By thevampsarecalling

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"Are you done?" He asked, his face pressed against my ear and his lips brushing my cheeks as he talked. My bo... More



121 10 7
By thevampsarecalling

The drive to Scotland didn't turn out to be as painful as I expected. Pretending to be deep in slumber seemed to do the trick until I finally fell asleep, my head resting against the window. We didn't stop once, or at least I don't think we did. If we did, I was too deep asleep to notice. My dreams were haunted by the creatures, with their slimy skin, dead eyes and humongous claws. I ran, and ran, but wherever I went, they were already there, waiting for me. Their twisted smiles displayed rows of sharp teeth, and just as they lunged to kill me, the scenery would change. William was in my dreams too. We were back in his living room, facing each other silently. The urge to kiss him felt so strong, but I couldn't move. I felt as if my body had been turned into marble. He was smiling at me, his eyes moving from mine to my lips. He leaned forward, his lips almost brushing mine, my heart hammering in my chest. I wanted to break the small distance between us but my body still wouldn't move. And then his eyes turned black. His lips curled against his teeth where two canines had suddenly appeared, and instead of kissing me, he reached for my throat. I jolted awake, my heart still racing from the dream, and my forehead covered in cold sweat.

    "You're hard to wake, you know that?" I heard Caelan say next to me. My head instinctively turned in his direction, making me wince at the stiffness of my neck.

    "How long have I been asleep?" I asked as I noticed that the sun was rising already.

"Not long if we start counting from the moment you stopped faking it and actually fell asleep," he scoffed and my heart skipped a beat. Of course he noticed I wasn't sleeping, there was no tricking a vampire.
Why didn't I realize that earlier?

I shifted on my seat and straightened up, my entire body stiff from sleeping in an awkward seated position. The blanket was barely covering me anymore, revealing the bare legs that my dress wasn't covering much of either. My hands immediately reached for the em of my dress and I pulled it down as much as I could, making Caelan chuckle.

"Where are we?" I asked to hide my embarrassment. We weren't on the highway anymore, but on a winding road, in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. I could see green fields for miles, sheep peacefully munching at the grass. We were driving towards mountains so tall their peak disappeared in the light clouds. The rising sun had turned the sky pink, purple and orange, and for a moment I found myself lost for words at the stunning landscape. It wasn't like anything I'd seen before.

"Not far from home," Caelan said. "We should be there in a couple of hours."

I was starting to get anxious at the idea of being alone with vampires so far from everything. What if they couldn't control themselves? What if William and Caelan were wrong about William's authority? The realization of what I put myself into suddenly hit. I was putting my life in the hands of vampires, in the hands of blood-thirsty creatures. But that wasn't what they were, was it? At least not all of them. And with a little luck Caelan's family was as civilized as he was. Plus he saved my life not even 24 hours ago, that deserved some trust.

"You'll be fine," Caelan tried to comfort me. I gave him a confused look. They clearly could read thoughts. "Your stress is literally radiating from you," he clarified. My eyes narrowed on him.

"I know your– kind can read my thoughts despite what William says," I stated and his lips curled into an amused smile. He held his laugh.

"You can't trust everything that comes out of a vampire's mouth," he simply answered, his eyes focused on the road.

My heart skipped a beat. So I was right, and William lied to me. Why did that realization hurt? He was just a vampire, another creature, why did I care that he lied to me?

"So you admit it," I said, not expecting an answer. Then I realized what their being able to read my thoughts meant. Heat creeped up my cheeks again while Caelan started laughing.

"How would I know you're into Will if I couldn't read your thoughts," he said with a wink, and I gasped, my cheeks turning a brand new shade of red.

"I am absolutely not into William," I quickly retorted. Because I really wasn't. Maybe my body was attracted to him, but that didn't mean I was into him. The very idea gave me chills. He was a vampire. A very handsome vampire, but still a killer.

A smirk appeared on Caelan's lips. If only I had my blade right now.

"If your thoughts weren't betraying your words, your heartbeat is."

I let out a heavy sigh. There was no arguing with a vampire.

"Are you always like that?" I asked as I shifted on my seat to face him.

His head tilted.

