The Lorebook

By SoulCalibur2

182 21 17

A collection of fairy tales, testimonials, and archived data that fleshes out the word i've created. More

The Beginning: Elysium and the Start of the Universe
Noxas: The Planet of the Eclipse.
Orvon, The Land of Souls.
Augern, the Iron Cage
Machina, Moon of Machines
Nox, the Being of Fear
Fallen, World-Dragon of the End
The Fallen Family

The Yuga Family

4 1 0
By SoulCalibur2

Once upon a time, in the dawning of a new age across the galaxy, two families began to emerge from the ashes of their origins. One such family was the Fallens, god-heralded heroes and ancient evils that battled with those that threatened the weak. The other such family was the Yugas, a band of extremely skilled mercinaries, formed by blood that fought to keep their family together and their bank accounts full. Our story begins to bring the Yugas into focus, and how they came to be. Nobody can be sure when or where the Yugas formed themselves, but there are a few defining characteristics of members of the Yuga Family. Yugas are bound by honor and contract, executing their jobs unless their personal code of conduct would say otherwise. Should an event occur in which the personal Code of Conduct of the family was violated, the family would in turn cast the wayward member out. The Code of Conduct is the one and only guideline that the family follows, and the basics of the code state that as long as you're loyal to yourself first, your family second, and your paycheck third, you honor the family name. Many famous assassinations, bank robberies, heists, and political schemes throughout history have involved members of this family, and as such they are widely regarded as the best in their respective feilds. While there is certainly competition, members of the Yuga family refuse to try and choke the other mecinary groups and clans out of their buiseniss, instead welcoming the challenge and competition as part of what makes their job rewarding. Perhaps the most famous story of a succesful Yuga is the life of Lucas Maxxon Yuga, who at the end of his life had ten children, all of which living up to the name of their father. Lucas was involved in one of the first major ponzi schemes of the 17th century, known as the South Sea Bubble. Essentially, by a complicated process of exchanging England's massive government debt to bonds, which were then converted to shares in the South Sea Company and then jacking the price of that stock as high as it would possibly go before the metaphorical bubble could burst, Lucas became a very wealthy man with almost limitless potential. His ten sons would later become famous in their own right, some forming massive criminal syndicates, others becomming bankers, some even becomming famous writers. Through the hazy cloud of superstition that surrounds their name, the Yugas are a society of honorable theives, assassins, and gentlemen who have their names embedded in History as some of the most extroardinary men and women to strike it rich.

The End.

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