Sunshines Secrets

By wifeofkuroken

14.7K 342 51

Hinata Shoyo, a fun, lovable, bubbly, sunshine boy. Innocent as can be, has every boy and girl fawning over h... More

Welcome to the team
Trip Plans & Recordings
Training Camp
Jealousy and Plans
The Concert
The Answer
Catching up & Plans
Playing Dumb
Curriosity killed the cat....
The Argument about Snow White
The cousins fight
Moving on
Please Read

Phone Calls & Curiosity

827 19 0
By wifeofkuroken


Omg I am so fucked so so fucked, how did it come to this. Ugh I feel like I'm going to cry, how could I have been so careless.

Now you're probably wondering why I'm having a mental breakdown right? Well that's simple it's because the poly in me came out.

The only people who know I'm poly are my parents, Natsu, Yachi, Kiyoko, Uncle Ukai, Chase, Mason, and Mateo. So I ended up getting closer to Suna, Akaashi, Kunimi, and Kenma.

Agh I don't know when it happened but I ended up liking them. The only people I know would never use me for my status is Kunimi and Suna.

You may be wondering why not Kenma and Akaashi the chill ones. Well Kenma is a gamer, he found out I was sunshine and it kind of made me become guarded. Akaashi well I don't actually think he'd use me I just don't speak to him a lot.

Bokuto is always going into emo mode whenever he sees me and Akaashi hanging out. So Akaashi always has to deal with it so I end up not spending much time with him. It's been two weeks into the camp now so I'm kind of mad at myself

They're not bad people and I don't necessarily think they'll use me because they're also rich. Kenma's parents are CEO's, Akashi's parents are famous doctors worldwide, Suna's parents own hotels, stores, a mall, and multiple other things.

Kunimi's parents on the other hand are a different case. It turns out his parents are one of my dads partners at his company. It also seems I have a business deal with them as well. The four of them know about me being an actor, singer, and CEO.

So I'm having a meltdown in front of the mangers. They don't even know why and they're trying to figure it out. I'm just crying, laughing, smiling, screaming and rolling around on the floor

"Eh Hinata tell us what's wrong!" Yukie said panicking, I calmed down and stopped. They all sighed relieved that I was done I sat up and hung my head down. "Hinata what's going on?" I looked up the mangers before explaining

"I have been careless and the poly in me kicked in" I said as a few tears slipped. "What do you mean?" I looked at Hana "Well I doubt you knew that I was poly but I am. After hanging out with Kunimi, Kenma, Akaashi, and Suna more I caught feelings and I just realized today and now I'm upset" I sniffles

"Wait, why are you upset then" I sighed not knowing how they'll respond to this. "Well I know they're also rich but unlike me they aren't famous. I've been used before I've been treated differently I just don't want to be used again. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I were. I trust Kunimi and Suna to not use me, but Kenma found out I was sunshine the gamer and he's a gamer so I don't know how he really feels. I haven't spent as much time with Akaashi because Bokuto keeps going into emo mode whenever me and Akaashi hang out" I huffed in annoyance

They sighed now understanding my problem, "Hinata, I don't talk to them or anything so I can't say I know they're good guys. The thing is I've seen how they are when they're around you. They look at you like you're the only thing that matters. They look at you with love and adoration and they don't care about who sees it." The only managers nodded at Yukie statement

"And not once have they ever posted any pictures you took with them. Posted your location, bragged about hanging with you, I've never seen them use you. Even Kenma he doesn't talk about how you're sunshine. He didn't even ask if he could be in a video with you, they all treated you like your not even famous. You've always wanted that I know you don't notice it but they don't want to use you. Trust them and trust that they'll treat you right" Kiyoko said hugging me.

"You guys are the best you know" they laughed and pulled me into a group hug.

(Time skip 1 day later )

"Hey Shoyo" a small smiled formed on my face I knew exactly who that was. "Hey Ken Ken" I gave him a tight hug and pulled away. "Me, Akaashi, Kunimi, and Suna wanted to see if you wanted to go to the arcade" a small smile formed in my face

"Sure, I'll ask Sebastian to drive us" I went to go call Sebastian when my phone was taken from me. I looked up to see Suna with my phone. "Hey why do you always take my phone?" He gave me a teasing smiled. "We're not allowing Sebastian to drive us anywhere" Akaashi said coming next to me.

