The red dragon jinchūriki

By Madzilla123

46.8K 444 178

Alone. After making many sacrifices to the fraction, after doing so much to the devils , he was left alone... More

Antares Bio


4.1K 44 16
By Madzilla123

flashback- italic writing 


'normal person thinking'

"normal person speaking"



Lets get into the story........


(continuation of the part left at arc-1)

time skip to the morning....  

We see our protagonist with dark circles under his eyes and exhausted . He was awake all night by his beloved girlfriends or soon to be wives because kunou asked a baby fox and a baby dragon (without knowing the complete truth behind it) and he was drained dry by those two lust crazed bi... I mean beautiful wives of his . Well lets see what he does


I just had the worst punishment by those two they didn't even let me rest some time . 'I think akeno must rubbing of them also' I thought with having shivers run down my spine but for a moment I thought about those girls are they safe? are their new boyfriends taking care of them ? are the girls happy by leaving me ? these questions kept coming in my mind I may hate them for what they did and their betrayal but it doesn't mean I can't worry about them they were as important as my parents to me before their betrayal and 'what the name of the boyfriend of rias and akeno ....hmmmmm.....wait isn't that guy' I stopped in my tracks I was trying to picture that guy and I found similarities with the boy my brothers talked about . I immediately rushed to the hall and saw both of them watching news on the tv it was our about the songs we sang on the concert.

Issei: "GUYS!!!" I shouted they immediately turned their heads to me and asked

sasuke and neji (I will be calling them by these names ):" what happened?" they said

Issei:"I am sorry to ask the question but what is the name of the guy you ex cheated on you" I asked they thought about the name and said

sasuke:"I think his name was Xan ..hmmm.. yes that guy was Xan but why " he asked with a confused face.

'OH MY GOD . THAT GUY WAS ALSO CHEATING ON RIAS I WILL MAKE HIM PA.....wait a moment it will be the perfect revenge for me  hmmm hehe hehehe HEHEHE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH'

Issei: "hahahahahah this is great who would have thought that the same person who my exes had cheated on was also cheating on them this is hilarious hahahahahaha" I said laughing like a mad man

neji: "what bro you serious " he asked shocked

Issei:" yes I am really serious this will be great " I said and laughed along with my brothersas we were laughing we heard a door bell I went to open the door and stopped right my tracks "this can't be happening are''


after my bro said he went to see the the person who rang the door and said some thing

issei:"this can't be happening are'' he said stuttering I took a look and stopped their frozen to see the person their

sasuke:"e..e.e....ero......ERO-JIJI " I said shocked which made neji to also look towards my direction and stop in shock.


issei and his brothers were shocked to see who it was . it was none other than jiraya or rather they like to call ero-jiji. they thought he died since they didn't see him since that day he left them in the park and never came

Issei:"ero-jiji are you really him this isn't a joke right" he asked still in shocked and tears were threatening to fall from his eyes seeing his long lost old man in front of him

jiraya:"he you haven't changed at all gaki and stop calling me ero-jiji" he said with a smile

issei couldn't contain it anymore and hugged him tightly and cried on his shoulders saying your alive , your alive repeatedly and the two brothers also joined in the hug and cried . This alerted the sleeping women as they came rushing down stairs and said

mio/yasaka: "ISSEI ARE YOU ALL RIGHT " they said as they looked at who it was

jiraya:"damm gaki you got fine beauties here I am really jealous of you to get " he said with a perverted look on his face and looking at the two women as they looked at themselves as they were half naked and said

Mio/Yasaka: "YOU PERVERT" the screamed and throwed a vase at him as it hit his head and knocked him out .

Issei:" you too haven't changed at all ero-jiji" he said laughing at the knocked man on the steps at the entrance

Issei:" darlings can you get ready we have a important guest here and you knocked him out " I said and they said a sorry and went to get ready but not before giving a good morning kiss to him .

after they got ready they went to the hall to see jiraya awake while clutching his head saying "damm this hurts but not as tsunade's tho " after saying he looked at us and said

jiraya:" well let me reintroduce my self I am or was the three brats guardian who call me ero-jiji which I don't like to be called but I will say my real identity I am jiraya one of the three legendary sannin and a toad hermit and also the writer of icha icha series" he said with his signature pose while summoning a toad.

Yasaka:" wait jiraya aren't you the guy who gave information to us about the loki and the hero fraction attack(in this jiraya gave information to yasaka about the loki and the hero fraction attack so they were able to keep the damage minimum) " she said astonished by seeing the person in front of her

jiraya :" yes it was me who helped you guys with the fight against because I am the great " he tried to say but he was stopped by mio who hit him in the stomach saying

Mio:" so you were the writer of the most perverted and disgusting book I have ever seen in the history " she said in anger

jiraya:"hehehe but hey I am famous with the book and its the best seller " he said with pride but was quickly shut down by yasaka's and mio's glare .