"Like what? Charming?– Funny?– Extremely good looking?"

I rolled my eyes.

"I was gonna say annoying," I answered blankly and he grinned.

"Ah," he said, looking at me briefly before turning his attention back to the road. "You're not denying the rest though."

I didn't answer, too busy mastering the art of eye rolling. William and Caelan truly shattered the image I had of vampires. I couldn't believe I was putting my life in the hands of a snarky and sassy vampire, and worse– that I started to trust him.

"Is your family as charming, funny and extremely good looking as you are?" I asked after a moment, not hiding the irony in my voice.

"Not even close," he answered with a smirk. "They're quite boring actually. Very mundane for vampires– except my sister. She's just straight up from Hell."

I frowned. Did he mean that literally? Probably not.

"Oh, so it's a family thing then–" I answered just as Dee's head popped up between the two front seats. "Morning baby," I greeted her as I scratched her head lovingly. She barked enthusiastically in response, and I smiled. "Wait, you have a sister?"

A soft laugh escaped Caelan's lips.

    "I do. Older sister actually– Veronica. You'll probably meet her today, she lives with Peter and Isla."

    "You're not blood related to them, are you?" I realized. Except if his entire family was turned, there was no way they would still be alive. But I didn't know his age, so maybe he wasn't that old.

    "If you're asking if they're my birth family, the answer is no," he answered. "But we are blood related now. That's how it works– when we're turned, we're drained out of our blood and fed our sire's blood."

Goosebumps broke across my skin. I never really thought about the process of becoming a vampire, and it didn't sound pleasant. I wondered if Caelan was given a choice in the matter or if he was turned against his will, but didn't dare to ask.

The rest of the drive was filled with stories about his family and how his parents met centuries ago. He told me how he was sired by Peter when he was 22 and dying from smallpox. He was a soldier at the time, and Peter his commander-in-chief. The two had bonded during the war, and when the epidemic of smallpox hit their regiment, Peter offered him a second chance at life. "It comes with a high price", Peter had warned him, but anything sounded better than the humiliation of dying from a disease and not from a bullet, defending your country Caeland said. Although, I was pretty sure what made him say yes was how terrified he was of dying, but he wouldn't admit that to me. I gasped when the realization that he was over 200 years old hit me. I couldn't picture him as an ancient man– he was so boy-like.

Our conversation gave me a whole new appreciation for Caelan. Knowing details about his past life made him less of a creature and a lot more human, and I even found myself starting to like him.

    "Home," he suddenly said as the car stopped in front of giant metal gates. They slowly opened with the loudest metallic squeak and we entered what looked like an estate. We drove along a paved road lined with perfectly trimmed boxwood shrubs to the most resplendent castle I had ever seen. I was awestruck, my mouth hanging open, and my eyes wide.

    "Your family lives in a freaking castle?" I exclaimed, stunned as my eyes scanned the estate. We were driving up to a majestic fountain rising in front of the double staircase leading to the front entrance. From afar, the castle looked like a uniform blob of red stones with an infinite number of towers with black slate roofs pointing high into the sky. But as we got closer, I noticed all the tiny details in the stones and the variations of colours. Icons were carved into blocks of dark grey stones here and there by expert hands and I could only wonder how long it took to build such a masterpiece. It looked like kings lived here at some point in history.

    A soft laugh escaped Caelan's lips.

    "It was gifted to Peter and Isla in the 1600s I believe," he said and although he had told me earlier that his parents met in the XIVth century, I still choked on the date.

    "Who lived here before? Mary Stuart?"

    At that, Caelan burst into laughter.

    "Remind me to give you a little lesson on Scottish history some day," he answered after he gathered his composure. I shrugged. Scottish history was definitely not on American high schools' curriculums. I turned to grab the door handle but Caelan grabbed my arm before I could put a foot outside of the car.

    "Stay here," he said, his jaw clenched. He had lost his smile and looked too serious for my liking. Was I really safe here? "I'll be right back– do not leave this car before I come back, understood? And for God's sake, listen to me this time."

