Liana softly says to Ryan, "Hey, what's wrong?" Ryan says, "Just a headache." Liana says, "I'll go get you a glass of water." Later, Liana goes to see Clark and says, "Hey, Clark, got your message. Is everything okay?" Clark says, "Yeah. I just wanted to thank you for the party. It was really great. Sorry, we had to leave early, but Ryan wasn't feeling so good." Liana says, "Yeah, how's he doing? He didn't look so hot." Clark says, "To be honest, I'm not really sure. He's got a doctor's appointment tomorrow to try to figure out exactly what they did to him in that place. You should have seen him, Liana." Liana says, "But he's safe now, thanks to you." Clark says, "Yeah, he's just such a good kid. Seems like life's always kicking him in the teeth. Makes you realize how lucky we are." Liana softly nods and Clark says, "You okay? You seem a little preoccupied." Liana says, "Oh, no. No, I'm fine." Clark says, "You know I'm here if you need someone to talk to." Liana sighs and says, "Nell and Dean are moving to Metropolis and me and Lana are supposed to go with them." Clark says, "How do you feel about that?" Liana says, "How would you feel, Clark, if you were uprooted and sent somewhere far away where you didn't know anyone?" Clark says, "I think it'd be really tough." Liana says, "I feel like a piece of luggage Nell and Dean wanna throw in the trunk as they drive off to their new life." Clark says, "Have you talked to Henry Small about this?" Liana says, "No, I'm not ready to dump this in his lap. Just because we might share the same DNA does not mean we're family." Clark says, "Well, you and Lana can come stay with us. It's just uh... kind of crowded right now." Liana softly smiles and says, "Ryan's lucky. At least he got to choose his family. I'll see you later." Clark says, "Don't go. Don't go to Metropolis." Liana softly smiles and says, "Or what? You're gonna kidnap me too?" Clark says, "Nell shouldn't be able to dictate your life without your input. If moving doesn't feel right, don't go." Liana just looks at Clark with a thoughtful look and walks away.

The next day, Liana's in the Torch. Chloe comes in and says, "'Facts on child emancipation.' I have a feeling this isn't for a research paper." Me and Lana decided to tell Nell that we weren't moving with her to Metropolis." Chloe says, "Well, that's very Erin Brokovich of you guys. How did Nell take it?" Liana says, "One, she's our legal guardian. Two we're both teenagers and three... we don't have a say in the matter." Chloe says, "That pretty much covers all your bases. So are you and Lana gonna pursue the emancipation thing?" Liana says, "From everything I've read, it could take up to a year and half to complete the process." Chloe says, "Sounds like you're already talking yourself out of it." Liana frowns and says, "It was our last shot." Chloe says, "You know, you and Lana might have one other option." Liana looks hopeful at Chloe and Chloe smiles widely at Liana.

The next day, Liana's at the hospital to see Ryan, when she sees Clark and says, "Clark." Clark says, "Hey, Liana." Liana says, "Is there any news?" Clark says, "Ryan's still in recovery, but Dr. Burton is optimistic." Liana says, "Everything's gonna work out." Clark says, "Yeah, I think it is." Liana smiles and says, "Oh by the way, I took your advice. And to make a long story short Chloe and her dad have offered to let me and Lana stay with them until me and Lana finish high school." Clark says, "And Nell's cool with that?" Liana says, "Uh, not really. But she's agreed to it." Clark says, "Well, I knew you were a fighter." Liana smiles and says, "It's scary but I think of Ryan and everything that he's gone through it kind of puts things in perspective." Clark says, "Yeah. Wow, you, Chloe, and Lana as roommates. Did you ever see that coming?" Liana says, "Yeah, I did. I mean for college me and Chloe have always wanted to be roommates. I guess now we get a sneak peak at how it's gonna be plus add my sister in the mix." Clark smiles at Liana and she softly says, "What is it?" Clark says, "Nothing, um... it's just you won't be the girl next door anymore." Liana softly says, "I'm not going anywhere, Smallville. Maybe now you can give your telescope to Ryan."  Clark says, "Uh..." They both smiles at each other and then they both look to Mrs. Kent  who's in tears and Clark says, "Mom?"  Mrs. Kent says, "Clark." Mrs. Kent sobs and they instantly know that something's not okay with Ryan. 

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