Issei:"ok ok I think its time to come out nii san" he said then came a person in greyish white colored hair similar to jiraya which was like defying the gravity and also a mask to cover his face along with an head band covering his left eye while reading the icha icha book in his hand.

kakashi:"still have the teaching I thought haa well hey kids" he said with an eye smile and closing his book.

sasuke:"kaka-nii you also came it must mean something happened since when you close your book you mean you are serious about something" he said with a serious look which brought happiness to kakashi since his teachings never went to the waste.

kakashi:"well I would like to introduce my self I am kakashi hatake I am known as the kakashi the copy ninja in the supernatural and these kids elder brother figure" he said astonishing the women since he was known as the cold blooded kakashi in the supernatural who had copied many jutsu's and has an huge arsenal.

Issei:"but to the main topic did dad sent you here or you came by you own free will it its on your own then it means you are giving us something to learn right" he said with a serious face

kakashi:"no sensei didn't send me I came on my own with jiraya sensei to train-" he said and was interrupted by yasaka asking

yasaka:"wait isn't he the student of the fourth hokage then it means " she said while looking at issei

Issei:"yes my real name is naruto uzumaki namikaze the only son of minato namikaze and kushina uzumaki but wait I didn't tell you because I was not strong enough to protect myself and I can put kunou in danger by the my secret " he said while trying to explain his reason to her .

Yasaka:"Its understandable but I am still mad at keeping that a secret from me " she said while pouting an looking away while keeping her arms under her breasts which made kakashi have a blush with a nosebleed on face smiling like a pervert.

Issei:"I am sorry darling ......... ok take this as an apology " he said kissing her in her lips while shocking the others and making mio jealous .

Issei:" are you happy now " he asked but was responded by a kiss in return.

Yasaka:" fine I forgive and I am happy " she said we were about to go for another but a cough interrupted us

kakashi:"cough cough as I would like to see you flirt but we have thinks to work on" he said making us both turn away from each other with a blsh on our face.

neji:"I think you should also enter grandma and pedo-grandpa" he said using his byakugon and looking at the wall as it broke and came two people one with a body rivalling to yasaka and a person with pale skin and snake features who was held by the women .

orochimaru:"what did you say brat do you want to beat you to the ground hwmwmw.... tsunade let me go I have to make that pay for calling me that " he said struggling to free from the women's grip and beat the shit out of the neji who he called brat .

Tsunade:"c'mon orochimaru he is just making fun of you leave him be-" she said as she was interrupted by Issei saying

Issei:"old lady tsunade its been so long-" he said but was stopped by a uppercut by the lady called tsunade.

Tsunade:"who are you calling old gaki I am still young " she said but when she saw yasaka

Tsunade:"you must be Yasaka the leader of the yokai fraction my name tsunade senju also known as the one of the legendary sanin and slug princess and an expert in medical ninjutsu" she said with pride in her voice

orochimaru:"I am orochimaru or known as the snake sanin of one of the legendary sanin and an expert in curse marks and research on different jutsu's and magic come here you brat I am going to beat you to pulp for calling me that " he said while chasing neji as he "we will see" 

Yasaka wasn't able to believe her eyes there were here the legendary sanin who can take down the leaders of the fractions without much problem but then someone came it was none other than kunou while rubbing her eyes and said

kunou:"papa what is happening and why is there so much noise " she said the guests stopped right in their tracks as they heard her call issei papa  they suddenly looked at issei who was sweating bullets from the looks of the four 

jiraya:"damm issei getting a women like those was great now even a daughter you are going fast kid" he said laughing

orochimaru:"I will agree with jiraya this time you really went fast " he said smiling evilly 

kakashi:"I am surely telling sensei and kushina san about their granddaughter they are sure coming here with out a doubt " he said writing something on the paper and summoned  a dog and gave it to him and said to give it to minato and the dog nodded and left 

tsunade:"oohhh gaki you already have a daughter and didn't tell me YOU ARE GONNA PAY FOR IT" she shouted the last part and ran towards issei as he ran out of the house scared of the beating he would get from his old grandm-  ummm i mean his ummm guardian ahh yes guardian lady.

after catching issei and giving him a one hell of a beating and healed him and went to their house and sat to discuss their coming here

kakashi:"as I was saying but then I got interrupted by those love birds " said pointing at issei and yasaka who were blushing " I came here along with jiraya sensei and the sanin to give you guys the training and the reason jiraya sensei please continue" he said leaning on the wall which was just fixed by yasaka and the yokai .

jiraya(serious): "yes just as he said there is a great calamity coming in few years but it is not only for the world but the whole universe and also far beyond it" he said it shocked them to the core 

issei:"jiraya what do you mean by that" he said with a serious tone . The brothers and the sanins along with kakashi were alerted since he never calls jiraya by his name.

jiraya:"yes what said is right this treat is not only for us it is for the whole universe after universe but simply to put in terms MULTIVERSE" he said which made the room go cold and silent 

issei:"I think what you said is right " he said with expressionless face

yasaka:"you got to be kidding to me there is no such thing as multiverse" she said trying to keep her calm

mio:"yes she is right there is no such thing as multiverse its just a word used in fictions" she also said trying to calm down.