    He was gone before I could answer, the doors locking behind him. As if that would stop a creature from attacking me. I was in the worst position to fight, what was he thinking? My eyes were fixed on the heavy wooden door at the top of the double staircase where Caelan was standing next to a tall and wide man and a petite woman, both looking in my direction. The man didn't look older than forty. The combination of dark red locks cut to his shoulders and thick red beard made him look like a viking, and the frown on his face didn't help make me feel at ease. The woman had the same look on her face, but her petite frame made her appear a lot less intimidating than her husband, although I knew she could kill me with the lift of a finger. Her long blond hair was tied into a braid, a plaid pattern scrunchie tying it together. Her outfit made me think she came straight out of a stable with her black breeches, high brown leather boots and riding vest. They both looked incredibly healthy for being older than 800 years old.

    When Caelan came back to the car, he wore a lazy smile on his lips. How could he look so relaxed when his parents were clearly not happy about having me here. He came straight to my door, and opened it before offering me his hand.

    "I'm perfectly capable," I told him as I got out of the car without his assistance, Dee following me closely. His lips curled into a grin.

    "I never doubted it," he mocked as we started walking towards the heavy stone staircase. Isla and Peter were still standing at the door, their eyes trained on me. My heartbeat started to accelerate as we walked up the stairs, my nails unconsciously digging into my palms. I forced myself not to think about what would happen if the vampires didn't have as much control as William and Caelan did, and instead focused on the trust I was putting in Caelan. His parents were close to a millennium old, they surely must have mastered control by now.

    "What did you tell them?" I asked, more curious than anything. It was obvious that they had been talking about me. Did he ask them not to kill me?

    "I just warned them about your– scent," he answered with a bemused smile just as we reached the front door. I wanted to retort something but we had just stopped in front of Peter and Isla, and my mind went blank. I suddenly felt very small and fragile next to Peter whose eyes were narrowed on me, his lips sealed tight behind his red beard. Isla's dark brown eyes were looking at me the exact same way, her nostrils flaring. I swallowed as Dee started to snarl at them.

    "Easy Dee," I told her. Making a good impression was important in my plan to not get eaten alive. "Hi– hi Mr and Mrs MacKinnon," I stammered, my heart now racing in my chest. "Thank you for having me in your home."

I noticed how Caelan stood so close to me his chest touched my shoulder blade, and I wondered if he was as anxious as I was. The silence felt heavy as neither Isla or Peter answered, simply scrutinizing me with a mix of curiosity and disdain.

    "I don't recall having a choice," Peter's deep voice pierced the silence, his eyes moving up from mine to what I can only assume was Caelan giving him a look.

    "Well that makes two of us then," I retorted, determined not to let my fears swallow me whole. I was here for a reason– staying alive so that I could save the world. I wanted to laugh at the thought, but the reality was, they needed me alive, and I wasn't gonna let vampires intimidate me.

    Peter's eyes were back on me, his eyebrows furrowed. Then the most unexpected thing happened– he smiled and started to laugh, quickly joined by his wife. I felt Caelan relax behind me.

    "William never really cared for freewill," he said with a small smile, his eyes not as angry as they were only a moment ago. His voice carried the same respect for William as every vampire I had met in the last few days. Could William be older than them? But that would mean he was a millennium old too–

"I'm Peter, and this is my wife Isla," he added and Isla forced a smile on her lips.

    "Charlotte," I introduced myself. I had no idea how I was supposed to greet them, so I went for a simple handshake. "Nice to meet you," I added as I stretched out my hand towards them.

    They both looked at it with surprised eyes.

    "I don't think that would be wise," Caelan intervened as he placed his hand on mine to force it down. I wondered if I did something wrong. "They're not used to your smell yet," he explained, moving next to me to look at me. "And feeling the beats of your heart through your skin would be taking an unnecessary risk."

    I shuddered at his words.

"Caelan's right," Isla said, her melodic voice soft to my ear. "Your scent– it's quite... Unique."

    I refrained from sighing. I was so over being told I smelled odd.

    "Show her to her rooms," Isla added, looking directly at Caelan, making me wonder how he'd know which room she was talking about but I didn't question it. "There should be towels in the bathroom in case you desire to– refresh," she said to me this time. Although I knew she was trying to ask me to shower in a less frontal way, it didn't feel nicer at all.