"I know you think we don't know this" Kunimi started off. "But we know you think we're probably going to use you like your middle school friends" a small frown formed on their faces. Now I feel bad for think about them that way.

"But it's understandable so we're not mad, we'll just have to show you that we aren't like that" Kenma gave me a smile smile. I couldn't bring myself to look up at them though, I felt guilty assuming they'd do that. I looked down at my hands which were in my lap.

I was sitting on the couch in the hotel were at, if you're wondering why we're at a hotel I'll explain. My manager called me and told me they was a charity going on. There are some children with cancer and they're trying to raise the money to pay for most of their surgery

The thing is some of those kids may not make it so some of them have always wanted to go to one of my concerts and meet me in person. So I did what I felt was right there was over 100 kids so I paid for all of their surgeries. I gave each family $100,000 from the surgery, I also decided to do a concert for the children

Everyone is allowed to go but I'll be fixing the kids front row seats. They'll be blocked off from the other people at the concert. All of them will be having their surgeries over the course of the next two weeks. They'll also be getting whatever they want off their wish list. So now I'm just waiting to get ready because I had to travel all the way to America for it

So basically I won't be at the training camp for the next three days. Kunimi, Akaashi, Suna, and Kenma wanted to go to. The coaches agreed and told us to be careful while we're here.

The concert is tonight so I'm pretty excited, they are too since they've never been to one of my concerts.

I felt heat rush to my face and I knew for a fact I was blushing. They were all smirking at me so how else was I supposed to react. I laid down and stuffed my face in a pillow while hiding under the covers. They all laughed at me as I huffed in annoyance.

I did feel them all get under the covers too and two of them were cuddling me. "Is our poor sunshine flustered" Suna said I could sense the smirk. "Leave me aloooonnneee" I groaned why are they bothering me. They laughed at me when they're the ones bothering me


I answered my phone after Suna finally gave it back to me.

Emiko:Hey Sho

Shoyo:Hey Miko what's up?

Emiko:Where are you?

Shoyo:Being bullied....


Kunimi took the phone right out if my hands.

Emiko:Sho? Sho?

Kunimi:Hey Miko

Emiko:Oh hey Kunimi, why did Sho say he was getting bullied

Kunimi:You remember how Sho had that situation in middle school?


Kunimi:Right so basically we told him how we understood why he felt that way. We'd prove to him that we'd never use him and such. Then we all started smirking because he had said something out loud. He turned into a blushing mess and hid under the blankets. We got under and started teasing him and now he claims we're bullying him

Emiko laughed over the phone, she laughed at me!

Emiko:Why are y'all teasing my little sunshine?

Kenma:Because it's fun

I took my phone back from these fucking assholes

Shoyo:Stupid assholes

I mumbled

Emiko:Hey Sho that's not nice


Emiko:Anyways how was your harem doing back at the training camp?

Shoyo:My harem?

Emiko:Yea all the guys who are literally in love with you?

Shoyo:Eh? I thought we talked about this Mikooooo

I whispered a little while whining

Emiko:They'll find out eventually, for now it's 4:00 the concert starts 8:00. You need to go to the building and get ready. Sebastian us waiting you guys outside I'll see you later

Then she hung up, I turned my phone off and went to get up. I looked around and saw all four of them looking at me with curious eyes. "Heyyyy guys why are you looking at me like that heh?" I would never admitted how intimidated I was

"What did you mean when you said 'I thought we talked about this" Akaashi spoke up. "Eh?" their gazes got more intimidating than they should've been. "Shoyo" Kenma started ohhh that doesn't sound so good

"You see, what had happened was" they noticed me trying to leave so they slowly got up to try and grab me if I ran. "What ya doing Baby Fox?" my eyes widened because of that nickname

"Im just doing what Miko said" I jumped off the bed and crawled under the bed as they tried to pull me out. They had almost got me but I opened the door and I was almost there.

You know that one commercial where the man has money on the fishing rod and the guy tried to get it but he keeps pulling it up and down saying "Gotta be quicker than that" yea that's basically what happened

"Oi let me go!" I tried pulling out of Akaashi's arms. "Tell us what you meant" I glared at them. "Glare all you want that won't get you anywhere" Suna said with a smirk. Ugh I hate it here so much.

It's too early to tell them the truth

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