Issei:"mio I have a question don't take it badly but what if someone took control of you via mind control and made you kill me isn't a possibility" he said but she then started crying 

mio:"I would never do such a thing why do you say that" she cried as issei quickly took her in his arms and said 

issei:" I am sorry for saying that i know you would never do that but please stop crying  ............ ok here " he said in a pleasant voice and gave her a kiss on the cheek 

Mio: " never ever say that and don't talk to me you really hurt my feelings" she said not looking at him 

Issei:" fine here " he said giving her a kiss on the lips . Which calmed her down but she didn't back down and went with a French kiss . after that they separated 

Mio:" now I forgive you" she said with a smile.

Issei:" ok but isn't it  possibility or not ......." he asked again.

Mio:" yes " she said 

Issei:"then it is also possible for me being born as a pure blooded devil or a complete dragon or a fallen angel or an angel or rias not reincarnating me or me being your brother any thing is possible mio for example if raynare didn't kill me and didn't even come to the supposed date I wouldn't have become a devil and I would have met you and started training as a human and you turn me into a dragon and I could have different enemies and met different people some good , some bad and you would have confessed to ma and it would be another life " he said slowly explaining to her . she slowly understood but then kunou  asked

Kunou:" papa I understand that it was a possibility but how can you prove multiverse is some thing possible " she said where every one looked at him since it was the question they wanted the answer. 

Issei: "kunou do you remember your dreams when you were asleep " he asked

Kunou :"hmmm I only remember a few why " she said

Issei:" you can't remember them because they are of parallel dimensions consciousness of your counter part" he said surprising every one 

Issei:" here let me explain in detail when I was fighting trihexa along with the dragon gods especially great red he used a technique called dream transport which brings a counter part of a person to this dimension . You see dreams are a connection with the consciousness of other counterparts of a person when you sleep your body does it work in building necessary tissues and for the growth of the body at that time our brain goes to a state of complete function it emits the power every being has.....................imagination an extremely invincible power that gives you the consciousness of your counterpart for some time and shows you his life at the current point and if your imagination is even more powerful than normal you will be transported to the counter universe or dimension of yours and know the world simply you have read an isekai anime right " to which every one nodded " its the same but you don't die but can live a specific amount of time their" he said everyone wide eyed by the answer.

orochimaru:" you really are minato's son aren't you he would be proud" he said as they heard clapping . they turned towards them and saw minato clapping along with fugaku and hizashi who came with their respective partners.

Minato:" you really have keen observation my son you made me proud" he said clapping while a red blur knocked down Issei.

Kushina :" how could you naru-chan could you keep your mother not knowing about you  having a daughter " she said crying comically .

Kunou:" wait you are my grandma" she said in an excited way . Then immediately left naruto(issei) and went towards kunou and hugged her.

Kushina: " yes I am your grandma " she said happily . As they were having a moment the others returned to their talk.

Issei:"so when do we start training nii-san or sensei " he said with a smirk.

kakashi:" when you guys are ready we are gonna start " he said with a eye smile

tsunade:" I will be taking neji since he has the byakugan and a hyuga he has better chakra control than others while orochimaru takes sasuke then finally jiraya and kakashi takes naruto .You will be thought by your parents about your clan powers and doujutsu's also you are gonna meet others " she said  

sasuke:" what do you mean others-" he asked but was stopped by the appearing of 6 people or rather 6 girls

tsunade:" let me introduce you to my apprentices sakura haruno and ino yamanaka along with ten ten who is a long range weapon specialist" she said shocking sasuke and neji.

sasuke:" saku-chan , ino-chan is it you guys" he asked while in shock.

sakura/ino:" motohama- kun its you" they said in shock

neji:" are really ten-chan " he asked in shock

ten ten:"matsuda kun its you" she asked in shock

orochimaru:" here is my daughter sayuri or aika kiryu" he said shocking issei.

( with the b**bs- i mean assests)

Issei:" wait aika chan" he said in shock

aika:" issei kun its you" she replied in the same shock.

kakashi:"And here are two sisters of the two gaki's murayama hyuga and katase haruno" he said even more shocking issei and his group .

the brothers:" the kendo duo" they said in shock.

the two girls :" the perverted trio" they replied in even more shock.

The parents:' there is gonna be a lot explaining to them' they thought and signed thinking where to start explaining

At another place......................

it was a dark forest and it that there was a cave in which a seal is placed and inside the seal we see a huge cage and in that said a voice

<><><><><><>: "when I get out of this I will be coming for you naru-chan and you are gonna be mine hahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAH." it said while showing it eyes which were red and something like 9 furry tails it was none other than. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 




















...........................................................................................................................................................................and here it ends thanks for reading and we meet again in the next chapter till then see ya peace✌............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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