    Caelan must have read my thoughts because he bit his lip not to laugh. I didn't hesitate and elbowed him straight in the stomach. Of course he didn't flinch, and only seemed more amused by my reaction.

    "She's quite feisty as you can see," he told his parents before leading the way inside the castle. I followed him, feeling Isla's and Peter's gazes burning my skin. Dee was on my heels, her eyes not leaving the couple as the door closed behind us. They didn't move, and stood silently by the door while their son pulled me inside the gigantic entry way. My mouth dropped open again at the grandiosity of the place. I felt like a royal just being in the room. Arched windows and tapestries covered the walls, and the heavy wood furniture gave the place an ancient feel, although I spotted a few modern pieces like the golden chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the entryway, or the alarm system on the wall next to the door. A small dark green velvet settee sat against a wall underneath a painting that looked a lot like a Monet. My contemplation of the room cut short as Caelan dragged me towards the staircase. We climbed the red carpet-covered stairs to the first floor and didn't stop until we reached a bedroom at the end of a hallway.

"Your quarters, milady," Caelan played with an extravagant bow.

I bit back a laugh and walked past him into the bedroom. It was smaller than I expected, but as grand in terms of decor. A big canopied bed sat against the north wall, sheer drapes cascading from its four corners. The bed was nittely made, the heavy dark red duvet tucked under the high mattress, contrasting with the dark wood of the carved bed frame. The wallpaper that covered the walls was a creme colour, and had clearly lived through more than a few decades, just as did the heavy and busy patterned curtains that hung at the windows.

    As I reached the bed, I smoothed my hand over the soft fabric of the duvet, wondering if princes and princesses had slept in this room at some point in history. I walked to one of the arched windows and looked at the estate. It seems to go on and on for miles, yards of green grass surrounded by a lush forest. I spotted the stables, and smiled at the idea of going horse riding– if Isla would let me ride, and that wasn't sure at all. My thoughts drifted to William who still wasn't here, and I wondered if he was coming at all. Did he have enough of me and sent me off to Scotland, passing the burden to Caelan? My shoulders slumped at the thought. Why did my heart tighten thinking he wasn't coming, thinking I was just a pawn to him? It hadn't been a day since I left Bath, and yet there was not one moment when I didn't feel the growing magnetic pull that called for him. Stupid, stupid body.
When I realized where my thoughts were drifting, I quickly shook my head. What was I even thinking? It made no sense. My hormones were clearly out of whack because I sounded like a crazy teenager.

    "The bathroom is on the opposite side of the hallway," Caelan's voice pulled me out of my William-obsessed trans. I felt my cheeks heat up knowing he could read my thoughts, and thus knew exactly what was going on in my head a second ago. I was grateful he didn't make fun of me for thinking about his friend that way. "I'll bring your stuff up, but you might need to wear something that's not yours."

    I gave him a questioning look. What was wrong with my clothes?

    "Your scent is all over your clothes," he explained. "Peter and Isla are not used to– well to being around humans. They try to avoid them as much as they can, and your scent is strong as you know. Showers help– soap can make the scent less intense for a short while, but wearing another's clothes mixes the scents and has a longer lasting effect."

    I stared at him, speechless. So that was why they insisted that I showered. A small part of me felt relieved that it didn't have anything to do with a possible unpleasant body smell. I nodded, unsure what to answer. Whose clothes was I supposed to wear? I would certainly not fit into Isla's clothes.

    "If you need anything, you know what to do." He gave me a smile and left me alone in the room with Dee. I crouched next to her and she came to me for a hug. I let my hands run through her white fur while she licked my cheek, making me chuckle.

    "Let's hope I figure out how to use my powers quickly so that we can go home," I told her, laughing at the insanity of my words. I thought about Richard who was probably dying of worry for me. I didn't know where my phone was, and even if I did, I couldn't call him. Knowing him, he would come running to 'save' me, killing every creature on his path. He wouldn't try to understand William or Caelan. He would simply exterminate them like animals– like I used to do. I shuddered at the thought and quickly pushed it away. No, I couldn't tell Rick where I was.

    I sat on the massive bed and let myself disappear behind the mountain of decorative pillows. Despite not even being noon, I felt exhausted. I hadn't slept well– if at all in the car and my eyes felt heavy. I let them close for a quick second, and welcomed the comforting darkness with open arms.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I felt disoriented and groggy. How long had I slept? Dee was lying next to me, her head resting at my feet, facing the door. With three vampires in the house, she was constantly alert.

I took a long steaming hot shower in an effort to relax my stiff muscles, but it didn't have much of an effect. I was too on edge being here with strangers, and without William who seemed to be the only reason why vampires were stopping themselves from having a little taste of my blood. I secured a towel around my chest and hoped I'd find fresh clothes in the bedroom or mine would have to do.

A loud gasp escaped my lips when I entered the room. William was sitting at the end of the bed, Dee next to him, eating treats from his hand. My heartbeat instantly sped up at the sight of him, my entire body tingling with a new intensity.

"I didn't mean to startle you," he said, his eyes scanning me from head to toes. My hands reached for the em of the towel above my breasts and clung to it so tightly, my knuckles went white. "I wanted to make sure you were still in one piece," he added with a half-smile that displayed his dimples. Heat pooled down my stomach at the sight. I swallowed, trying to keep my composure. To what end? Apparently he could read my thoughts. My body heat suddenly increased too, and I had no doubts I looked like a fresh tomato. His smile grew larger.

"You're here," the words were out of my mouth without me thinking about it.

His shoulders heaved to the rhythm of his soft laugh. He looked surprised and amused by my words. I couldn't help but notice how bright his hazel eyes were. They looked like chips of gold. I didn't remember them being so light.

"I am," he said as he gave Dee one last treat and stood up. He took a step towards me who was still standing at the door, frozen, and closed it before turning back to me. Again, I swallowed. Being so close to him was igniting something in me, and I started to wonder if I could trust my stupid body. "How was the ride?" He looked genuinely curious.

"Let's just say it's a good thing I didn't have my blade because Caelan's body would display fresh wounds," I answered with a forced smile. He laughed, but didn't seem surprised. "Where were you?" I decided to ask. "I mean– why didn't you ride with us?"

He looked at me so intently I wondered if he could really read my thoughts. Because at that moment, it didn't look like it.

"I needed to take care of some things."

My eyebrows furrowed. Why didn't he trust me enough to tell me what he had actually been doing?
"I'm in this as much as you are," I answered, feeling anger rise. "I let you drag me to a whole other country, with vampires I don't know or trust, putting my life in YOUR hands, trusting YOU despite having no reasons to, and that's what I get?"

His head tilted, his brow flexed and a smile appeared at his lips.

"You trust me?" He asked, sounding truly surprised, but also too pleased for my liking.

I refrain from rolling my eyes.

"That's not the point."

"Oh I think it is," he said, not bothered to hide the satisfaction on his face.

I blew out an annoyed breath.

"Fine, keep your secrets," I answered as I walked over to the bed where I noticed clothes had been laid out for me. I picked up the dress and held it in front of me. It was red, very short and a lot bolder than what I was usually comfortable with. I hesitated to ask if they didn't have anything else I could wear. Who even picked this outfit? And who did it belong to? My guess leaned towards Caelan's sister.

"Creatures are starting to crawl out," William's voice echoed in the room, drawing my attention to him standing by the end of the bed, petting Dee. I would never get used to her letting him do that. When the signification of his words hit, my heart skipped a beat. I knew there was a breach, but I didn't think of the extent of it. "I had to make sure the situation would be handled while I'm here."

I was surprised that was the reason why he didn't share the car with us. I was sure there was something else he wasn't telling me.

"How bad is it?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"They're managing– for now."

The look on his face wasn't reassuring. I needed to understand my powers before more people got hurt in Bath.

"Is that what Cal picked up for you?" he asked with an amused chuckle when he paid attention to the red dress in my hands.

I felt better knowing it wasn't him who chose the outfit, and made a mental note to share my discontent with Caelan later. My cheeks still burnt at the idea of me in that dress.

"Is there anything else I could wear? Or I could wash my clothes–"

"You're definitely not wearing that," William's authoritative voice cut me off as his head pointed at the dress. My eyebrows arched for a second. His reaction only made me angry. And insecure.

"Why not?"

I sounded offended, and regretted asking that immediately. Even if I was, I didn't want him to know that.

His head tilted again and I started to have serious doubts about his ability to read minds.

"Do you want to wear it?" he asked, his tone full of interest, an amused half-smile back on his lips.
Heat creeped up my cheeks again.

"No, but–"

"Then it's settled," he cut me off again. I sighed with frustration.

"But why–" I tried to ask, my breath shaking as he walked over to me and stopped right in front of me.

"Two simple reasons," he said as he delicately grabbed the dress from my hands. His eyes focused on mine, his hands careful not to touch me, although my body was screaming for his touch. I inhaled his scent, dry cedar and pepper, tiny goosebumps breaking across my skin. Why did his scent make me feel safe? Why did it feel so familiar? I noticed how his chest wasn't moving again. Was I even breathing myself? "First, I don't want anyone to see you in that outfit," he continued and I became suddenly aware of how jerky my breathing had become. His eyes moved from mine to my lips where they lingered, forcing me to shift my position and clench my thighs. What was he doing to me? When his eyes met mine again, he smiled, satisfied with my reaction. "But more than that, I don't trust myself enough to be around you if you were to wear it."

I froze. Did I hear that correctly? Was he playing with me? He didn't look like he was. Or he was a great liar. My body felt on fire, the sensation of tiny needles poking my skin more intense than ever. My eyes drifted from his to his lips, so pink and soft while my heart hammered in my chest. He was so close, if I inclined my head our lips would touch– and for a moment I contemplated the idea. I wanted to do it, I wanted to taste his lips but the thought of the consequences held me back. When reason came back to me I took a step back, panting from being so close, from almost kissing him.

"I should get dressed," I said, my voice almost roak from unfulfilled desire. He didn't move, his gaze as intense on me as it was a second ago. I swallowed. He looked like he was fighting a mental battle with himself and I wasn't sure if it was about kissing me or killing me. I didn't move either, my hands clutching at the em of the towel, my chest heaving fast. I knew I should try to calm down, because my racing heart was certainly not helping him keep control, but he didn't seem as desperate as the days before. When he came out of his staring trans, his face softened.

"I'll get you something more appropriate to wear," he said before leaving so fast I barely had time to blink. He came back not even a minute later, holding a bunch of clothes in one hand and a plate in the other with a sandwich on it. When did he even make it? Vampire speed was not something I would ever get used to. My stomach gurgled loudly at the sight of the sandwich. I wasn't surprised, I hadn't eaten anything since the piece of meat pie the day before. William placed the plate on the dresser adjacent to the door and handed me the clothes. "That will be more– comfortable."

I grabbed the piece of fabric he was handing me and noticed it was a plain white tee-shirt that looked way too big for me. My eyebrows arched in confusion. Where was the rest of it? I couldn't possibly wear just a shirt. But before I could say anything, he said, "You should rest. Tomorrow's gonna be a long day."

I knew what that meant. Tomorrow, we would start my training. I didn't know what time it was. Judging by the colour of the sky, it was probably late afternoon, and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep, but didn't say anything. Being left alone in this room sounded perfect after the events of the day. My heart was still pounding in my chest at what almost happened– again. I nodded silently.

"Call for me if you need anything– I won't be far." My heart did a little jump at his comment.
It didn't when Caelan said the same thing a few hours ago, I noticed.

"Thank you. For the shirt."

Why was I being so awkward? I wanted to slap myself for making the effect he had on me so obvious. He gave me a soft smile and after looking at me like he was going to say something else, he turned around and left, the door closing behind him.
Once he was gone, I let out a breath, the tingling feeling slowly fading. I was playing a dangerous game. I couldn't let myself get so worked up when he was near me. That would only end in a disaster. No– from now on, I would be a marble statue around him. I was determined to shut down whatever my body thought it was feeling for him.

I grabbed the shirt and pulled it over my head, suddenly realizing it was his. I would recognize that smell anywhere. My heart skipped a beat again as my body temperature rose up. So much for shutting down the growing attraction.

This was going to prove harder than I thought.

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